The Bible is true

The Bible is true

No is not. Most of it is nonsense of the most obvious variety.

If it was a true attempt at documenting an accurate history of the times and events of the period that would be different but it is snake oil within a fraudulent attempt to concoct a self serving manual to manipulate the Christians of the day and justify the Roman's "new" state religion.

I agree the bible is largely bunk, but that does not mean there is no God.

It isn't proof for a god either. In fact it is a sort of a proof that if there was/is a god he/she/it certainly never spoke to any human beings around the time of this guy Jesus.

I guess you had to be there to realize how inspired the teachings of Jesus were, coming as they did during the terrible cruelty and rule of the Roman empire. If anyone ever did get a message from God it was him.
The Bible is true

No is not. Most of it is nonsense of the most obvious variety.

If it was a true attempt at documenting an accurate history of the times and events of the period that would be different but it is snake oil within a fraudulent attempt to concoct a self serving manual to manipulate the Christians of the day and justify the Roman's "new" state religion.

I agree the bible is largely bunk, but that does not mean there is no God.

It isn't proof for a god either. In fact it is a sort of a proof that if there was/is a god he/she/it certainly never spoke to any human beings around the time of this guy Jesus.
Jesus was and IS God. He spoke to many!!

That settles it then :cuckoo:
The Bible is true

No is not. Most of it is nonsense of the most obvious variety.

If it was a true attempt at documenting an accurate history of the times and events of the period that would be different but it is snake oil within a fraudulent attempt to concoct a self serving manual to manipulate the Christians of the day and justify the Roman's "new" state religion.

I agree the bible is largely bunk, but that does not mean there is no God.

It isn't proof for a god either. In fact it is a sort of a proof that if there was/is a god he/she/it certainly never spoke to any human beings around the time of this guy Jesus.

I guess you had to be there to realize how inspired the teachings of Jesus were, coming as they did during the terrible cruelty and rule of the Roman empire. If anyone ever did get a message from God it was him.

Seems the "god" would have had more to say to one of the more educated Jews than some hobo out in the desert. This Jesus fellow reminds me of Charlie Manson...without the murders...:lol: Just a wacko that some how convinced some VERY willing ears he had all the answers since as you said it was not the best of times what with the torture and the killing and everything.
The Bible is true

No is not. Most of it is nonsense of the most obvious variety.

If it was a true attempt at documenting an accurate history of the times and events of the period that would be different but it is snake oil within a fraudulent attempt to concoct a self serving manual to manipulate the Christians of the day and justify the Roman's "new" state religion.

I agree the bible is largely bunk, but that does not mean there is no God.

It isn't proof for a god either. In fact it is a sort of a proof that if there was/is a god he/she/it certainly never spoke to any human beings around the time of this guy Jesus.
Jesus was and IS God. He spoke to many!!

That settles it then :cuckoo:

Good enough for me! :lol:
I think the world would do just fine to keep the page with the 10 Commandments and toss the rest.

the world doesn't even follow those. Why would they without the testimony of who God is and the covenant relationship we can have with Him through the atonement of Jesus Christ?
If the world can't follow 10 simple sentences, then why am I being admonished to read an entire fucking Bible? :dunno:

The "testimony of God"? That's rich. Perhaps God is simply an elemental particle. You ever think of that?

As for Christ's atonement, he was a lesser player in the bigger picture of things.

Look to His Mother. Then look to Her Mother, and Her Mother.....

The universe is a feminine entity. Christ was a dimple on the ass of Mother Creation.

precisely so you won't be mistaken about Christ like you are

No, you can trust it. Which you obviously do. I have no problem with that.

What I do have a problem with is your use of the word "we."

That means you're including others in your belief and that's wrong.

There are millions of people in America who aren't christian and they certainly don't trust your christian bible.

I don't know why you have the need to force others to believe as you do. If you had a strong faith it wouldn't need validation by other people. So from what I can see yours is a shallow faith not built on anything but a weird need for validation.

Live however you want. Just stop trying to force it on other people.

Where are you getting that anyone is trying to force their Christian beliefs on you? Nobody is holding a knife to your throat and forcing you to believe.

Oh, wait....yes, some people are, but they are not Christians.

He used the inclusive word "we." Which means he is saying people other than himself should believe what the bible says.

Which isn't what our constitution says. It says we all have the freedom to choose what faith we want to follow. It doesn't say that someone has the right to speak for anyone else on matters of religion.

Which is what nijna007 did. If nijna007 had said "the bible I can believe in it." I wouldn't have replied to the OP. I would have agreed with the OP and kept reading the thread with out replying.

You and ninja007 are so used to expecting everyone to be like you that you don't even realize what you're doing. Whether you like it or not, you live in a nation of people with many different faiths and those of us who aren't your faith are very tired of you including us in it or expecting us to be like you.

May the Mother Goddess bless you and all you love.
Hahahah when you are looking for good times, we'll be there to help you learn about the Christian faith. It is also our country and we'll be there to convert you to the Christian faith.

I thought we couldn't do anything lest we boast. The Spirit does the converting
The Bible is true

No is not. Most of it is nonsense of the most obvious variety.

If it was a true attempt at documenting an accurate history of the times and events of the period that would be different but it is snake oil within a fraudulent attempt to concoct a self serving manual to manipulate the Christians of the day and justify the Roman's "new" state religion.

I agree the bible is largely bunk, but that does not mean there is no God.

It isn't proof for a god either. In fact it is a sort of a proof that if there was/is a god he/she/it certainly never spoke to any human beings around the time of this guy Jesus.
Jesus was and IS God. He spoke to many!!

Did the Rev slack jaw goober teach you that at your church with a long name and short history
calm down-----I believe that Jesus lived and was crucified----
real historians agree that Pontius Pilate crucified an estimated 20,000 jews during the ten years he held his position of roman prelate in Judea. I also believe that Christianity developed shortly thereafter and was, by virtue of the efforts of Constantine who adopted it foisted on the first reich. (holy roman empire) I cannot imagine why anyone would not believe those facts. Constantine's mother was a staunch follower of Christianity. ---some historians doubt that Constantine, himself was. The idea that Josephus Flavius wrote the lines that were slipped into his book-----which ---I believe actually still remains in the possession of the Vatican------is absurd. If he believed the inserted lines----he would have become a christian

I am calm. Neither you, or anyone else on these boards, have the ability to upset me.

I'm glad you agree that Jesus was born, and was crucified. Like I said, every real (ie: non-biased, and of course those with a Christian bias) historian agrees with that.

Like most things in historical sciences, there are many theories about Flavius' writings. A few people think he wrote the whole passage, most think that the passage quoted here was "enhanced", while some people DEMAND us all to agree that every mention of Christ, or his followers, MUST have been added by those evil power hungry catholics in Rome.

The funny thing is, I don't don't know of any other passages in Flavius' two surviving manuscripts that anyone else doubts. If historians (even those with an incredible anti-Christian bias) accept all of the rest of Flavius' writings, why don't they accept the several references to Christ or his followers? The answer is simply because they are so biased that they are blind.

I will repeat, every real historian agrees that Jesus was born, and was crucified.....and started an extraordinary spread of ideas.

lairs for jesus

Nearly half of the New Testament is a forgery, according to a provocative new book that charges the Apostle Paul authored only a fraction of the letters attributed to him and the Apostle Peter wrote nothing.

Written by Bart Ehrman, a former evangelical Christian and now agnostic professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, the book claims to unveil "one of the most unsettling ironies of the early Christian tradition": the use of deception to promote the truth.

Forgeries in the Bible s New Testament Discovery News

There are many books/articles that claim to "disprove" Christianity, just as there are many books/articles that claim to "prove" Christianity. Neither can do what they claim.

BTW - I find your signature humorously hypocritical: ""They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them" .... President Obama" - The antipathy you show here to people who don't believe the way you believe is palpable, even over the internet. I find today that most people who call themselves liberal, like our President, are not liberal at all, but rather they are illiberal, intolerant leftists.
Seems the "god" would have had more to say to one of the more educated Jews than some hobo out in the desert. This Jesus fellow reminds me of Charlie Manson...without the murders...:lol: Just a wacko that some how convinced some VERY willing ears he had all the answers since as you said it was not the best of times what with the torture and the killing and everything.

How very leftist of you. Some animals are more equal than other animals....right?
lairs for jesus

Nearly half of the New Testament is a forgery, according to a provocative new book that charges the Apostle Paul authored only a fraction of the letters attributed to him and the Apostle Peter wrote nothing.

Written by Bart Ehrman, a former evangelical Christian and now agnostic professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, the book claims to unveil "one of the most unsettling ironies of the early Christian tradition": the use of deception to promote the truth.

Forgeries in the Bible s New Testament Discovery News

And by the way, it is common knowledge that there are no known writings directly from the Apostle Peter. Mark, the author of the Gospel of Mark, was Peter's companion (or secretary, if you will) during his travels, and documented Peter's stories. Some historians think that the Gospel of Mark was written by an anonymous author who collected together several sources (including some mysterious document called "Q", which nobody has ever found any actual reference to) and put together that book. However, despite the firm language you will find amongst those with an anti-Christian bias, this has hardly been proven.

Furthermore, it makes sense that the Apostle Paul would have personally authored only a fraction of those letters. Paul's letters were written by him, and sent via couriers to the various churches around the Med. While sometimes these letters were directly copied and distributed, other times they were simply read to the congregation. It makes sense that some of the surviving letters would be those written down by members of the congregation who listened to the reading of Paul's letters, or later documentation of the verbal history of Paul's letters.

Of the two links you posted here - I don't have time to argue against every point these authors made. Would you care to pick ONE point to discuss? Or perhaps TWO of your favorite points? I think more than that would be difficult to argue in such a forum.
The Bible is true

No is not. Most of it is nonsense of the most obvious variety.

If it was a true attempt at documenting an accurate history of the times and events of the period that would be different but it is snake oil within a fraudulent attempt to concoct a self serving manual to manipulate the Christians of the day and justify the Roman's "new" state religion.

I agree the bible is largely bunk, but that does not mean there is no God.

It isn't proof for a god either. In fact it is a sort of a proof that if there was/is a god he/she/it certainly never spoke to any human beings around the time of this guy Jesus.
Jesus was and IS God. He spoke to many!!

Did the Rev slack jaw goober teach you that at your church with a long name and short history

As usual, you make no sense.

My belief that God is Christ and Christ is God is based on a revelation by the Holy Spirit as I read His Holy Word. I didn't and don't need any man to teach me that.
lairs for jesus

Nearly half of the New Testament is a forgery, according to a provocative new book that charges the Apostle Paul authored only a fraction of the letters attributed to him and the Apostle Peter wrote nothing.

Written by Bart Ehrman, a former evangelical Christian and now agnostic professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, the book claims to unveil "one of the most unsettling ironies of the early Christian tradition": the use of deception to promote the truth.

Forgeries in the Bible s New Testament Discovery News

And by the way, it is common knowledge that there are no known writings directly from the Apostle Peter. Mark, the author of the Gospel of Mark, was Peter's companion (or secretary, if you will) during his travels, and documented Peter's stories. Some historians think that the Gospel of Mark was written by an anonymous author who collected together several sources (including some mysterious document called "Q", which nobody has ever found any actual reference to) and put together that book. However, despite the firm language you will find amongst those with an anti-Christian bias, this has hardly been proven.

Furthermore, it makes sense that the Apostle Paul would have personally authored only a fraction of those letters. Paul's letters were written by him, and sent via couriers to the various churches around the Med. While sometimes these letters were directly copied and distributed, other times they were simply read to the congregation. It makes sense that some of the surviving letters would be those written down by members of the congregation who listened to the reading of Paul's letters, or later documentation of the verbal history of Paul's letters.

Of the two links you posted here - I don't have time to argue against every point these authors made. Would you care to pick ONE point to discuss? Or perhaps TWO of your favorite points? I think more than that would be difficult to argue in such a forum.

Good points! Unfortunately discussing these issues with guno is like talking to a mud fence only a mud fence is smarter.
He actually seems like a pretty smart guy. He is, however, intransigent in his beliefs. But he is free to believe what he wants.

No, you can trust it. Which you obviously do. I have no problem with that.

What I do have a problem with is your use of the word "we."

That means you're including others in your belief and that's wrong.

There are millions of people in America who aren't christian and they certainly don't trust your christian bible.

I don't know why you have the need to force others to believe as you do. If you had a strong faith it wouldn't need validation by other people. So from what I can see yours is a shallow faith not built on anything but a weird need for validation.

Live however you want. Just stop trying to force it on other people.

Where are you getting that anyone is trying to force their Christian beliefs on you? Nobody is holding a knife to your throat and forcing you to believe.

Oh, wait....yes, some people are, but they are not Christians.

He used the inclusive word "we." Which means he is saying people other than himself should believe what the bible says.

Which isn't what our constitution says. It says we all have the freedom to choose what faith we want to follow. It doesn't say that someone has the right to speak for anyone else on matters of religion.

Which is what nijna007 did. If nijna007 had said "the bible I can believe in it." I wouldn't have replied to the OP. I would have agreed with the OP and kept reading the thread with out replying.

You and ninja007 are so used to expecting everyone to be like you that you don't even realize what you're doing. Whether you like it or not, you live in a nation of people with many different faiths and those of us who aren't your faith are very tired of you including us in it or expecting us to be like you.

May the Mother Goddess bless you and all you love.
Hahahah when you are looking for good times, we'll be there to help you learn about the Christian faith. It is also our country and we'll be there to convert you to the Christian faith.

Yes it's also your country too. However it's also mine. I have the right to worship whatever higher power I choose.

You have no right to think that you have the right to change my faith.

How would you like it if someone told you that they were going to change your faith? You all sound like people from isis. You're just like them in that you're not tolerant of other faiths.

You can try to do that all you want but it won't happen. You see, my faith doesn't depend on other people following it. My faith is strong so there's not anything you or anyone can do to change it.

You're wasting your time. You're also showing just how much you hate America and what we stand for.
He used the inclusive word "we." Which means he is saying people other than himself should believe what the bible says.

Which isn't what our constitution says. It says we all have the freedom to choose what faith we want to follow. It doesn't say that someone has the right to speak for anyone else on matters of religion.

Which is what nijna007 did. If nijna007 had said "the bible I can believe in it." I wouldn't have replied to the OP. I would have agreed with the OP and kept reading the thread with out replying.

You and ninja007 are so used to expecting everyone to be like you that you don't even realize what you're doing. Whether you like it or not, you live in a nation of people with many different faiths and those of us who aren't your faith are very tired of you including us in it or expecting us to be like you.

May the Mother Goddess bless you and all you love.

Yes he did. He said "The Bible We CAN Trust." He didn't say "The Bible We MUST Trust". Big difference between CAN and MUST.

And our constitution doesn't say that at all. It says the government shall not institute a religion. This was put in our constitution because, among other reasons, the history of civil wars in England over Catholicism versus Anglican rule.

Oh so you think that you have the right to condemn my faith?

The constitution has been interpreted that everyone has the right to worship their choice of higher power. You nor anyone else has the right to violate anyone's right to do so. If you don't believe that try to violate someone's freedom of religion. If you did it to me I would sue you until you're destroyed financially. You see, I have the right to worship any higher power I want and our court system will support me. Not you. It doesn't matter what you think, it matters what the constitution says and what our courts are obligated to do. You would be violating my civil rights and that's a huge violation of our laws and constitution.

So stop getting your panties in a bunch. My faith has nothing to do with yours and I have no desire to violate our constitution, laws and your civil rights. Your very flimsy faith is safe with me.

I just have to say that if you have a problem with people not being christian then you have a very shallow and flimsy faith. If you had a rock solid faith it wouldn't matter what anyone said or what faith anyone followed.

And as I have stated in all my posts, worship the higher power of your choice. I will defend your right to do that. Just stop trying to put it on everyone else.
how Christianity was invented

Forgery In Christianity

A Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion

Forgery in Christianity


Christianity is a johnny-come-lately that took all of its icons, imagery, talismans, holidays, rituals and more from older religions.

Indeed, I would be interested to know if there is even one bit of it that is original.
how Christianity was invented

Forgery In Christianity

A Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion

Forgery in Christianity


Christianity is a johnny-come-lately that took all of its icons, imagery, talismans, holidays, rituals and more from older religions.

Indeed, I would be interested to know if there is even one bit of it that is original.

Is this unwillingness to study real history the reason why some claim the earth is only 4000-6000 years old?
If the Bible is true, then where are the talking snakes today?

If the bible is true then all of humanity was created from incest.

Twice. Since christians say that adam and eve were the first humans on the earth. Then again when christians claim that a great flood killed everything and everyone that wasn't on noah's ark. How did they fit all the animals and insects on that ark?

I would like to know who developed a language that a snake can speak and a human can understand. Who taught it to the snake then to adam and eve? How did a snake develop the ability to manipulate it's tongue that way?

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