The Bible is true

Seems the "god" would have had more to say to one of the more educated Jews than some hobo out in the desert. This Jesus fellow reminds me of Charlie Manson...without the murders...:lol: Just a wacko that some how convinced some VERY willing ears he had all the answers since as you said it was not the best of times what with the torture and the killing and everything.

How very leftist of you. Some animals are more equal than other animals....right?

How very stupid of you. Thanks for playing moron.
lairs for jesus

Nearly half of the New Testament is a forgery, according to a provocative new book that charges the Apostle Paul authored only a fraction of the letters attributed to him and the Apostle Peter wrote nothing.

Written by Bart Ehrman, a former evangelical Christian and now agnostic professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, the book claims to unveil "one of the most unsettling ironies of the early Christian tradition": the use of deception to promote the truth.

Forgeries in the Bible s New Testament Discovery News

And by the way, it is common knowledge that there are no known writings directly from the Apostle Peter. Mark, the author of the Gospel of Mark, was Peter's companion (or secretary, if you will) during his travels, and documented Peter's stories. Some historians think that the Gospel of Mark was written by an anonymous author who collected together several sources (including some mysterious document called "Q", which nobody has ever found any actual reference to) and put together that book. However, despite the firm language you will find amongst those with an anti-Christian bias, this has hardly been proven.

Furthermore, it makes sense that the Apostle Paul would have personally authored only a fraction of those letters. Paul's letters were written by him, and sent via couriers to the various churches around the Med. While sometimes these letters were directly copied and distributed, other times they were simply read to the congregation. It makes sense that some of the surviving letters would be those written down by members of the congregation who listened to the reading of Paul's letters, or later documentation of the verbal history of Paul's letters.

Of the two links you posted here - I don't have time to argue against every point these authors made. Would you care to pick ONE point to discuss? Or perhaps TWO of your favorite points? I think more than that would be difficult to argue in such a forum.

Good points! Unfortunately discussing these issues with guno is like talking to a mud fence only a mud fence is smarter.

I think it would be fair to say that a mud fence wouldn't have believed the stupid fantasy tales that you do. Does that make the mud fence smarter than you? No it doesn't. But it isn't dumber than you either.
I also love how Christians talk about the ten commandments as it was for them

  1. God never brought non Jews or their ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."
  2. God has not given non Jews the promised land of Canaan! Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you" The covenant was made with "US" Jews at Horeb: Deut 5:1-3; Neh 9:14, not with non Jews (Christians) no matter how much they try to connect themselves with Jews

It isn't. Only the Jews matter to their god. Ask them. They will tell you. SOOOooo,,,, either they don't have the same god as the Jeebus OORRRrrrr.... The Jeebus being a Jew just lied his ass off..
I've tried that already with Guno. Asked him to pick one or two arguments against the truth of the bible so we could discuss. He chose to ignore that.

A common mistake is thinking what is obvious to us is equally as obvious to someone else. Why should we have to explain something as clear as the nose on a face? That we even have to ask may be taken by another as a sure sign we are complete idiots.

Like you, I would be interested if people could say something to the effect of, I see Book:Chapter:Verse as false because ______________. For example, "I see Numbers 22:21-39 as a falsehood because donkeys cannot speak."
thank you. you are a breath of fresh air in this discussion.

I am a christianbut lately I have found my Christian brothers to be hateful spiteful bigoted little people. but I also understand that some are not and you are an example of that thank you for posting this.

and why are you a Christian? How are you a Christian? You say you are a Christian but do not believe the Bible? Please..............
I've tried that already with Guno. Asked him to pick one or two arguments against the truth of the bible so we could discuss. He chose to ignore that.

A common mistake is thinking what is obvious to us is equally as obvious to someone else. Why should we have to explain something as clear as the nose on a face? That we even have to ask may be taken by another as a sure sign we are complete idiots.

Like you, I would be interested if people could say something to the effect of, I see Book:Chapter:Verse as false because ______________. For example, "I see Numbers 22:21-39 as a falsehood because donkeys cannot speak."
thank you. you are a breath of fresh air in this discussion.

I am a christianbut lately I have found my Christian brothers to be hateful spiteful bigoted little people. but I also understand that some are not and you are an example of that thank you for posting this.

and why are you a Christian? How are you a Christian? You say you are a Christian but do not believe the Bible? Please..............
I am Christian because I want to be. I am also Christian because I worship Christ. The bible is a book, it simply is believing it or not doesn't change that it is. I don't think that it's the word of God, that isn't what is required to be Christian.
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That doesn't mean there is no truth in it.

but it doesn't- not even once.Prove even one contradiction.
I already did.

You didn't. You didn't understand the statement and insist it is a contradiction, but it isn't. That's your problem, not the Bible's.
You failed to explain how it isn't a contradiction. You are blaming me because you have difficulty communicating. That is your problem,not mine.
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That doesn't mean there is no truth in it.

but it doesn't- not even once.Prove even one contradiction.
I already did.

You didn't. You didn't understand the statement and insist it is a contradiction, but it isn't. That's your problem, not the Bible's.
You failed to explain how it isn't a contradiction. You are blaming me because you have difficulty communicating. That is your problem,not mine.
Because it is a paradox.


  1. a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement that is or may be true ⇒ religious truths are often expressed in paradox
  2. a self-contradictory proposition, such as I always tell lies
  3. a person or thing exhibiting apparently contradictory characteristics
  4. an opinion that conflicts with common belief Also called (rare): paradoxy


  1. the act of going against; opposition; denial
  2. a declaration of the opposite or contrary
  3. a statement that is at variance with itself (often in the phrase a contradiction in terms)
  4. conflict or inconsistency, as between events, qualities, etc
  5. a person or thing containing conflicting qualities
  6. (logic) a statement that is false under all circumstances; necessary falsehood
Last edited:
So all that is required is an explanation of how the points raised are not actually contradictory.
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That doesn't mean there is no truth in it.

but it doesn't- not even once.Prove even one contradiction.
I already did.

You didn't. You didn't understand the statement and insist it is a contradiction, but it isn't. That's your problem, not the Bible's.
You failed to explain how it isn't a contradiction. You are blaming me because you have difficulty communicating. That is your problem,not mine.
Because it is a paradox.
That doesn't really make your case.
You failed to explain how it isn't a contradiction.

Perhaps the next step is to consider the qualities of compassion or mercy (depending on the translation).

The people Jeremiah was addressing were behaving badly. Is it considered merciful and compassionate to support bad behavior in the name of mercy? Or, is the more merciful and compassionate response to have consequences in place when people do begin to behave badly? No consequences encourages people in their evil, and not only do their deeds become more evil, their natures become more corrupt as well.

Therefore, can we consider no consequences, and even rewards, to be a merciful/compassionate response to evil? Wouldn't that be better defined as indifference, not compassion? (Do what you like, become as evil as you can...doesn't matter.)

Another example: Are we to consider dealers of meth and heroine compassionate and merciful, because they are the only ones who will provide the addicted with drug they crave?

If we accept that mercy and compassion must have parameters in order not to flow into indifference, then can we agree that God is merciful to all? Scripture tells us that God forgives all those who repent and turn back to Him. He wipes away wrong-doing as if it never was; He remembers it no more.
I've tried that already with Guno. Asked him to pick one or two arguments against the truth of the bible so we could discuss. He chose to ignore that.

A common mistake is thinking what is obvious to us is equally as obvious to someone else. Why should we have to explain something as clear as the nose on a face? That we even have to ask may be taken by another as a sure sign we are complete idiots.

Like you, I would be interested if people could say something to the effect of, I see Book:Chapter:Verse as false because ______________. For example, "I see Numbers 22:21-39 as a falsehood because donkeys cannot speak."
thank you. you are a breath of fresh air in this discussion.

I am a christianbut lately I have found my Christian brothers to be hateful spiteful bigoted little people. but I also understand that some are not and you are an example of that thank you for posting this.

and why are you a Christian? How are you a Christian? You say you are a Christian but do not believe the Bible? Please..............
I've tried that already with Guno. Asked him to pick one or two arguments against the truth of the bible so we could discuss. He chose to ignore that.

A common mistake is thinking what is obvious to us is equally as obvious to someone else. Why should we have to explain something as clear as the nose on a face? That we even have to ask may be taken by another as a sure sign we are complete idiots.

Like you, I would be interested if people could say something to the effect of, I see Book:Chapter:Verse as false because ______________. For example, "I see Numbers 22:21-39 as a falsehood because donkeys cannot speak."
thank you. you are a breath of fresh air in this discussion.

I am a christianbut lately I have found my Christian brothers to be hateful spiteful bigoted little people. but I also understand that some are not and you are an example of that thank you for posting this.

and why are you a Christian? How are you a Christian? You say you are a Christian but do not believe the Bible? Please..............
I am Christian because I want to be. I am also Christian because I worship Christ. The bible is a book, it simply is believing it or not doesn't change that it is. I don't think that it's the word of God, that isn't what is required to be Christian.

That is great that you claim to be a Christian, but it appears that you know little about Christianity. The Bible is the only way that you will get to know Christ better to help you live like a Christian, because the Bible is the only book that tells you what Jesus was like and what He expects of his followers. And, the fact that you have such a negative view of the Bible is sad because Jesus is "The Word".

John: 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That doesn't mean there is no truth in it.

but it doesn't- not even once.Prove even one contradiction.
I already did.

You didn't. You didn't understand the statement and insist it is a contradiction, but it isn't. That's your problem, not the Bible's.
You failed to explain how it isn't a contradiction. You are blaming me because you have difficulty communicating. That is your problem,not mine.

I did explain how it isn't a contradiction, but you don't want to accept my explanation because you're mind is made up. You can't change people's mind whose mind is already made up. You want to believe that the Bible is not what it is and nothing is going to change your mind.....that's your problem. And, you claim to worship Christ, but what Christ is that? There is only one Christ and that is the Christ that is told about in the Bible.
I've tried that already with Guno. Asked him to pick one or two arguments against the truth of the bible so we could discuss. He chose to ignore that.

A common mistake is thinking what is obvious to us is equally as obvious to someone else. Why should we have to explain something as clear as the nose on a face? That we even have to ask may be taken by another as a sure sign we are complete idiots.

Like you, I would be interested if people could say something to the effect of, I see Book:Chapter:Verse as false because ______________. For example, "I see Numbers 22:21-39 as a falsehood because donkeys cannot speak."
thank you. you are a breath of fresh air in this discussion.

I am a christianbut lately I have found my Christian brothers to be hateful spiteful bigoted little people. but I also understand that some are not and you are an example of that thank you for posting this.

and why are you a Christian? How are you a Christian? You say you are a Christian but do not believe the Bible? Please..............
I've tried that already with Guno. Asked him to pick one or two arguments against the truth of the bible so we could discuss. He chose to ignore that.

A common mistake is thinking what is obvious to us is equally as obvious to someone else. Why should we have to explain something as clear as the nose on a face? That we even have to ask may be taken by another as a sure sign we are complete idiots.

Like you, I would be interested if people could say something to the effect of, I see Book:Chapter:Verse as false because ______________. For example, "I see Numbers 22:21-39 as a falsehood because donkeys cannot speak."
thank you. you are a breath of fresh air in this discussion.

I am a christianbut lately I have found my Christian brothers to be hateful spiteful bigoted little people. but I also understand that some are not and you are an example of that thank you for posting this.

and why are you a Christian? How are you a Christian? You say you are a Christian but do not believe the Bible? Please..............
I am Christian because I want to be. I am also Christian because I worship Christ. The bible is a book, it simply is believing it or not doesn't change that it is. I don't think that it's the word of God, that isn't what is required to be Christian.

That is great that you claim to be a Christian, but it appears that you know little about Christianity. The Bible is the only way that you will get to know Christ better to help you live like a Christian, because the Bible is the only book that tells you what Jesus was like and what He expects of his followers. And, the fact that you have such a negative view of the Bible is sad because Jesus is "The Word".

John: 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John is probably not a person----but simply a nom de plume ----used as attribute for the writings of several people who never met Jesus. The writings called "john" are based on prior sources----and very ---"philosophical"<<< sorta

anybody here know what "the word" was "in the beginning"???
A common mistake is thinking what is obvious to us is equally as obvious to someone else. Why should we have to explain something as clear as the nose on a face? That we even have to ask may be taken by another as a sure sign we are complete idiots.

Like you, I would be interested if people could say something to the effect of, I see Book:Chapter:Verse as false because ______________. For example, "I see Numbers 22:21-39 as a falsehood because donkeys cannot speak."
thank you. you are a breath of fresh air in this discussion.

I am a christianbut lately I have found my Christian brothers to be hateful spiteful bigoted little people. but I also understand that some are not and you are an example of that thank you for posting this.

and why are you a Christian? How are you a Christian? You say you are a Christian but do not believe the Bible? Please..............
A common mistake is thinking what is obvious to us is equally as obvious to someone else. Why should we have to explain something as clear as the nose on a face? That we even have to ask may be taken by another as a sure sign we are complete idiots.

Like you, I would be interested if people could say something to the effect of, I see Book:Chapter:Verse as false because ______________. For example, "I see Numbers 22:21-39 as a falsehood because donkeys cannot speak."
thank you. you are a breath of fresh air in this discussion.

I am a christianbut lately I have found my Christian brothers to be hateful spiteful bigoted little people. but I also understand that some are not and you are an example of that thank you for posting this.

and why are you a Christian? How are you a Christian? You say you are a Christian but do not believe the Bible? Please..............
I am Christian because I want to be. I am also Christian because I worship Christ. The bible is a book, it simply is believing it or not doesn't change that it is. I don't think that it's the word of God, that isn't what is required to be Christian.

That is great that you claim to be a Christian, but it appears that you know little about Christianity. The Bible is the only way that you will get to know Christ better to help you live like a Christian, because the Bible is the only book that tells you what Jesus was like and what He expects of his followers. And, the fact that you have such a negative view of the Bible is sad because Jesus is "The Word".

John: 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John is probably not a person----but simply a nom de plume ----used as attribute for the writings of several people who never met Jesus. The writings called "john" are based on prior sources----and very ---"philosophical"<<< sorta

anybody here know what "the word" was "in the beginning"???

John was a person. And, you obviously have not done any research on the Bible to make such statements. And it is right there in the statement itself...."In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the word was God". The word is Jesus.......He was there from the beginning, He was with God and He is God.

It is not prudent to argue with people that have not done any research or have no knowledge of the Bible.....they are going to make statements that are nonsensical and require a lot of time to explain, and they will not bother to try and understand the explanations, so I won't be responding to any of your or anyone else's nonsensical statements.
thank you. you are a breath of fresh air in this discussion.

I am a christianbut lately I have found my Christian brothers to be hateful spiteful bigoted little people. but I also understand that some are not and you are an example of that thank you for posting this.

and why are you a Christian? How are you a Christian? You say you are a Christian but do not believe the Bible? Please..............
thank you. you are a breath of fresh air in this discussion.

I am a christianbut lately I have found my Christian brothers to be hateful spiteful bigoted little people. but I also understand that some are not and you are an example of that thank you for posting this.

and why are you a Christian? How are you a Christian? You say you are a Christian but do not believe the Bible? Please..............
I am Christian because I want to be. I am also Christian because I worship Christ. The bible is a book, it simply is believing it or not doesn't change that it is. I don't think that it's the word of God, that isn't what is required to be Christian.

That is great that you claim to be a Christian, but it appears that you know little about Christianity. The Bible is the only way that you will get to know Christ better to help you live like a Christian, because the Bible is the only book that tells you what Jesus was like and what He expects of his followers. And, the fact that you have such a negative view of the Bible is sad because Jesus is "The Word".

John: 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John is probably not a person----but simply a nom de plume ----used as attribute for the writings of several people who never met Jesus. The writings called "john" are based on prior sources----and very ---"philosophical"<<< sorta

anybody here know what "the word" was "in the beginning"???

John was a person. And, you obviously have not done any research on the Bible to make such statements. And it is right there in the statement itself...."In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the word was God". The word is Jesus.......He was there from the beginning, He was with God and He is God.

It is not prudent to argue with people that have not done any research or have no knowledge of the Bible.....they are going to make statements that are nonsensical and require a lot of time to explain, and they will not bother to try and understand the explanations, so I won't be responding to any of your or anyone else's nonsensical statements.

I am referring to the "JOHN" of the book of john------not every other john-----like John the Baptist who was a person. From what city was JOHN of the book of John? ------did he have have anything more of a name? Like who was his father? You have some facts on that "JOHN"????
and why are you a Christian? How are you a Christian? You say you are a Christian but do not believe the Bible? Please..............
and why are you a Christian? How are you a Christian? You say you are a Christian but do not believe the Bible? Please..............
I am Christian because I want to be. I am also Christian because I worship Christ. The bible is a book, it simply is believing it or not doesn't change that it is. I don't think that it's the word of God, that isn't what is required to be Christian.

That is great that you claim to be a Christian, but it appears that you know little about Christianity. The Bible is the only way that you will get to know Christ better to help you live like a Christian, because the Bible is the only book that tells you what Jesus was like and what He expects of his followers. And, the fact that you have such a negative view of the Bible is sad because Jesus is "The Word".

John: 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John is probably not a person----but simply a nom de plume ----used as attribute for the writings of several people who never met Jesus. The writings called "john" are based on prior sources----and very ---"philosophical"<<< sorta

anybody here know what "the word" was "in the beginning"???

John was a person. And, you obviously have not done any research on the Bible to make such statements. And it is right there in the statement itself...."In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the word was God". The word is Jesus.......He was there from the beginning, He was with God and He is God.

It is not prudent to argue with people that have not done any research or have no knowledge of the Bible.....they are going to make statements that are nonsensical and require a lot of time to explain, and they will not bother to try and understand the explanations, so I won't be responding to any of your or anyone else's nonsensical statements.

I am referring to the "JOHN" of the book of john------not every other john-----like John the Baptist who was a person. From what city was JOHN of the book of John? ------did he have have anything more of a name? Like who was his father? You have some facts on that "JOHN"????

Okay....there has been controversy over who wrote the book of John, but many experts have given their opinions and believe that it was indeed the disciple John, who wrote it.

Who wrote the Gospel of John is a question that remains unanswered, though noted theologians throughout the ages maintain that it was indeed the disciple John who penned the famous Biblical book.
Gospel of John Commentary Who Wrote the Gospel of John and How Historical is It 8211 Biblical Archaeology Society

However, two significant factors point to the identification of John as the author. First, the book itself identifies the author as the disciple whom Jesus loved. This description likely pointed to John for three reasons: the author had to be one of the twelve disciples because he was an eyewitness to the events in the gospel (John 21:24); he was probably one of the inner circle of three disciples (James, John, and Peter) because he was among the first Mary told of the resurrection (20:1–10); and this disciple is distinguished from Peter in the book, while James died too soon after the resurrection to be the author.

The second significant evidence for John’s authorship is the unanimous testimony of early Christians, among them the second-century Christian Irenaeus, who declared that John was the disciple who laid his head on Jesus—the disciple “whom Jesus loved” (13:23)—and the author of the gospel.

Book of John Overview - Insight for Living Ministries
I am referring to the "JOHN" of the book of john------not every other john-----like John the Baptist who was a person. From what city was JOHN of the book of John? ------did he have have anything more of a name? Like who was his father? You have some facts on that "JOHN"????

John's Gospel was either written or edited by more than one person. At least one of the sources had close or personal knowledge of Jesus' life. The precise, personal descriptions the Gospel includes, have traditionally been attributed as being provided by John the Apostle. As for where it was originally written: Some say Ephesus, others Antioch, some Alexandria.

In whatever language the Gospel was first written, the author was trying to familiarize Greeks with Hebrew thought. 'Word' in Hebrew was tied closely with the idea that words had power--including wisdom. Word, or 'Logos' in Greek was tied closely with the idea of reason. The beginning of John's Gospel sets forth the idea that in the beginning there was power, wisdom, and reason. We see this personified as Christ, who was with God, who was God, at the beginning of creation.
I also love how Christians talk about the ten commandments as it was for them

  1. God never brought non Jews or their ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."
  2. God has not given non Jews the promised land of Canaan! Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you" The covenant was made with "US" Jews at Horeb: Deut 5:1-3; Neh 9:14, not with non Jews (Christians) no matter how much they try to connect themselves with Jews

Yep, the Jews made him up. He was their war God, until King Cyrus came along..

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