The COVID Revolt!

Americans are revolting against the illegal, unconstitutional shut downs. Apparently "freedom threatens those in authority."

"A diner in Michigan is open for business despite being told to close. A barbershop here, a crafts store there, churches, synagogues, temples — what makes this COVID revolt different is that the businesses that are defying lockdown orders are being swarmed by customers — many coming from miles away — just to support the defiance. It’s the most demonstrative political statement being made today and authorities who would try to enforce their edicts are playing with fire."

"The short notice taped to the door is addressed ‘to all government officials’. It gives them a warning: ‘You are in violation of your oath of office by trespassing unlawfully on the property of this business establishment and committing an act of terrorism under Section 802 of the Patriot Act.’ Taped up next to it, a longer warning in black and set-off red type, with Title 18 from the United States Code copied out underneath."

This is good news, I just wish it had happened sooner. Already, millions of Americans have lost their jobs, their businesses, livelihoods, homes, cars, etc. Millions of kids were denied substantive education. People died alone because governments wouldn't allow their family members to see them. Funerals, weddings, graduations, and life events went unmarked.

In the meantime, the Democrats who foisted their fascist wet dreams on us went about their regular business, traveling, eating in restaurants, getting their hair done, attending weddings, going on vacations, while laughing their asses off at the suckers they locked down. In a better world, these people would be publicly scourged.

you just took the shills like mac to school handing them their asses to them on a platter same as me. yeah there is a resteraunt owner in california doing the same thing were they come from all over the country just because of of the resteruants here in my hometown is doing the same thing,i dont know if he has had the same success they do yet or not though.
So you appear to be saying that the reports I referenced were fake news. Is that correct?

It's a simple "yes" or "no" question.
Here's an idea, why don't you provide a viable link? You babble a lot but never back it up.
In my question, I pointed out that you had probably not seen the reports because your "news" and "information" sources won't show them to you.

But just for you, here are just a few examples of what I see several times a week, watching the news in MY world:

By the way, I ALREADY KNOW you're going to summarily dismiss them, because of what you are, and because of you lack:

Would you like to see many more? Just go here:

That is silly because almost all the patients in the hospitals are from Dr. Fauci "flattening the curve", to greatly lengthen the duration of the epidemic, and greatly increasing the accumulating hospital load.
If we had ended the epidemic with the usual means like total quarantine or herd immunity in March, then there would have essentially been no hospital load.

So those clips are fake news?

You did not read.
What I said is that those hospital loads were artificially created by deliberately making the epidemic last much longer than it normally would.
They are deliberately accumulating the largest number of covid-19 victims possible.
All previous epidemics have been ended by herd immunity in less than 2 months.
Flattening the curve deliberately prevents the local burn out that ends epidemics, and forced it to kill 5 times as many people as it would have normally.

It is fake news in that it is blaming covid-19 as being dangerous, when in reality the deaths are deliberate maximization of an ordinary and minor illness.

your wasting your breath,as i just proved earlier,mac has reading comprehension problems and does not understand english.:uhoh3:
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
I refuse to take this hoax seriously as do others with a functioning brain. How'd you like to be taken seriously with a good old fashioned horse whipping?
My guess is that, given your probable news sources, you haven't been exposed to the stories of hospitals and ICU's bursting at the seams with COVID cases, skyrocketing case numbers, the heart-wrenching stories of physically and emotionally drained doctors and nurses describing their ordeal, the hospital staffs having to work even MORE because so many of them have been infected.

If you have seen these reports, did you just assume they were fake news?
Why do you think the media sends these highly localized, targeted stories out? Because they illicit fear and not reality, as most hospitals throughout the country aren't nearly full and that actual statistics tell the truth rather than the misinformation. And who really believes the Covid death toll is really due to Covid? Not anyone with sense....
:yes_text12: :thankusmile::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
as always,mac ends up with shit on his face in embarrassment.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
What’s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I don’t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we aren’t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You don’t know total cases, we don’t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of what’s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Covid is a respiratory virus that can cause pneumonia in sever cases and that is often the cause of death. I thought that was common knowledge.

Covid-19 can itself not cause any harm and can not cause pneumonia, but the immune system can over react with a cytokine storm, which can mascerate the lungs into a bloody pulp.
It would not have happened if not for the covid trigger, but it is not covid doing any of the harm to the lungs.
Gotchya. So COVId triggers it but is not responsible. I guess all the gun deaths in America are caused by guns and not those pulling the trigger. Right? ;-)
The issue is why is every death now termed a Covid death even though the actual cause of death is not Covid, when in the past the actual cause of death was listed on the death certificate.
Give me an example of a pure COVID death. What does that mean to you?
I don't think there is such a thing.....yet all the deaths are listed as Covid because the person had tested positive.
Gotchya so there is no such thing as a COVID death. It’s crazy how the whole world could be so delusional. Or maybe it’s you. Hmmm gotta ponder that one for a bit!
Not at all.....libbers have to hype the virus so every death is a Covid death...even at the demise of all other forms of death and the total total staying the same.
You think doctors are risking their medical licenses to falsely report cause of death to promote democrat policies?! Are you high?! There are so many things wrong with that theory!
Americans are revolting against the illegal, unconstitutional shut downs. Apparently "freedom threatens those in authority."

"A diner in Michigan is open for business despite being told to close. A barbershop here, a crafts store there, churches, synagogues, temples — what makes this COVID revolt different is that the businesses that are defying lockdown orders are being swarmed by customers — many coming from miles away — just to support the defiance. It’s the most demonstrative political statement being made today and authorities who would try to enforce their edicts are playing with fire."

"The short notice taped to the door is addressed ‘to all government officials’. It gives them a warning: ‘You are in violation of your oath of office by trespassing unlawfully on the property of this business establishment and committing an act of terrorism under Section 802 of the Patriot Act.’ Taped up next to it, a longer warning in black and set-off red type, with Title 18 from the United States Code copied out underneath."

All the stupid people need to unite behind Trump and demand that their ignorant fucking voices be heard!
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
What’s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I don’t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we aren’t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You don’t know total cases, we don’t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of what’s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
Use my brain? Use just throw out the stats you don;t like.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Americans are revolting against the illegal, unconstitutional shut downs. Apparently "freedom threatens those in authority."

"A diner in Michigan is open for business despite being told to close. A barbershop here, a crafts store there, churches, synagogues, temples — what makes this COVID revolt different is that the businesses that are defying lockdown orders are being swarmed by customers — many coming from miles away — just to support the defiance. It’s the most demonstrative political statement being made today and authorities who would try to enforce their edicts are playing with fire."

"The short notice taped to the door is addressed ‘to all government officials’. It gives them a warning: ‘You are in violation of your oath of office by trespassing unlawfully on the property of this business establishment and committing an act of terrorism under Section 802 of the Patriot Act.’ Taped up next to it, a longer warning in black and set-off red type, with Title 18 from the United States Code copied out underneath."

Awesome!! Keep up the fight as over 3000 a day die and hospitals continue to get overwhelmed. Y’all are wonderful Americans!! *that’s sarcasm
Baloney and more bs propaganda from the libbers....
What’s BS? That more people are dying or that hospitals are filling up? Please explain why you’re calling it BS
Since only .19% of the US is currently infected with Covid and .46% of that total has a critical case, BS. So "hospitals" are not filling up and the Covid "related" deaths don't mean the person died because of Covid. BS.
You are claiming that hospitals are lying based on stats your getting from case studies? Do you understand what kind of vast conspiracy that would need to be afoot by thousands of independently run hospitals to make your claims a reality? How utterly unrealistic that is?! You should really think more before you make such idiotic claims
Isolated specific hospitals I am sure are busy, like in the illegal sanctuary city of El Paso....of course there are others. But overall, in the breadth of the US, the hospitals are quiet and the actual statistics bear that out. You libbers all say statistics are idiotic, but only because you refuse to look them up and only want to go by your propagandized media. You are the one who should do the thinking, for me its easy, I simply go to where they keep the actual facts and statistics.
I very much doubt you have spent any time really looking at the status of hospitals... your posts reek of political reactions and not thoughtful analysis. Where do you live?
Sure I do....whenever I see or hear one of these propaganda pieces I look at hospital occupancy rates in that area and also the volumes of tests run and positives, and critical cases. I look at all the stats. Plus the contacts we have in many hospitals across the US, and the 102 people I personally know who have had Covid add to my informational background. How bout you?
I know many people in the medical field and work with traveling nurses so I get most my trusted intel from people working the front lines.
And I do wonder why the difference in reality??
What are your nurse and doctor friends telling you? Don’t wear a mask it’s all a hoax?
They say do whatever you want to do. Like any reasonable person would suggest.
Haha. They give professional and medical recommendations. By your response I can tell youre full of shit and not actually engaging with medical professionals. Nice try. You’re playing politics and your not being sly about it

Any medical professional should tell you that all epidemics once established, are and can only be ended by herd immunity.
And then actually you do not then want to "flatten the curve", but instead accelerate infection locally, within those who are least vulnerable, as quickly as possible. Delaying infection rates only makes it last longer, which then kills far more.
No very few if any serious doctors are saying that.
Show me a respectable Dr that says that crap
My boss, my doctor, his coworker, just as many like them as don't.
I guess Fauci is an independent since he changes his mind.....
Everybody changes their mind as they are learning and new intel is presented
No, not the "experts".....
Especially the experts
Well if experts change their minds every week what is the decision maker supposed to do? Throw darts at a board?
Decision makers do the best they can with the intel they have and have the flexibility to pivot if need be
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
What’s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I don’t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we aren’t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You don’t know total cases, we don’t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of what’s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Covid is a respiratory virus that can cause pneumonia in sever cases and that is often the cause of death. I thought that was common knowledge.

Covid-19 can itself not cause any harm and can not cause pneumonia, but the immune system can over react with a cytokine storm, which can mascerate the lungs into a bloody pulp.
It would not have happened if not for the covid trigger, but it is not covid doing any of the harm to the lungs.
Gotchya. So COVId triggers it but is not responsible. I guess all the gun deaths in America are caused by guns and not those pulling the trigger. Right? ;-)
The issue is why is every death now termed a Covid death even though the actual cause of death is not Covid, when in the past the actual cause of death was listed on the death certificate.
Give me an example of a pure COVID death. What does that mean to you?
I don't think there is such a thing.....yet all the deaths are listed as Covid because the person had tested positive.
Gotchya so there is no such thing as a COVID death. It’s crazy how the whole world could be so delusional. Or maybe it’s you. Hmmm gotta ponder that one for a bit!
Not at all.....libbers have to hype the virus so every death is a Covid death...even at the demise of all other forms of death and the total total staying the same.
You think doctors are risking their medical licenses to falsely report cause of death to promote democrat policies?! Are you high?! There are so many things wrong with that theory!

Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
What’s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I don’t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we aren’t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You don’t know total cases, we don’t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of what’s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Covid is a respiratory virus that can cause pneumonia in sever cases and that is often the cause of death. I thought that was common knowledge.

Covid-19 can itself not cause any harm and can not cause pneumonia, but the immune system can over react with a cytokine storm, which can mascerate the lungs into a bloody pulp.
It would not have happened if not for the covid trigger, but it is not covid doing any of the harm to the lungs.
Gotchya. So COVId triggers it but is not responsible. I guess all the gun deaths in America are caused by guns and not those pulling the trigger. Right? ;-)
The issue is why is every death now termed a Covid death even though the actual cause of death is not Covid, when in the past the actual cause of death was listed on the death certificate.
Give me an example of a pure COVID death. What does that mean to you?
I don't think there is such a thing.....yet all the deaths are listed as Covid because the person had tested positive.
Gotchya so there is no such thing as a COVID death. It’s crazy how the whole world could be so delusional. Or maybe it’s you. Hmmm gotta ponder that one for a bit!
the virus is real just not dangerous as you claim,only the most ancient elderly die from it which is why it is bullshit to have all these lockdowns and having resteraunts and gyms where the most healty people in the country go,have to wear fucking facemasks which you will lie about of course is effective and say that doctors have not said it is useless.

Covid-19 can itself not cause any harm and can not cause pneumonia, but the immune system can over react with a cytokine storm, which can mascerate the lungs into a bloody pulp.
It would not have happened if not for the covid trigger, but it is not covid doing any of the harm to the lungs.
Gotchya. So COVId triggers it but is not responsible. I guess all the gun deaths in America are caused by guns and not those pulling the trigger. Right? ;-)

The problem with your analogy is that when a person pulls the trigger on a gun, they are doing it deliberately.
Covid has no ill intentions at all, and actually is trying to hide and remain harmless.
The fact you immune system triggers a cytokine storm is a mistake by the immune system entirely.
And in fact if not for the foolish "flattening the curve" which is filling hospitals up with so many patients, they should have found a way to desensitize the immune system by now. I suspect it will be immuno suppressants like quinine that finally stops all the deaths.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
What’s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I don’t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we aren’t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You don’t know total cases, we don’t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of what’s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Covid is a respiratory virus that causes pneumonia in sever cases and that is often the cause of death. I thought that was common knowledge
And I thought that it was common knowledge that a pneumonia death is a pneumonia death.
A car accident may cause a blunt force trauma death... however the death was still caused by the car accident. You’re making the case that it’s not a car accident death, it’s a blunt force trauma death... Get it?

But you are wrong.
Covid can NOT cause pneumonia at all, in any way.
The fact the immune system can over react to the detection of covid and cause pneumonia, is not the same as saying covid can cause pneumonia.
A child can step out into the street and cause a semi driver to swerve, go over railing and get smashed on the rocks below.
But no one would say a child can smash a semi truck.
Haha, that was a great attempt but a huge logic miss on that analogy. I do applaud the effort though. You need to do more research on Covid and pneumonia. Don’t think I didn’t notice that thumbs up jbrownson0831

What is novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia?

The illness tied to the new coronavirus was originally called novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP). The World Health Organization renamed it COVID-19, which is short for coronavirus disease 2019.

That is just mindless propaganda.
Covid-19 does not and can not cause pneumonia.
And your own quote says they mistakenly called it NCIP when they at first did not understand it was being caused by the immune system and not covid-19.
Decision makers do the best they can with the intel they have and have the flexibility to pivot if need be

Then they should stop the utterly failed strategy of flattening the curve, which has not worked for 10 months, can never work to end any epidemic, and never has done anything but maximized the death toll.
Any doctor will admit that all epidemics are only ended by herd immunity, and that works best if you accelerate infection, not slow it down.
Decision makers do the best they can with the intel they have and have the flexibility to pivot if need be

Then they should stop the utterly failed strategy of flattening the curve, which has not worked for 10 months, can never work to end any epidemic, and never has done anything but maximized the death toll.
Any doctor will admit that all epidemics are only ended by herd immunity, and that works best if you accelerate infection, not slow it down.
Infection rate is still very low compared to total US population even with all the testing.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
What’s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I don’t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we aren’t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You don’t know total cases, we don’t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of what’s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Covid is a respiratory virus that can cause pneumonia in sever cases and that is often the cause of death. I thought that was common knowledge.

Covid-19 can itself not cause any harm and can not cause pneumonia, but the immune system can over react with a cytokine storm, which can mascerate the lungs into a bloody pulp.
It would not have happened if not for the covid trigger, but it is not covid doing any of the harm to the lungs.
Gotchya. So COVId triggers it but is not responsible. I guess all the gun deaths in America are caused by guns and not those pulling the trigger. Right? ;-)
The issue is why is every death now termed a Covid death even though the actual cause of death is not Covid, when in the past the actual cause of death was listed on the death certificate.
Give me an example of a pure COVID death. What does that mean to you?
I don't think there is such a thing.....yet all the deaths are listed as Covid because the person had tested positive.
Gotchya so there is no such thing as a COVID death. It’s crazy how the whole world could be so delusional. Or maybe it’s you. Hmmm gotta ponder that one for a bit!
Not at all.....libbers have to hype the virus so every death is a Covid death...even at the demise of all other forms of death and the total total staying the same.
You think doctors are risking their medical licenses to falsely report cause of death to promote democrat policies?! Are you high?! There are so many things wrong with that theory!
It's all a big conspiracy. The Deep State, the commies, Obama, Hillary, the doctors, the nurses, the EMT people, the drug companies, the oxygen companies, the families, the friends. For America and around the world, too. We're all in on it.

The only people on the planet who have an infallible, vice-like grip on The Truth are Trump and his Trumpsters.

It's true. I heard it on the radio.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
What’s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I don’t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we aren’t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You don’t know total cases, we don’t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of what’s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Covid is a respiratory virus that can cause pneumonia in sever cases and that is often the cause of death. I thought that was common knowledge.

Covid-19 can itself not cause any harm and can not cause pneumonia, but the immune system can over react with a cytokine storm, which can mascerate the lungs into a bloody pulp.
It would not have happened if not for the covid trigger, but it is not covid doing any of the harm to the lungs.
Gotchya. So COVId triggers it but is not responsible. I guess all the gun deaths in America are caused by guns and not those pulling the trigger. Right? ;-)
The issue is why is every death now termed a Covid death even though the actual cause of death is not Covid, when in the past the actual cause of death was listed on the death certificate.
Give me an example of a pure COVID death. What does that mean to you?
I don't think there is such a thing.....yet all the deaths are listed as Covid because the person had tested positive.
Gotchya so there is no such thing as a COVID death. It’s crazy how the whole world could be so delusional. Or maybe it’s you. Hmmm gotta ponder that one for a bit!
Not at all.....libbers have to hype the virus so every death is a Covid death...even at the demise of all other forms of death and the total total staying the same.
You think doctors are risking their medical licenses to falsely report cause of death to promote democrat policies?! Are you high?! There are so many things wrong with that theory!

Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
What’s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I don’t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we aren’t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You don’t know total cases, we don’t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of what’s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Covid is a respiratory virus that can cause pneumonia in sever cases and that is often the cause of death. I thought that was common knowledge.

Covid-19 can itself not cause any harm and can not cause pneumonia, but the immune system can over react with a cytokine storm, which can mascerate the lungs into a bloody pulp.
It would not have happened if not for the covid trigger, but it is not covid doing any of the harm to the lungs.
Gotchya. So COVId triggers it but is not responsible. I guess all the gun deaths in America are caused by guns and not those pulling the trigger. Right? ;-)
The issue is why is every death now termed a Covid death even though the actual cause of death is not Covid, when in the past the actual cause of death was listed on the death certificate.
Give me an example of a pure COVID death. What does that mean to you?
I don't think there is such a thing.....yet all the deaths are listed as Covid because the person had tested positive.
Gotchya so there is no such thing as a COVID death. It’s crazy how the whole world could be so delusional. Or maybe it’s you. Hmmm gotta ponder that one for a bit!
the virus is real just not dangerous as you claim,only the most ancient elderly die from it which is why it is bullshit to have all these lockdowns and having resteraunts and gyms where the most healty people in the country go,have to wear fucking facemasks which you will lie about of course is effective and say that doctors have not said it is useless.

And you can see the plan to flatten the curve can not possibly succeed because it forces all people together in food lines at grocery stores instead of separating the infected and elderly.
You can also see their intent is fake because they are not proving any isolated facilities for the thousands of homeless who test positive.
Decision makers do the best they can with the intel they have and have the flexibility to pivot if need be

Then they should stop the utterly failed strategy of flattening the curve, which has not worked for 10 months, can never work to end any epidemic, and never has done anything but maximized the death toll.
Any doctor will admit that all epidemics are only ended by herd immunity, and that works best if you accelerate infection, not slow it down.
Infection rate is still very low compared to total US population even with all the testing.

But we could end the epidemic in 14 days if we deliberately infected young volunteers and kept them isolated.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
What’s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I don’t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we aren’t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You don’t know total cases, we don’t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of what’s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Covid is a respiratory virus that can cause pneumonia in sever cases and that is often the cause of death. I thought that was common knowledge.

Covid-19 can itself not cause any harm and can not cause pneumonia, but the immune system can over react with a cytokine storm, which can mascerate the lungs into a bloody pulp.
It would not have happened if not for the covid trigger, but it is not covid doing any of the harm to the lungs.
Gotchya. So COVId triggers it but is not responsible. I guess all the gun deaths in America are caused by guns and not those pulling the trigger. Right? ;-)
The issue is why is every death now termed a Covid death even though the actual cause of death is not Covid, when in the past the actual cause of death was listed on the death certificate.
Give me an example of a pure COVID death. What does that mean to you?
I don't think there is such a thing.....yet all the deaths are listed as Covid because the person had tested positive.
Gotchya so there is no such thing as a COVID death. It’s crazy how the whole world could be so delusional. Or maybe it’s you. Hmmm gotta ponder that one for a bit!
Not at all.....libbers have to hype the virus so every death is a Covid death...even at the demise of all other forms of death and the total total staying the same.
You think doctors are risking their medical licenses to falsely report cause of death to promote democrat policies?! Are you high?! There are so many things wrong with that theory!
It's all a big conspiracy. The Deep State, the commies, Obama, Hillary, the doctors, the nurses, the EMT people, the drug companies, the oxygen companies, the families, the friends. For America and around the world, too. We're all in on it.

The only people on the planet who have an infallible, vice-like grip on The Truth are Trump and his Trumpsters.

It's true. I heard it on the radio.

Doctors and nurses all support herd immunity or total quarantine, and none support flattening the curve.
Even Fauci admited that flattening the curve increases the area under the curve, deaths.

Tests range from $120 to $2000, and there trillions to be made on vaccines.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
What’s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I don’t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we aren’t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You don’t know total cases, we don’t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of what’s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Covid is a respiratory virus that can cause pneumonia in sever cases and that is often the cause of death. I thought that was common knowledge.

Covid-19 can itself not cause any harm and can not cause pneumonia, but the immune system can over react with a cytokine storm, which can mascerate the lungs into a bloody pulp.
It would not have happened if not for the covid trigger, but it is not covid doing any of the harm to the lungs.
Gotchya. So COVId triggers it but is not responsible. I guess all the gun deaths in America are caused by guns and not those pulling the trigger. Right? ;-)
The issue is why is every death now termed a Covid death even though the actual cause of death is not Covid, when in the past the actual cause of death was listed on the death certificate.
Give me an example of a pure COVID death. What does that mean to you?
I don't think there is such a thing.....yet all the deaths are listed as Covid because the person had tested positive.
Gotchya so there is no such thing as a COVID death. It’s crazy how the whole world could be so delusional. Or maybe it’s you. Hmmm gotta ponder that one for a bit!
Not at all.....libbers have to hype the virus so every death is a Covid death...even at the demise of all other forms of death and the total total staying the same.
You think doctors are risking their medical licenses to falsely report cause of death to promote democrat policies?! Are you high?! There are so many things wrong with that theory!

Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
What’s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I don’t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we aren’t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You don’t know total cases, we don’t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of what’s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Covid is a respiratory virus that can cause pneumonia in sever cases and that is often the cause of death. I thought that was common knowledge.

Covid-19 can itself not cause any harm and can not cause pneumonia, but the immune system can over react with a cytokine storm, which can mascerate the lungs into a bloody pulp.
It would not have happened if not for the covid trigger, but it is not covid doing any of the harm to the lungs.
Gotchya. So COVId triggers it but is not responsible. I guess all the gun deaths in America are caused by guns and not those pulling the trigger. Right? ;-)
The issue is why is every death now termed a Covid death even though the actual cause of death is not Covid, when in the past the actual cause of death was listed on the death certificate.
Give me an example of a pure COVID death. What does that mean to you?
I don't think there is such a thing.....yet all the deaths are listed as Covid because the person had tested positive.
Gotchya so there is no such thing as a COVID death. It’s crazy how the whole world could be so delusional. Or maybe it’s you. Hmmm gotta ponder that one for a bit!
the virus is real just not dangerous as you claim,only the most ancient elderly die from it which is why it is bullshit to have all these lockdowns and having resteraunts and gyms where the most healty people in the country go,have to wear fucking facemasks which you will lie about of course is effective and say that doctors have not said it is useless.
Doctors aren’t saying masks are useless they are pleading for people to wear them and act safely. And lockdowns are happening to save hospitals from being overwhelmed, which is clearly happening. My local hospital is got 30 new cases last week with 18 taking up the ICU which has 20 beds. How’s your local hospital doing? Have you even checked?

Covid-19 can itself not cause any harm and can not cause pneumonia, but the immune system can over react with a cytokine storm, which can mascerate the lungs into a bloody pulp.
It would not have happened if not for the covid trigger, but it is not covid doing any of the harm to the lungs.
Gotchya. So COVId triggers it but is not responsible. I guess all the gun deaths in America are caused by guns and not those pulling the trigger. Right? ;-)

The problem with your analogy is that when a person pulls the trigger on a gun, they are doing it deliberately.
Covid has no ill intentions at all, and actually is trying to hide and remain harmless.
The fact you immune system triggers a cytokine storm is a mistake by the immune system entirely.
And in fact if not for the foolish "flattening the curve" which is filling hospitals up with so many patients, they should have found a way to desensitize the immune system by now. I suspect it will be immuno suppressants like quinine that finally stops all the deaths.
I’m just going to laugh at this and move on. Haha
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
What’s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I don’t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we aren’t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You don’t know total cases, we don’t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of what’s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Covid is a respiratory virus that causes pneumonia in sever cases and that is often the cause of death. I thought that was common knowledge
And I thought that it was common knowledge that a pneumonia death is a pneumonia death.
A car accident may cause a blunt force trauma death... however the death was still caused by the car accident. You’re making the case that it’s not a car accident death, it’s a blunt force trauma death... Get it?

But you are wrong.
Covid can NOT cause pneumonia at all, in any way.
The fact the immune system can over react to the detection of covid and cause pneumonia, is not the same as saying covid can cause pneumonia.
A child can step out into the street and cause a semi driver to swerve, go over railing and get smashed on the rocks below.
But no one would say a child can smash a semi truck.
Haha, that was a great attempt but a huge logic miss on that analogy. I do applaud the effort though. You need to do more research on Covid and pneumonia. Don’t think I didn’t notice that thumbs up jbrownson0831

What is novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia?

The illness tied to the new coronavirus was originally called novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP). The World Health Organization renamed it COVID-19, which is short for coronavirus disease 2019.

That is just mindless propaganda.
Covid-19 does not and can not cause pneumonia.
And your own quote says they mistakenly called it NCIP when they at first did not understand it was being caused by the immune system and not covid-19.
Read the entire link not just the first paragraph

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