The Bible is true

how Christianity was invented

Forgery In Christianity

A Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion

Forgery in Christianity


Christianity is a johnny-come-lately that took all of its icons, imagery, talismans, holidays, rituals and more from older religions.

Indeed, I would be interested to know if there is even one bit of it that is original.

Is this unwillingness to study real history the reason why some claim the earth is only 4000-6000 years old?

The creationist view is taken from the bible saying God created the heavens and earth in six days, and in another verse it says that one of Gods days is a thousand years to us. So the idea is that the earth is six thousand years old.
But of course anyone with any sense knows science has shown the earth is around 4 billion years old and the heavens are around 14 billion years old. Therefore the bible story of the creation is bunk.
Oh so you think that you have the right to condemn my faith?

The constitution has been interpreted that everyone has the right to worship their choice of higher power. You nor anyone else has the right to violate anyone's right to do so. If you don't believe that try to violate someone's freedom of religion. If you did it to me I would sue you until you're destroyed financially. You see, I have the right to worship any higher power I want and our court system will support me. Not you. It doesn't matter what you think, it matters what the constitution says and what our courts are obligated to do. You would be violating my civil rights and that's a huge violation of our laws and constitution.

So stop getting your panties in a bunch. My faith has nothing to do with yours and I have no desire to violate our constitution, laws and your civil rights. Your very flimsy faith is safe with me.

I just have to say that if you have a problem with people not being christian then you have a very shallow and flimsy faith. If you had a rock solid faith it wouldn't matter what anyone said or what faith anyone followed.

And as I have stated in all my posts, worship the higher power of your choice. I will defend your right to do that. Just stop trying to put it on everyone else.

Nobody has condemned your faith. If you are seeing that in anyone's posts, it is simply a figment of your imagination.

Yes, the constitution has been interpreted that way, however that is not what it says. I simply pointed out what it ACTUALLY says.

Yes, you have the right to worship any higher power you want. Some of us swore an oath to defend the document (the constitution) that details that right.

Again, my panties are not in a bunch. Neither are my boxers. I'm not sure why you feel so slighted, because nobody has insulted you, or your beliefs. You might want to check your own panties.
From the person who just before this cried out "HOW DARE YOU CONDEMN MY FAITH":

If the bible is true then all of humanity was created from incest.

Typical loony leftist hypocrite. She claims the right to never be insulted, claims to have been insulted when nobody even remotely said anything bad about her or her supposed faith, yet then she comes here and insults someone's faith.

I also love how Christians talk about the ten commandments as it was for them

  1. God never brought non Jews or their ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."
  2. God has not given non Jews the promised land of Canaan! Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you" The covenant was made with "US" Jews at Horeb: Deut 5:1-3; Neh 9:14, not with non Jews (Christians) no matter how much they try to connect themselves with Jews
how Christianity was invented

Forgery In Christianity

A Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion

Forgery in Christianity


Christianity is a johnny-come-lately that took all of its icons, imagery, talismans, holidays, rituals and more from older religions.

Indeed, I would be interested to know if there is even one bit of it that is original.

Is this unwillingness to study real history the reason why some claim the earth is only 4000-6000 years old?

The creationist view is taken from the bible saying God created the heavens and earth in six days, and in another verse it says that one of Gods days is a thousand years to us. So the idea is that the earth is six thousand years old.
But of course anyone with any sense knows science has shown the earth is around 4 billion years old and the heavens are around 14 billion years old. Therefore the bible story of the creation is bunk.

Other than the extremists on the right, who are incessantly quoted by the extremists on the left (like US Message Board's resident extremist Luddy), nobody believes the world is only 4000-6000 years old.
I am confused ----you wrote a "FORUM OF ABBA"---used
to designate the "priestly profession" I do not understand-------a nessageboard forum? "priest" for jews at that time was not actually a "profession"------it was
an hereditary thing-------one had to inherit the ability to be a priest-----and then kinda get voted in. --------the functioning priests at that time were ROMAN APPOINTEES generally members of sect called SADDUCEES. The romans were not inclined to crucify Sadducees-----they depended on them.

can you tell me ----sorta more clearly where you got the idea that "abba" designates a priest------amongst jewish speakers of Aramaic?---------maybe you are thinking of
chaldeans. When did Jesus call himself "jesus bar abba"?

I'm sorry, irosie, I wrote in haste, and hence the confusion. I should have typed a "Form of Abba." A very early Gospel of Matthew, one known as the Gospel of the Hebrews had Jesus Barrabban, not Jesus Barabbas. There was some discussion that this was an interpolation of Bar (son) and (Rabbi) with the ending (an) denoting a master or person of rank. The son of a major rabbi, in other words. Further speculation was whether this well-known (major) rabbi was Gamaliel. The question, of course, is whether 'abbas' was a miscopying of 'abban', or if 'abban' was seen as the mistake and corrected to 'abbas'.

Yes, the appointed high priests were of the House of Aaron. However, there were many rabbis (or teachers) not appointed by Rome. Further, for those who take an interest in the trivia of Jesus Barabbas, once or twice spelled in early time as Jesus Barrabban, Gamaliel was one of the logical Rabbis to suggest as the father of the other Jesus. Gamaliel in mentioned in Acts, advising that people just let Christians and Christianity be, because if it were not from God, it would fade out soon enough on its own--and if it were from God, it couldn't be stamped out despite all efforts.

Anyway, I do apologize for the earlier 'Forum' mistake. I've picked up a lot of trivia along the way as I enjoy reading people who attempt to find the logic behind some puzzling descriptions, recorded in scripture, of some very strange events that occurred that particular Passover--and I was trying to tell of it in too much haste.
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No, you can trust it. Which you obviously do. I have no problem with that.

What I do have a problem with is your use of the word "we."

That means you're including others in your belief and that's wrong.

There are millions of people in America who aren't christian and they certainly don't trust your christian bible.

I don't know why you have the need to force others to believe as you do. If you had a strong faith it wouldn't need validation by other people. So from what I can see yours is a shallow faith not built on anything but a weird need for validation.

Live however you want. Just stop trying to force it on other people.

Where are you getting that anyone is trying to force their Christian beliefs on you? Nobody is holding a knife to your throat and forcing you to believe.

Oh, wait....yes, some people are, but they are not Christians.

He used the inclusive word "we." Which means he is saying people other than himself should believe what the bible says.

Which isn't what our constitution says. It says we all have the freedom to choose what faith we want to follow. It doesn't say that someone has the right to speak for anyone else on matters of religion.

Which is what nijna007 did. If nijna007 had said "the bible I can believe in it." I wouldn't have replied to the OP. I would have agreed with the OP and kept reading the thread with out replying.

You and ninja007 are so used to expecting everyone to be like you that you don't even realize what you're doing. Whether you like it or not, you live in a nation of people with many different faiths and those of us who aren't your faith are very tired of you including us in it or expecting us to be like you.

May the Mother Goddess bless you and all you love.
Hahahah when you are looking for good times, we'll be there to help you learn about the Christian faith. It is also our country and we'll be there to convert you to the Christian faith.

Yes it's also your country too. However it's also mine. I have the right to worship whatever higher power I choose.

You have no right to think that you have the right to change my faith.

How would you like it if someone told you that they were going to change your faith? You all sound like people from isis. You're just like them in that you're not tolerant of other faiths.

You can try to do that all you want but it won't happen. You see, my faith doesn't depend on other people following it. My faith is strong so there's not anything you or anyone can do to change it.

You're wasting your time. You're also showing just how much you hate America and what we stand for.

we have the right to freedom of speech. And the freedom to worship. And they means we are free to share the gospel. You can ignore it if you see fit. And worship however, whatever, or whenever you want. No one will compel you to believe.

but you have no right to tell us we must be silent. The consitition guarantees us that you can't stop the preaching of the Word simply because you don't want to accept it
how Christianity was invented

Forgery In Christianity

A Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion

Forgery in Christianity


Christianity is a johnny-come-lately that took all of its icons, imagery, talismans, holidays, rituals and more from older religions.

Indeed, I would be interested to know if there is even one bit of it that is original.

Is this unwillingness to study real history the reason why some claim the earth is only 4000-6000 years old?

The creationist view is taken from the bible saying God created the heavens and earth in six days, and in another verse it says that one of Gods days is a thousand years to us. So the idea is that the earth is six thousand years old.
But of course anyone with any sense knows science has shown the earth is around 4 billion years old and the heavens are around 14 billion years old. Therefore the bible story of the creation is bunk.

Other than the extremists on the right, who are incessantly quoted by the extremists on the left (like US Message Board's resident extremist Luddy), nobody believes the world is only 4000-6000 years old.
No too educate are you,, they are fundamentalist christians known as young earthers

The Young Earth Creation Club
I also love how Christians talk about the ten commandments as it was for them

  1. God never brought non Jews or their ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."
  2. God has not given non Jews the promised land of Canaan! Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you" The covenant was made with "US" Jews at Horeb: Deut 5:1-3; Neh 9:14, not with non Jews (Christians) no matter how much they try to connect themselves with Jews

Sure, Dean. Sure. You're a real Jew.
I also love how Christians talk about the ten commandments as it was for them

  1. God never brought non Jews or their ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."
  2. God has not given non Jews the promised land of Canaan! Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you" The covenant was made with "US" Jews at Horeb: Deut 5:1-3; Neh 9:14, not with non Jews (Christians) no matter how much they try to connect themselves with Jews

The foundation for Christianity is Judaeism. Christ came and, by his life, death, and resurrrection, became the NEW covenant between God and us (us meaning ALL of humanity). Because of Christ, we no longer have to eat according to certain rules, sacrifice animals according to a schedule, or stone adulterers to death just to hope to get into heaven. Jews, of course, don't believe that Christ was Emmanuel, so they are (supposedly) still going off the OT (although very few do, most have just given up).

Your point #1: Your right, Moses (with God's help) brought the Jews out of Egypt.

Your point #2: You're right, again. God gave the Jews the promised land. But then, when he sent his son to save them, they denied him. So they lost the promised land.
I also love how Christians talk about the ten commandments as it was for them

  1. God never brought non Jews or their ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."
  2. God has not given non Jews the promised land of Canaan! Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you" The covenant was made with "US" Jews at Horeb: Deut 5:1-3; Neh 9:14, not with non Jews (Christians) no matter how much they try to connect themselves with Jews

Sure, Dean. Sure. You're a real Jew.

Go bow to some statues frankie and swing your rosary
Yes it's also your country too. However it's also mine. I have the right to worship whatever higher power I choose.

You have no right to think that you have the right to change my faith.

How would you like it if someone told you that they were going to change your faith? You all sound like people from isis. You're just like them in that you're not tolerant of other faiths.

You can try to do that all you want but it won't happen. You see, my faith doesn't depend on other people following it. My faith is strong so there's not anything you or anyone can do to change it.

You're wasting your time. You're also showing just how much you hate America and what we stand for.

we have the right to freedom of speech. And the freedom to worship. And they means we are free to share the gospel. You can ignore it if you see fit. And worship however, whatever, or whenever you want. No one will compel you to believe.

but you have no right to tell us we must be silent. The consitition guarantees us that you can't stop the preaching of the Word simply because you don't want to accept it

Avatar - you forget the law of the leftist: "A Leftist has the RIGHT to NEVER be insulted, whether that insult is real or simply perceived. However the Leftist has the RIGHT to insult anyone you wish."

No, you can trust it. Which you obviously do. I have no problem with that.

What I do have a problem with is your use of the word "we."

That means you're including others in your belief and that's wrong.

There are millions of people in America who aren't christian and they certainly don't trust your christian bible.

I don't know why you have the need to force others to believe as you do. If you had a strong faith it wouldn't need validation by other people. So from what I can see yours is a shallow faith not built on anything but a weird need for validation.

Live however you want. Just stop trying to force it on other people.

Where are you getting that anyone is trying to force their Christian beliefs on you? Nobody is holding a knife to your throat and forcing you to believe.

Oh, wait....yes, some people are, but they are not Christians.

He used the inclusive word "we." Which means he is saying people other than himself should believe what the bible says.

Which isn't what our constitution says. It says we all have the freedom to choose what faith we want to follow. It doesn't say that someone has the right to speak for anyone else on matters of religion.

Which is what nijna007 did. If nijna007 had said "the bible I can believe in it." I wouldn't have replied to the OP. I would have agreed with the OP and kept reading the thread with out replying.

You and ninja007 are so used to expecting everyone to be like you that you don't even realize what you're doing. Whether you like it or not, you live in a nation of people with many different faiths and those of us who aren't your faith are very tired of you including us in it or expecting us to be like you.

May the Mother Goddess bless you and all you love.
Hahahah when you are looking for good times, we'll be there to help you learn about the Christian faith. It is also our country and we'll be there to convert you to the Christian faith.

I thought we couldn't do anything lest we boast. The Spirit does the converting

The Holy Spirit converts the person by changing the nature of the person to be drawn God and faith in Jesus Christ.
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If the bible is true then all of humanity was created from incest.

Twice. Since christians say that adam and eve were the first humans on the earth. Then again when christians claim that a great flood killed everything and everyone that wasn't on noah's ark. How did they fit all the animals and insects on that ark?

I would like to know who developed a language that a snake can speak and a human can understand. Who taught it to the snake then to adam and eve? How did a snake develop the ability to manipulate it's tongue that way?

Here is a theory you might like to consider. It is based on the thought that if ancient man wanted to preserve his history, he would have to put it into a story that might be easily passed down. If this is what happened, then we really have to admire and respect our ancestors, because they packed a lot into a very condensed, very memorable story.

Adam is the Hebrew word for 'man'. Consider the story in Genesis being that of man. We have women convincing men to pursue knowledge, and obviously this had unexpected consequences. IF Adam was the first tribe of man, then we have other tribes splitting off from the parent tribe. One was the tribe of Abel, shepherds who wandered the land. We have the tribe of Cain who tried to cultivate the land, with sheep wandering through and eating their crop. This, understandably would anger the agriculturalists and war could likely break out with one tribe killing the other.

Let me emphasize, I am not saying this is what happened. However, if it did--if history was told by telling it from the perspective of a single character--it would explain a lot.
Here is a theory you might like to consider. It is based on the thought that if ancient man wanted to preserve his history, he would have to put it into a story that might be easily passed down. If this is what happened, then we really have to admire and respect our ancestors, because they packed a lot into a very condensed, very memorable story.

Adam is the Hebrew word for 'man'. Consider the story in Genesis being that of man. We have women convincing men to pursue knowledge, and obviously this had unexpected consequences. IF Adam was the first tribe of man, then we have other tribes splitting off from the parent tribe. One was the tribe of Abel, shepherds who wandered the land. We have the tribe of Cain who tried to cultivate the land, with sheep wandering through and eating their crop. This, understandably would anger the agriculturalists and war could likely break out with one tribe killing the other.

Let me emphasize, I am not saying this is what happened. However, if it did--if history was told by telling it from the perspective of a single character--it would explain a lot.

You are going to make the extremists (on the right AND on the left) head explode with that well-thought out theory.
Here is a theory you might like to consider. It is based on the thought that if ancient man wanted to preserve his history, he would have to put it into a story that might be easily passed down. If this is what happened, then we really have to admire and respect our ancestors, because they packed a lot into a very condensed, very memorable story.

Adam is the Hebrew word for 'man'. Consider the story in Genesis being that of man. We have women convincing men to pursue knowledge, and obviously this had unexpected consequences. IF Adam was the first tribe of man, then we have other tribes splitting off from the parent tribe. One was the tribe of Abel, shepherds who wandered the land. We have the tribe of Cain who tried to cultivate the land, with sheep wandering through and eating their crop. This, understandably would anger the agriculturalists and war could likely break out with one tribe killing the other.

Let me emphasize, I am not saying this is what happened. However, if it did--if history was told by telling it from the perspective of a single character--it would explain a lot.

You are going to make the extremists (on the right AND on the left) head explode with that well-thought out theory.

:smile: I am just passing on what I have read. Whoever first thought of this (and I think it was some time ago) obviously didn't make any heads explode--just caught the interest of some of us who feel it worth passing along.
Much of the NT, and ALL of the OT is captured verbal history. I believe the oldest OT manuscript fragment is almost 2500 years old, so the stories were passed along in the oral tradition for centuries/millenia before then.
Here is a theory you might like to consider. It is based on the thought that if ancient man wanted to preserve his history, he would have to put it into a story that might be easily passed down. If this is what happened, then we really have to admire and respect our ancestors, because they packed a lot into a very condensed, very memorable story.

Adam is the Hebrew word for 'man'. Consider the story in Genesis being that of man. We have women convincing men to pursue knowledge, and obviously this had unexpected consequences. IF Adam was the first tribe of man, then we have other tribes splitting off from the parent tribe. One was the tribe of Abel, shepherds who wandered the land. We have the tribe of Cain who tried to cultivate the land, with sheep wandering through and eating their crop. This, understandably would anger the agriculturalists and war could likely break out with one tribe killing the other.

Let me emphasize, I am not saying this is what happened. However, if it did--if history was told by telling it from the perspective of a single character--it would explain a lot.

You are going to make the extremists (on the right AND on the left) head explode with that well-thought out theory.

[emoji2] I am just passing on what I have read. Whoever first thought of this (and I think it was some time ago) obviously didn't make any heads explode--just caught the interest of some of us who feel it worth passing along.

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