The Cappucino Corral

This is the wettest Winter I have ever spent in S. AZ. It is more like Atlanta, my home town. Drizzly, overcast, chilly and humid. I'm afraid that the rattlesnakes may drown....

Rattlesnakes drowning not on my list of things to be concerned about. Rattlesnakes floating down the street into my garage, that is a concern.

The drain culvert I cleared the beaver dam out of was located in an area known as Rattlesnake Hill.
Eastern Massasauga Rattlers.

Among the critters I've rehabbed was a young Western diamondback who had gotten caught in cactus. That's not nearly impressive as the people who rescued and brought him in. I wasn't there when he was brought in so I never had the chance to ask them just how in the heck they had extricated him from the cactus.

I've rescued several animals from being impaled on cactus, including as adult great horned owl. Its not easy because they struggle and just when you get one part loose from the cactus, the struggling causes another part to get stuck. Even if there's more than one rescuer, its not easy.

So how the heck did they get a rattlesnake loose - without getting bitten?

Anyway, the little snake survived to be released.
No March Crocus Wolfsister?

Maybe late March. Certainly nothing earlier than that. So yeah, we have to wait. The good news is, it's in the 20's today and they are predicting 30's so that's an improvement.

Happy Thursday everyone!!

7AM - 25 degrees.

It must be spring.

Did someone say crocus?

I LOVE crocus. Actually, of course, I love all the spring flowers and never got to see them while living in Tucson. Here, we get them all, including one I had never seen before -Naked Ladies.

And, I love the blooming trees - Dogwood and Redbud.

Yep - I'm ready for spring.
Good Morning, I Cappuccinisti!!!

How about a chocolate Cappuccino today?

Yum yum!

Good Morning Lipush and Welcome to the Cappuccino Cafe. Nice to see you here. Let me pour you another cuppa ...


Hello. :) breakfast of the day was Cheese buns.! great for a cold weather.

In the MidEast it's rather a warm morning, considered last week. Just 10 DC. It was even sunny this morning.

It was actually raining here yesterday. Considered we only racieve about 4-5 days of rain in a normal year, this one is actually wet and nice!

Have a great one, folks.
Speaking of spring flowers - you can grow just about anything in Tucson if you put enough water on it but bulbs don't last because it doesn't get cold enough in the winter. I have heard of people digging up tulip bulbs and storing them in their refrigerator over winter and then replanting in the spring.

Vandalshandle Have you ever heard of that?
Its 7.45AM. I just turned on CNN and they're showing Oscar nominees - live.


It must be about 5.45 on the west coast.
I'm not seeing any ads at all....

When I use Chrome, I end up with a bunch of ads at the bottom of the page....and some, like Save says, are really not something I care to see.

I'm wondering if I go back to Safari if they'll go away? I'm going to have to try it.
I'm not seeing any ads at all....

When I use Chrome, I end up with a bunch of ads at the bottom of the page....and some, like Save says, are really not something I care to see.

I'm wondering if I go back to Safari if they'll go away? I'm going to have to try it.

Are you running Chrome with Adblock as an addon to the Browser?
I'm not seeing any ads at all....

When I use Chrome, I end up with a bunch of ads at the bottom of the page....and some, like Save says, are really not something I care to see.

I'm wondering if I go back to Safari if they'll go away? I'm going to have to try it.

Are you running Chrome with Adblock as an addon to the Browser?

I'm using Safari right now and I'm not getting any of those nasty ads.....

When I added Adblock, I was using Safari, so my application says "Adblock for Safari" - I guess it doesn't apply to Chrome.
A few shots of Expresso please

Here ya go.....especially for you.....


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