The Confederacy was an Evil Empire

The elite of the confederacey had plans for a empire that covered the Carribean all of central america. The invasion of Cuba was on their agenda. I often wonderd if the rank and file soldier and average citizen had been aware of the plan would they had supported it? My feeling is the average soldier would have said maybe even Lee himself that this is not what we signed up for.
That excuse is used to defend those in the Confederacy. Only a small percentage actually owned the slaves so nobody else is culpable

40 percent were in slavery. The entire southern economy depended on that free labor. Even if you did not own slaves, you still benefited from a slave economy

Those soldiers who charged Cemetery Hill may not have owned slaves but the survivors still went on to join the Klan and enforce Jim Crow.
The entire America benefited from slavery, inluding all of us today.
For over a hundred and fifty years, the legacy of the Confederacy has been sold as a noble Lost Cause of states defending their states rights.

The reality is that the Confederacy was an Evil Empire. One of the worst nations in the history of mankind.

The Confederacy was built on ensuring that the institution of slavery would exist forever,
The Confederacy kept 40 percent of its population in bondage.
The economy of the Confederacy was built around enforced free labor. Labor enforced by whip and chain.
The Confederacy used women for breeding and then sold the children.
The Confederacy considered human slaves as no more than livestock

By any valuation, this was pure EVIL and should never be defended or honored in todays society.
The Confederacy was built on ensuring that the institution of slavery would exist forever, (there are more slaves today in the world than at any other time in history)

The Confederacy kept 40 percent of its population in bondage. (It is unknown how many slaves there are in the US today, but Democrats focus on slavery hundreds of years ago they cannot help in any way instead of trying to free the slaves that outnumber the slaves hundreds of years ago. In other words, they continue to turn a blind eye to things like human trafficking coming across the unsecure border)

The economy of the Confederacy was built around enforced free labor. Labor enforced by whip and chain. (Today, democrats use the 10 million or so cheap immigrant labor that have come over the border with Joe Biden in office)

The Confederacy used women for breeding and then sold the children. (Planned Parenthood sells baby parts as we speak. It makes democrats of old look far more righteous. At least they were not murdered)

The Confederacy considered human slaves as no more than livestock. (Leftists view humanity as glorified animals because they don't view humans as created in the image of God because they don't believe in a God. In fact, democrats of old sold us the notion that slaves were nothing but glorified animals back then as well. Today, they believe the same, but for everyone, not just blacks. How are animals treated again? Oh yea, they are put in zoos for our amusement, used as beasts of burden to do work for us, or slaughtered and eaten with no fear of having to answer to a higher power for the abuse of their fellow man. Yea, that worldview is problematic, isn't it)
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Democrats from the civil war era...

Democrats today....

Nothing ever really changes....
The Confederacy was built on ensuring that the institution of slavery would exist forever, (there are more slaves today in the world than at any other time in history)

The Confederacy kept 40 percent of its population in bondage. (It is unknown how many slaves there are in the US today, but Democrats focus on slavery hundreds of years ago they cannot help in any way instead of trying to free the slaves that outnumber the slaves hundreds of years ago. In other words, they continue to turn a blind eye)

The economy of the Confederacy was built around enforced free labor. Labor enforced by whip and chain. (Today, democrats use the 10 million or so cheap immigrant labor that have come over the border with Joe Biden in office)

The Confederacy used women for breeding and then sold the children. (Planned Parenthood sells baby parts as we speak. It makes democrats of old look far more righteous. At least they were not murdered)

The Confederacy considered human slaves as no more than livestock. (Leftists view humanity as glorified animals because they don't view humans as created in the image of God because they don't believe in a God. In fact, democrats of old sold us the notion that slaves were nothing but glorified animals back then as well. Today, they believe the same, but for everyone, not just blacks. How are animals treated again? Oh yea, they are put in zoos for our amusement, used as beasts of burden to do work for us, or slaughtered and eaten with no fear of having to answer to a higher power for the abuse of their fellow man. Yea, that worldview is problematic, isn't it)
None of your post has anything to do with the Confederacy or why we celebrate it today
For over a hundred and fifty years, the legacy of the Confederacy has been sold as a noble Lost Cause of states defending their states rights.

The reality is that the Confederacy was an Evil Empire. One of the worst nations in the history of mankind.

The Confederacy was built on ensuring that the institution of slavery would exist forever,
The Confederacy kept 40 percent of its population in bondage.
The economy of the Confederacy was built around enforced free labor. Labor enforced by whip and chain.
The Confederacy used women for breeding and then sold the children.
The Confederacy considered human slaves as no more than livestock

By any valuation, this was pure EVIL and should never be defended or honored in todays society.
Dont judge 19th Century men by 21st Century standards

Slavery was practiced almost everywhere in the world at the time although white Christians were among the first to begin outlawing it

In the South it was an institution that was older than anyone alive at the time

If you think its easy for any society to embrace major change you are naive

But change would have come sooner or later with or without the war because Americans are fair-minded people
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For over a hundred and fifty years, the legacy of the Confederacy has been sold as a noble Lost Cause of states defending their states rights.

The reality is that the Confederacy was an Evil Empire. One of the worst nations in the history of mankind.

The Confederacy was built on ensuring that the institution of slavery would exist forever,
The Confederacy kept 40 percent of its population in bondage.
The economy of the Confederacy was built around enforced free labor. Labor enforced by whip and chain.
The Confederacy used women for breeding and then sold the children.
The Confederacy considered human slaves as no more than livestock

By any valuation, this was pure EVIL and should never be defended or honored in todays society.

It wasn't a nation at all.
That ain't nuthin new....

Dont judge 19th Century men by 21st Century standards

Slavery was practiced almost everywhere in the world at the time although white Christians were among the first to begin outlawing it

In the South it was an institution that was older than anyone alive at the time

If you think its easy for any society to embrace major change you are naive

Change would have come sooner or later with or without the war because Americans are fair-minded people

Does nothing to change the fact that slavery was evil
Even in the 19th century, most knew that slavery was wrong and there was a rising abolitionist movement. Rather than accept change that was inevitable, Southern States created their own nation and Constitution that ensured slavery would always exist.

There is also no reason that the Confederacy should be celebrated today.
We should know better
For over a hundred and fifty years, the legacy of the Confederacy has been sold as a noble Lost Cause of states defending their states rights.

The reality is that the Confederacy was an Evil Empire. One of the worst nations in the history of mankind.

The Confederacy was built on ensuring that the institution of slavery would exist forever,
The Confederacy kept 40 percent of its population in bondage.
The economy of the Confederacy was built around enforced free labor. Labor enforced by whip and chain.
The Confederacy used women for breeding and then sold the children.
The Confederacy considered human slaves as no more than livestock

By any valuation, this was pure EVIL and should never be defended or honored in todays society.

100% DemoKKKrat.

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