The Big Fucking Lie That Everyone Is Repeating This Week

Direct quotes from the video:

February 11, 2020
Press Conference
"A lot of people think it goes away in April".

February 22, 2020
Interviewer: "Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?"
Trump: "No, not at all, and we have it totally under control."

February 22, 2020
Interviewer: "How concerned are you?"
Trump: "Well, we've pretty much shut it down."

February 26, 2020
Press Conference
"Within a couple of days it's gonna be down to close to zero."

February 28, 2020
South Carolina Rally, to Press
"Almost everybody that we see is getting better. And it could be everybody, too."

March 2, 2020
MAGA Rally
"They're gonna have vaccines, I think, relatively soon. And they're gonna have something that makes you better, and that's gonna take place, we think, even sooner."

March 3, 2020
Telephone Interview
"We have thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people, that get better, just by sitting around, and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better".

March 6, 2020
"As of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test, that's the important thing, and the tests are all perfect. Like the letter was perfect".

March 6, 2020
Interviewer: "What do you say to Americans who say they are concerned that you are not taking this seriously enough and that some of your statements don't match what your health experts are saying?"
Trump: (Waving the question off) "That's CNN. Fake News".

March 10, 2020
Press Conference
Trump: "It's really working out, and a lot of good things are gonna happen".

March 17, 2020
Press Conference
"This is a pandemic. I've felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic".

Social Media liars will dispute the facts every time to protect Dumb Donald, he and they lie and lie and lie.

They are absolutely committed. They will enable him to the end. 100% devotion, 0% accountability.
Pelosi went to Chinatown and encouraged everyone to visit. Why aren’t libs blasting her for not taking it seriously?
Trump should have issued an executive order banning Nancy Pelosi from going to the Chinese New Year Parade.
Trump is the one who screwed up....not innocent Nancy Pelosi...who tore up his warnings after his SOTU speech.
The Dems need some narrative because they believe they are going to lose this fall. They need to distract from the failed impeachment, the public opinion went to Trump. Trump was looking strong during the first part of this virus. The economy can't be put on Trump because the public knows that the virus was moving along well until the Coronavirus shut us down. Dems like Cuomo and Whitmer hurt the Dems narrative. Sanders dropped and now the Dems have another weak candidate in Biden, a man who criticized Trump for restricting travel with China.

I believe Jay Inslee, did a great job in handling the virus in Washington State, however he was bounced out of the race early on.

All they can make up is the virus response but that will because of China's deception and how the World Health Organization played politics.

The longer this crisis plays out, the better the chance of Trump being re-elected.

Direct quotes from the video:

February 11, 2020
Press Conference
"A lot of people think it goes away in April".

February 22, 2020
Interviewer: "Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?"
Trump: "No, not at all, and we have it totally under control."

February 22, 2020
Interviewer: "How concerned are you?"
Trump: "Well, we've pretty much shut it down."

February 26, 2020
Press Conference
"Within a couple of days it's gonna be down to close to zero."

February 28, 2020
South Carolina Rally, to Press
"Almost everybody that we see is getting better. And it could be everybody, too."

March 2, 2020
MAGA Rally
"They're gonna have vaccines, I think, relatively soon. And they're gonna have something that makes you better, and that's gonna take place, we think, even sooner."

March 3, 2020
Telephone Interview
"We have thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people, that get better, just by sitting around, and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better".

March 6, 2020
"As of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test, that's the important thing, and the tests are all perfect. Like the letter was perfect".

March 6, 2020
Interviewer: "What do you say to Americans who say they are concerned that you are not taking this seriously enough and that some of your statements don't match what your health experts are saying?"
Trump: (Waving the question off) "That's CNN. Fake News".

March 10, 2020
Press Conference
Trump: "It's really working out, and a lot of good things are gonna happen".

March 17, 2020
Press Conference
"This is a pandemic. I've felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic".

Social Media liars will dispute the facts every time to protect Dumb Donald, he and they lie and lie and lie.

They are absolutely committed. They will enable him to the end. 100% devotion, 0% accountability.

Fuck fucking hack.
Nobody cares what you think anymore.
We're all fed up with all of you assholes that don't have a thing to contribute to solving the problem.
My suggestion is that you all move to China or Venezuela, and try living in the society you want to subject us all to.


Direct quotes from the video:

February 11, 2020
Press Conference
"A lot of people think it goes away in April".

February 22, 2020
Interviewer: "Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?"
Trump: "No, not at all, and we have it totally under control."

February 22, 2020
Interviewer: "How concerned are you?"
Trump: "Well, we've pretty much shut it down."

February 26, 2020
Press Conference
"Within a couple of days it's gonna be down to close to zero."

February 28, 2020
South Carolina Rally, to Press
"Almost everybody that we see is getting better. And it could be everybody, too."

March 2, 2020
MAGA Rally
"They're gonna have vaccines, I think, relatively soon. And they're gonna have something that makes you better, and that's gonna take place, we think, even sooner."

March 3, 2020
Telephone Interview
"We have thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people, that get better, just by sitting around, and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better".

March 6, 2020
"As of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test, that's the important thing, and the tests are all perfect. Like the letter was perfect".

March 6, 2020
Interviewer: "What do you say to Americans who say they are concerned that you are not taking this seriously enough and that some of your statements don't match what your health experts are saying?"
Trump: (Waving the question off) "That's CNN. Fake News".

March 10, 2020
Press Conference
Trump: "It's really working out, and a lot of good things are gonna happen".

March 17, 2020
Press Conference
"This is a pandemic. I've felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic".

Social Media liars will dispute the facts every time to protect Dumb Donald, he and they lie and lie and lie.

They are absolutely committed. They will enable him to the end. 100% devotion, 0% accountability.

Fuck fucking hack.
Nobody cares what you think anymore.
We're all fed up with all of you assholes that don't have a thing to contribute to solving the problem.
My suggestion is that you all move to China or Venezuela, and try living in the society you want to subject us all to.

Ol' Mac never has to name names. Ever.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

You're the one lying. Every expert in the US says he waited until too late. Every expert who.aftually spoke to him.says they were ignored. We are being told he was briefed in November and every day after that and did nothing.

Stop lying to defend a liar. It makes all of us look bad.

Every expert working for the left.
Course a ton of them have an agenda and are reading of the same fucking script.....but let's all ignore that silliness.

So, all experts work for the left?

Weird, it's almost like the right doesn't like science and scientists.

they did, yes.

Direct quotes from the video:

February 11, 2020
Press Conference
"A lot of people think it goes away in April".

February 22, 2020
Interviewer: "Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?"
Trump: "No, not at all, and we have it totally under control."

February 22, 2020
Interviewer: "How concerned are you?"
Trump: "Well, we've pretty much shut it down."

February 26, 2020
Press Conference
"Within a couple of days it's gonna be down to close to zero."

February 28, 2020
South Carolina Rally, to Press
"Almost everybody that we see is getting better. And it could be everybody, too."

March 2, 2020
MAGA Rally
"They're gonna have vaccines, I think, relatively soon. And they're gonna have something that makes you better, and that's gonna take place, we think, even sooner."

March 3, 2020
Telephone Interview
"We have thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people, that get better, just by sitting around, and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better".

March 6, 2020
"As of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test, that's the important thing, and the tests are all perfect. Like the letter was perfect".

March 6, 2020
Interviewer: "What do you say to Americans who say they are concerned that you are not taking this seriously enough and that some of your statements don't match what your health experts are saying?"
Trump: (Waving the question off) "That's CNN. Fake News".

March 10, 2020
Press Conference
Trump: "It's really working out, and a lot of good things are gonna happen".

March 17, 2020
Press Conference
"This is a pandemic. I've felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic".

Social Media liars will dispute the facts every time to protect Dumb Donald, he and they lie

They are absolutely committed. They will enable him to the end. 100% devotion, 0% accountability.

Did arrogance kill New Yorkers?

“Excuse our arrogance as New Yorkers — I speak for the mayor also on this one — we think we have the best health care system on the planet right here in New York,” Mr. Cuomo said on March 2. “So, when you’re saying, what happened in other countries versus what happened here, we don’t even think it’s going to be as bad as it was in other countries.”

The POTUS responded at a MINIMUM of 1 month too late, causing a MINIMUM of tens of thousands of American lives.

Direct quotes from the video:

February 11, 2020
Press Conference
"A lot of people think it goes away in April".

February 22, 2020
Interviewer: "Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?"
Trump: "No, not at all, and we have it totally under control."

February 22, 2020
Interviewer: "How concerned are you?"
Trump: "Well, we've pretty much shut it down."

February 26, 2020
Press Conference
"Within a couple of days it's gonna be down to close to zero."

February 28, 2020
South Carolina Rally, to Press
"Almost everybody that we see is getting better. And it could be everybody, too."

March 2, 2020
MAGA Rally
"They're gonna have vaccines, I think, relatively soon. And they're gonna have something that makes you better, and that's gonna take place, we think, even sooner."

March 3, 2020
Telephone Interview
"We have thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people, that get better, just by sitting around, and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better".

March 6, 2020
"As of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test, that's the important thing, and the tests are all perfect. Like the letter was perfect".

March 6, 2020
Interviewer: "What do you say to Americans who say they are concerned that you are not taking this seriously enough and that some of your statements don't match what your health experts are saying?"
Trump: (Waving the question off) "That's CNN. Fake News".

March 10, 2020
Press Conference
Trump: "It's really working out, and a lot of good things are gonna happen".

March 17, 2020
Press Conference
"This is a pandemic. I've felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic".

Yeah, sure, because the situation at hand never changes. If there is no immediate threat then there is no coming threat, lol.

Why does anyone have to sit down and patiently explain why what Trump said was valid at the time, and not a single statement was a falsehood on his part?

Good Fucking greif, dude, get OVER IT!

Trump has done a great job according to various Democrat leaders, but yes, we do know that EVERY ELECTED REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT SINCE 1960 HAS BEEN DEEMED INCOMPETENT OR DISHONEST BY DEMOCRATS!


The POTUS responded at a MINIMUM of 1 month too late, causing a MINIMUM of tens of thousands of American lives.
why did his expert tell him not to worry then? didn't you want trump listening to his experts? did you miss my post?
March 17, 2020
Press Conference
"This is a pandemic. I've felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic".
Taking snippets and parsing words in press briefings is not a convincing argument, dickhead.
Trump is doing his damn best and the DEMOCRATS KEEP ON SLANDERING HIM as if they hav e any objectivity or credibility at all.

AND THEY DONT, NOT ONE ATOM of doubt about how they will rag on any elected Republican.

GAWD DAMN I AM SO SICK OF THESE LYING FAKE FUCKSTICKS slan dering good people that are way above any Democrat shit stain on the planet.

Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

CDC director says he recommended some states lock down in February as reports indicate White House knew of coronavirus threat before they let on and Donald Trump retweets '#fireFauci
  • The White House issued social distancing guidelines about three weeks after the recommendations from Redfield and immunologist Anthony Fauci
  • Fauci said Sunday morning that if lockdowns and social distancing guidelines were implemented by the president sooner, more lives could have been saved
They are absolutely committed. They will enable him to the end. 100% devotion, 0% accountability.
Oh, go piss in the wind, you damned liar.

I posted an article by a Democrat reporter working for a Democrat paper and she exposed how you Democrats are still crooks, cutting deals wtih violent criminal gangs and then you posture and pose as if the problem is guns.


To hell with every gawd damned one of you!
Not sure what you think that proves

The same guy who said closing everything earlier could have saved lives stood next to the President on February 29th and said the risk to the country is low.

If the expert is saying the risk is could Trump close the country based on that assessment?

Now he says...well had we closed earlier some lives could have been saved. Why would we have closed earlier when YOU said the risk to the country was low?

Now, I'm sure with hindsight that what he is saying is correct. But not knowing what we know now...and taking Fauci at his word at the time...a shut down was a political impossibility.

Make sense to you now. I don't expect you to attempt to refute this with logical and critical thinking, but I'd appreciate it if you disagree to give it the old college try.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

CDC director says he recommended some states lock down in February as reports indicate White House knew of coronavirus threat before they let on and Donald Trump retweets '#fireFauci
  • The White House issued social distancing guidelines about three weeks after the recommendations from Redfield and immunologist Anthony Fauci
  • Fauci said Sunday morning that if lockdowns and social distancing guidelines were implemented by the president sooner, more lives could have been saved


Another Gawd Damned Lie from Democrat Chicom appologists.

Fuck off.

Direct quotes from the video:

February 11, 2020
Press Conference
"A lot of people think it goes away in April".

February 22, 2020
Interviewer: "Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?"
Trump: "No, not at all, and we have it totally under control."

February 22, 2020
Interviewer: "How concerned are you?"
Trump: "Well, we've pretty much shut it down."

February 26, 2020
Press Conference
"Within a couple of days it's gonna be down to close to zero."

February 28, 2020
South Carolina Rally, to Press
"Almost everybody that we see is getting better. And it could be everybody, too."

March 2, 2020
MAGA Rally
"They're gonna have vaccines, I think, relatively soon. And they're gonna have something that makes you better, and that's gonna take place, we think, even sooner."

March 3, 2020
Telephone Interview
"We have thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people, that get better, just by sitting around, and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better".

March 6, 2020
"As of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test, that's the important thing, and the tests are all perfect. Like the letter was perfect".

March 6, 2020
Interviewer: "What do you say to Americans who say they are concerned that you are not taking this seriously enough and that some of your statements don't match what your health experts are saying?"
Trump: (Waving the question off) "That's CNN. Fake News".

March 10, 2020
Press Conference
Trump: "It's really working out, and a lot of good things are gonna happen".

March 17, 2020
Press Conference
"This is a pandemic. I've felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic".

Social Media liars will dispute the facts every time to protect Dumb Donald, he and they lie and lie and lie.

They are absolutely committed. They will enable him to the end. 100% devotion, 0% accountability.

Handle this...I resent the fact that Trump has his head up SA's ass.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Liberals and Trump haters are experts at revisionist history and selective amnesia.
Not sure what you think that proves

The same guy who said closing everything earlier could have saved lives stood next to the President on February 29th and said the risk to the country is low.

If the expert is saying the risk is could Trump close the country based on that assessment?

Now he says...well had we closed earlier some lives could have been saved. Why would we have closed earlier when YOU said the risk to the country was low?

Now, I'm sure with hindsight that what he is saying is correct. But not knowing what we know now...and taking Fauci at his word at the time...a shut down was a political impossibility.

Make sense to you now. I don't expect you to attempt to refute this with logical and critical thinking, but I'd appreciate it if you disagree to give it the old college try.
We are in the middle of a life and death crisis and Democrats just cannot help themselves. They have to lie, lie, lie, and lie more about the great job Trump is doing, trying to cost him votes and sacrificing American lives to d it.

Already Hydroxychlorquin e is being with held by various governors and putting people lives at risk ALL BECAUSE OF THE UNENDING POLITICAL SHENANIGANS!



Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

CDC director says he recommended some states lock down in February as reports indicate White House knew of coronavirus threat before they let on and Donald Trump retweets '#fireFauci
  • The White House issued social distancing guidelines about three weeks after the recommendations from Redfield and immunologist Anthony Fauci
  • Fauci said Sunday morning that if lockdowns and social distancing guidelines were implemented by the president sooner, more lives could have been saved


Another Gawd Damned Lie from Democrat Chicom appologists.

Fuck off.

Wow! You have really OD'd on that Kool-Aid. These are people in the Trump administration. The accusations are either true or Trump has some very bad people at the highest levels. Either way, it doesn't speak very highly of Mr. Trump's competence.

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