The damage done by the New Partisans

Were you born this obtuse? The GOP has moved to the right, and so has the Democratic Party.
Now I know you are putting us on.
Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot that today's GOP increased the Federal minimum wage. Extended Social Security to additional workers Provided protection of unemployment insurance for workers. Increased workmen's compensation benefits and retirement benefits, and wage increases and improved welfare and pension plans for federal employees.
The problem is you have a slanted view on what the GOP was and is. It was never the ultra conservative party and damn sure isn't today.
Liberals keep saying that the right has moved.

No, Barry Goldwater and Victor Gold did...are/were they "liberals"?

what is your point? That the right has moved to the left? I can agree with that, sadly.

Were you born this obtuse? The GOP has moved to the right, and so has the Democratic Party.
Actually neither one is true.
The Democrats have mvoed hard left, implementing the biggest domestic entitlement program since LBJ, as well as exerting control over banking and other sectors.
The GOP hasnt really moved anywhere.

Bush was pretty damn on the liberal side, if you ask me. Jeb, cut from the same cloth.
Bush was a big government conservative in the Richard Nixon mold. No one did more to expand the federal gov't than Nixon. I guess that makes Nixon a liberal, right?
The only party that has been hijacked was the Republican party by the far right.
Yeah right, Retardo. It was the right that introduced gay marriage, legalized pot, illegal aliens voting, obamacare, massive business regulations, union demands, etc. etc.

Go drool in your spittle cup.

No, the right introduced legalized unconstitutional discrimination (Marriage Act), marijuana as a Schedule 1 narcotic in the same category as heroin, deregulation that crashed our economy, unconstitutional racial profiling laws...

But Republicans DID introduce "Obamacare" in 1993 including the Heritage Foundation's "individual mandate"
DOMA was signed into law by Bill Clinton.
The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Act of 1970 was introduced by Harley Staggers (a Democrat), passed by a Democrat Congress and signed by Nixon.
Jimmy Carter enacted much deregulation.
Please cite any laws legalizing racial profiling.

It isnt that you dont know anything It's that everything you know is wrong.

Oh, I SEE...

DOMA introduced by Republican Bob Barr is Clinton's.
The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Act of 1970 signed by Nixon is Staggers
The only party that has been hijacked was the Republican party by the far right.
Yeah right, Retardo. It was the right that introduced gay marriage, legalized pot, illegal aliens voting, obamacare, massive business regulations, union demands, etc. etc.

Go drool in your spittle cup.

No, the right introduced legalized unconstitutional discrimination (Marriage Act), marijuana as a Schedule 1 narcotic in the same category as heroin, deregulation that crashed our economy, unconstitutional racial profiling laws...

But Republicans DID introduce "Obamacare" in 1993 including the Heritage Foundation's "individual mandate"
DOMA was signed into law by Bill Clinton.
The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Act of 1970 was introduced by Harley Staggers (a Democrat), passed by a Democrat Congress and signed by Nixon.
Jimmy Carter enacted much deregulation.
Please cite any laws legalizing racial profiling.

It isnt that you dont know anything It's that everything you know is wrong.

Oh, I SEE...

DOMA introduced by Republican Bob Barr is Clinton's.
The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Act of 1970 signed by Nixon is Staggers
Maybe now you're getting it, asshole. It isnt one party or the other.

Good piece by Dana Milbank: America s new cycle of partisan hatred - The Washington Post

A few points from it:

-- Up until the mid-1980s, the typical American held the view that partisans on the other side operated with good intentions. But that has changed in dramatic fashion, as a study published last year by Stanford and Princeton researchers demonstrates.

It has long been agreed that race is the deepest divide in American society. But that is no longer true, say Shanto Iyengar and Sean Westwood, the academics who led the study. Using a variety of social science methods (for example, having study participants review résumés of people that make both their race and party affiliation clear), they document that “the level of partisan animus in the American public exceeds racial hostility.”

-- This leads to a grim conclusion: The problem with politics isn’t Washington but the electorate. Members of Congress, most of whom come from safely gerrymandered districts, are behaving in a perfectly rational way when they avoid cooperation with the other party and instead try to build support within their own tribe.

Elected officials and professional partisans then reinforce the tribal tendency in the electorate with overheated rhetoric, perpetual campaigns, negative ads and increasingly partisan media outlets. “The individuals who hold more hostility are then given the green light to hold these more hostile positions,” Westwood explained.

So does he see a way out of this tribal cycle of hatred? “Sadly, no.”

Sadly, indeed.

Your acting Superior to others because you think you hide your progressive bent is old.....
Don't like the thread, huh?

Not my problem.

Just saying I see threw your hypocrisy.

Now, are you going to stop making this about me and address the OP?

The op is about you.
So I guess you're not going to.

Okay, your call.

Why make it personal? Feeling a little defensive about the point of the piece?


Oh, and what's wrong with you people? Why are YOU so angry?

Gotcha, dick, when the Marxist became President, our issue was his skin color. That's why we were OK with Slick, John Fing Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Read and the white liberals. I mean we tried to oppose them, but damn it, they are white, it's OK.

You see Bfjorn, you are an idiot, you don't see hatred on your own side, you just don't. Because you are full of hate yourself

It's pretty straight forward, race pimp
I just report, if you don't like it tough shit...

God, another weeping liberal. Look, girlfriend, it's just the internet. We are discussing politics. If you're going to cry and wail like that, maybe you should just go watch TV. Here's a tissue
Maybe you could get that thorn out of your ass today, nope you like it there...

I realize you have no self awareness, but you decided it was time to tell each other how we feel. You are seriously not a bright guy. You don't grasp anything. No sarcasm is clear enough for you.

And Jesus Christ, calm down. You're going to have a coronary. Stop throwing things.
If the Koch brothers really did brainwash everyone we would have legalized pot and same sex marriage long ago.
The US needs a new revenue generator to get out of the doldrums of economic stagnation, that catalyst is MJ legalization. Of course corporations want MJ legalized..
If the Koch brothers really did brainwash everyone we would have legalized pot and same sex marriage long ago.
The US needs a new revenue generator to get out of the doldrums of economic stagnation, that catalyst is MJ legalization. Of course corporations want MJ legalized..
We dont need a revenue generator for the federal govt, which is taking in record sums.
We need a catalyst for growth: A GOP president and Congress.

It's pretty straight forward, race pimp
I just report, if you don't like it tough shit...

God, another weeping liberal. Look, girlfriend, it's just the internet. We are discussing politics. If you're going to cry and wail like that, maybe you should just go watch TV. Here's a tissue
Maybe you could get that thorn out of your ass today, nope you like it there...

I realize you have no self awareness, but you decided it was time to tell each other how we feel. You are seriously not a bright guy. You don't grasp anything. No sarcasm is clear enough for you.

And Jesus Christ, calm down. You're going to have a coronary. Stop throwing things.
Go peddle you crap with someone else...
He pea brain YOU replied to my post on....................................................................................

Gotcha, the fairness doctrine, where fairness is government regulating political speech so if a non-liberal view cannot be shut down then it should immediately be followed by the liberal view. OK, that one the word "fair" is used correctly, you got me on that one
If the Koch brothers really did brainwash everyone we would have legalized pot and same sex marriage long ago.
The US needs a new revenue generator to get out of the doldrums of economic stagnation, that catalyst is MJ legalization. Of course corporations want MJ legalized..
We dont need a revenue generator for the federal govt, which is taking in record sums.
We need a catalyst for growth: A GOP president and Congress.
the govt. is the beneficiary of the tax, the corporations is the beneficiary of income...and the next GOP will legalize it since the majority of Americans want it...and so do corporations, except the liquor industry....
It's pretty straight forward, race pimp
I just report, if you don't like it tough shit...

God, another weeping liberal. Look, girlfriend, it's just the internet. We are discussing politics. If you're going to cry and wail like that, maybe you should just go watch TV. Here's a tissue
Maybe you could get that thorn out of your ass today, nope you like it there...

I realize you have no self awareness, but you decided it was time to tell each other how we feel. You are seriously not a bright guy. You don't grasp anything. No sarcasm is clear enough for you.

And Jesus Christ, calm down. You're going to have a coronary. Stop throwing things.
Go peddle you crap with someone else...

You want to get back to the serious subject of saying no one would oppose Obama on anything other than his skin color?
The only party that has been hijacked was the Republican party by the far right.
Yeah right, Retardo. It was the right that introduced gay marriage, legalized pot, illegal aliens voting, obamacare, massive business regulations, union demands, etc. etc.

Go drool in your spittle cup.

No, the right introduced legalized unconstitutional discrimination (Marriage Act), marijuana as a Schedule 1 narcotic in the same category as heroin, deregulation that crashed our economy, unconstitutional racial profiling laws...

But Republicans DID introduce "Obamacare" in 1993 including the Heritage Foundation's "individual mandate"
DOMA was signed into law by Bill Clinton.
The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Act of 1970 was introduced by Harley Staggers (a Democrat), passed by a Democrat Congress and signed by Nixon.
Jimmy Carter enacted much deregulation.
Please cite any laws legalizing racial profiling.

It isnt that you dont know anything It's that everything you know is wrong.

Oh, I SEE...

DOMA introduced by Republican Bob Barr is Clinton's.
The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Act of 1970 signed by Nixon is Staggers
Maybe now you're getting it, asshole. It isnt one party or the other.

Oh that's right, as long as on party (Democrats) takes the blame...
People including Reagan believed in the 80's that we needed to spend MONEY on infrastructure, science, r&d, education, etc. Today idiot on the far right believes that we shouldn't spend any MONEY on maintaining our own country, but they will BITCH at the president if we move to NUMBER TWO in ranking.

You realize that the National Debt wasn't as big back then as it is today, it also wasn't increasing at the rate it is today. You realize that dont you? We cannot afford it today.

You realize that the National Debt was never an issue until Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy? Or that it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt?

Where did our debt come from? When did massive debt become part of the American economy? Was it New Deal Democrats? No....they PAYED for what they spent. It all started with the 'welfare queen' mentality of Ronny Reagan who switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy.


Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion!

People including Reagan believed in the 80's that we needed to spend MONEY on infrastructure, science, r&d, education, etc. Today idiot on the far right believes that we shouldn't spend any MONEY on maintaining our own country, but they will BITCH at the president if we move to NUMBER TWO in ranking.

You realize that the National Debt wasn't as big back then as it is today, it also wasn't increasing at the rate it is today. You realize that dont you? We cannot afford it today.

The public debt is a big as it is today because of Republican tax cuts. And wars. Endless wars.

If the US wants to be the world superpower with the highest defense spending in the world, it behooves you to pay for it. Raise taxes to a level that funds your military, and your wars. Maybe if Republicans had to pay for their wars, they wouldn't be so damn anxious to take on anybody and everybody. Responsible countries don't try to police every act of aggression in other parts of the world. They don't meddle in the internal affairs of other countries. And they stay the hell out of the Middle East, which has been a quagmire since Jesus walked the earth.

If you want money for infrastructure, education, research and development, stop trying to dominate the world. Spend the money at home. On your people. Stop nation building other peoples' countries and start working on your own.

People including Reagan believed in the 80's that we needed to spend MONEY on infrastructure, science, r&d, education, etc. Today idiot on the far right believes that we shouldn't spend any MONEY on maintaining our own country, but they will BITCH at the president if we move to NUMBER TWO in ranking.

You realize that the National Debt wasn't as big back then as it is today, it also wasn't increasing at the rate it is today. You realize that dont you? We cannot afford it today.

You realize that the National Debt was never an issue until Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy? Or that it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt?

Where did our debt come from? When did massive debt become part of the American economy? Was it New Deal Democrats? No....they PAYED for what they spent. It all started with the 'welfare queen' mentality of Ronny Reagan who switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy.


Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion!


The truth is "Irrelevant"

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.
People including Reagan believed in the 80's that we needed to spend MONEY on infrastructure, science, r&d, education, etc. Today idiot on the far right believes that we shouldn't spend any MONEY on maintaining our own country, but they will BITCH at the president if we move to NUMBER TWO in ranking.

You realize that the National Debt wasn't as big back then as it is today, it also wasn't increasing at the rate it is today. You realize that dont you? We cannot afford it today.

You realize that the National Debt was never an issue until Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy? Or that it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt?

Where did our debt come from? When did massive debt become part of the American economy? Was it New Deal Democrats? No....they PAYED for what they spent. It all started with the 'welfare queen' mentality of Ronny Reagan who switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy.


Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion!


The truth is "Irrelevant"

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Yes the truth can be irrelevant if it has nothing to do with the discussion. No one asked what caused it, so your post is irrelevant.
Tv politics shows, radio talk shows,etc created it. I don't watch news on TV as it is all mostly propaganda, and on the radio it is just randoms calling up to rage. Being a partisan isn't just easy, it creates a pseudo sense of community to subscribe to.

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