Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

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Today I saw a black drinking partner I had not seen for several years because the bar we patronized closed. He told me that three years ago his brother stepped out of that bar to smoke a cigarette. Several men for no reason at all beat him up so badly he is paralyzed from the waist down.
My rule with young black men I do not know is to avoid them unless they are obviously dressed for work or church. This is particularly true for a group of young black men I do not know. Black criminals like to hunt in packs.

Once I asked a young black man, "If you are alone in a city after dark, and several young men are walking in your direction, will you feel safer if they are black or white?"

He answered, "I will feel safer if they are white, a lot safer. Even in the South I will feel safer. I think most blacks feel the same way."
She got killed by black people, so it’s safe to say, her black life doesn’t matter.

Not believing that this woman was struck by lightening after being eaten by a lion is ultra-MAGA racist.

starting young.

video at link. WHITE teen girl's skull smashed into concrete during fight...national media ignores the story And media is forbidden from telling the facts of the matter. What is that thing on her pounding her head into the concrete?

Haitian gangs are already eating people on the street......Wonder if that interesting fetish will start turning up here. Media has made these people insane with the point where they wouldn't know civilization if it hit them in the head.

Decent black and white people abhor these criminals.
Democrats are walking back their own 'reforms' after the surge in crime since 2020...they're only doing it because there's an election coming up and as soon as they might prevail it will go back to business as usual...and note that these cities are run by minorities... women and blacks.

More cherrypicked stories overstating black crime. And then a story from the dailyliar. Can it get any more stupid?
YOU just cherry picked a story about a black guy shot in his bed. A story overstating crime against blacks. Can you get any more hypocritical?
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