The Big Fucking Lie That Everyone Is Repeating This Week

They don't care that they were lied to at such a critical moment.

They'll defend anything.

A bad track record of this, in human history.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

CDC director says he recommended some states lock down in February as reports indicate White House knew of coronavirus threat before they let on and Donald Trump retweets '#fireFauci
  • The White House issued social distancing guidelines about three weeks after the recommendations from Redfield and immunologist Anthony Fauci
  • Fauci said Sunday morning that if lockdowns and social distancing guidelines were implemented by the president sooner, more lives could have been saved

but this is the expert saying something differently. why?

DeAnna Lorraine, a pro-Trump congressional candidate who polled less than 2% in an open primary challenge to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., claimed in a tweet, "Fauci is now saying that had Trump listened to the medical experts earlier he could've saved more lives. Fauci was telling people on February 29th that there was nothing to worry about and it posed no threat to the US public at large."

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Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

CDC director says he recommended some states lock down in February as reports indicate White House knew of coronavirus threat before they let on and Donald Trump retweets '#fireFauci
  • The White House issued social distancing guidelines about three weeks after the recommendations from Redfield and immunologist Anthony Fauci
  • Fauci said Sunday morning that if lockdowns and social distancing guidelines were implemented by the president sooner, more lives could have been saved


Another Gawd Damned Lie from Democrat Chicom appologists.

Fuck off.

Wow! You have really OD'd on that Kool-Aid. These are people in the Trump administration. The accusations are either true or Trump has some very bad people at the highest levels. Either way, it doesn't speak very highly of Mr. Trump's competence.

Do you really believe everything you hear?
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

You're the one lying. Every expert in the US says he waited until too late. Every expert who.aftually spoke to him.says they were ignored. We are being told he was briefed in November and every day after that and did nothing.

Stop lying to defend a liar. It makes all of us look bad.

Now it is November and not December and the WHO was not informed about the twenty plus cases until December 31st 2019 but Trump and the CDC knew in November...

Fucking amazing isn't it!?!
Wow! You have really OD'd on that Kool-Aid. These are people in the Trump administration. The accusations are either true or Trump has some very bad people at the highest levels. Either way, it doesn't speak very highly of Mr. Trump's competence.
So where is the control sample/group, Alan?

There isnt one as every elected Republican President has been targetted by Democrat lying slanderers just like you.

Go piss up a rope you damned liar.

You lie when it can cost lives and you dont give a shit, go fuck yourself.
Trump blocked some travel from China and then declared “Mission Accomplished”

What else was there for him to do?

While Trump was announcing the Virus was beaten, cases would not rise and quickly go down to zero and comparing the virus to the flu, he should have been using the time to get tests out there, urge isolation and gathering respirators
The only people making those claims were DEMOCRATS telling people all is well and come on out and play. Your a fucking liar who is projecting to hide your failures and promoting the deaths of thousands..
They don't care that they were lied to at such a critical moment.
They'll defend anything.
A bad track record of this, in human history.
Total and complete Democrat jack ass kaka.

No Democrat has ever had a single damned good thing to say about an elected Rep[ublican President and so you lying PoS have tried to impeachh every gawd damned on of them.


Because you do not believe in anything more than robbing US tax payers blind, that is why.

It is all about the money as you sell influence to criminal gangs and use them to fake up/harvest votes.

Piss off you skanky lying peice of shyte.
Damn if you do and damned if you don't

I wonder if the folks at Southampton University did a study on the US response or if the results might just be the same.......
They don't care that they were lied to at such a critical moment.
They'll defend anything.
A bad track record of this, in human history.
Total and complete Democrat jack ass kaka.

No Democrat has ever had a single damned good thing to say about an elected Rep[ublican President and so you lying PoS have tried to impeachh every gawd damned on of them.


Because you do not believe in anything more than robbing US tax payers blind, that is why.

It is all about the money as you sell influence to criminal gangs and use them to fake up/harvest votes.

Piss off you skanky lying peice of shyte.
Come on Mac, tell us some more lies about how you honestly gave Trump a chance but wound up concluding that Trump was just not a decent President, like every other Republican President since Eisenhower.

You really are a disgusting whore.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

You're the one lying. Every expert in the US says he waited until too late. Every expert who.aftually spoke to him.says they were ignored. We are being told he was briefed in November and every day after that and did nothing.

Stop lying to defend a liar. It makes all of us look bad.

Now it is November and not December and the WHO was not informed about the twenty plus cases until December 31st 2019 but Trump and the CDC knew in November...

Fucking amazing isn't it!?!

Amazing.. Trump must be clairvoyant.... more left wing fools lies and deceptions... Do they know most Americans are not that stupid?
They don't care that they were lied to at such a critical moment.
They'll defend anything.
A bad track record of this, in human history.
Total and complete Democrat jack ass kaka.

No Democrat has ever had a single damned good thing to say about an elected Rep[ublican President and so you lying PoS have tried to impeachh every gawd damned on of them.


Because you do not believe in anything more than robbing US tax payers blind, that is why.

It is all about the money as you sell influence to criminal gangs and use them to fake up/harvest votes.

Piss off you skanky lying peice of shyte.
You guys really need to calm down.

This is your time. The next one to five years is Trump's time. The Age of Trumpism.

You guys don't need to be so sensitive. Be proud of your unequivocal devotion.

In the meantime, I'll remain confident that we'll get past this.

Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Trump waited until it was too late. If he climbs on a plane on January 22nd, comes home and starts taking decisive action to mobilize the proper government agencies to take action, maybe we don't have to shut the entire country down. The right wing media has been in an absolute death spin of frenzy trying to shift blame for the response to this virus. But the bottom line here is that the lion share of the blame goes to Trump. It was more important to tweet, hold his pep rallies, watch Fox News and golf. No amount of spin will change that. That nice bump in the polls he got after March 13th is evaporating...rapidly. Questions are already being asked of him and his administration of why the response was delayed.

At a time Trump should have been warning an impending threat and advising caution, Trump was minimizing the threat and mocking those who warned of a national catastrophe.

We lost precious time
Yeah kin
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

oh since mr hypocrite liar himself says that,it must be true.:auiqs.jpg:we should all listen to the op. :biggrin: kinda like the fucking liar you always are that Reagan was not corrupt and not an evil man,and that the republicans are not evil like the democrats are. A troll like you would know who is a fucking liar all right,pot meet kettle:laughing0301:
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

You're the one lying. Every expert in the US says he waited until too late. Every expert who.aftually spoke to him.says they were ignored. We are being told he was briefed in November and every day after that and did nothing.

Stop lying to defend a liar. It makes all of us look bad.

Now it is November and not December and the WHO was not informed about the twenty plus cases until December 31st 2019 but Trump and the CDC knew in November...

Fucking amazing isn't it!?!

Amazing.. Trump must be clairvoyant.... more left wing fools lies and deceptions... Do they know most Americans are not that stupid?

Trump is clairvoyant. The virus was no worse than the common flu.
Thank god he warned us
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

You're the one lying. Every expert in the US says he waited until too late. Every expert who.aftually spoke to him.says they were ignored. We are being told he was briefed in November and every day after that and did nothing.

Stop lying to defend a liar. It makes all of us look bad.

Fauci said the same thing this morning

Trump is outraged
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

CDC director says he recommended some states lock down in February as reports indicate White House knew of coronavirus threat before they let on and Donald Trump retweets '#fireFauci
  • The White House issued social distancing guidelines about three weeks after the recommendations from Redfield and immunologist Anthony Fauci
  • Fauci said Sunday morning that if lockdowns and social distancing guidelines were implemented by the president sooner, more lives could have been saved

but this is the expert saying something differently. why?

Excellent question and I certainly don't know the answer:
  • was he saying one thing to reassure the public and another to Trump?
  • was he a loyalist and this similar to Colin Powell and the WMDs in Iraq?
I don't see how Fauci's hindsight really matters as he was only one of many advisers:
  • The National Security Council office responsible for tracking pandemics received intelligence reports in early January predicting the spread of the virus to the United States, and within weeks was raising options like keeping Americans home from work and shutting down cities the size of Chicago. Mr. Trump would avoid such steps until March.
  • Despite Mr. Trump’s denial weeks later, he was told at the time about a Jan. 29 memo produced by his trade adviser, Peter Navarro, laying out in striking detail the potential risks of a coronavirus pandemic: as many as half a million deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses.
  • The health and human services secretary, Alex M. Azar II, directly warned Mr. Trump of the possibility of a pandemic during a call on Jan. 30, the second warning he delivered to the president about the virus in two weeks. The president, who was on Air Force One while traveling for appearances in the Midwest, responded that Mr. Azar was being alarmist.
  • Mr. Azar publicly announced in February that the government was establishing a “surveillance” system in five American cities to measure the spread of the virus and enable experts to project the next hot spots. It was delayed for weeks. The slow start of that plan, on top of the well-documented failures to develop the nation’s testing capacity, left administration officials with almost no insight into how rapidly the virus was spreading. “We were flying the plane with no instruments,” one official said.
  • By the third week in February, the administration’s top public health experts concluded they should recommend to Mr. Trump a new approach that would include warning the American people of the risks and urging steps like social distancing and staying home from work. But the White House focused instead on messaging and crucial additional weeks went by before their views were reluctantly accepted by the president — time when the virus spread largely unimpeded.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

CDC director says he recommended some states lock down in February as reports indicate White House knew of coronavirus threat before they let on and Donald Trump retweets '#fireFauci
  • The White House issued social distancing guidelines about three weeks after the recommendations from Redfield and immunologist Anthony Fauci
  • Fauci said Sunday morning that if lockdowns and social distancing guidelines were implemented by the president sooner, more lives could have been saved

but this is the expert saying something differently. why?

Excellent question and I certainly don't know the answer:
  • was he saying one thing to reassure the public and another to Trump?
  • was he a loyalist and this similar to Colin Powell and the WMDs in Iraq?
I don't see how Fauci's hindsight really matters as he was only one of many advisers:
  • The National Security Council office responsible for tracking pandemics received intelligence reports in early January predicting the spread of the virus to the United States, and within weeks was raising options like keeping Americans home from work and shutting down cities the size of Chicago. Mr. Trump would avoid such steps until March.
  • Despite Mr. Trump’s denial weeks later, he was told at the time about a Jan. 29 memo produced by his trade adviser, Peter Navarro, laying out in striking detail the potential risks of a coronavirus pandemic: as many as half a million deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses.
  • The health and human services secretary, Alex M. Azar II, directly warned Mr. Trump of the possibility of a pandemic during a call on Jan. 30, the second warning he delivered to the president about the virus in two weeks. The president, who was on Air Force One while traveling for appearances in the Midwest, responded that Mr. Azar was being alarmist.
  • Mr. Azar publicly announced in February that the government was establishing a “surveillance” system in five American cities to measure the spread of the virus and enable experts to project the next hot spots. It was delayed for weeks. The slow start of that plan, on top of the well-documented failures to develop the nation’s testing capacity, left administration officials with almost no insight into how rapidly the virus was spreading. “We were flying the plane with no instruments,” one official said.
  • By the third week in February, the administration’s top public health experts concluded they should recommend to Mr. Trump a new approach that would include warning the American people of the risks and urging steps like social distancing and staying home from work. But the White House focused instead on messaging and crucial additional weeks went by before their views were reluctantly accepted by the president — time when the virus spread largely unimpeded.

well he, Fauci, was the expert, that's why. now you don't want trump to listen to the experts after saying trump should listen to the experts?
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

You're the one lying. Every expert in the US says he waited until too late. Every expert who.aftually spoke to him.says they were ignored. We are being told he was briefed in November and every day after that and did nothing.

Stop lying to defend a liar. It makes all of us look bad.

/----/ And what was the timeline you libtards say he should have followed -- using your 20/20 hindsight?

not spending 6-8 weeks denying reality would have been a good start.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

You're the one lying. Every expert in the US says he waited until too late. Every expert who.aftually spoke to him.says they were ignored. We are being told he was briefed in November and every day after that and did nothing.

Stop lying to defend a liar. It makes all of us look bad.

/----/ And what was the timeline you libtards say he should have followed -- using your 20/20 hindsight?

monday morning quarterbacking.
Trump did not wait till it was too late.

Don't believe these Deep State jerks that keep repeating the same lie as if they're reading it off of a cue-card.
Trump talked about fighting the virus in his State Of The Union address Feb 4...and Nancy Pelosi decided to tear it to pieces.

Does anyone remember all of the statements in January from Democrats about acting like nothing was going on?
I do.

View attachment 322907
While they were busy trying to kick Trump out of office the virus was already spreading.
In late Feb Nancy Pelosi was telling everyone things were fine.

To make things worse...the CDC made sure that hundreds of Americans living in Wuhan China were brought here before a single reported case. Now Dr Fauci is going around telling everyone that Trump is the one who screwed up....not him. At least that is what the corrupt media is claiming. If anything....the CDC made sure it was spread, not Trump. The Democrats were calling Trump a racist and a xenophobe for banning flights from China.....yet these SOBs think they can repeat this lie and maybe enough idiots will believe them.

Liberals and Trump haters are experts at revisionist history and selective amnesia.

or just flat out lying about what they said.

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