The Biden Era

This is the leader of the Republican Party. He is the leading Republican candidate for the Presidency in 2024. Most Republicans seeking office in November want his endorsement.
The Guardian reports, "Given a chance to address whether he contemplated firing missiles at Mexico, as his ex-defense secretary writes in a new memoir, Donald Trump avoided the issue, instead attacking his former cabinet member as “weak and ineffective”.
"Trump, in a written statement to CBS’s 60 Minutes, said he had “no comment” when asked whether he ever asked ex-defense secretary Mark Esper about sending “missiles into Mexico” to destroy drug cartel labs in the country, which Esper claimed in a memoir published this week.
"And having passed on confirming or disputing Esper’s recollections, the former president instead mocked his second and last secretary of defense by calling him “Yesper”, among other things, resorting to bombast Trump has used before whenever faced with unfavorable facts."
“Mark Esper was weak and totally ineffective, and because of it, I had to run the military,” Trump’s statement to 60 Minutes boasted. “He was a lightweight and figurehead, and I realized it very early on.
“I fired Yesper because he was a Rino (Republican in name only) incapable of leading, and I had to run the military myself.”
Little wonder as to why Republicans avoid discussing Donald Trump.
Have a look at the Xiden admin's record before whining about Trump.

Everything Xiden, aka “poopy pants” touches turns to shit
How about showering with his daughter Ashley? How fucked-up is that?
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT for abandoning AFG
The French pulled their ambassador for abandoning AFG
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed.
Xiden sold us out by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military and invade Ukraine, and his “war on energy” keeps fuel costs high. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
Open borders is a catastrophe. Trump had it SOLVED. Now its infected migrants & fentanyl sent all over
Runaway inflation would get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs, he wants Russia to pump more oil?? WTF?
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hypersonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
After promising we would have more than enough Covid testing kits, Joe LIED and FAILED.
Xiden killed Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline to sell gas to the EU, Putin’s whore strikes again.
Xiden killed the development of ANWR, but he’s begging Putin to pump more oil???
Xiden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
Xiden is letting RUSSIA negotiate the new IRAN agreement???? WTF!!!!!!
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe
The USSC may say that "abortions" is NOT covered in the US Constitution
Republicans in Congress are saying that. It is the most moronic argument I have ever heard. There are literally thousands of things Americans do routinely that are not mentioned in the Constitution.
CNN reports, "President Joe Biden recently told his top national security officials that leaks about US intelligence sharing with Ukrainians aren’t helpful and need to stop, according to an official familiar with the conversation.

"Last week, after the White House denied providing direct intelligence to Ukrainians “with the intent to kill Russian generals,” Biden spoke separately with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, CIA Director William Burns and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines. He told them that it was not helpful for information to become public about what the US was sharing with the Ukrainian forces fighting the Russian invasion, an official said, and stressed that the leaks regarding such information must stop."

There may not be any leaks.

The White House has told the media that it is sharing intell with Ukraine. Russian generals are being killed at an alarming rate because they are close to the front. They are close to the front because Putin doesn't trust his officer corps. A Russian flag ship was sunk by Ukrainian missiles in the Black Sea.

A first year journalism student could easily put two and two together and earnestly speculate that American intell is providing Ukrainian forces with locations of key Russian targets.

I am just speculating, of course.
Republicans in Congress are saying that. It is the most moronic argument I have ever heard. There are literally thousands of things Americans do routinely that are not mentioned in the Constitution.
You are simply NOT understanding that the "powers" that the Federal government have flow SPECIFICALLY from the US Constitution.
States retain all of the powers and responsibilities NOT enumerated in the US Constitution.

If you want the Federal government to regulate or allow abortions, then you need a new Amendment to the Constitution, or a new LAW, that may be challenged in the USSC, that gives the Federal government the authority to regulate abortions.

I can't man'splain it any better than that...
CNN reports, "Vladimir Putin “has recognized he has no victory to celebrate,” US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield told CNN in response to the lack of a major escalatory announcement in the Russian President’s “Victory Day” speech Monday.

"But the Russian leader also gave no indication that he plans to end the war in Ukraine, she cautioned.

"In the first reaction from a Biden administration official to Putin’s speech, Thomas-Greenfield noted to CNN that Putin did not use his remarks to announce a withdrawal from Ukraine signaling that Putin’s war will continue.

“There was no reason for (Putin) to either declare victory or declare a war that he has already been carrying on for more than two months,” Thomas-Greenfield said."

The musings that Putin would declare war on Ukraine, threaten neighboring NATO countries, or declare some kind of victory on Russia's Victory Day were all fantasies created by the media. Also, they love to speculate on the use of nuclear weapons.

The media coverage of this war is poor. It is hard to separate out real news from Ukrainian propaganda or American propaganda in support of Ukraine.

In modern warfare more civilians are killed than combatants. We don't need to hear the gritty details every day on every network news segment. Americans can listen only so much to crying mothers and children. War is cruel. We know that.
The axiom is true. Presidents, unless they do something drastic, have very little control over the economy. Nonetheless, if the economy is good, they get the credit, as in the case of Trump. If there are serious problems with the economy, the President gets the blame, as in the case of Biden.
There is a limit as to what a President can do when it comes to economic problems. There is very little he can do with respect to inflation, and there is nothing he can do about the supply problems which is causing inflation.

If anyone disagrees with that statement, do more than just complain. Tell us what our President can do that he isn't doing.

Republicans enjoy bitching about the economy, but they are short on solutions. Fact is, they offer none. They just bitch and blame our President for the economic woes.

It's not just Republicans bitching and laying the blame on the President.

ABC reports, "President Joe Biden on Tuesday continued his sharpened attack on what he's now calling the GOP's "ultra-MAGA" agenda as he pitched his plan to tackle inflation.

"His remarks came as the national average price of a gallon of gas hit a record high of $4.37 a gallon, AAA said."

"I want every American to know that I am taking inflation very seriously," Biden said. "It is my top domestic priority."

ABC continued, "Inflation is one of the Democratic Party's biggest problems heading into the 2022 midterm elections. Republicans have seized on higher costs to criticize Biden's domestic agenda while the White House placed some of the blame on supply chain issues, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

"Biden used his speech on Tuesday to tout what he said were recent accomplishments aimed at alleviating the increasing financial burdens on Americans, including a historic release form the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to offset soaring gas prices and reducing the national deficit. He also reiterated calls for Congress to pass other portions of his agenda that would lower the price of prescription drugs and other health care costs."

What more can he do? Tell me. I'm all ears.
As has always been the case since we became a country, our nation is facing some problems, some of them quite severe.

The problems would include inflation, supply problems, the southern border, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and our President's commitment to that country along with strengthening the NATO alliance, a pandemic which is coming around again, gunfire on our city streets that continues to set records, and so on. You get the picture.

President Biden goes about his job quietly without controversy and without conspiracies.

The mission in life for Republicans is blame our Democratic President for the problems. The difficulty is they cannot do it. Indeed, most of the problems began before Joe Biden became our President. Republicans can't name a single problem that was caused by the Biden administration.

Hence, the need for Republicans to manufacture problems with President Biden.

This contrasts sharply with the previous President, a Republican named Donald Trump. The list of problems Trump caused is endless. I will name a few.

The Russian ruler, Vladimir Putin, helped Trump become President in 2016. At Helsinki in July 2018 Trump sided with Putin over American intelligence. Trump destroyed the Iranian nuclear agreement which permanently banned Iran from making nuclear weapons. Trump took the U.S. out of the Paris Accord, a conference attacking the problems of climate change. Trump's policies got the U.S. kicked out of the Middle East talks because the Arabs no longer trusted him. Trump weakened the NATO alliance. Trump angered every member of the G-20 except Putin. Trump lost reelection by over seven million votes, then led a coup attempt to overthrow our elected government on Jan. 6, 2021.

Today, Trump is considered the leader of the Republican Party, and Republican office seekers seek his endorsement. Trump is the leading Republican candidate for the Presidency in 2024.

Republicans do not talk about Trump.

Republicans want to impose an unpopular religious belief -- an abortion ban -- on the majority of Americans who do not share that belief.

Time for Republicans to change the subject. Time to fantasize about our President's faults inasmuch as real ones do not exist.

Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott did just that, and it is sickening statement. It is difficult to accept that it came from a United States Senator describing our President. Scott mentioned nothing specific, just a cruel character assassination.

This is what he said.

“Let’s be honest here. Joe Biden is unwell. He’s unfit for office. He’s incoherent, incapacitated and confused. He doesn’t know where he is half the time. He’s incapable of leading and he’s incapable of carrying out his duties. Period. Everyone knows it. No one is willing to say it. But we have to, for the sake of the country. Joe Biden can’t do the job."
The Russian ruler, Vladimir Putin, helped Trump become President in 2016. At Helsinki in July 2018 Trump sided with Putin over American intelligence. Trump destroyed the Iranian nuclear agreement which permanently banned Iran from making nuclear weapons. Trump took the U.S. out of the Paris Accord, a conference attacking the problems of climate change. Trump's policies got the U.S. kicked out of the Middle East talks because the Arabs no longer trusted him. Trump weakened the NATO alliance. Trump angered every member of the G-20 except Putin. Trump lost reelection by over seven million votes, then led a coup attempt to overthrow our elected government on Jan. 6, 2021.
As expected there was no response from Republicans. They did not challenge anything written. They did not defend their party. The proof of this is throughout this thread.

Today, Trump is considered the leader of the Republican Party, and Republican office seekers seek his endorsement. Trump is the leading Republican candidate for the Presidency in 2024.

The Republican Party is rapidly becoming the party of authoritarianism, which is why they are so secretive about the party's activities. Republicans far prefer talking about Democrats and President Biden.

The Republican Party is being led by a buffoon who is easily manipulated. The farmers and rural shopkeepers who form a huge part of the Republican base are clueless. All they know is that Trump is their savior, and Jan. 6 is just another day in the year 2021. The vast majority of Republicans at the grassroots level are incapable of getting involved in an internet political forum like this one, which contributes to their ignorance.

The party that is leading us down the path of authoritarianism is expected to win control of Congress in November.

Most grassroots Republicans do not know what authoritarianism is.

Their silence on the issues is once again anticipated.
The Republican Party is rapidly becoming the party of authoritarianism, which is why they are so secretive about the party's activities.
Republicans want to impose an unpopular religious belief -- an abortion ban -- on the majority of Americans who do not share that belief.

Unfortunately, the Democrats do not have the votes to stop them.

The AP reports, "White evangelical Protestants stand noticeably apart from other religious people on abortion restrictions and LGBT discrimination protections, two of the most politically divisive issues at play, according to a new poll.

"The findings point to an evangelical Protestant constituency that’s more firmly aligned with the Republican agenda than other Americans of faith. White evangelicals were also more likely than members of other faiths to say religion should have at least some influence on policy making."

ABC News tells us, "The Senate failed to advance a Democratic-led bill Wednesday that would enshrine broad protections for legal abortion nationwide, a vote triggered by a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion that indicates Roe v. Wade is likely to be overturned.

"The Women's Health Protection Act, which has passed the House, won 49 votes, falling far short of the 60 senators needed to break a filibuster.

"All 50 Republicans and Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., voted against proceeding to debate. The vote was 49-51."

When asked if the court should revisit the Roe v. Wade decision, which established the federal right to abortion, 36 percent of respondents said it should be revisited, while 57 percent said the 1973 decision should remain as it is," The Hill.
Trump lost reelection by over seven million votes, then led a coup attempt to overthrow our elected government on Jan. 6, 2021.

Today, Trump is considered the leader of the Republican Party, and Republican office seekers seek his endorsement. Trump is the leading Republican candidate for the Presidency in 2024.
Politico reports, "New York Attorney General Letitia James launched the probe into the Trump Organization more than three years ago, alleging Trump misstated values of assets in his financial statements."

“For years, Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization have tried to thwart our lawful investigation, but today’s decision makes clear that no one can evade accountability. We will continue to enforce the law and seek answers as part of this investigation,” James said in the statement.

Because of alleged criminal activities, Trump avoids using a computer, does not use email, uses cell phones of staff members rather than his own, and puts nothing to paper. His orders to subordinates are verbal only.

CNN reports, "In an affidavit filed with the court, Trump said he doesn’t currently have any phones, computers or electronic devices issued to him by the Trump Organization and that he has authorized his attorneys to search his homes in Bedminster, New Jersey, his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, and his personal residence in Trump Tower for any documents sought by New York Attorney General Letitia James’ subpoena."

The Trump Organization is a group of about 500 business entities of which Donald Trump is the sole or principal owner, Wikipedia.

Trump got off the hook again and is actively engaged in endorsing Republican candidates for office.

"A New York judge on Wednesday released former President Donald Trump from a judicial order holding him in contempt of court — on the condition that he pay a $110,000 fine," Politico.
More empty threats from Russia.

CNN reports, "Finland "must be aware of the responsibility and consequences" of joining NATO, Russia's foreign ministry said in a statement Thursday, adding that Russia "will be forced" to take retaliatory steps if the country joins the alliance."

“The statement by Finnish President S. Niinistö and Finnish Prime Minister S. Marin, who spoke today in favor of Finland joining NATO, is a radical change in the country's foreign policy," the Russian foreign ministry said, adding "Helsinki must be aware of the responsibility and consequences of such a move."

"Russia will be forced to take retaliatory steps, both of a military-technical and other nature, in order to stop the threats to its national security that arise in this regard," he said.

So, what will Russia do? Attack NATO? Attacking Finland after she joins NATO is attacking NATO, and such a move is ludicrous and Putin knows it.

So does the foreign minister, but he has to play the game. The game is propaganda and fooling the Russian people with ridiculous statements.

Russian forces can't even take a Mariupol steel plant. When Finland joins NATO, there isn't a damn thing Putin can do about it.
As has always been the case since we became a country, our nation is facing some problems, some of them quite severe.

The problems would include inflation, supply problems, the southern border, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and our President's commitment to that country along with strengthening the NATO alliance, a pandemic which is coming around again, gunfire on our city streets that continues to set records, and so on. You get the picture.

President Biden goes about his job quietly without controversy and without conspiracies.

The mission in life for Republicans is blame our Democratic President for the problems. The difficulty is they cannot do it. Indeed, most of the problems began before Joe Biden became our President. Republicans can't name a single problem that was caused by the Biden administration.

Hence, the need for Republicans to manufacture problems with President Biden.

This contrasts sharply with the previous President, a Republican named Donald Trump. The list of problems Trump caused is endless. I will name a few.

The Russian ruler, Vladimir Putin, helped Trump become President in 2016. At Helsinki in July 2018 Trump sided with Putin over American intelligence. Trump destroyed the Iranian nuclear agreement which permanently banned Iran from making nuclear weapons. Trump took the U.S. out of the Paris Accord, a conference attacking the problems of climate change. Trump's policies got the U.S. kicked out of the Middle East talks because the Arabs no longer trusted him. Trump weakened the NATO alliance. Trump angered every member of the G-20 except Putin. Trump lost reelection by over seven million votes, then led a coup attempt to overthrow our elected government on Jan. 6, 2021.

Today, Trump is considered the leader of the Republican Party, and Republican office seekers seek his endorsement. Trump is the leading Republican candidate for the Presidency in 2024.

Republicans do not talk about Trump.

Republicans want to impose an unpopular religious belief -- an abortion ban -- on the majority of Americans who do not share that belief.

Time for Republicans to change the subject. Time to fantasize about our President's faults inasmuch as real ones do not exist.

Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott did just that, and it is sickening statement. It is difficult to accept that it came from a United States Senator describing our President. Scott mentioned nothing specific, just a cruel character assassination.

This is what he said.

“Let’s be honest here. Joe Biden is unwell. He’s unfit for office. He’s incoherent, incapacitated and confused. He doesn’t know where he is half the time. He’s incapable of leading and he’s incapable of carrying out his duties. Period. Everyone knows it. No one is willing to say it. But we have to, for the sake of the country. Joe Biden can’t do the job."
Every word that Senator Scott said about Xiden being unfit for the presidency is TRUE, and you know it.
He can't do real press conferences, he's a puppet, he reads a teleprompter, his approval rating is in the 20s,
he manages one disaster after another, and then there are his catastrophes in between disasters. The AFG withdrawal, no baby formula, open borders, lawlessness, the FBI calling parents "domestic terrorists",
runaway inflation, unaffordable energy prices, everything is racial, CRT, the new "Minister of Truth", and on and on and on...
Politico reports, "New York Attorney General Letitia James launched the probe into the Trump Organization more than three years ago, alleging Trump misstated values of assets in his financial statements."

“For years, Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization have tried to thwart our lawful investigation, but today’s decision makes clear that no one can evade accountability. We will continue to enforce the law and seek answers as part of this investigation,” James said in the statement.

Because of alleged criminal activities, Trump avoids using a computer, does not use email, uses cell phones of staff members rather than his own, and puts nothing to paper. His orders to subordinates are verbal only.

CNN reports, "In an affidavit filed with the court, Trump said he doesn’t currently have any phones, computers or electronic devices issued to him by the Trump Organization and that he has authorized his attorneys to search his homes in Bedminster, New Jersey, his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, and his personal residence in Trump Tower for any documents sought by New York Attorney General Letitia James’ subpoena."

The Trump Organization is a group of about 500 business entities of which Donald Trump is the sole or principal owner, Wikipedia.

Trump got off the hook again and is actively engaged in endorsing Republican candidates for office.

"A New York judge on Wednesday released former President Donald Trump from a judicial order holding him in contempt of court — on the condition that he pay a $110,000 fine," Politico.
Trump beats the crooked democrats AGAIN!!
ABC reports, "The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack subpoenaed House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and four other Republican members of Congress on Thursday for testimony about events surrounding the Capitol riot and efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

"McCarthy and the other members -- Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Andy Biggs of Arizona, Mo Brooks of Alabama and Scott Perry of Pennsylvania -- had rejected the committee's voluntary requests for cooperation in recent months."

The five Republicans are suspected of sedition in that they supported President Trump's Big Lie and that led to a coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021 whose purpose it was to overthrow our elected government.

That is a very serious charge, and, if one is innocent of the charge, it is presumed one would want to say so before the committee.

All five rejected the invitation to appear before the committee and explain their actions.

"Before we hold our hearings next month, we wished to provide members the opportunity to discuss these matters with the committee voluntarily," Committee Chair Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) said in a statement regarding the subpoenas. "Regrettably, the individuals receiving subpoenas today have refused and we're forced to take this step to help ensure the committee uncovers facts concerning January 6th. We urge our colleagues to comply with the law, do their patriotic duty, and cooperate with our investigation as hundreds of other witnesses have done."

"We have a solemn responsibility to investigate fully the fact and circumstances of the violent attack on the United States Capitol and issues relating to the peaceful transfer of power," Thompson's letter to McCarthy informing him of the subpoena.

As is their custom on this thread the forum's Republicans will stay silent on these issues that involve their party. They steadfastly avoid talking about their own party, perhaps because they are incapable of defending their party.

The difficulties in defending guilty persons are insurmountable. All this is coming to a head just in time for the elections.

The Republican Party expects to win control of Congress in November.
ABC reports, "The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack subpoenaed House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and four other Republican members of Congress on Thursday for testimony about events surrounding the Capitol riot and efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

"McCarthy and the other members -- Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Andy Biggs of Arizona, Mo Brooks of Alabama and Scott Perry of Pennsylvania -- had rejected the committee's voluntary requests for cooperation in recent months."
The five Republicans are suspected of sedition in that they supported President Trump's Big Lie and that led to a coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021 whose purpose it was to overthrow our elected government.
That is a very serious charge, and, if one is innocent of the charge, it is presumed one would want to say so before the committee.
All five rejected the invitation to appear before the committee and explain their actions.
"Before we hold our hearings next month, we wished to provide members the opportunity to discuss these matters with the committee voluntarily," Committee Chair Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) said in a statement regarding the subpoenas. "Regrettably, the individuals receiving subpoenas today have refused and we're forced to take this step to help ensure the committee uncovers facts concerning January 6th. We urge our colleagues to comply with the law, do their patriotic duty, and cooperate with our investigation as hundreds of other witnesses have done."
"We have a solemn responsibility to investigate fully the fact and circumstances of the violent attack on the United States Capitol and issues relating to the peaceful transfer of power," Thompson's letter to McCarthy informing him of the subpoena.
As is their custom on this thread the forum's Republicans will stay silent on these issues that involve their party. They steadfastly avoid talking about their own party, perhaps because they are incapable of defending their party.
The difficulties in defending guilty persons are insurmountable. All this is coming to a head just in time for the elections.
The Republican Party expects to win control of Congress in November.
The fucking FBI already investigated J6 and said there was no insurrection, they prosecuted the "rioters" for trespassing and the like. The fucking democrats want a TV show trial, like their failed "TV impeachments", shitty lawyers do shitty things. They can have their TV show trial and I hope it blows up in their faces. My money is on the Republicans...
Jen will be missed. She did an extraordinary job in an extremely difficult position.

CNN reports, "Jen Psaki held her 224th and final briefing as White House press secretary on Friday afternoon.

"Psaki thanked press office colleagues and members of the media, telling the reporters, “You have challenged me, you have pushed me, you have debated me, and at times we have disagreed. That is democracy in action. That is it working.”

"Psaki’s successor, Karine Jean-Pierre, confirmed on Friday that she will continue to hold regular briefings.

"Embedded in their remarks on Friday is a stark difference between presidents and parties. In about 16 months working on behalf of President Joe Biden, Psaki held a greater number of briefings than all of President Donald Trump’s press secretaries combined. The Trump-era total was 205, according to Martha Joynt Kumar, director of the White House Transition Project. Kumar counted 58 briefings by Sean Spicer, 107 by Sarah Sanders, zero by Stephanie Grisham, and 40 by Kayleigh McEnany during a four-year period."
Jen will be missed. She did an extraordinary job in an extremely difficult position.
CNN reports, "Jen Psaki held her 224th and final briefing as White House press secretary on Friday afternoon.
"Psaki thanked press office colleagues and members of the media, telling the reporters, “You have challenged me, you have pushed me, you have debated me, and at times we have disagreed. That is democracy in action. That is it working.”
"Psaki’s successor, Karine Jean-Pierre, confirmed on Friday that she will continue to hold regular briefings.
"Embedded in their remarks on Friday is a stark difference between presidents and parties. In about 16 months working on behalf of President Joe Biden, Psaki held a greater number of briefings than all of President Donald Trump’s press secretaries combined. The Trump-era total was 205, according to Martha Joynt Kumar, director of the White House Transition Project. Kumar counted 58 briefings by Sean Spicer, 107 by Sarah Sanders, zero by Stephanie Grisham, and 40 by Kayleigh McEnany during a four-year period."
Liars by any other name...Psaki...Jean-Pierre...Xiden...Mayorkas...
How many "Pinnochios" did the Xiden team get compared to Trump's team? Probably more.
We know that the "fake news" dems with their "Russia Collusion" hoax and Mueller investigation scam, and constant MSM 95% negative "fake news" bias against Trump covered up democrat lies against Trump.
Waiting to see the new "Minister of Truth" in action, bet they say a ton of whoppers....
According to FiveThirtyEight, which is a poll that averages several leading polls, our President's current approval number is 42%.

If you or anyone really thinks that even 4 in 10 people LIKE Joe Biden much less APPROVE of the job he is doing then you got sand and rocks in your head.
The Republican Party is rapidly becoming the party of authoritarianism, which is why they are so secretive about the party's activities.
Republicans want to impose an unpopular religious belief -- an abortion ban -- on the majority of Americans who do not share that belief.

Now the Republican Party wants dictate to private businesses what they can share with their customers. Republicans want the government to control Facebook content, not Facebook.

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding a pregnancy such as the health of the woman, age of the woman marital status of the woman, causes of the pregnancy. the Republican Party wants the government to impose its will on the woman. The freedom of women to decide is to be removed, according to the Republican party. Some Republican state governments want to criminalize abortion, and that would include the pregnant woman.

Here is a rundown of a handful of Republican states that currently have the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. In each case the government decides the fate of the woman regardless of circumstances.

Abortion is currently legal in Mississippi, but the state already has some of the most restrictive laws that make it extremely difficult to access abortion care. There is only one licensed abortion facility in the entire state where clinic workers can provide medication abortions and abortion procedures at up to 16 weeks.

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a bill into law earlier this week that bans abortion after six weeks, which is typically before a woman knows she is pregnant.

Last year, Texas passed a bill that bans most abortions after six weeks.

There are currently only two places in Arkansas that offer abortion care. If the Supreme Court were to officially overturn Roe v. Wade, abortions would be banned in the state immediately unless needed to save the life of the mother. Anyone who performs an abortion could face up to 10 years in prison and a $100,000 fine, under the law.

Source: The Hill.

Little wonder as to why Republicans do not want to talk about this.

That was only the beginning. More begins in Texas.

CNN reports, "Texas residents can now sue Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for allegedly censoring their content after a federal appeals court sided Wednesday with the state’s law restricting how social media sites can moderate their platforms.

"The 15-word ruling allowing the law, which had been blocked last year, to take effect has significant potential consequences. Most immediately, it creates new legal risks for the tech giants, and opens them up to a possible wave of litigation that legal experts say would be costly and difficult to defend.

"Texas’s law makes it illegal for any social media platform with 50 million or more US monthly users to “block, ban, remove, deplatform, demonetize, de-boost, restrict, deny equal access or visibility to, or otherwise discriminate against expression.”

"Discriminate against expression.” That's bad. Texas, by omission, virtually admits discrimination against race is okay under this new law.

Which freedoms are next to come under government control when Republicans are in charge?

Do grassroots Republicans, mostly farmers, ranchers, and rural shopkeepers, know what is going on in their name? Hell no, most are not internet savvy and, when it comes to the news, they are mostly interested in the weather. All they know is, Trump is their savior.

Here is what is interesting about today's Republicans. They not only do not talk about what their party is doing, they try very hard to discourage others from talking about the Republican Party. It doesn't work, but they try.
President Biden wanted his defense secretary and chairman of chiefs of staff to talk to their Russian counterpart, but Putin wouldn't allow it.

That changed for the moment.

CNN reports, "US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart for the first time since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Pentagon announced on Friday.

"The call lasted approximately an hour and was at the request of Austin, who used the first call between the two in 84 days to urge Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to implement an “immediate ceasefire,” according to a brief readout of the call. The two last spoke on February 18, a week before Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine.

"Following the call between Austin and Shoigu, Milley is also expected to reach out to his Russian counterpart to see if it’s possible to schedule a call, a defense official tells CNN, but there is no conversation currently on the schedule."

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