Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

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Black youth live their lives like they playin GTA. Blame white people for their outcomes.

Dear white women. Best case scenario your black boyfriend will knock you up and split. Your outcomes are all down hill from there.


White woman has sex with a black man and gives birth to his child. Black man kills white woman. Black child grows up without either parent. Somehow “white racism” is the problem.….

The linked article describes the findings of a study on the relative treatment of Blacks in the local criminal justice system (Allegheny County Pennsylvania). Reviewing the statistics mentioned, I have no doubt that they are accurate. But underlying the article is a presumption that is provably false, to wit, that Blacks' and "whites'" behavior is the same. If you tell me that a Black person is five times more likely to be charged with a crime (which this article does), then you need to show me that the relevant behavior was equal or comparable. Otherwise the statistic is meaningless.

How can one be oblivious to the data published by the FBI every year, illustrating that Black and "white" criminal behavior is NOT the same. Blacks are much more likely to be involved in the most serious crimes, and this has been true for as long as the FBI has been keeping these statistics. The reason - a subject that is much debated - is simply the 70% curse: 70% of Blacks are born into a household with no father.

Implicitly and explicitly, the authors of this study, as well as the person writing the story, are accusing local law enforcement of racism. And not just harmless racism like giving Blacks a nasty look - serious racism that can ruin a person's life. Now THAT is a slander worth suing over.

For those who can read numbers, here are some supporting numbers:

American rime stats are based on historically racist data.
Remove all the kids who were fitted up be racist cops and then talk about criminals.
It means that your crime figures arent worth a shit you racist tool.
You need to check your white privilege. Go live in a high crime area if you are going to pretend like laws are racist.

Black people are killing each other at an astronomical rate compared blacks getting killed by police. And privileged white liberals like yourself call for fewer police knowing full well it will be devastating for marginalized people of color.
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