The Common Denominator: Islam believe that?

Look around at the world.

Sometimes you have to use your intellect.

What about the world? What percentage of the entire population of Muslims on the earth have ever intentionally targeted and killed civilians?

not the point, their religion teaches that killing non-muslims is what they should do.

No. It doesn't. But you're free to believe that :)

Ignorance doesn't prevent you from pontificating,does it.

Educate yourself!

".... many still view it as a "peaceful religion."

Psychologists might call this cognitive dissonance — a state of mind where rational people essentially lie to themselves. But in this case, it's understandable. In our politically correct culture, criticizing any religion, even one that plots our destruction, is still taboo. And no one wants to suggest the terrorists are driven by their holy text.

"Is it true that 26 chapters of the Quran deal with jihad, a fight able-bodied believers are obligated to join (Surah 2:216), and that the text orders Muslims to "instill terror into the hearts of the unbeliever" and to "smite above their necks" (8:12)?

Is the "test" of loyalty to Allah not good acts or faith in general, but martyrdom that results from fighting unbelievers (47:4) — the only assurance of salvation in Islam (4:74; 9:111)?

Are the sins of any Muslim who becomes a martyr forgiven by the very act of being slain while slaying the unbelievers (4:96)?

And is it really true that martyrs are rewarded with virgins, among other carnal delights, in Paradise (38:51, 55:56; 55:76; 56:22)?"
osint Religion Of Peace
[email protected][/email]/msg19921.html'][email protected][/email]/msg19921.html'][email protected][/email]/msg19921.html'][email protected][/email]/msg19921.html'][email protected][/email]/msg19921.html'] O
riginally printed in Investors Business Daily, 3/27/2006

It doesn't take much education to cherry pick religious texts to find phrases that fit your bias. There's probably a psychological term for that as well.

Hmmm.....earlier you claimed I hadn't studied the Q'ran.

Now you claim I've 'cherry picked'....pretty thin defense.
I note that you made no attempt to counter any of what I posted.


If you need a lesson in understanding the Q'ran, please don't hesitate to ask.

I'll be happy to provide valuable hermeneutics.
Last edited: believe that?

Look around at the world.

Sometimes you have to use your intellect.

What about the world? What percentage of the entire population of Muslims on the earth have ever intentionally targeted and killed civilians?

not the point, their religion teaches that killing non-muslims is what they should do.

No. It doesn't. But you're free to believe that :)

Ignorance doesn't prevent you from pontificating,does it.

Educate yourself!

".... many still view it as a "peaceful religion."

Psychologists might call this cognitive dissonance — a state of mind where rational people essentially lie to themselves. But in this case, it's understandable. In our politically correct culture, criticizing any religion, even one that plots our destruction, is still taboo. And no one wants to suggest the terrorists are driven by their holy text.

"Is it true that 26 chapters of the Quran deal with jihad, a fight able-bodied believers are obligated to join (Surah 2:216), and that the text orders Muslims to "instill terror into the hearts of the unbeliever" and to "smite above their necks" (8:12)?

Is the "test" of loyalty to Allah not good acts or faith in general, but martyrdom that results from fighting unbelievers (47:4) — the only assurance of salvation in Islam (4:74; 9:111)?

Are the sins of any Muslim who becomes a martyr forgiven by the very act of being slain while slaying the unbelievers (4:96)?

And is it really true that martyrs are rewarded with virgins, among other carnal delights, in Paradise (38:51, 55:56; 55:76; 56:22)?"
osint Religion Of Peace
[email protected][/email]/msg19921.html'][email protected][/email]/msg19921.html'][email protected][/email]/msg19921.html'] O
riginally printed in Investors Business Daily, 3/27/2006

And Christianity teaches you to love your enemies and turn the other cheek.

Why are so many Christians ignoring those teachings?

It is of a Judeo-Christian basis.....

That's why it is written, incidentally, in Leviticus, "Love your neighbor as yourself, I am God." I, God, tell you to be decent to other people.

As far as "Why are so many Christians ignoring those teachings?"
There can be no better example of the saying "We can only judge others by ourselves."
What can one say about a religion whose adherents believe 72 virgins await them in Heaven?

The same thing I'd say about people who believe in a Sunshine and Puppies heaven that Christians believe in.

That would identify you as a fool: The Christians aren't given that reward for murder.
What can one say about a religion whose adherents believe 72 virgins await them in Heaven?

The same thing I'd say about people who believe in a Sunshine and Puppies heaven that Christians believe in.

You missed my usual.

What must they do to get those 72 virgins?

And to think Heaven is a place where you are granted sex slaves, is not exactly a nice thing.

but no doubt you think Christianity and Islam are exactly the same...further proof of your ignorance.
What can one say about a religion whose adherents believe 72 virgins await them in Heaven?

The same thing I'd say about people who believe in a Sunshine and Puppies heaven that Christians believe in.

That would identify you as a fool: The Christians aren't given that reward for murder.

No, Christians can just have murders forgiven.


Jeff Dahmner could be in Heaven. He took Jesus into his heart and was baptized before another prisoner bashed his skull in.

Meanwhile, Ann Frank is burning in Hell forever because she never took Jesus into her heart.

(Remember, HItler burns Ann Frank once, he's evil. God burns her for all eternity, he's good.)

A great day will be when we realize there are no Gods or Heavens or Hells and treat each other better in the here and now.
What can one say about a religion whose adherents believe 72 virgins await them in Heaven?

The same thing I'd say about people who believe in a Sunshine and Puppies heaven that Christians believe in.

You missed my usual.

What must they do to get those 72 virgins?

And to think Heaven is a place where you are granted sex slaves, is not exactly a nice thing.

but no doubt you think Christianity and Islam are exactly the same...further proof of your ignorance.

The only difference between Christianity is that most Christians ignore the crazy shit in their holy book.

Which is why the Palins didn't stone their daughter for having sex outside of marriage, like the Bible says they should.

"Religion should be gotten rid of and replaces with nothing." - Penn Gillette.
What about the world? What percentage of the entire population of Muslims on the earth have ever intentionally targeted and killed civilians?

not the point, their religion teaches that killing non-muslims is what they should do.

No. It doesn't. But you're free to believe that :)

Ignorance doesn't prevent you from pontificating,does it.

Educate yourself!

".... many still view it as a "peaceful religion."

Psychologists might call this cognitive dissonance — a state of mind where rational people essentially lie to themselves. But in this case, it's understandable. In our politically correct culture, criticizing any religion, even one that plots our destruction, is still taboo. And no one wants to suggest the terrorists are driven by their holy text.

"Is it true that 26 chapters of the Quran deal with jihad, a fight able-bodied believers are obligated to join (Surah 2:216), and that the text orders Muslims to "instill terror into the hearts of the unbeliever" and to "smite above their necks" (8:12)?

Is the "test" of loyalty to Allah not good acts or faith in general, but martyrdom that results from fighting unbelievers (47:4) — the only assurance of salvation in Islam (4:74; 9:111)?

Are the sins of any Muslim who becomes a martyr forgiven by the very act of being slain while slaying the unbelievers (4:96)?

And is it really true that martyrs are rewarded with virgins, among other carnal delights, in Paradise (38:51, 55:56; 55:76; 56:22)?"
osint Religion Of Peace
[email protected][/email]/msg19921.html'][email protected][/email]/msg19921.html'][email protected][/email]/msg19921.html'][email protected][/email]/msg19921.html'] O
riginally printed in Investors Business Daily, 3/27/2006

And Christianity teaches you to love your enemies and turn the other cheek.

Why are so many Christians ignoring those teachings?

It is of a Judeo-Christian basis.....

That's why it is written, incidentally, in Leviticus, "Love your neighbor as yourself, I am God." I, God, tell you to be decent to other people.

As far as "Why are so many Christians ignoring those teachings?"
There can be no better example of the saying "We can only judge others by ourselves."

"Be kind to your neighbor and you will be a believer; love for the people what you love for yourself and you will be a Muslim."

- See more at: Golden Rule in Islam Love for humanity what you love for yourself Faith in Allah
What can one say about a religion whose adherents believe 72 virgins await them in Heaven?

The same thing I'd say about people who believe in a Sunshine and Puppies heaven that Christians believe in.

That would identify you as a fool: The Christians aren't given that reward for murder.

And yet God according to the Old Testament commanded the Israelites to commit genocide against the Amalekites.
What can one say about a religion whose adherents believe 72 virgins await them in Heaven?

The same thing I'd say about people who believe in a Sunshine and Puppies heaven that Christians believe in.

You missed my usual.

What must they do to get those 72 virgins?

And to think Heaven is a place where you are granted sex slaves, is not exactly a nice thing.

but no doubt you think Christianity and Islam are exactly the same...further proof of your ignorance.

Does it say whether those '72 virgins' are male or female?

What can one say about a religion whose adherents believe 72 virgins await them in Heaven?

The same thing I'd say about people who believe in a Sunshine and Puppies heaven that Christians believe in.

That would identify you as a fool: The Christians aren't given that reward for murder.

And yet God according to the Old Testament commanded the Israelites to commit genocide against the Amalekites.

My point remains unquestioned.
What can one say about a religion whose adherents believe 72 virgins await them in Heaven?

The same thing I'd say about people who believe in a Sunshine and Puppies heaven that Christians believe in.

That would identify you as a fool: The Christians aren't given that reward for murder.

So God is really just a construction of human attitude? We decide what is right or wrong, and then assign those beliefs to our particular supernatural 'leader'?

That's backwards isn't it?
OP- Common denominator- Fundamentalism and Third World Ignorance, a Pub world depression making jihad a good career choice, and of course ignorant, brainwashed, ugly American, racist, simple minded Pub dupes like OP. Back to the books, change the channel.
What can one say about a religion whose adherents believe 72 virgins await them in Heaven?

The same thing I'd say about people who believe in a Sunshine and Puppies heaven that Christians believe in.

That would identify you as a fool: The Christians aren't given that reward for murder.

And yet God according to the Old Testament commanded the Israelites to commit genocide against the Amalekites.

Here we go haters bring up ancient history as a way to denigrate Christianity TODAY. Are you nuts?

Have you heard of the New Testament or the Reformation? Are Christians murdering vast numbers of people TODAY in cold blood, citing their God as justification?

I know Christian haters are stuck in 5000BC, but it is time to get current. No?
OP- Common denominator- Fundamentalism and Third World Ignorance, a Pub world depression making jihad a good career choice, and of course ignorant, brainwashed, ugly American, racist, simple minded Pub dupes like OP. Back to the books, change the channel.

Question.....the terms " ignorant, brainwashed, ugly"....

...don't they stick in your throat?
What can one say about a religion whose adherents believe 72 virgins await them in Heaven?

The same thing I'd say about people who believe in a Sunshine and Puppies heaven that Christians believe in.

That would identify you as a fool: The Christians aren't given that reward for murder.

And yet God according to the Old Testament commanded the Israelites to commit genocide against the Amalekites.

My point remains unquestioned.

That means nothing. The God of Christians is the same God who ordered a genocide. When did God inform you that he no longer supported genocide in defense of the faith?
What can one say about a religion whose adherents believe 72 virgins await them in Heaven?

The same thing I'd say about people who believe in a Sunshine and Puppies heaven that Christians believe in.

That would identify you as a fool: The Christians aren't given that reward for murder.

And yet God according to the Old Testament commanded the Israelites to commit genocide against the Amalekites.

My point remains unquestioned.

That means nothing. The God of Christians is the same God who ordered a genocide. When did God inform you that he no longer supported genocide in defense of the faith?

Answered in post #142
What can one say about a religion whose adherents believe 72 virgins await them in Heaven?

The same thing I'd say about people who believe in a Sunshine and Puppies heaven that Christians believe in.

That would identify you as a fool: The Christians aren't given that reward for murder.

No, Christians can just have murders forgiven.


Jeff Dahmner could be in Heaven. He took Jesus into his heart and was baptized before another prisoner bashed his skull in.

Meanwhile, Ann Frank is burning in Hell forever because she never took Jesus into her heart.

(Remember, HItler burns Ann Frank once, he's evil. God burns her for all eternity, he's good.)

A great day will be when we realize there are no Gods or Heavens or Hells and treat each other better in the here and now.

The only traits you have displayed on this message board are ignorance and arrogance. You are a typical liberal.

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