The creationists are BACK

Where have you been recently.
Schools are forbidding Christians to wear a cross or any form of Christian display to school.
Just recently a student sued because the school forbid her to say a prayer at her graduation speech.
Anti Christianity is popping up all over the place throughout this nation.
You are not able to bring a bible to many schools,many have not been able to pray outside of the schools before classes start let during lunch.
Who said anything about preaching during classes?
Teaching our U.S. History has been severely limited because so much of it has God in it.

We need to start standing up and fighting for our rights to our religion, they can only take it away from us if we let them. We are a Christian nation founded on Judeo Christian beliefs, regardless of what our dumbass in chief says, he is wrong "all the time apparently".
As Christians, we need to start praying in public, start doing these things that they do not want us to do, then file civil rights violations on them when they try to force us to stop. Let these law suits hit the supreme court level and we will win, and maybe they will back off.

Why are you so insecure about your beliefs? Practice them in your own time, with other Christians, and keep it out of anyone elses business. This need for Christians to leach off of others privacy and spirituality is purely annoying and obnoxious. What's worse is that they do it with such self-rigtheous arrogance. You have NOTHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT. You are not oppressed as you sound. There are Churches in every neighborhood in America. Hell, even in Airports and truck stops, so, get over it. It is so ridiculous the crying I hear from the religious about this kind of thing. If religion is supposed to be between you and God, then it shouldn't even matter where a building stands or doesn't stand. Teach your children about religion. A parents influence is always a thousand times stronger than a schools influence, if you are a good parent and your child trusts you.

You don't have the right to tell us how to practice our religion. This country was founded with the concept that nobody should be discriminated against because they adhere, PUBLICLY, to a particular religion. That is what freedom of religion means. It doesn't mean that everybody is *protected* from being subjected to the religions of others; it means that we are PROTECTED if we choose to publicly follow a faith that isn't approved of by others.

BTW, one of the most important aspects of Christianity is witnessing to others. And that is a protected right. If you don't like to hear it, build a fortress and secure yourself behind it.
Yeah, it's's logical to a person who wants to deny me my constitutional right.

How are your constitutional rights being infringed upon?

Ever hear of kids being sent home from school for wearing a T-shirt that says something like "Jesus loves you" or some other innocent thing? No mention of Jesus at graduation ceremonies or football games, etc.

There is no logical reason for this crap.
Yeah, it's's logical to a person who wants to deny me my constitutional right.

How are your constitutional rights being infringed upon?

Ever hear of kids being sent home from school for wearing a T-shirt that says something like "Jesus loves you" or some other innocent thing? No mention of Jesus at graduation ceremonies or football games, etc.

There is no logical reason for this crap.

One must only understand the mind of a statist... there can be nothing higher than the state.
Cross displays are being forbidden and ordered to be taken down, Christmas displays in public.
Christmas Trees in schools.
The very word of Christmas in stores and malls.
On public property, not in public. Nothing like a little hyperbole thought right? :rolleyes:

And what law states that a Christmas display on public property is forbidden by the U.S. Constitution?
Cross displays are being forbidden and ordered to be taken down, Christmas displays in public.
Christmas Trees in schools.
The very word of Christmas in stores and malls.
On public property, not in public. Nothing like a little hyperbole thought right? :rolleyes:

And what law states that a Christmas display on public property is forbidden by the U.S. Constitution?
There isn't. No one can find it anywhere.
Why is it fine to say Happy Hanuka,Happy Kwanzaa and not Merry Christmas, no you must say happy holidays not Merry Christmas. This is totally anti christian.
On public property, not in public. Nothing like a little hyperbole thought right? :rolleyes:

And what law states that a Christmas display on public property is forbidden by the U.S. Constitution?
There isn't. No one can find it anywhere.

I’m sorry. The fact that a Christmas display should evoke not a sense of giving, but a fear of breaking the law, says it all.
Whose sensibilities are threatened by a Christmas tree?
Good Lord.
Yeah, it's's logical to a person who wants to deny me my constitutional right.

How are your constitutional rights being infringed upon?

Ever hear of kids being sent home from school for wearing a T-shirt that says something like "Jesus loves you" or some other innocent thing? No mention of Jesus at graduation ceremonies or football games, etc.

There is no logical reason for this crap.

I've actually never heard of a kid being sent home for wearing a religious shirt. I've heard of a kid being sent home for wearing a "Bong Hits For Jesus" shirt. I assume you have no problem with that. At any rate, perhaps you can provide a link. Graduation ceremonies at public schools are public events and it's not appropriate to subject the whole crowd to worship. That doesn't prevent individuals from worshiping as they please.

At any rate school policies might be more draconian then necessary, but that doesn't equate to the law of the land.

Again, how have your individual right's been infringed upon? When has the long arm of the law disrupted your right to worship?
Where in the constitution does it say that campaign donations are protected under "free speech".

Oh, that's right, it doesn't. The SCOTUS made that ruling.

The right never had a problem with that degree of "judicial activism" though.
Where have you been recently.
Schools are forbidding Christians to wear a cross or any form of Christian display to school.
Just recently a student sued because the school forbid her to say a prayer at her graduation speech.
Anti Christianity is popping up all over the place throughout this nation.
You are not able to bring a bible to many schools,many have not been able to pray outside of the schools before classes start let during lunch.
Who said anything about preaching during classes?
Teaching our U.S. History has been severely limited because so much of it has God in it.

We need to start standing up and fighting for our rights to our religion, they can only take it away from us if we let them. We are a Christian nation founded on Judeo Christian beliefs, regardless of what our dumbass in chief says, he is wrong "all the time apparently".
As Christians, we need to start praying in public, start doing these things that they do not want us to do, then file civil rights violations on them when they try to force us to stop. Let these law suits hit the supreme court level and we will win, and maybe they will back off.

Not all of the Founding Fathers were Christians.
Where have you been recently.
Schools are forbidding Christians to wear a cross or any form of Christian display to school.
Just recently a student sued because the school forbid her to say a prayer at her graduation speech.
Anti Christianity is popping up all over the place throughout this nation.
You are not able to bring a bible to many schools,many have not been able to pray outside of the schools before classes start let during lunch.
Who said anything about preaching during classes?
Teaching our U.S. History has been severely limited because so much of it has God in it.

We need to start standing up and fighting for our rights to our religion, they can only take it away from us if we let them. We are a Christian nation founded on Judeo Christian beliefs, regardless of what our dumbass in chief says, he is wrong "all the time apparently".
As Christians, we need to start praying in public, start doing these things that they do not want us to do, then file civil rights violations on them when they try to force us to stop. Let these law suits hit the supreme court level and we will win, and maybe they will back off.

Not all of the Founding Fathers were Christians.

So what? That's the stock answer the anti-Christian crowd uses when they don't have anything else to say. The founding fathers, regardless of their religions, stood together inasmuch as they ALL believed the best way to protect individual rights was to follow Christian precepts, and to recognize that the only entity that can grant rights to humans is GOD, not the GOVERNMENT.

Their individual faith system has zero to do with anything. It's just a blabbing point people like to pull out to muddy the water.
First off.......the "flat earth theory" was believed by many, but there were others who figured it out..........

In Egypt, a Greek scholar and philosopher, Eratosthenes (276 BC– 195 BC), is said to have made more explicit measurements. He had heard that on the longest day of the summer solstice, the midday sun shone to the bottom of a well in the town of Syene (Aswan). At the same time, he observed the sun was not directly overhead at Alexandria; instead, it cast a shadow with the vertical equal to 1/50th of a circle (7° 12'). To these observations, Eratosthenes applied certain "known" facts (1) that on the day of the summer solstice, the midday sun was directly over the Tropic of Cancer; (2) Syene was on this tropic; (3) Alexandria and Syene lay on a direct north-south line; (4) The sun was a relatively long way away (Astronomical_unit). Legend has it that he had someone walk from Alexandria to Syene to measure the distance: that came out to be equal to 5000 stadia or (at the usual Hellenic 185 meters per stadion) about 925 kilometres.

History of geodesy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Later, when the Romans adopted Christianity and became Catholics, the church was looking for a better way to control the people, and the flat earth theory was reborn, and stayed with us for quite a while (remember, Columbus had a fear of falling off the edge of the world on his first trip).

No, I'd say that keeping yourself ignorant by simply saying "God did it and I can't do anything about it", is not only a cop out, but it is also disrespectful towards Him because after all........He's the One that gave us free will, which means that we are all born with an inclination towards survival (food, shelter, etc) and to take care of ourselves only, as well as born with a "higher" instinct, which lets us care for others and love.

By the way.........wanna know how to measure sin? It's easy, all ya gotta do is calculate how much damage you are doing to yourself and others via your selfish instinct. Alcoholics and recovered drug addicts go through something like that, it's called a 4th step.

Remember......God helps those who help themselves. If you find yourself in a bad situation, accept the mess that you're in, and then start figuring a way to get out of it.

As far as science vs. theology? I think Einstein said it best when he said "Science without theology is blind, and theology without science is crippled."

For an example of science being blind? How about Alfred Nobel, who in his search to find a safer way of demolition invented dynamite (TNT was too dangerous). When he'd seen what he created could be used for war, he then established the Nobel Peace Prize to compensate for his creation. Same thing with Robert Oppenheimer who came up with the atom bomb.

For theolgy without science being blind? Well.......there's that flat earth theory, as well as the desire for many Christians to simply say "God did it" and then quit investigating as to why it happens.

As far as how did the Universe come into being? Well.......I've thought about that for a while now, and I think it's somewhere along the lines of M theory. Everyone knows about the big bang theory, which states the Universe came into being from a singularity, but what caused the singularity? Well........we already know that matter as well as energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it just changes form. But, in the case of black holes, no matter, nor much energy comes out of it, it just disappears, but to where? Well, since light travels at 186,000 miles per second, and it can't make escape velocity to get back out, that must mean that the force of gravity is greater than the speed of light. Also, when something falls in, spaghettification is what happens, because the atoms in your hand are closer to the black hole than the atoms in your feet (assuming you dove in headfirst), and you get pulled into a long string of matter. But again, where does it go? My guess is a black hole in this universe creates a singularity in another one.

But, we wouldn't know anything about it if scientists simply said "God did it".

And by the of the most important lessons in almost every holy book is knowledge. God can't tell you something if you don't know about it already.
We need to start standing up and fighting for our rights to our religion, they can only take it away from us if we let them. We are a Christian nation founded on Judeo Christian beliefs, regardless of what our dumbass in chief says, he is wrong "all the time apparently".
As Christians, we need to start praying in public, start doing these things that they do not want us to do, then file civil rights violations on them when they try to force us to stop. Let these law suits hit the supreme court level and we will win, and maybe they will back off.

Not all of the Founding Fathers were Christians.

So what? That's the stock answer the anti-Christian crowd uses when they don't have anything else to say. The founding fathers, regardless of their religions, stood together inasmuch as they ALL believed the best way to protect individual rights was to follow Christian precepts, and to recognize that the only entity that can grant rights to humans is GOD, not the GOVERNMENT.

Their individual faith system has zero to do with anything. It's just a blabbing point people like to pull out to muddy the water.

Then why did Thomas Jefferson advocate a separation of church and state?
Because he believed, rightly, that no government has the right to tell people what faith to follow. The only way to protect the right of people to publicly adhere to their religion is to prevent the government from dictating any one religion (or absence of religion) to the people.

This is easy stuff. The Baptists and Jefferson discussed this at some length, perhaps you should look into it. And the Baptists were the ones who really pulled for separating church and state completely.
"The Danbury Baptists were a religious minority in Connecticut, and they complained that in their state, the religious liberties they enjoyed were not seen as immutable rights, but as privileges granted by the legislature — as "favors granted." Jefferson's reply did not address their concerns about problems with state establishment of religion — only of establishment on the national level. The letter contains the phrase "wall of separation between church and state," which led to the short-hand for the Establishment Clause that we use today: "Separation of church and state."
The letter was the subject of intense scrutiny by Jefferson, and he consulted a couple of New England politicians to assure that his words would not offend while still conveying his message: it was not the place of the Congress or the Executive to do anything that might be misconstrued as the establishment of religion."

THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION. It's okay to refer to religion...the school bricks do NOT seek to establish a religion among the children. It's sad that our educators lack basic understanding of freedom of religion and the whole concept of separation of church and state.

Jefferson's Wall of Separation Letter - The U.S. Constitution Online -

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