The Civil War

...Sure, the North fought the war to end slavery. ....

More accurate to say the scumbag criminals of the so-called 'confederacy' started the war to preserve slavery.

So the North and South agreed that the war was over the South leaving ......

No, they did not agree on that. Read a fucking book once in a while, stupid.

The South left and attacked the North at Fort Sumpter to make them leave.

The North invaded the South to conquer them and make them stay.

Leaving was an end goal for the South. They didn't say we'll stay if we can continue to own slaves. You think that because you're incompetent at your job.

The North gave them no offer to leave. Lincoln did offer them slavery to stay and they turned it down. Since you don't know American history, Google it.

Clearly slavery was intertwined in the war, I never disagreed with that. But someone who is trained in history and thinks the war was just over slavery is flamingly inept
.... Just like Christian schools emphasize love of Christianity .....

Not so much.

Christian schools are great at education. I went to them and so did my kids. But if you don't think Christianity is #1 to a Christian then we've found yet another topic you know nothing about.

I've taught at Christian schools. Have you?

You went to government schools because you were fired .....

Wrong again. You haven't answered my question.

I reject your premise that having taught in a Christian school makes you an expert in public schools while my and my kids attending them is irrelevant. You really suck at making arguments.

This is why you work for the government and I don't. If I argued like you that everyone needs to STFU unless they have the right degree and that's my argument, I'd be fired like you were when you worked for Christian schools.

Being an expert in my field means I CAN explain my points to people without the right degree, not like you believe it means you can't. That you can't explain your points means you don't really understand them.

The Christian schools, which are accountable to parents, clearly saw you for what you were. Incompetent

The pack of lies and strawmen in that post reeks of desperation. You’ve got nothing else to say, so you’re just going to lie and repeat yourself endlessly.
...Sure, the North fought the war to end slavery. ....

More accurate to say the scumbag criminals of the so-called 'confederacy' started the war to preserve slavery.
Only they didn't start the war.....

The war began when the 'confederate' criminals fired on Ft. Sumter, stupid.

Again the founding principle of the country defining legitimate government, consent of the governed, it meaningless to you.

The south belonged to government
...Sure, the North fought the war to end slavery. ....

More accurate to say the scumbag criminals of the so-called 'confederacy' started the war to preserve slavery.
Only they didn't start the war.....

The war began when the 'confederate' criminals fired on Ft. Sumter, stupid.

To Unkotare, we are the property of government, it's that simple. Our great, great, great, great, great grandparents consented to it, which means we consented.

His shit is that lame, yet it is. Now he's going to parse my grammar and spelling, LOL
So, either a more perfect Perpetual Union was made, or the new document is invalid and the original Perpetual Union remained. It's a win-win for the Union.

Government wins, yeah team!

I'm for the people though, and we lost

The Confederacy was the last great hope for Liberty for the world. When the bad guys won the world lost.

Yeah, Liberty

July 29, 1835: Abolitionist Literature Removed from Post Office and Burned
That was 185 years ago, moron.
Reading that story made you pine for the good old days. Bet you would have had a torch in each hands.

And the Nazi Democrat goes with ... wait for it ... you're a racist ...

My God you're stupid. You thought of that one on your own? LOL. What a fucking retard.

And you're a racist
The Confederacy was the last great hope for Liberty for the world. When the bad guys won the world lost.

Yeah, Liberty

July 29, 1835: Abolitionist Literature Removed from Post Office and Burned
That was 185 years ago, moron.
Reading that story made you pine for the good old days. Bet you would have had a torch in each hands.
You're just another SJW A-hole. Baseless smears are all you have.

Jackass Bezukhov doesn't even have his own baseless smears. He's parroting the Nazi Democrat party, you're a racist!

He doesn't even have his own penis, he has to borrow one
...Sure, the North fought the war to end slavery. ....

More accurate to say the scumbag criminals of the so-called 'confederacy' started the war to preserve slavery.
Only they didn't start the war.....

The war began when the 'confederate' criminals fired on Ft. Sumter, stupid.

To Unkotare, we are the property of government, it's that simple. Our great, great, great, great, great grandparents consented to it, which means we consented.

His shit is that lame, yet it is. Now he's going to parse my grammar and spelling, LOL

Make sure your straw man is wearing a condom, you fucking liar.
...Sure, the North fought the war to end slavery. ....

More accurate to say the scumbag criminals of the so-called 'confederacy' started the war to preserve slavery.
Only they didn't start the war.....

The war began when the 'confederate' criminals fired on Ft. Sumter, stupid.

To Unkotare, we are the property of government, it's that simple. Our great, great, great, great, great grandparents consented to it, which means we consented.

His shit is that lame, yet it is. Now he's going to parse my grammar and spelling, LOL

Make sure your straw man is wearing a condom, you fucking liar.

More of your lies. You clearly said and repeated that States joined the Union so you consented. The only question is how many greats are before grandparent for the people you say consented for you.

My God man, you're so stupid. You seriously think that when you say States joined the union so you consented to be governed, that isn't other people consenting for you?
Seriously, how stupid are you?
States, not individuals, formed the Perpetual Union. There is no problem with someone who finds that Union unbearable leaving it. People are free.
There would never have been a Civil War if the south had not had slavery.
And if pigs had wings they could fly. Every country in the world had slaver [sic] when the USA was born. Why do you imagine we could have avoided it somehow?

Wrong, Fingerfuck. I'll give you an example real close --- the Vermont Republic, which never had slavery.
It joined the USA which did have slavery, douchebag.

Not "when the USA was born", which is exactly what your post says, Fingerfuck.

Hey maybe you can still find some "newly discovered photos" though.
Yes, the USA did have slavery when it was born, you NAZI asshole.

Note: Wikipedia says the Vermont Republic existed "without diplomatic recognition from any foreign power." Unkotare says that means it wasn't a country.

Bullshit. It means no such thing. You don't need a "note" from Finland. Did New York dispute the Republic? Did it invade to "protect its land"? You forgot to mention, in the Wiki page you forgot to link, that that phrase is immediately followed by " On March 4, 1791 it was admitted into the United States as the State of Vermont, with the constitution and laws of the independent state continuing in effect after admission."

The fourteenth state, a number which prominently recurred on the coins the Republic minted.

You'll notice, Fingerfuck, that 1791 is AFTER the "USA was born", which means the Vermont Republic was a nation that existed WITHOUT Slavery -- in fact it was specifically banned -- when the "USA was born" in 1788. You'll also notice on the same page, "Vermont is "the only state admitted without conditions of any kind, either those prescribed by the Congress or the state from which it was carved".[23]" -- meaning that there has never been a time when Slavery was legal in Vermont.

Happy state-day Vermont, exactly 230 years old yesterday.
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States, not individuals, formed the Perpetual Union. There is no problem with someone who finds that Union unbearable leaving it. People are free.

What a sicko. Seriously? Government owns our land? We can agree to government's terms or leave? At least you're a happy slave.

That was the problem with the Jews, huh? They should have left Germany. They stayed, so they got what they deserved, huh?

Slaves? Should have left!

We have no right to object to what government does to us, leave!

Hey Chinese, you know how you live in a country with slave camps and would kill you if you protest. Leave!
Anarchists are about.

So if we don't like our government then we can leave.

You clearly don't like my country, but you lack the character to act on your feeeeeeelings.
It's my country too, asshole.

You denounced your citizenship here long ago. Don't change your mind now, because we don't want you.
When did I do that, goose stepper?

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