The Creation Of White Nationalism


The White Nationalist movement, or whichever term a group chooses to call itself, clearly has a guy in DC whom they favor. Right now. Today. And he's done little to change that.

What exactly did you mean then? perhaps you could have first defined white nationalist. Cause I have no fking idea what that is other than what I stated.
I will assume you're admitting that I didn't say anyone was "bad", or anything of the sort.


There are several groups who might fall under a larger nationalist umbrella. You may have your own personal definition, but in general they include a long list of organizations that claim the title. And my point was merely stating the obvious, that Trump has support from many of their members, from David Duke on: White nationalist David Duke robocalls for Trump, throws Beyoncé shade

You can pretend that isn't true, if you want. Doesn't matter to me.
again, what is wrong with being a nationalist? what is your issue with people loving their country and only their country?

Also, you implied it was bad. what is meant by this sentence then? And he's done little to change that.

Change what exactly? why would someone change? that in itself means wrong if change is your objective, which clearly was your intent.
I'm not sure why this is so complicated. Some people are fine with the nationalist movement and the various people and groups who end up being associated with it. Some are not. If you're good with it, great.

As with any other politician, Trump needs to look at the pros and cons of associations of those who support him and those he enables. If he's fine with that, great.

I'm not trying to make you do anything. For example, if Trump wants to pretend he doesn't know who David Duke is, that's up to him. If his supporters don't want to condemn and marginalize people and groups who identify as Nationalist or White Nationalist, great, that's up to you. Free country.
dude, I really can't believe you. you are truly an asshat. you certainly are full of yourself wow. to even make this statement is beyond unbelievable:

I'm not trying to make you do anything.

why do you suppose you have that ability to make that statement? OMG what an asshat.

Then you double down on your self awareness by making this statement:

if Trump wants to pretend he doesn't know who David Duke is, that's up to him. If his supporters don't want to condemn and marginalize people and groups who identify as Nationalist or White Nationalist, great, that's up to you. Free country.

Like you can make someone do anything you want. dude, unbelievable. we're all grateful for your kindness for allowing us to have our own opinions. hly fk asshat, get a fking life.
You still haven't made a cogent point.

Make one. Or don't.

By the way, "asshat" is one of my favorites.
sure I have, you wish to ignore it. NP. just shows who you are. Asshat. I guess you're proud of that.

I've asked and asked and you can't define white nationalist.
dude, I really can't believe you. you are truly an asshat. you certainly are full of yourself wow. to even make this statement is beyond unbelievable:

I'm not trying to make you do anything.

why do you suppose you have that ability to make that statement? OMG what an asshat.

Then you double down on your self awareness by making this statement:

if Trump wants to pretend he doesn't know who David Duke is, that's up to him. If his supporters don't want to condemn and marginalize people and groups who identify as Nationalist or White Nationalist, great, that's up to you. Free country.

Like you can make someone do anything you want. dude, unbelievable. we're all grateful for your kindness for allowing us to have our own opinions. hly fk asshat, get a fking life.

And for the record, who gives a shit about david duke and his fking life. Not me.
Whatever you do, be sure to ignore and minimize the past and current influence of white supremacists like David Duke in America.
who is he and how does he fit into the discussion of a white person being for our nation? not sure how you tie that knot.

Why are you obsessed with him anyway. he's useless in the material world.
who is he and how does he fit into the discussion of a white person being for our nation? not sure how you tie that knot.

Why are you obsessed with him anyway. he's useless in the material world.
I believe you are well aware that David Duke ran the KKK.

Moreover, I believe you are well aware that David Duke was in full-support of Trump winning the Republican primaries, and ultimately the Presidency.

Why do you think that David Duke, and all the rest of the white supremacist community are in full-support of Donald Trump?
I will assume you're admitting that I didn't say anyone was "bad", or anything of the sort.


There are several groups who might fall under a larger nationalist umbrella. You may have your own personal definition, but in general they include a long list of organizations that claim the title. And my point was merely stating the obvious, that Trump has support from many of their members, from David Duke on: White nationalist David Duke robocalls for Trump, throws Beyoncé shade

You can pretend that isn't true, if you want. Doesn't matter to me.
again, what is wrong with being a nationalist? what is your issue with people loving their country and only their country?

Also, you implied it was bad. what is meant by this sentence then? And he's done little to change that.

Change what exactly? why would someone change? that in itself means wrong if change is your objective, which clearly was your intent.
I'm not sure why this is so complicated. Some people are fine with the nationalist movement and the various people and groups who end up being associated with it. Some are not. If you're good with it, great.

As with any other politician, Trump needs to look at the pros and cons of associations of those who support him and those he enables. If he's fine with that, great.

I'm not trying to make you do anything. For example, if Trump wants to pretend he doesn't know who David Duke is, that's up to him. If his supporters don't want to condemn and marginalize people and groups who identify as Nationalist or White Nationalist, great, that's up to you. Free country.
dude, I really can't believe you. you are truly an asshat. you certainly are full of yourself wow. to even make this statement is beyond unbelievable:

I'm not trying to make you do anything.

why do you suppose you have that ability to make that statement? OMG what an asshat.

Then you double down on your self awareness by making this statement:

if Trump wants to pretend he doesn't know who David Duke is, that's up to him. If his supporters don't want to condemn and marginalize people and groups who identify as Nationalist or White Nationalist, great, that's up to you. Free country.

Like you can make someone do anything you want. dude, unbelievable. we're all grateful for your kindness for allowing us to have our own opinions. hly fk asshat, get a fking life.
You still haven't made a cogent point.

Make one. Or don't.

By the way, "asshat" is one of my favorites.
sure I have, you wish to ignore it. NP. just shows who you are. Asshat. I guess you're proud of that.

I've asked and asked and you can't define white nationalist.
I'm flattered by how important my opinion is to you. You keep posting to me, you keep humping my leg.

Here's the first definition I found online. I would have kept looking, but I just don't care enough:

White nationalism is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism that holds the belief that white people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a white national identity.

Now, if you'd like, you can give me your definition. Or don't. I don't even know why we're on this topic. I don't give a shit.
who is he and how does he fit into the discussion of a white person being for our nation? not sure how you tie that knot.

Why are you obsessed with him anyway. he's useless in the material world.
I believe you are well aware that David Duke ran the KKK.

Moreover, I believe you are well aware that David Duke was in full-support of Trump winning the Republican primaries, and ultimately the Presidency.

Why do you think that David Duke, and all the rest of the white supremacist community are in full-support of Donald Trump?
kkk is democrat. so fking what?

who cares who david duke was for, why is it material? cause you think it is? bwhaaaaaa:auiqs.jpg:

since I'm not any of that make believe white bullshit, stop tying knots to something you made up. I'm white, I am for my nation to survive and not for the global position of a demoloser. I'm just not. that doesn't make me a bigot a racist or any other fking name you wish to add to me. I don't fking care who you are or your fking beliefs. I've told you my position. I never said like it. It is what I am fighting to maintain, the USA.
again, what is wrong with being a nationalist? what is your issue with people loving their country and only their country?

Also, you implied it was bad. what is meant by this sentence then? And he's done little to change that.

Change what exactly? why would someone change? that in itself means wrong if change is your objective, which clearly was your intent.
I'm not sure why this is so complicated. Some people are fine with the nationalist movement and the various people and groups who end up being associated with it. Some are not. If you're good with it, great.

As with any other politician, Trump needs to look at the pros and cons of associations of those who support him and those he enables. If he's fine with that, great.

I'm not trying to make you do anything. For example, if Trump wants to pretend he doesn't know who David Duke is, that's up to him. If his supporters don't want to condemn and marginalize people and groups who identify as Nationalist or White Nationalist, great, that's up to you. Free country.
dude, I really can't believe you. you are truly an asshat. you certainly are full of yourself wow. to even make this statement is beyond unbelievable:

I'm not trying to make you do anything.

why do you suppose you have that ability to make that statement? OMG what an asshat.

Then you double down on your self awareness by making this statement:

if Trump wants to pretend he doesn't know who David Duke is, that's up to him. If his supporters don't want to condemn and marginalize people and groups who identify as Nationalist or White Nationalist, great, that's up to you. Free country.

Like you can make someone do anything you want. dude, unbelievable. we're all grateful for your kindness for allowing us to have our own opinions. hly fk asshat, get a fking life.
You still haven't made a cogent point.

Make one. Or don't.

By the way, "asshat" is one of my favorites.
sure I have, you wish to ignore it. NP. just shows who you are. Asshat. I guess you're proud of that.

I've asked and asked and you can't define white nationalist.
I'm flattered by how important my opinion is to you. You keep posting to me, you keep humping my leg.

Here's the first definition I found online. I would have kept looking, but I just don't care enough:

White nationalism is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism that holds the belief that white people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a white national identity.

Now, if you'd like, you can give me your definition. Or don't. I don't even know why we're on this topic. I don't give a shit.
I'm a really integrity kind of guy. I was answering your questions. If you wish I don't answer your question, then don't in the future ask where I went. If you choose to be this type of poster on a message board where people answer questions from other posters. Don't respond to me, ignore my dumb ass. Why do you feel the need to grandstand? And how does this relate to the question of white nationalist? nice deflection.

I guess since you responded to my post you're now humping my leg? dude, you really are an asshat.
it's you making the claim without evidence of anything. so it must be your gig.
That doesn't make any sense.

Again, I ask, explain how you suspect I'm making it possible?
you posted make america cruel again. didn't you? your gig. unsure why that was so complicated for you. It was your fking statement.
kkk is democrat. so fking what?

who cares who david duke was for, why is it material? cause you think it is? bwhaaaaaa:auiqs.jpg:

since I'm not any of that make believe white bullshit, stop tying knots to something you made up. I'm white, I am for my nation to survive and not for the global position of a demoloser. I'm just not. that doesn't make me a bigot a racist or any other fking name you wish to add to me. I don't fking care who you are or your fking beliefs. I've told you my position. I never said like it. It is what I am fighting to maintain, the USA.
With all the muted F-bombs, your post communicates to me that you're upset. However, I'm not sure why.

I simply asked you, why do you think that David Duke, and the rest of the white supremacist community, are in full-support of President Donald Trump?

Then you flew into that muted F-bomb laced rant.

You claim not to really know, nor care who David Duke et al are, but you do seem to know for a fact, that he was Democrat.

kkk is democrat. so fking what?

who cares who david duke was for, why is it material? cause you think it is? bwhaaaaaa:auiqs.jpg:

since I'm not any of that make believe white bullshit, stop tying knots to something you made up. I'm white, I am for my nation to survive and not for the global position of a demoloser. I'm just not. that doesn't make me a bigot a racist or any other fking name you wish to add to me. I don't fking care who you are or your fking beliefs. I've told you my position. I never said like it. It is what I am fighting to maintain, the USA.
With all the muted F-bombs, your post communicates to me that you're upset. However, I'm not sure why.

I simply asked you, why do you think that David Duke, and the rest of the white supremacist community, are in full-support of President Donald Trump?

Then you flew into that muted F-bomb laced rant.

You claim not to really know, nor care who David Duke et al are, but you do seem to know for a fact, that he was Democrat.

again, you ask a question that can't be answered other than asking that group. so go ask them why they like trump. why do you feel it is our job in here to answer it? none of us are them. you even name names, david duke, well fk, go ask him. Why not ask CNN why they feel the need to bring him out? give him air time and all of that? I know it is demolosers who are concerned for his comments.
who is he and how does he fit into the discussion of a white person being for our nation? not sure how you tie that knot.

Why are you obsessed with him anyway. he's useless in the material world.
I believe you are well aware that David Duke ran the KKK.

Moreover, I believe you are well aware that David Duke was in full-support of Trump winning the Republican primaries, and ultimately the Presidency.

Why do you think that David Duke, and all the rest of the white supremacist community are in full-support of Donald Trump?

The reason why Dave Duke is in "full support" of President Trump is because that's what he gets paid for.

If Mr. Duke were to be in "full support" of Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama, CNN wouldn't both speaking to him or paying him for his contributions. They would forget about him, and never mention his name again.

Duke's role is the same as Emmanuel Goldstein's , put an evil face and attach it to the Deep State's enemies. And for Mr. Duke, its better than just being another prole.
Then why do the 1% support Democrats while the middle class votes Trump?

Because the One Percent (or at least some of them) are smart enough to realize a crazy person in the white house is bad for business.

Looks like he has been good for business so far. But be that as it may I still will not support the party of the 1%. Their interests do not align with mine. If it is business they are worried about then they will just have t worry. They can sit in their corporate boardrooms and worry all day. I really dont care.
By the way which businesses of the 1% in that have been hurt by Trump?
I tend to chalk it up to the facts that not many pay as much attention to the political milieu as those of us who post here.

With all of the media, schools, and pop culture telling them lies, no wonder so many are fooled.

Fooled into what?

Here's the thing I realized. If you aren't part of the one percent, you are in the same boat as the Hispanic Lesbian.

Yet the Hispanic lesbian and the 1% vote together.

Weird! Unless.....
Who do we have to thank?

1.Somehow, when it comes to any narrative put forth by the Left, the Democrats/Liberals, the story is never what they say it is.
Every argument of theirs is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Remember this lie?

"Well, I say to them tonight, there's not a liberal America and a conservative America; there's the United States of America.”

"There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America.” Barack Obama, Democrat Ten years ago: Obama makes national debut

This, from the party that survives on identity politics, divide and conquer.

While they lie and suggest unity, the Democrats can never praise nationalism, as the term is the opposite of what they try to do….Balkanize the population.

The Democrats wanted to put Obama on Mt. Rushmore, but there wasn't enough room for two more faces.

2.That’s what they say out loud. Here’s what they said behind your back:

"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

“But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.
All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

Somehow the interests of the majority white population of the nation didn’t, and don’t, align with the interests of the Democrat Party.

What is the majority racial group supposed to do when the Democrats throw them, white folks, under the bus????

Do you see who created the backlash of white nationalism?

The Democrats.

Next post….how the Democrats smear the group that is simply stating that they have rights in America, too.

What they are saying is "vote for your race...unless you are white". Their greatest fear has long been white racial awareness. I would go so far as to say it is a terror for them.
Who do we have to thank?

1.Somehow, when it comes to any narrative put forth by the Left, the Democrats/Liberals, the story is never what they say it is.
Every argument of theirs is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Remember this lie?

"Well, I say to them tonight, there's not a liberal America and a conservative America; there's the United States of America.”

"There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America.” Barack Obama, Democrat Ten years ago: Obama makes national debut

This, from the party that survives on identity politics, divide and conquer.

While they lie and suggest unity, the Democrats can never praise nationalism, as the term is the opposite of what they try to do….Balkanize the population.

The Democrats wanted to put Obama on Mt. Rushmore, but there wasn't enough room for two more faces.

2.That’s what they say out loud. Here’s what they said behind your back:

"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

“But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.
All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

Somehow the interests of the majority white population of the nation didn’t, and don’t, align with the interests of the Democrat Party.

What is the majority racial group supposed to do when the Democrats throw them, white folks, under the bus????

Do you see who created the backlash of white nationalism?

The Democrats.

Next post….how the Democrats smear the group that is simply stating that they have rights in America, too.

What they are saying is "vote for your race...unless you are white". Their greatest fear has long been white racial awareness. I would go so far as to say it is a terror for them.

1. "What they are saying is "vote for your race."
Exactly....and, 'support us because you have grievances that only we can resolve.'

2. "Their greatest fear has long been white racial awareness.'
No....I believer that the Left always felt that they had the white vote in their pocket, and that they could stamp out resistance from whites who saw what was going on.
Liberal voters are either clueless, or fearful of the thrashing they'd get if they voiced disapproval.

3. " While the liberal mob engages in the kind of violence that one expects of a mob, there is also a species of intellectual mob that relies on praise and ridicule to enforce its views: they rely on the axiom that large segments of the population would rather be punched in the face than be sneered at by the elites. We call them liberals.

The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life."
kkk is democrat. so fking what?

who cares who david duke was for, why is it material? cause you think it is? bwhaaaaaa:auiqs.jpg:

since I'm not any of that make believe white bullshit, stop tying knots to something you made up. I'm white, I am for my nation to survive and not for the global position of a demoloser. I'm just not. that doesn't make me a bigot a racist or any other fking name you wish to add to me. I don't fking care who you are or your fking beliefs. I've told you my position. I never said like it. It is what I am fighting to maintain, the USA.
With all the muted F-bombs, your post communicates to me that you're upset. However, I'm not sure why.

I simply asked you, why do you think that David Duke, and the rest of the white supremacist community, are in full-support of President Donald Trump?

Then you flew into that muted F-bomb laced rant.

You claim not to really know, nor care who David Duke et al are, but you do seem to know for a fact, that he was Democrat.


"... and the rest of the white supremacist community,..."

Outside of a very small group of outliers, there is no 'white supremacist community.'

It is made up by the Left to fuel fools like you.

Let's prove it together.

There are no white supremacists. The term is a created 'term of art' to camouflage the real villains, the Democrats.

Neither being white, nor using the term 'white supremacists,' I looked up the term.

"a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races"

I really can't get too excited, nor see it as a pejorative, if any individual of any race sees his/her group as the very best, i.e., superior to any other group.
The proof that it is a made-up smear, a chimera....the usual strategy of the Left, is the secondary phrase in the definition..."and that white people should have control over people of other races"

Clearly this is totally bogus.

Fake news.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."
Mac, you've shown in multiple threads a passive aggressive hatred of white people. That is fine. I'm sure you have your reasons, but try not to paint with a broad brush. You know that standing up for white people means standing up for the bad white people as well. I don't see how playing dumb is proving any kind of point.

Wow... you are going to make me defend Stormy Mac..

When has he expressed a hate of white people? He spend most of his threads bemoaning the loss of white male privilege and "political correctness".

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