The Biggest Jewish Trick of All

If there was a "tribe" of Judah or Jewdah, and there was a "tribe" of Israel; wouldn't a tribe of Judah or Jewdah, be more Jewish or Ju-ish?

Not much difference between Canaanites and Hebrews, they intermarried. I don't know since they didn't have a J back then they must of been called yews.
wrong Jesus was a PHARISEE -----tell me what about him was NOT PHARISEE? You have been misled-----not your fault. The money changers were people who exchanged foreign coin for local coin------a necessary function since lots of people came to Jerusalem----they were in CAHOOTS with the ROMANS AND SADDUCEES------the pharisees hated them. The fact that Jesus attacked is one of the many proofs that HE was a Pharisee. No other people hated them so much that they would attack them in the temple courtyard. His action was ENTIRELY consistent with his being a PHARISEE-----your sunday school teacher did not know. The romans hated the Pharisees. ----that is why CONSTANTINE made Jesus a non Pharisee. Constantine screwed up christianity

Jesus is the Messiah the chosen one who did not like the Pharisees or the Sadducees or the money changes who made a mockery of the traditions.

not entirely true, peach------but if that is what you wish to believe----fine with me.

I'll say the same with you.
When Jesus returns you will know the truth.

Ok ----I already know----when and if Jesus "returns"------he will not have lunch in your house.

He won't have lunch in anyone's house, he will be ruling the world from Jerusalem and believers will be having lunch with him is his house.

ok baby----but the lunch will be kosher----very kosher
Jesus is the Messiah the chosen one who did not like the Pharisees or the Sadducees or the money changes who made a mockery of the traditions.

not entirely true, peach------but if that is what you wish to believe----fine with me.

I'll say the same with you.
When Jesus returns you will know the truth.

Ok ----I already know----when and if Jesus "returns"------he will not have lunch in your house.

He won't have lunch in anyone's house, he will be ruling the world from Jerusalem and believers will be having lunch with him is his house.

ok baby----but the lunch will be kosher----very kosher

no he ate with gentiles. we are the chosen ones now.
not entirely true, peach------but if that is what you wish to believe----fine with me.

I'll say the same with you.
When Jesus returns you will know the truth.

Ok ----I already know----when and if Jesus "returns"------he will not have lunch in your house.

He won't have lunch in anyone's house, he will be ruling the world from Jerusalem and believers will be having lunch with him is his house.

ok baby----but the lunch will be kosher----very kosher

no he ate with gentiles. we are the chosen ones now.

try reading the book-----I know that reading is not consistent with your "culture"----but there is a book-----it commonly called the NEW TESTAMENT------Jesus never ate with gentiles
In fact, Jesus never ate with SADDUCEES-----he ate ONLY with PHARISEES

He did not!! Read the NT

Who are the Iews's


The Lord's Faithless Bride
16 Again the word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, make known to Jerusalem her abominations, 3 and say, Thus says the Lord God to Jerusalem: Your origin and your birth are of the land of the Canaanites; your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite.
If there was a "tribe" of Judah or Jewdah, and there was a "tribe" of Israel; wouldn't a tribe of Judah or Jewdah, be more Jewish or Ju-ish?

Not much difference between Canaanites and Hebrews, they intermarried. I don't know since they didn't have a J back then they must of been called yews.
no diversions, please. it may be too technical. even a State of Yewdah could have patriot Yewdeans.
no diversions, they are intermarried with whoever lived there. There is no pure line.
...When Jesus returns you will know the truth.
1) The Alexandrian Text IS spurious and tainted.
2) The Textus Receptus is the proper text and is true.
3) Jesus Christ is no "invention." There are secular witnesses to His existence.
4) Jesus Christ was not a "Jew" in the modern sense of the word. He was, however, of the Tribe of Judah. Today's Jews have little (if any) relationship to the actual, biblical Tribe of Judah.
5) Jesus Christ, Himself, stood toe to toe with the spurious "Jews" of His day and called them "children of their father the devil" and a "generation of vipers." He had no love for them and literally condemned the religious "Jews" of that era to hell.

jesus was jewish. he stood up to the san hedrin because rome appointed the high priests, which was political, not religious.

all 'textus receptus' is is the new testament as adopted during the reformation. who believes in which book is irrelevant. saying one is more valid than another is simply faith-based. and while that's fine, acting like it is "fact" is silly.
Not to put too fine a point on it (it's not as though the lineage laid out at the outset of the NT was anything more than a ruse to lend legitimacy to Rome's attempted incursion into the Jewish Faith, after all), but while the term "Chaldeans" is sometimes used to refer to the Babylonians in general, it formally refers to a specific semi-nomadic tribe. The term is mentioned in both contexts multiple times in the Bible - a fact that has led to a great deal of confusion among non-specialists over the years. Genesis 11:28,11:31, and 15:7 all speak of Abraham’s Chaldean lineage in the latter sense. It wasn't until the reign of Nabopolassar (circa 626 BC) that the word 'Chaldean' became synonymous with 'Babylonian',
as seen in Isaiah 13:19, 47:1 & 5, 48:14 & 20.

Some historians believe, that following Persia's conquest of Babylon, the term was used primarily to refer to a high social class rather than a race. This special usage may well be reflected to some extent in the book of Daniel.

All of that said, the point is this: the lineage spelled out in the Gospels is one of a Chaldean bloodline (in the formal sense of the term), because of the historical context in which Abraham's "native land" and "people" (I.E. his nationality/ethnicity) were delineated in the pre-NT equivalent of the book of Genesis.
Jill said: jesus was jewish he stood up to the san
hedrin because rome appointed the high
- - -
You are referring to the AD era christ figure Theudas then, because Yeshu son of Mary had lived in the 100bc era in the time of Jannaeus who's wife Salome reinstated thus appointed the Rabbi Shimon as head priest, not Rome.
Also it was the king that was political appointment while high priest was indeed religious.
The problem is people speak of Jesus as if he existed as a singular historical persona and this confuses people because a converged created image of a man borrows many accts from many historical and mythical figures spanning many eras and often time sharing common names of figures attributed to the figures either as friends and followers or as known historical characters in their era. In essence he seems real & historical because they borrow real peoples lives but the image created is none of those figures, but then created from all of them.
It would be like a Hollywood gangster character based on many real gangster, that character didn't actually exist and would need a new name and borrowed phoney birthdate and be out of the era of some of the true characters which the storyline icon came from.
did Penelope really claim that the main language spoken in Jerusalem 2000 years ago was
ARABIC???? -------I have known lots of really weird people in the course of my life----but the only sort of people I believe might come up with a statement so utterly idiotic-----would be ---sorry---I do not mean to offend (really I don't) ....would be a Pakistani------Penelope,, were you born in Karachi?

That and greek.

Penelope has just claimed that the jews of Israel/Judea----2000 years ago------spoke mainly ARABIC AND GREEK-----her catechism nun told her
no diversions, they are intermarried with whoever lived there. There is no pure line.
No, tribe of Judah, so no tribe of Israel, either; i got it.

That is exactly right. There were , according to the Hebrew books, 12 tribes of Jacob (Israel) and they all intermarried, my gosh Judah married a Canaanite women.
was when they wrote the NT in Alexandria Egypt and created Christianity and now have millions worshipping a fake Jewish man.

and as a result now worship the land of Israel.

Archaeology proves that is wrong.

How is that? Where do you think the NT was wrote?
no diversions, they are intermarried with whoever lived there. There is no pure line.
No, tribe of Judah, so no tribe of Israel, either; i got it.

That is exactly right. There were , according to the Hebrew books, 12 tribes of Jacob (Israel) and they all intermarried, my gosh Judah married a Canaanite women.

Penelope---you have often stated that the 12 tribes of Israel intermarried-----of course they did---but why is this logical fact important to a stinking French Canadian whore like you?-----You post the fact as a kind of "accusation"
If anyone wants to know about the Jews and their agenda.

Just read the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion".

It will tell you everything that you need to know. ..... :cool:

If anyone wants to know everything about the stinking shit which is islam----read the Koran---it is all about a disgusting pig that steals, murders, rapes and enslaves for the glory of the pile of shit which he was-----ie the stinking pig MUHUMMAD-----then review the current state of affairs in the lands filled with people who lick the shit of that pig-----even their teenaged girls tie bombs to their whorish asses for the purpose of murdering for the glory of the pig
was when they wrote the NT in Alexandria Egypt and created Christianity and now have millions worshipping a fake Jewish man.

and as a result now worship the land of Israel.
I believe it may have been when they "tricked" the Church leadership into giving them a virtual franchise in international banking.

OH!!!!! Christians were tricked by jews into opening checking accounts? you may be right------jews knew that Christians are incapable of balancing a check book

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