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The Brainwashing is Nearly Complete

Hey white boys: It's time to act like a woman. To be strong and make a difference. It's time to let go of that fear.

this be the line you find most offensive? why?
The whole thing is offensive

Men and women are different
They are supposed to be different

So why feel guilty about it?

This whole poem was a kids expression of the guilt he has been made to feel simply for being born
Now THIS is a poem all kids but young boys especially should internalize

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, donā€™t deal in lies,
Or being hated, donā€™t give way to hating,
And yet donā€™t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dreamā€”and not make dreams your master;
If you can thinkā€”and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth youā€™ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ā€™em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ā€˜Hold on!ā€™
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kingsā€”nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty secondsā€™ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything thatā€™s in it,
Andā€”which is moreā€”youā€™ll be a Man, my son!
okay i am going back and listening again....i didnt hear that line...

Bonz say!!!! You ain't no "white male" so back the "f" off a step. :lol: Maybe you should reserve comment for the Appalachian hick chick discussion. Ha...Ha

dont make me smack you and your sweet pit.....

no i only heard the first part of the poem and thought that was all.....reason i found the entire poem in writing....damn it ....help me black jesus...white men at 5 30 am...without their coffee fix....

first it is a slam poem for a competition......he wants something that will draw the judges attention and be relevant to the day and yall have to admit its a good poem for what is going on today and will appeal to the masses or the judges....its a viral hit....white men are angry and scared..yall see the numbered days....

now skull you are showing your generational bias....male and female are different and that is the way it should be....i agree...i am old school...i still prefer a male escort when i go out....just the way i was taught...i prefer he wait at the door when i go to a public bathroom...etc and so forth....man that is sooo over....today women are demanding and want the same money etc....my son is living with a young lady who is a lawyer...she expects them to be equals till the mowing and gardening is needed to be done lol....it is really different now days....the man is not expected to pay...i have problems at times....i raised my son to pay for the dates etc...and now he is living with a woman who out earns him....someone made a joke about son being able to wax a lexus ...he shot back...if she can afford to buy a lexus she can afford to pay for the detailing....they enjoy a nice lifestyle which is cramming my efforts for a grandchild...i expect no empathy from you on that subject....
okay i am going back and listening again....i didnt hear that line...

Bonz say!!!! You ain't no "white male" so back the "f" off a step. :lol: Maybe you should reserve comment for the Appalachian hick chick discussion. Ha...Ha

dont make me smack you and your sweet pit.....

no i only heard the first part of the poem and thought that was all.....reason i found the entire poem in writing....damn it ....help me black jesus...white men at 5 30 am...without their coffee fix....

first it is a slam poem for a competition......he wants something that will draw the judges attention and be relevant to the day and yall have to admit its a good poem for what is going on today and will appeal to the masses or the judges....its a viral hit....white men are angry and scared..yall see the numbered days....

now skull you are showing your generational bias....male and female are different and that is the way it should be....i agree...i am old school...i still prefer a male escort when i go out....just the way i was taught...i prefer he wait at the door when i go to a public bathroom...etc and so forth....man that is sooo over....today women are demanding and want the same money etc....my son is living with a young lady who is a lawyer...she expects them to be equals till the mowing and gardening is needed to be done lol....it is really different now days....the man is not expected to pay...i have problems at times....i raised my son to pay for the dates etc...and now he is living with a woman who out earns him....someone made a joke about son being able to wax a lexus ...he shot back...if she can afford to buy a lexus she can afford to pay for the detailing....they enjoy a nice lifestyle which is cramming my efforts for a grandchild...i expect no empathy from you on that subject....

I don't do guilt.

I had enough of that when i was a kid and it really irks me to see young kids being made to feel guilty for the sin of being born
Even when one changes the nature of the creatures environment; the nature of the creature remains the same...
okay i am going back and listening again....i didnt hear that line...

Bonz say!!!! You ain't no "white male" so back the "f" off a step. :lol: Maybe you should reserve comment for the Appalachian hick chick discussion. Ha...Ha

dont make me smack you and your sweet pit.....

no i only heard the first part of the poem and thought that was all.....reason i found the entire poem in writing....damn it ....help me black jesus...white men at 5 30 am...without their coffee fix....

first it is a slam poem for a competition......he wants something that will draw the judges attention and be relevant to the day and yall have to admit its a good poem for what is going on today and will appeal to the masses or the judges....its a viral hit....white men are angry and scared..yall see the numbered days....

now skull you are showing your generational bias....male and female are different and that is the way it should be....i agree...i am old school...i still prefer a male escort when i go out....just the way i was taught...i prefer he wait at the door when i go to a public bathroom...etc and so forth....man that is sooo over....today women are demanding and want the same money etc....my son is living with a young lady who is a lawyer...she expects them to be equals till the mowing and gardening is needed to be done lol....it is really different now days....the man is not expected to pay...i have problems at times....i raised my son to pay for the dates etc...and now he is living with a woman who out earns him....someone made a joke about son being able to wax a lexus ...he shot back...if she can afford to buy a lexus she can afford to pay for the detailing....they enjoy a nice lifestyle which is cramming my efforts for a grandchild...i expect no empathy from you on that subject....

I don't do guilt.

I had enough of that when i was a kid and it really irks me to see young kids being made to feel guilty for the sin of being born

do you see it as guilt ....i see it as stating what we all know...it is much much easier to be born white.....
i don feel guilty about being born a white american....i do understand it beats the hell outta being born a brown women in an backwards damn it ...muslim country
the black comedy, i think eddie murphy...had a bit about it is better to be a white bag boy than a black millionaire....
Kind of telling isn't it? Even as a millionaire; He's filled with self loathing at the realization that despite the money he still hasn't become what he envisions white people to be. Success, and wealth are more often than not, a byproduct of the better creature in social parameters. Bestowing wealth, and popularity upon a lower creature doesn't inherently change the nature of the creature. Upon this realization self loathing and jealousy become evident.
and i need to wake the house up.....that is one thing about retirement...i dont really care for retirement....i liked working ....grumpy insisted once i got sick and that i wasnt making enough to justify working..i turned 62 and he said my working days were over...i argued for about a hot minute....i know when to hush....he thinks bow making should take up the day? wtf? lol...sure aint gonna be cleaning ....

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