The biggest mistake the US made

Omg. War, as things turn out, is an absolutely awful and unGodly thing.

But the OP (and one or two others) now seek to re-write history because our side defeated the scumbag Hitler, AXIS side.
Oh, and the savageness of war wasn’t visited upon our shores. That somehow now translates into us believing that we can do no wrong. 🙄

A retarded take or two. Stupid ass OP.
apparently so

but thx for the effort!

The Land Without Whine

When I was there on R&R in 1967, it was a lot like what America used to be and could be again. It didn't surprise me when the energetic and ingenious Japanese later became rich and produced products that were as good as America's used to be.

US-American government in their entertainment wars watching in real-time how their soldiers murder an enemy far from the USA - as they did do in case of Osama Bin Laden for example.
Cannibals on Cannabis, Hip-Hop on Hemp

It's a matter of different diets. Your favorite feral evolutionary dead-ends would have killed him with a blow dart and then eaten him.
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more civilians were killed in the conventional bombing runs. At least the nukes actually finally ended the war.

The Japanese should have surrendered earlier. Don’t start something you can’t finish.
Germany could have saved german lives by surrendering instead of prolonging the war

Germany could have saved lives by not intentionally slaughtering around 8 million people in death factories.

Of course, they were also pikers when compared to the roughly 10 million Chinese that the Japanese slaughtered.

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But students taught by revisionist lib teachers with a giant chip on their shoulder such as @Unkotare will not know the true facts

The problem is that poop head seems to have no real respect for Japan or the Japanese. Like his belief that they were begging to stop the war, and would have surrendered as soon as the Americans came close to the shores.

However, I actually greatly respect their tenacity, and recognize that they in fact would not have surrendered. They did not surrender on Tarawa, they did not surrender on Guadalcanal. They did not surrender at Iwo Jima.

They did not surrender at Saipan, an island that had a large civilian population. And island where many of the civilians took up arms against the US, and killed themselves by the thousands rather than be captured.

And it was even worse on Okinawa, as the people there were not "culturally" Japanese. Therefore, suicide was not part of their traditions. Most of the deaths on Okinawa of civilians were at the hands of the Japanese. Using them as human shields, or simply killing them so they would not have to face the "dishonor" of being captured. There are hundreds of accounts by survivors that said that the Japanese soldiers would throw grenades into the caves they were hiding in, or execute them because they would not kill themselves.

The biggest problem I have is that they live in total denial. Not one of the Big Six was willing to surrender before the bombs. They were not interested in surrender at all, they had this fantasy in their minds that they could dictate terms as if they were winning, and have everything return to what it had been like in November 1941. Even going so far as wanting all captured islands returned to them, and they would administer any islands that they themselves had captured.

Those "conditions" were so laughable that not a single country would even present those to the Allied powers for them. Even their own Ambassador to the Soviets urged them to get serious about accepting the Allied conditions before it was too late and they were destroyed.

No, I respect the Japanese and recognize they would not have surrendered. They never had in the past, even in the face of 90% of the death of their forces. That rather than being captured even civilians would take up arms, or kill themselves in preference to surrender or being captured. They had never surrendered a single island in the entire 4 bloody years prior to August 1945, why would anybody believe they would suddenly up and surrender just because they saw American ships off their shore?

They had just flooded Kyushu with over 900,000 soldiers and had orders to conduct a "scorched earth" campaign and to fight to the last man. And had thousands of suicide boats, subs, and planes staged to attack the Allies as they landed. Does that sound anything like a nation preparing to surrender?
When somebody can not even get basic facts of geography correct (like what country Hawaii was a part of), it is clear they know nothing and have no problem making things up.
/——-/ And I’m debating a guy who doesn’t know Pearl Harbor was a US Naval base and attacking it was an attack on US soil like the other bases attacked by the Japanese. Geeez
Oh, and the savageness of war wasn’t visited upon our shores. That somehow now translates into us believing that we can do no wrong.

Tell that to the Philippines.

I tend to shake my head when people completely ignore the fact that those islands were part of the US. I'm not sure if it's ignorance or prejudice, but those islands were "American", and there were real horrors done to the people of the Philippines.
Tell that to the Philippines.

I tend to shake my head when people completely ignore the fact that those islands were part of the US. I'm not sure if it's ignorance or prejudice, but those islands were "American", and there were real horrors done to the people of the Philippines.
I suppose you didn’t realize I was referring to the mainland. Obviously Hawaii saw some of the sickening violence of war. And yes, so did the Philippines.

And I was responding to another posting member who reviles there US largely on the basis that our country wasn’t hit (obviously, he too was referring to our mainland).
/——-/ And I’m debating a guy who doesn’t know Pearl Harbor was a US Naval base and attacking it was an attack on US soil like the other bases attacked by the Japanese. Geeez

On a US island. Just as Alaska was US territory.

As was the Philippines, Guam, Wake, and a great many others.

To be honest, I tend to think very badly at those that think the "US" is only the "lower 48", and pretend that nobody outside of that counts. To me, all of the horrors done on the people of the Philippines hurts just as bad as if it had happened in California. Those islands had been US Territory since the Spanish-American War, and it was a crime what Japan did to them.

Thousands of women were forced to become "comfort women". Forced to work in Japanese brothels for the occupation forces (as well as being exported to other locations Japan occupied). Bahay na Pula is a particularly noteworthy one, where all of the men in neighboring villages were killed and the females forced to serve the victors in a large brothel.

And then when the US was trying to take the islands back you had the Manilla Massacre. Where Japanese forces slaughtered over 100,000 civilians as they left the city.

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