The creationists are BACK

Where have you been recently.
Schools are forbidding Christians to wear a cross or any form of Christian display to school.
Some schools have forbidden religious displays in schools, not Christian displays. It is part of their dress code. Are you objecting to dress codes?

My children attend a small public school in very liberal Northern California and I have seen plenty of teachers and students wearing their religious adornments around their necks. Our school's dress code does not forbid such displays. If you have a problem in your school, take it up with the board and have them change their dress code.

Just recently a student sued because the school forbid her to say a prayer at her graduation speech.
Probably because it constitutes publicly led prayer.

On June 24th 1992, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that prayers during school graduation violate the Establishment Clause.

Anti Christianity is popping up all over the place throughout this nation.


You are not able to bring a bible to many schools,many have not been able to pray outside of the schools before classes start let during lunch.
Do you have ANY links for these things you are alleging?
Who said anything about preaching during classes?
Teaching one religions belief as fact, as in a creationism class, is doing exactly that.
Teaching our U.S. History has been severely limited because so much of it has God in it.

Care to give even a single example of this?
Communist goal #27.
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."

To remove god from the family unit will have people looking to government for answers, hence to make them reliable on government and turn to government when in need.
Does it really bother you that some of us believe in god, and believe in creationism? I thought the left was all about tolerance, but I see all the time that the voices preaching for the most tolerance come from the most intolerant people. God will judge you one day, and they are stoking the fires of hell extra hot for you in anticipation of your arrival.
Where have you been recently.
Schools are forbidding Christians to wear a cross or any form of Christian display to school.
Just recently a student sued because the school forbid her to say a prayer at her graduation speech.
Anti Christianity is popping up all over the place throughout this nation.
You are not able to bring a bible to many schools,many have not been able to pray outside of the schools before classes start let during lunch.
Who said anything about preaching during classes?
Teaching our U.S. History has been severely limited because so much of it has God in it.

We need to start standing up and fighting for our rights to our religion, they can only take it away from us if we let them. We are a Christian nation founded on Judeo Christian beliefs, regardless of what our dumbass in chief says, he is wrong "all the time apparently".
As Christians, we need to start praying in public, start doing these things that they do not want us to do, then file civil rights violations on them when they try to force us to stop. Let these law suits hit the supreme court level and we will win, and maybe they will back off.
A true patriot of freedom would not defend the evolutionist's imposition of a metaphysical/absolute naturalism on science in the public education system at the exclusion of the scientific worldview of the methodological naturalist, which is what we‘re ultimately talking about here, nor disregard the free exercise clause of the First Amendment as you do.

You're not a patriot; you're a statist, objecting to proponents of ID imposing their theory on you in the schools while you have no problem imposing your metaphysics and its subsequent theory on them in the same. Your use of the term mullah, is nothing more than the pejorative of misdirection. Shameful.

The only constitutional resolution to this impasse it universal school choice. Do you support school choice or not?

Creationism is a CHRISTIAN idea. This country is not Christian, despite the Christians that want to call it that. Given that there is the separation of church and state, how can you implement creationism in a public school, which is a state administered education? It is only because Christians constitute a large enough minority and represent somewhat of a status quo in 'white middle America' and have enough backing in the conservative party that these requests for creationism are even being considered. Creationism can be taught at church. plain and simple. It has no place in public school. Science must be taught in public school because it is logical and explains quite easily the world around us. I love how creationists love to try and paint science as being as arbitrary as creationism. It's not. Science is the product of rationality. Creationism is the product of imagination, derived from single book that people arbitrarily believe is true because the book says it is. What seems more convincing of an objective reality? If kids want to study creationism, go somewhere else like... I don't know, church, where it belongs?

Separation of Church and State meant that the States could not form and back a certain type of religion such as Catholic or certain types of Protestant Churches.
I would not call 3/4 th of this nation a large minority. I would call it the majority.
Never mind that the majority of Blacks and Hispanics are Christian too.
And Jews and Muslims believe in Creationism also not just Christians.
Our Constitution gives us the rights of freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
The minority does not have the right to rule over the majority of this nation.

Nothing is stopping you or anybody from studying creationism in your own time. Like I said, public school is STATE sponsored education, which means, as you said, that states can not back religion... religion is faith, and not reality, and has no place in school. Science, despite what many want to believe, rests on logic, not faith

It doesn't at all matter what the minority/ majority, and, provide some links for those statistics, because I don't believe %75 of this country is Christian... even if it is, it doesn't matter. The Constitution doesn't bend to majority rules on issues concerning clearly drawn lines of Church and State. If you hold the constitution to be respected, then respect this portion of it as well, and don't only pick and choose conveniently what is important and not.

Why aren't Churches teaching this? CREATIONISM IS NOT ACADEMIA. It is merely inspired by an idea inspired by a STORY written in a book a long time ago, for which it is not stated is fact. In fact, Jews don't really believe and Creationism as far as I know and are much more open to science and evolution than Christians are, and they are the ones that WROTE THE BOOK. Tell me, why should this story appear in a classroom? As some kind of evangelical preaching to 'science kids' to lure them away from science?
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Communist goal #27.
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."

To remove god from the family unit will have people looking to government for answers, hence to make them reliable on government and turn to government when in need.
Does it really bother you that some of us believe in god, and believe in creationism? I thought the left was all about tolerance, but I see all the time that the voices preaching for the most tolerance come from the most intolerant people. God will judge you one day, and they are stoking the fires of hell extra hot for you in anticipation of your arrival.

God has already judged me. Who are you?
Where have you been recently.
Schools are forbidding Christians to wear a cross or any form of Christian display to school.
Just recently a student sued because the school forbid her to say a prayer at her graduation speech.
Anti Christianity is popping up all over the place throughout this nation.
You are not able to bring a bible to many schools,many have not been able to pray outside of the schools before classes start let during lunch.
Who said anything about preaching during classes?
Teaching our U.S. History has been severely limited because so much of it has God in it.

We need to start standing up and fighting for our rights to our religion, they can only take it away from us if we let them. We are a Christian nation founded on Judeo Christian beliefs, regardless of what our dumbass in chief says, he is wrong "all the time apparently".
As Christians, we need to start praying in public, start doing these things that they do not want us to do, then file civil rights violations on them when they try to force us to stop. Let these law suits hit the supreme court level and we will win, and maybe they will back off.

Why are you so insecure about your beliefs? Practice them in your own time, with other Christians, and keep it out of anyone elses business. This need for Christians to leach off of others privacy and spirituality is purely annoying and obnoxious. What's worse is that they do it with such self-rigtheous arrogance. You have NOTHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT. You are not oppressed as you sound. There are Churches in every neighborhood in America. Hell, even in Airports and truck stops, so, get over it. It is so ridiculous the crying I hear from the religious about this kind of thing. If religion is supposed to be between you and God, then it shouldn't even matter where a building stands or doesn't stand. Teach your children about religion. A parents influence is always a thousand times stronger than a schools influence, if you are a good parent and your child trusts you.
Sunni, have you ever heard of the scientific method?
The theory of evolution has held up to EVERY test under the scientific method. The same as the theory of gravity.
So could you please inform us how the theory of evolution differs, under what scientific method trials it has not been proven fact and what verifiable facts the theory of gravity has that the theory of evolution does not have.
Evolution is a theory and creationism is a belief.
Science is a bitch ain't it?

Yes, we should take science lessons from that well known scholar, gadawg.

What a fucking loser.
We need to start standing up and fighting for our rights to our religion, they can only take it away from us if we let them. We are a Christian nation founded on Judeo Christian beliefs, regardless of what our dumbass in chief says, he is wrong "all the time apparently".
As Christians, we need to start praying in public, start doing these things that they do not want us to do, then file civil rights violations on them when they try to force us to stop. Let these law suits hit the supreme court level and we will win, and maybe they will back off.

How exactly have your rights been infringed upon? No one has, or legally can, deny you the right to worship.

What they can do, is deny you your desire to force others to worship.

It's not illegal to pray in public. It is illegal to use a public function to lead a prayer.

It's pretty logical and fair when you think about it.
We need to start standing up and fighting for our rights to our religion, they can only take it away from us if we let them. We are a Christian nation founded on Judeo Christian beliefs, regardless of what our dumbass in chief says, he is wrong "all the time apparently".
As Christians, we need to start praying in public, start doing these things that they do not want us to do, then file civil rights violations on them when they try to force us to stop. Let these law suits hit the supreme court level and we will win, and maybe they will back off.

How exactly have your rights been infringed upon? No one has, or legally can, deny you the right to worship.

What they can do, is deny you your desire to force others to worship.

It's not illegal to pray in public. It is illegal to use a public function to lead a prayer.

It's pretty logical and fair when you think about it.

Really? Since when? Can you point out where in the constitution it says leading a prayer in a public forum is illegal?

I'll wait.
Where have you been recently.
Schools are forbidding Christians to wear a cross or any form of Christian display to school.
Just recently a student sued because the school forbid her to say a prayer at her graduation speech.
Anti Christianity is popping up all over the place throughout this nation.
You are not able to bring a bible to many schools,many have not been able to pray outside of the schools before classes start let during lunch.
Who said anything about preaching during classes?
Teaching our U.S. History has been severely limited because so much of it has God in it.

We need to start standing up and fighting for our rights to our religion, they can only take it away from us if we let them. We are a Christian nation founded on Judeo Christian beliefs, regardless of what our dumbass in chief says, he is wrong "all the time apparently".
As Christians, we need to start praying in public, start doing these things that they do not want us to do, then file civil rights violations on them when they try to force us to stop. Let these law suits hit the supreme court level and we will win, and maybe they will back off.

Why are you so insecure about your beliefs? Practice them in your own time, with other Christians, and keep it out of anyone elses business. This need for Christians to leach off of others privacy and spirituality is purely annoying and obnoxious. What's worse is that they do it with such self-rigtheous arrogance. You have NOTHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT. You are not oppressed as you sound. There are Churches in every neighborhood in America. Hell, even in Airports and truck stops, so, get over it. It is so ridiculous the crying I hear from the religious about this kind of thing. If religion is supposed to be between you and God, then it shouldn't even matter where a building stands or doesn't stand. Teach your children about religion. A parents influence is always a thousand times stronger than a schools influence, if you are a good parent and your child trusts you.

Talk about "self-righteous".......

You're talking about constitutional rights. Remember that.
We need to start standing up and fighting for our rights to our religion, they can only take it away from us if we let them. We are a Christian nation founded on Judeo Christian beliefs, regardless of what our dumbass in chief says, he is wrong "all the time apparently".
As Christians, we need to start praying in public, start doing these things that they do not want us to do, then file civil rights violations on them when they try to force us to stop. Let these law suits hit the supreme court level and we will win, and maybe they will back off.

How exactly have your rights been infringed upon? No one has, or legally can, deny you the right to worship.

What they can do, is deny you your desire to force others to worship.

It's not illegal to pray in public. It is illegal to use a public function to lead a prayer.

It's pretty logical and fair when you think about it.

Really? Since when? Can you point out where in the constitution it says leading a prayer in a public forum is illegal?

I'll wait.

Don't be obtuse.

The legalities of the issue are under the guise of the establishment clause as interpreted by the SCOTUS. You know this. You don't have to accept it, but it's the way our country works.

Again, show my instances of Christian oppression in this country. I'll be happy to listen to them.
We need to start standing up and fighting for our rights to our religion, they can only take it away from us if we let them. We are a Christian nation founded on Judeo Christian beliefs, regardless of what our dumbass in chief says, he is wrong "all the time apparently".
As Christians, we need to start praying in public, start doing these things that they do not want us to do, then file civil rights violations on them when they try to force us to stop. Let these law suits hit the supreme court level and we will win, and maybe they will back off.

How exactly have your rights been infringed upon? No one has, or legally can, deny you the right to worship.

What they can do, is deny you your desire to force others to worship.

It's not illegal to pray in public. It is illegal to use a public function to lead a prayer.

It's pretty logical and fair when you think about it.

Yeah, it's's logical to a person who wants to deny me my constitutional right.
How exactly have your rights been infringed upon? No one has, or legally can, deny you the right to worship.

What they can do, is deny you your desire to force others to worship.

It's not illegal to pray in public. It is illegal to use a public function to lead a prayer.

It's pretty logical and fair when you think about it.

Really? Since when? Can you point out where in the constitution it says leading a prayer in a public forum is illegal?

I'll wait.

Don't be obtuse.

The legalities of the issue are under the guise of the establishment clause as interpreted by the SCOTUS. You know this. You don't have to accept it, but it's the way our country works.

Again, show my instances of Christian oppression in this country. I'll be happy to listen to them.

Ever hear of little kids being sent home because of wearing a shirt that says "Jesus loves you". What do you call that?
Everyone that disagrees with you is a "statist". That is what is clear.

You made your position abundantly clear. You do not support school choice within the public education system. You disregard the Free Exercise Clause. You demand that some pay twice for the privilege of an education should they reject your metaphysics being imposed on them in the public schools.

The difference between you and me, Sir, is that I'm a former agnostic and evolutionist, who nevertheless, has always opposed your tyrannical doctrine, one that obviously did not obtain in this country prior to the leftist Warren Court's imposition of it in the '60s, one that you mindlessly go along with as if it were legitimate. I've always supported school choice, comprehending the theological implications of Darwinism and the right of all men to freely practice their ideological convictions whenever and wherever they please. Your idiotic logic allows the state to establish an education system and then arbitrarily declare it to be a First-Amendment free zone on the behalf of one worldview over that of every other?! I stand for the individual liberty of natural and constitutional law; in this instance, you stand for elitist or mob rule.

Your lack of empathy, your disregard for the fundamental rights of your peers is disgraceful, despicable. My label fits you perfectly.

You are the one spouting that slogan over and over and over and over like a broken record. Tell us what you believe in instead of labeling others.

My ass!

Major Premise
The constitutional doctrine that emphasis the Establishment Clause over the Free Exercise Clause in the public square, rather than require that the State obey them both equally, clearly overthrows individual liberty therein, allowing for either an elite click of "apparatchiks" or the mob to rule over what is permissible and what is not.

Minor Premise
You hold that the Free Exercise Clause does not apply against the State within the public education system unless it's you being imposed upon. Then all of the sudden you rediscover it. :lol:

At best you're a hypocrite; at worst, you're a statist in this regard who emphasis the elite/mob backed perspective of the State over that of the individual.

That's not sloganeering. That's a formal argument exposing you for what you are.

How ya like me now?
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Cross displays are being forbidden and ordered to be taken down, Christmas displays in public.
Christmas Trees in schools.
The very word of Christmas in stores and malls.
Everyone that disagrees with you is a "statist". That is what is clear.

You made your position abundantly clear. You do not support school choice within the public education system. You disregard the Free Exercise Clause. You demand that some pay twice for the privilege of an education should they reject your metaphysics being imposed on them in the public schools.

The difference between you and me, Sir, is that I'm a former agnostic and evolutionist, who nevertheless, has always opposed your tyrannical doctrine, one that obviously did not obtain in this country prior to the leftist Warren Court's imposition of it in the '60s, one that you mindlessly go along with as if it were legitimate. I've always supported school choice, comprehending the theological implications of Darwinism and the right of all men to freely practice their ideological convictions whenever and wherever they please. Your idiotic logic allows the state to establish an education system and then arbitrarily declare it to be a First-Amendment free zone on the behalf of one worldview over that of every other?! I stand for the individual liberty of natural and constitutional law; in this instance, you stand for elitist or mob rule.

Your lack of empathy, your disregard for the fundamental rights of your peers is disgraceful, despicable. My label fits you perfectly.

You are the one spouting that slogan over and over and over and over like a broken record. Tell us what you believe in instead of labeling others.

My ass!

Major Premise
The constitutional doctrine that emphasis the Establishment Clause over the Free Exercise Clause in the public square, rather than require that the State obey them both equally, clearly overthrows individual liberty therein, allowing for either an elite click of "apparatchiks" or the mob to rule over what is permissible and what is not.

Minor Premise
You hold that the Free Exercise Clause does not apply against the State within the public education system unless it's you being imposed upon. Then all of the sudden you rediscover it. :lol:

At best you're hypocrite; at worst, you're a statist in this regard who emphasis the elite/mob backed perspective of the State over that of the individual.

That's not sloganeering. That's a formal argument exposing you for what you are.

How ya like me now?

You're going to make his tiny head implode. I doubt if he has the ability to comprehend 3/4 of that post. And what he can't comprehend, he disregards.
Well, anyhoo... at least Obama has established the ATM machine as the new bogieman... move over Jesus.
Really? Since when? Can you point out where in the constitution it says leading a prayer in a public forum is illegal?

I'll wait.

Don't be obtuse.

The legalities of the issue are under the guise of the establishment clause as interpreted by the SCOTUS. You know this. You don't have to accept it, but it's the way our country works.

Again, show my instances of Christian oppression in this country. I'll be happy to listen to them.

Ever hear of little kids being sent home because of wearing a shirt that says "Jesus loves you". What do you call that?

No. Care to post a link to it?

A school can adopt a dress code, however.

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