The creationists are BACK

Oh not at all. You can't observe God, you can't test for God. As oppose to scientific theories like gravity and evolution where we have mounds of evidence. We can observe gravity. Go and drop something on the floor. And we can observe evolution as well.

My point isn't that God can or can't be observed. It's that, since we do not know the why of things, God exists.
At least in our head.

People do have a habit of using the large gaps in science knowledge and plugging God into them.

yes, it is only natural to assume that, as those gaps get smaller and small, God will have less and less room to exist. If you continue this trend, it is reasonable to assume that all natural phenomena in the universe are, in actuality, explainable through science, past, present, and future, not God, but we just don't know it yet. We will never discover everything, but, like an asymptotic curve, we will continue to discover but never quite reach the limit of the knowable, that limit being 'everything.'
I love how I make a perfectly good argument and then you go and assert I've never been educated in biology, and 101 none the less.

You'd be better off not replying next time if all you're going to do is make an assertion you cant prove.

Your argument is no argument Nick.
How do you prove an invisible man in the sky exists or not?
NO one can disprove my belief in God.
NO one CAN prove that an atheist is wrong.
Beliefs can not be proven or disproven Nick. There is NO evidence of creation "science".
There is tons of evidence, scrutinized by the scientific method, that evolution is fact.
99% of the worlds colleges and universities teach it as fact.
Yet Nick knows better and claims it is a half assed theory.
Sure, right Nick, we are going to listen to you instead of a thoroughly researched theory that has stood up to the scientific method 100% of the time.
Do you even know what the scientific method is? How is that used and tell us what other areas in science that has been used in and what other scientific advances have been made over the last 200 years under that method?
Do I have to explain to you how the scientific method was used to develop your cell phone?
Beliefs are not science Nick. Religion is BELIEF.

Yeah, how dare I question....

Do you know what the scientific method is??? I certainly do.

I'm the one questioning here and all I see are a bunch of fucking retards satisfied with what they're told. They're not questioning they're accepting......Why don't you read books and ponder the facts and the gaps.

Now, I don't fucking believe there is enough evidence to teach evolution as FACT.....

You know, at one time there was a fucking theory that the earth was the center of the universe...

There is also a fucking theory called m-theory in which the universe is all made up of vibrating strings, there is also another theory of multiple universes...

There are a lot of theories, many of which contradict others....

Its funny how all those "theories" are being taught, despite the contradictions. Now if one contradicts the other - that means its WRONG, yet its still being taught as theory - IS IT NOT????

Oh, and the notion that the "words" taught in college are 99% fact..... :lol: I'm sure they said that 600 years ago too.

Colleges are nothing but political indoctrination centers, er "reeducation camps."

Actually, part of m-theory is that there are multi-verses, existing on membrnces, as extensions of string theory. Study up man, you don't know as much as you think you do...

There aren't as many theories as you say...

m-theory was made to bridge the gap between quantum theory (electromagntic, strong, and weak nuclear force) and the theory of relativity (gravity) which was a fundamental problem in physics until m-theory came around.

All of these must be mathmetically sound, and are just theories, until they start to look for them in the laboratory. Black holes were just theorized and predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity. We now know they were all over the universe. The universe is written in the language math. It is more powerful than you could know.

You speak of colleges as if anyone gives a shit. College is only an instrument to seperate those that can pay from those that can't pay, and make the wealth gap larger, unless you are going to be a doctor or lawyer or something like that. Most kids go to party, and don't even pay attention. I didn't learn a single fucking thing in college. Any and all job training is done on site, for the most part. Except for specialized fields like Accounting.

Things aren't taught as fact in college or school. They are taught to make you think, so you can see the world in your own way, and make your own decisions. People aren't drones. You can always find your own answers.
Gravity is a 100% proven theory that has been scientifically verified and can be repeated.

The so called pseudo theory of evolution has not been proven, nor is it a verifiable fact that can be repeated in the lab..

Evolution is pretty well proven to anyone who actually wants to look at it, and is used to PREDICT things in the field, and those predictions come true. It is testible, falsiable, and provable. Where do we get all these species of dog? Why do humans have different skin colors? What are vestigial organs? FOSSILS??? ... Evolution is a rational explanation for nearly everything we see around us. Creationism is an idea based on ONE book written two thousand years ago that has no basis in reality, only in imagination.

Its the Established theory for the moment to answer the question it is not however an Established Fact proving the answer

It can never be fact, since we can't go back in time. We only have what was left over as evidence, and it may not all ever be known, but, enough has been observed, theorized, evidenced to paint a good of picture to approximate a working model of what has happened. Assuming there is no deity to guide the physical forces of this universe, the scientific explanation is more than capable of handling the data gathered so far. Whether there is a deity, no one living will ever know. People who do believe without a doubt that there is a god, I suspect believe it because they think they 'feel' something. that is about all the evidence they need. Fine, it that helps them with the uncertainty of life, fine. that's cool. But, don't project that inner reality of total certainty to the rest of this world which is uncertain. It doesn't fit. People just want to feel 'safe' and the idea of god gives them that 'warmth' they desire. I can't blame them either. However, in the physical universe, there is only a certain amount that is knowable, and that uncertainty is something that scientists learn to live with, unlike creationists who need everything to be explainable all the time at every point during the day, which is only a protective measure against the possibility of their inner world falling apart, which is completely built upon the idea of God. So, if God isn't true, or didn't build the universe, then it is possible that they will fall apart. It is a psychological defense mechanism against uncertainty and fear almost. It's crazy. The extent to which they need it to keep themselves glued together is proportional to the strengths of their convictions about their beliefs.
True patriots of freedom of religion like myself fight the mullahs to the end here in Georgia.

A true patriot of freedom would not defend the evolutionist's imposition of a metaphysical/absolute naturalism on science in the public education system at the exclusion of the scientific worldview of the methodological naturalist, which is what we‘re ultimately talking about here, nor disregard the free exercise clause of the First Amendment as you do.

You're not a patriot; you're a statist, objecting to proponents of ID imposing their theory on you in the schools while you have no problem imposing your metaphysics and its subsequent theory on them in the same. Your use of the term mullah, is nothing more than the pejorative of misdirection. Shameful.

The only constitutional resolution to this impasse it universal school choice. Do you support school choice or not?

Creationism is a CHRISTIAN idea. This country is not Christian, despite the Christians that want to call it that. Given that there is the seperation of church and state, how can you implement creationim in a public school, which is a state administered education? It is only because Christians consistute a large enough minority and represent somewhat of a status quo in 'white middle America' and have enough backing in the conservative party that these requests for creationism are even being considered. Creationism can be taught at church. plain and simple. It has no place in public school. Science must be taught in public school because it is logical and explains quite easily the world around us. I love how creationists love to try and paint science as being as arbitrary as creationism. It's not. Science is the product of rationality. Creationism is the product of imagination, derived from single book that people arbitrarily believe is true because the book says it is. What seems more convincing of an objective reality? If kids want to study creationism, go somewhere else like... I don't know, church, where it belongs?
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True patriots of freedom of religion like myself fight the mullahs to the end here in Georgia.

A true patriot of freedom would not defend the evolutionist's imposition of a metaphysical/absolute naturalism on science in the public education system at the exclusion of the scientific worldview of the methodological naturalist, which is what we‘re ultimately talking about here, nor disregard the free exercise clause of the First Amendment as you do.

You're not a patriot; you're a statist, objecting to proponents of ID imposing their theory on you in the schools while you have no problem imposing your metaphysics and its subsequent theory on them in the same. Your use of the term mullah, is nothing more than the pejorative of misdirection. Shameful.

The only constitutional resolution to this impasse it universal school choice. Do you support school choice or not?

Creationism is a CHRISTIAN idea. This country is not Christian, despite the Christians that want to call it that. Given that there is the separation of church and state, how can you implement creationism in a public school, which is a state administered education? It is only because Christians constitute a large enough minority and represent somewhat of a status quo in 'white middle America' and have enough backing in the conservative party that these requests for creationism are even being considered. Creationism can be taught at church. plain and simple. It has no place in public school. Science must be taught in public school because it is logical and explains quite easily the world around us. I love how creationists love to try and paint science as being as arbitrary as creationism. It's not. Science is the product of rationality. Creationism is the product of imagination, derived from single book that people arbitrarily believe is true because the book says it is. What seems more convincing of an objective reality? If kids want to study creationism, go somewhere else like... I don't know, church, where it belongs?

Separation of Church and State meant that the States could not form and back a certain type of religion such as Catholic or certain types of Protestant Churches.
I would not call 3/4 th of this nation a large minority. I would call it the majority.
Never mind that the majority of Blacks and Hispanics are Christian too.
And Jews and Muslims believe in Creationism also not just Christians.
Our Constitution gives us the rights of freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
The minority does not have the right to rule over the majority of this nation.
Separation of Church and State meant that the States could not form and back a certain type of religion such as Catholic or certain types of Protestant Churches.
I would not call 3/4 th of this nation a large minority. I would call it the majority.
Never mind that the majority of Blacks and Hispanics are Christian too.
And Jews and Muslims believe in Creationism also not just Christians.
Our Constitution gives us the rights of freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
The minority does not have the right to rule over the majority of this nation.

So you are advocating for a tyranny of the majority?

Unless you are teaching a philosophy class and talking about all world religions, religion does not belong in public schools where children of ALL religions go to get an education...especially when advancing the non scientific beliefs of only one religion and not even in a class about religion.
A true patriot of freedom would not defend the evolutionist's imposition of a metaphysical/absolute naturalism on science in the public education system at the exclusion of the scientific worldview of the methodological naturalist, which is what we‘re ultimately talking about here, nor disregard the free exercise clause of the First Amendment as you do.

You're not a patriot; you're a statist, objecting to proponents of ID imposing their theory on you in the schools while you have no problem imposing your metaphysics and its subsequent theory on them in the same. Your use of the term mullah, is nothing more than the pejorative of misdirection. Shameful.

The only constitutional resolution to this impasse it universal school choice. Do you support school choice or not?

Creationism is a CHRISTIAN idea. This country is not Christian, despite the Christians that want to call it that. Given that there is the separation of church and state, how can you implement creationism in a public school, which is a state administered education? It is only because Christians constitute a large enough minority and represent somewhat of a status quo in 'white middle America' and have enough backing in the conservative party that these requests for creationism are even being considered. Creationism can be taught at church. plain and simple. It has no place in public school. Science must be taught in public school because it is logical and explains quite easily the world around us. I love how creationists love to try and paint science as being as arbitrary as creationism. It's not. Science is the product of rationality. Creationism is the product of imagination, derived from single book that people arbitrarily believe is true because the book says it is. What seems more convincing of an objective reality? If kids want to study creationism, go somewhere else like... I don't know, church, where it belongs?

Separation of Church and State meant that the States could not form and back a certain type of religion such as Catholic or certain types of Protestant Churches.
I would not call 3/4 th of this nation a large minority. I would call it the majority.
Never mind that the majority of Blacks and Hispanics are Christian too.
And Jews and Muslims believe in Creationism also not just Christians.
Our Constitution gives us the rights of freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
The minority does not have the right to rule over the majority of this nation.

Tell me what 3/4 th is and I'll ask a question.
I'm saying that the minority does not have the right to keep the majority silent.
And I was correcting some of newpolitics statements that was made.
Keeping God out of our schools has kept the full and complete teaching out of our U.S. History.
It has become a pick and choose method and in some instances a rewriting of our history in order to teach it.
Creationism is a CHRISTIAN idea. This country is not Christian, despite the Christians that want to call it that. Given that there is the separation of church and state, how can you implement creationism in a public school, which is a state administered education? It is only because Christians constitute a large enough minority and represent somewhat of a status quo in 'white middle America' and have enough backing in the conservative party that these requests for creationism are even being considered. Creationism can be taught at church. plain and simple. It has no place in public school. Science must be taught in public school because it is logical and explains quite easily the world around us. I love how creationists love to try and paint science as being as arbitrary as creationism. It's not. Science is the product of rationality. Creationism is the product of imagination, derived from single book that people arbitrarily believe is true because the book says it is. What seems more convincing of an objective reality? If kids want to study creationism, go somewhere else like... I don't know, church, where it belongs?

Separation of Church and State meant that the States could not form and back a certain type of religion such as Catholic or certain types of Protestant Churches.
I would not call 3/4 th of this nation a large minority. I would call it the majority.
Never mind that the majority of Blacks and Hispanics are Christian too.
And Jews and Muslims believe in Creationism also not just Christians.
Our Constitution gives us the rights of freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
The minority does not have the right to rule over the majority of this nation.

Tell me what 3/4 th is and I'll ask a question.

Ok,Ok I meant three fourths :redface: I need more coffee :lol:
Separation of Church and State meant that the States could not form and back a certain type of religion such as Catholic or certain types of Protestant Churches.
I would not call 3/4 th of this nation a large minority. I would call it the majority.
Never mind that the majority of Blacks and Hispanics are Christian too.
And Jews and Muslims believe in Creationism also not just Christians.
Our Constitution gives us the rights of freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
The minority does not have the right to rule over the majority of this nation.

So you are advocating for a tyranny of the majority?

Unless you are teaching a philosophy class and talking about all world religions, religion does not belong in public schools where children of ALL religions go to get an education...especially when advancing the non scientific beliefs of only one religion and not even in a class about religion.

Does no one have a word processor?
Aye. :redface:
Separation of Church and State meant that the States could not form and back a certain type of religion such as Catholic or certain types of Protestant Churches.
I would not call 3/4 th of this nation a large minority. I would call it the majority.
Never mind that the majority of Blacks and Hispanics are Christian too.
And Jews and Muslims believe in Creationism also not just Christians.
Our Constitution gives us the rights of freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
The minority does not have the right to rule over the majority of this nation.

Tell me what 3/4 th is and I'll ask a question.

Ok,Ok I meant three fourths :redface: I need more coffee :lol:

No, I am an utter moron. Except that I hate myself. That should bring you comfort.
Now I understand.
I'm saying that the minority does not have the right to keep the majority silent.
And I was correcting some of newpolitics statements that was made.
Keeping God out of our schools has kept the full and complete teaching out of our U.S. History.
It has become a pick and choose method and in some instances a rewriting of our history in order to teach it.

Who is keeping you silent? You cannot teach a religion in public schools but it is not forbidden to talk about religion.

US Supreme Court Abington v. Schempp Associate Justice Tom Clark:

It might well be said that one’s education is not complete without a study of comparative religion or the history of religion and its relationship to the advancement of
civilization. It certainly may be said that the Bible is worthy of study for its literary and historic qualities. Nothing we have said here indicates that such study of the Bible or of religion, when presented objectively as part of a secular program of education, may not be effected consistently with the First Amendment.

From Religion in the Public School Curriculum,...a set of guidelines issued by 17 religious and educational organizations:

>The school’s approach to religion is academic, not devotional.
>The school strives for student awareness of religions, but does not press for student acceptance of any religion.
>The school sponsors study about religion, not the practice of religion.
>The school may expose students to a diversity of religious views, but may not impose any particular view.
>The school educates about all religions; it does not promote or denigrate religion.
>The school informs students about various beliefs; it does not seek to conform students to any particular beliefs.

So, school districts are more omnipotent than god? :lol:

Seriously though...nobody is keeping god out of public schools. Kids are allowed to read the bible, pray before tests and say grace before lunch. When they get into class, though, they need to be learning, not being preached to.
Creationism is a CHRISTIAN idea. This country is not Christian, despite the Christians that want to call it that. Given that there is the seperation of church and state, how can you implement creationim in a public school, which is a state administered education? It is only because Christians consistute a large enough minority and represent somewhat of a status quo in 'white middle America' and have enough backing in the conservative party that these requests for creationism are even being considered. Creationism can be taught at church. plain and simple. It has no place in public school. Science must be taught in public school because it is logical and explains quite easily the world around us. I love how creationists love to try and paint science as being as arbitrary as creationism. It's not. Science is the product of rationality. Creationism is the product of imagination, derived from single book that people arbitrarily believe is true because the book says it is. What seems more convincing of an objective reality? If kids want to study creationism, go somewhere else like... I don't know, church, where it belongs?

You're not making any sense at all. Nothing in this post of yours even remotely suggests you understand what I'm talking about, either scientifically or politically. You're a statist. That's clear. You're just spouting slogans. That's sad. And you have no idea what I know and think about science.
Where have you been recently.
Schools are forbidding Christians to wear a cross or any form of Christian display to school.
Just recently a student sued because the school forbid her to say a prayer at her graduation speech.
Anti Christianity is popping up all over the place throughout this nation.
You are not able to bring a bible to many schools,many have not been able to pray outside of the schools before classes start let during lunch.
Who said anything about preaching during classes?
Teaching our U.S. History has been severely limited because so much of it has God in it.
Creationism is a CHRISTIAN idea. This country is not Christian, despite the Christians that want to call it that. Given that there is the seperation of church and state, how can you implement creationim in a public school, which is a state administered education? It is only because Christians consistute a large enough minority and represent somewhat of a status quo in 'white middle America' and have enough backing in the conservative party that these requests for creationism are even being considered. Creationism can be taught at church. plain and simple. It has no place in public school. Science must be taught in public school because it is logical and explains quite easily the world around us. I love how creationists love to try and paint science as being as arbitrary as creationism. It's not. Science is the product of rationality. Creationism is the product of imagination, derived from single book that people arbitrarily believe is true because the book says it is. What seems more convincing of an objective reality? If kids want to study creationism, go somewhere else like... I don't know, church, where it belongs?

You're not making any sense at all. Nothing in this post of yours even remotely suggests you understand what I'm talking about, either scientifically or politically. You're a statist. That's clear. You're just spouting slogans. That's sad. And you have no idea what I know and think about science.

Everyone that disagrees with you is a "statist". That is what is clear.
You are the one spouting that slogan over and over and over and over like a broken record.
Tell us what you believe in instead of labeling others.
Where have you been recently.
Schools are forbidding Christians to wear a cross or any form of Christian display to school.
Just recently a student sued because the school forbid her to say a prayer at her graduation speech.
Anti Christianity is popping up all over the place throughout this nation.
You are not able to bring a bible to many schools,many have not been able to pray outside of the schools before classes start let during lunch.
Who said anything about preaching during classes?
Teaching our U.S. History has been severely limited because so much of it has God in it.

My daughter wears a cross necklace everyday to school. My son was in Fellowship of Christian Athletes. They all have big crosses on their T shirts.
Your side spreads lies, innuendo and false accusations. Not very Christ like.
If God was IN US History he would be included. Where is he in US History?
The teaching of "Intelligent Design" has no place in public education. SeeTammy Kitzmiller, et al. v. Dover Area School District, et al., 400 F.Supp.2d 707 (M.D. Pa. 2005). Our public schools are built and maintained at taxpayer expense to educate the people, and provide them with that knowledge necessary to be productive persons capable to fulfilling their civic responsibilities; which mandate governs the curriculum. In this regard, religious doctrine is not a proper subject for public education, but rather belongs in private or parochial schools, not public schools.
Where have you been recently.
Schools are forbidding Christians to wear a cross or any form of Christian display to school.
Just recently a student sued because the school forbid her to say a prayer at her graduation speech.
Anti Christianity is popping up all over the place throughout this nation.
You are not able to bring a bible to many schools,many have not been able to pray outside of the schools before classes start let during lunch.
Who said anything about preaching during classes?
Teaching our U.S. History has been severely limited because so much of it has God in it.

There are none before God. Do you doubt this?

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