The criminal deep state vs. Donald Trump


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2017
alaska, usa
We know about the criminal Deep State. With overtones of the "Deep South," the Deep State is in one sense actually Virginia, where the the Pentagon is situated (rather than in D.C.) after an historic land retrocession deal.

White supremacy, familial white slavery, the Dixie Democrats, the Ku Klux Klan, the white militias, the LGBT hatred, it's all part of the Deep State. Russians simply aren't "white" enough for them, and other races are to be pitied and pandered to rather than offered an equal opportunity which many liberal whites from affluent families take for granted.

Those rumors of CIA dealing drugs to Americans and selling small arms to Mexicans which are now illegal for Americans to own? That's the Deep State. The CIA's consorting with Cuban prostitutes? The Deep State again. (EDIT: This is what they call "hookers and blow" in D.C.)

Not all of it is CIA of course, but it is very difficult for the CIA, an organization whose right hand scarcely knows what its left hand is doing, to dissociate itself from the Deep State, much of which is actually criminal Mob activity. The Mob is now in high dudgeon after being routed out by Trump's allies. Of course this is demoralizing for the Deep State.
Damn. You caught us. I hope this doesn't interfere with the Deep State Convention in Las Vegas next month.
We know about the criminal Deep State. With overtones of the "Deep South," the Deep State is in one sense actually Virginia, where the the Pentagon is situated (rather than in D.C.) after an historic land retrocession deal.

White supremacy, familial white slavery, the Dixie Democrats, the Ku Klux Klan, the white militias, the LGBT hatred, it's all part of the Deep State. Russians simply aren't "white" enough for them, and other races are to be pitied and pandered to rather than offered an equal opportunity which many liberal whites from affluent families take for granted.

Those rumors of CIA dealing drugs to Americans and selling small arms to Mexicans which are now illegal for Americans to own? That's the Deep State. The CIA's consorting with Cuban prostitutes? The Deep State again. (EDIT: This is what they call "hookers and blow" in D.C.)

Not all of it is CIA of course, but it is very difficult for the CIA, an organization whose right hand scarcely knows what its left hand is doing, to dissociate itself from the Deep State, much of which is actually criminal Mob activity. The Mob is now in high dudgeon after being routed out by Trump's allies. Of course this is demoralizing for the Deep State.

Dear justinacolmena
And I thought the big monopoly going on was the collusion between lawyers and judges
paying off each other through campaign donations. So they decide who gets prosecuted or not.

With the big corporate dollars and interests shuffling money back and forth, in an endless shell game,
who decides which "conflicts of interest" get investigated or not?

Heck, with all the hoopla over the ACA mandates and payoffs being unconstitutional,
I couldn't find any Constitutional lawyers or firms willing to take that on.

The cases they selectively fought were the Hobby Lobby case and the court case
that found against Obama for allocating money without proper Congressional approval and process.

Nobody ever argued that the ACA mandates violated Constitutional beliefs which was obvious.

To me it's the whole legal/judicial system that's been bought out.
People are fighting over the media being biased and sold out, but that's private and not under Constitutional limits.

What about our court system and control over due process of laws?
We just wait around for "someone else" to put together lawsuits, or grand jury charges, etc.
What if that never happens. We just wait for what?
It took me a while to get a handle on what people were talking about when say "deep state". I have concluded that what they are really talking about is the entrenched bureaucracy. Leaders of all strips have been complaining about it for as long as there has been organized government. Still, it is what makes the system work.
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Damn. You caught us. I hope this doesn't interfere with the Deep State Convention in Las Vegas next month.

This is the "hookers-and-blow" part. No one would suspect Trump of coming short in that department, either, with his business interests in casinos, beauty pageants, and all that sort of business. But all the same, you have to fight fire with fire. A male-only military force cannot win a war against an equal-opportunity Army. Nor can an equal-opportunity mob be brought to justice under a male-only criminal justice system. Time for women to step up to the plate.

They are read the Holy Bible in a bad light and thump it to the rhythm of a foreign drumbeat.
Deep State preachers destroy all pretense of separation of church and state in the U.S. Then they preach the fall of Eve in the eating of the fruit of the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden, the deception of Delilah in the cutting of Samson's hair and his blinding and imprisonment, and the wickedness of the whore who demanded the head of John the Baptist. But they refuse to preach the good deeds of Ruth, Esther, Rahab, and others such as Susanna and Judith, whose stories were thrown out of the Bible because the scribes could not endure the righteousness of these holy women.

I couldn't find any Constitutional lawyers or firms willing to take that on.
The cases they selectively fought were the Hobby Lobby case and the court case

I would not expect much different from them. I think you have my position confused with that of a certain minor political party, whose beliefs are not particularly in favor of a plain, true, and correct reading of the U.S. Constitution.

It took me a while to get a handle on what people were talking about when say "deep state". I have concluded that what they are really talking about is the entrenched bureaucracy. Leaders of all strips have been complaining about it for as long as there has been organized government. Still, it is what makes the system work.

No. This is the system whose back must be broken, and whose proponents must be beaten and whipped with the very chains with which they enslaved us, until they are begging us for mercy, and no, we will never show them any mercy. They must be exposed for all their wickedness to public mockery and ridicule as a fitting example that none hereafter may ever repeat the horrible deeds they have done to us.
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Damn. You caught us. I hope this doesn't interfere with the Deep State Convention in Las Vegas next month.

This is the "hookers-and-blow" part. No one would suspect Trump of coming short in that department, either, with his business interests in casinos, beauty pageants, and all that sort of business. But all the same, you have to fight fire with fire. A male-only military force cannot win a war against an equal-opportunity Army. Nor can an equal-opportunity mob be brought to justice under a male-only criminal justice system. Time for women to step up to the plate.

They are read the Holy Bible in a bad light and thump it to the rhythm of a foreign drumbeat.
Deep State preachers destroy all pretense of separation of church and state in the U.S. Then they preach the fall of Eve in the eating of the fruit of the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden, the deception of Delilah in the cutting of Samson's hair and his blinding and imprisonment, and the wickedness of the whore who demanded the head of John the Baptist. But they refuse to preach the good deeds of Ruth, Esther, Rahab, and others such as Susanna and Judith, whose stories were thrown out of the Bible because the scribes could not endure the righteousness of these holy women.

I couldn't find any Constitutional lawyers or firms willing to take that on.
The cases they selectively fought were the Hobby Lobby case and the court case

I would not expect much different from them. I think you have my position confused with that of a certain minor political party, whose beliefs are not particularly in favor of a plain, true, and correct reading of the U.S. Constitution.

It took me a while to get a handle on what people were talking about when say "deep state". I have concluded that what they are really talking about is the entrenched bureaucracy. Leaders of all strips have been complaining about it for as long as there has been organized government. Still, it is what makes the system work.

No. This is the system whose back must be broken, and whose proponents must be beaten and whipped with the very chains with which they enslaved us, until they are begging us for mercy, and no, we will never show them any mercy. They must be exposed for all their wickedness to public mockery and ridicule as a fitting example that none hereafter may ever repeat the horrible deeds they have done to us.

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