The Bible vs. The Book of Mormon

This is completely false.

The Book of Mormon was written by Joseph Smith in the 1800s. Allegedly the book was transcribed from "golden plates" but those plates have never been found nor has anyone ever seen them except, again allegedly, Joseph Smith.

I see absolutely no difference between L. Ron Hubbard and Joseph Smith... except I'd feel safer around a Mormon than I would a Scientologist.. and that's not saying much.

You're right. What you said is completely false. Many people saw the plates. In fact, there are official 12 witnesses including Joseph. I know a man who has seen them recently. The claim no one has ever seen them when they have witnesses in the front cover is totally bogus.
To further my point - the Battle of Cumorah between the Nephites and Lamanites took place with the loss of 250,000 Nephites.

If 250,000 Nephites were killed at Cumorah, where are their remains? If 250,000 Nephites were killed, where are the weapons that were used to kill them? What about the Lamanites - where are their dead buried? 250,000 dead soldiers for thousands of years ago in New York doesn't seem to be too difficult to find - the Jews have done massive archeological research and we have uncovered that nearly every single battle that the Torah and the Tenach has spoken of has actually taken place as both books said they did. We have massive evidence of the existence of nearly every single civilization that has ever existed, even ones pre-dating the Jaredites... yet there is not one shred of evidence that any of the people, that any of the wars, that anything at all that the Book of Mormon has spoken of has actually occured. Why is this?

Who said a battle took place in New York?

Besides, you are wrong, there are countless battles in history where we know exactly where they took place through countless documentation where there is absolutely no physical evidence on the scene.

And I am really tired of this "Not one shred of evidence" When that is clearly not true. Like I said, you may not be convinced by the evidence, but evidence does exist.
No, I am just unwilling to accept evidence unless it is from a credible and non-biased source, thus making certain it is honest and true. However since you are unwilling to accept anything but credible and non-biased this shows you care little for truth and even less for honesty. Now, those links please, otherwise it's all just myth.

So you accept absolutely nothing in life? Because nothing is both credible and non-biased.

The links have already been provided. The problem with your argument is that if any non-mormon scholars accepted the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, they would become Mormon and thus you woudl discredit them for converting.

Your standard is impossible.
The Mormons have been wandering around in the jungle's of South America for a hundred years looking for evidence to prove the Book of Mormon.

So far they haven't found a single artifact, inscription, piece of potter, or anything else to back up their fraudlent story and fictional book.

No we havent. Because we understand that proof comes through the Holy Ghost not the physical evidences. But that hasnt stopped us from collecting alot.

The fact that Joseph Smith described an accurate path from Jerusalem through Arabia which includes exact names and descriptions of real places is pretty damn amazing. I dont care whether you believe the Book or not. Its not just something you can ignore.
If you read the book of mormon, you WILL, however, find huge sections of the Bible plagiarized right into the middle of it. Apparently, Joseph Smith was having a slow day, and having some difficulty seeing those stones in the bottom of his hat, so he just cut & pasted out of Isaiah.

You do realize that its impossible to plagarize whats specifically cited dont you?

However, your analysis is incomplete. There are quite a number of changes in Isaiah sections quoted in the Book of Mormon. Which quite amazingly correspond exactly to more accurate translations of it.
Which brings me to another question..........

We already had Christianity, Judaism and Zen (which follows quite a few of the same paths as Judaism), so why in the hell would anyone want to invent a new religion?

Didn't they learn anything from how fucked up the muslims ended up?

How about the Catholics, Mormons, and all the other cults there are in the world today?

Nope, the 3 that I've got (Tao, Christianity and Judaism), are plenty fine for me.......I don't need to become a deity, just the knowledge that I'm Jesus' little brother.

Maybe God just wants people to know more about His plan. Those may be fine for you. And you know I have no doubt that God will give you exactly what you want. But that doesnt mean you are accepting everything He has to offer. He has great plans for us. That's why He created us.
Mormons are fucking 'tards.

Of course we are. We disagree with you after all. What other possibility is there?

I mean there is no possibility that we've studied this issues indepth for decades and no what we are talking about.
Interestingly enough, for a long time, the LDS Church resisted being classified as Christian.

That is completely nonsense. Mormonism is a Restoration of Christianity. It's Christianity in its pure state. How can anyone claiming to be pure Christianity also be claiming not to be Christian? The idea is lunacy.

We certainly arent protestants. We arent catholics either. We are a restoration. We agree with protestants that the New Testament Church wasnt on the earth. But we simply disagree that man can set it up without divine sanction by simply reading the Bible. We believe that it was necessary for God to act to fix the Church. And that He has acted and He will continue to act when necessary.

God is not silent. Nor does He sleep.
Ok, I finally watched the ridiculous video.

These people call themselves scholars?:disbelief: Don't let the PhD's fool you. These guys are so irresponsible historically and scientifically that I lose all respect for them.

This whole biased video was produced by a small supposedly Christian church in Utah.:doubt: Their interviews were entirely one sided.:blahblah: the few clips from our perspective were taken out of context because our views were not allowed to be explained. :eusa_silenced:

Also their "archaeologists":lol: are so far behind the times that they are the ones laughable and not the Mormons who believe in the Book of Mormon.

Another topic I find repulsive is the statement made that says"Is your faith based on something historical?":wtf:

This is a scholar that is saying this? What?!!!!:cuckoo:

Faith is belief in things which are not seen. To say you believe in the Bible because we have found documents that were written by Peter and the apostles is missing the mark. You don't believe in God or Jesus because really old people told you so.

Based on History?!!??:rofl:
What is historically proven about the resurrection of Jesus?:eusa_shifty: Or the parting of the Red Sea,:eusa_shifty: or the appearance of angels:eusa_shifty:, or the slaying of the 1000 phillistines with the jawbone of an ass.:eusa_shifty:

If you claim that because the gold plates haven't been shown to the world, the book of mormon is false; then you have to say the same thing about the Bible. Show me the original jawbone that Samson used or I can't believe in that story. You see how ridiculous the arguments are.:idea:

These guys say the Bible is true because artifacts have been excavated?!! That's the worst criteria for truth that I've ever heard.
What happens when these scholars catch up to the scientists who HAVE discovered horses dating to book of mormon times?:eusa_shifty: When they find that they were wrong on each and every account in their objections in the video will they change their tune? No they won't because underlying their supposed facts is a heavy current of dogma that their churches have been feeding them.

They didn't even realize that when you say Jesus was born "at" Jerusalem, it doesn't mean "in" Jerusalem.:eusa_think: the definition of the word means near, or by. Joseph Smith knew as well as anyone that Jesus was born in Bethlehem.:wtf: In fact the use of the word "at" is significant because of the context of the word. Alma was describing the birth of Jesus to a people who had never heard of Bethlehem. They had heard of Jerusalem because their forefathers had written about it. Jerusalem makes sense to the foreign nation because they had no knowledge of the outlying suburbs name.

Each and every one of the objections to the book of mormon in this video is SO EASILY ANSWERED that it boggles my mind.:disbelief:

I would rip those archaeologists to shreds :whip:if they would dare sit down and give those bogus objections to me! but they won't because they know better. They only wanted to show one side of the story. Theirs.

David S, I'm curious as to if you really watched the video yourself. Please tell me how I am wrong in any way.:popcorn:
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The fact that Joseph Smith described an accurate path from Jerusalem through Arabia which includes exact names and descriptions of real places is pretty damn amazing. I dont care whether you believe the Book or not. Its not just something you can ignore.

Why, they have no maps in the US? :lol:
If you claim that because the gold plates haven't been shown to the world, the book of mormon is false; then you have to say the same thing about the Bible. Show me the original jawbone that Samson used or I can't believe in that story. You see how ridiculous the arguments are.:idea:

You're right Mr T, both books are bullshit. :clap2:
The fact that Joseph Smith described an accurate path from Jerusalem through Arabia which includes exact names and descriptions of real places is pretty damn amazing. I dont care whether you believe the Book or not. Its not just something you can ignore.

Why, they have no maps in the US? :lol:

There were no maps of Arabia available to Joseph Smith. The arabian peninsula had not been mapped either at the time which is why the uneducated Smith seems even more remarkable that he accurately described the path to the paradise in Oman that was unknown to everyone for a long long time.
If you claim that because the gold plates haven't been shown to the world, the book of mormon is false; then you have to say the same thing about the Bible. Show me the original jawbone that Samson used or I can't believe in that story. You see how ridiculous the arguments are.:idea:

You're right Mr T, both books are bullshit. :clap2:

Actually both are pretty remarkable. You can't disprove either.
There were NO maps of Arabia available to Joseph Smith. The arabian peninsula had not been mapped either at the time which is why the uneducated Smith seems even more remarkable that he accurately described the path to the paradise in Oman that was unknown to everyone for a long long time.
What a bogus statement!! :eusa_liar:

Joseph Smith (lived 1805 to 1844) had many maps available to him of Arabia or most places in the world; as did any citizen of his time period.

Here is a very detailed map of the Arabian Peninsula published in 1720 (almost one hundered years before Smith was born.

Map of Ancient Arabia - World Digital Library

In fact, just google ancient maps of Arabia and there is dozens of examples of maps of Arabia going back to the Roman times.

Smith doesnt seem so remarkable now. :cuckoo:
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