The Dark World Of Jeffrey Epstein

Why would someone ban someone rather than have them arrested?
You'd have to ask the manager that banned him. My guess is they didn't want to make a scene.
It would be up to the girl's parents to do that, not Trump.
I'll bet they made some cash instead.
I'll bet if I were that parent, I wouldn't have taken a single dime from his nasty pocket. But the trauma of having to testify against him in court--especially after all the games she played along with up to that rape--might have made them think twice about prosecuting. How much of a sacrifice do you allow your daughter to make to try and stop a super powerful man who will probably walk anyway?

That is the problem with the Justice System it is not equal and it is not blind. If you have money you can damn near get away with anything in this country.
$$$$ has something to do with it--but MOSTLY it's stupid juries
....the OJ case and the Robert Durst case are examples---CLEARLY-OBVIOUSLY they are guilty--but the juries are stupid--that has nothing to do with $$$$$ the OJ case, LA/etc spent big $$$$ to convict him--
It Comes to a Head: When Robert Durst Washed Up in Galveston
the Durst case is very interesting --there's a lot more to this psycho
Remember when Joe Paterno was taken down and the left screeched loudly until he was dead since........Paterno did not DO ENOUGH to take down Sandusky?

There is faaaar more evidence that the left not only knew about it, but enthusiastically participated in it with epstein.

Are left wingers actually attempting to deny clinton did not do anything during those 27 documented trips on the Lolita express? LOL, the cllintons came out and claimed he only took 6 trips even though official manifests document 27 times.

Flight manifests reveal Bill Clinton traveled with Epstein six times, not the four times he admitted

On Monday, Clinton's press secretary Angel Ureña said in a statement: “In 2002 and 2003, President Clinton took a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein's airplane: One to Europe, one to Asia, and two to Africa, which included stops in connection with the work of the Clinton Foundation." Supporters of the Foundation, and his Secret Service detail traveled on every leg of every trip.”

But a Washington Examiner review of flight manifest records contradicts these claims. It shows Clinton took 27 flights on Epstein’s private jet during at least six different trips.

Court documents outlining the trips and the individual flights were filed as an exhibit in a lawsuit by Bradley Edwards, an attorney for some of Epstein's accusers.


We already know the left wing playbook. They will ignore all of this like they ignore all of the women that accused clinton of rape. Including Juanita Broderick and her fat lip clinton gave her and Paula Jones claims behind the Arkansas state troopers that corroborated her story.

Ahhhhhh, but Kavanaugh and the METOO bitches........

We know how this will all play out. It plays out the same way every time.

You are all with me on this right? You get it, right?
.......please bring up the stats on rich people committing similar crimes and getting away with it PER CAPITA regarding poor people
..if you have a very ''small'' number of rich people committing similar crimes with similar probable sentences, then you can't really give a sure statistic
....I would think there are a lot more ''poor'' people committing crimes --so you have more ''poor'' people in jail ---comparison is futile/idiotic/non-scientific
You'd have to ask the manager that banned him. My guess is they didn't want to make a scene.
It would be up to the girl's parents to do that, not Trump.
I'll bet they made some cash instead.
I'll bet if I were that parent, I wouldn't have taken a single dime from his nasty pocket. But the trauma of having to testify against him in court--especially after all the games she played along with up to that rape--might have made them think twice about prosecuting. How much of a sacrifice do you allow your daughter to make to try and stop a super powerful man who will probably walk anyway?

That is the problem with the Justice System it is not equal and it is not blind. If you have money you can damn near get away with anything in this country.
Walk into any prison and you will see the class system at work. The poor go to prison. End of story.

….and people of color.
Lebron Crime Analogy.jpeg
What year did he ban him?
I read it somewhere the other day--but didn't make a note of it, because his hiring an attorney to give the lunatic the boot said all it needed to say. There was no friendship left between the two of them when Trump found out how Epstein used hotels. Trump hosts families, didn't want minors mistreated on his property. He's a businessman, not a monster. Good gosh. You guys have a noose ready to hang President Trump at every post, don't you. :rolleyes:

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Here is that original article. Written glowingly about Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

Ok, so how does that change Trump's statement about him?
It would be up to the girl's parents to do that, not Trump.
I'll bet they made some cash instead.
I'll bet if I were that parent, I wouldn't have taken a single dime from his nasty pocket. But the trauma of having to testify against him in court--especially after all the games she played along with up to that rape--might have made them think twice about prosecuting. How much of a sacrifice do you allow your daughter to make to try and stop a super powerful man who will probably walk anyway?

That is the problem with the Justice System it is not equal and it is not blind. If you have money you can damn near get away with anything in this country.
Walk into any prison and you will see the class system at work. The poor go to prison. End of story.

….and people of color.View attachment 269173
ouch -- that tshirt
What year did he ban him?
I read it somewhere the other day--but didn't make a note of it, because his hiring an attorney to give the lunatic the boot said all it needed to say. There was no friendship left between the two of them when Trump found out how Epstein used hotels. Trump hosts families, didn't want minors mistreated on his property. He's a businessman, not a monster. Good gosh. You guys have a noose ready to hang President Trump at every post, don't you. :rolleyes:

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Here is that original article. Written glowingly about Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

Ok, so how does that change Trump's statement about him?
Jeffrey Epstein is/was a progressives, progressive... Him and his little buddies like slick Willy represent progressives everywhere… fact
What year did he ban him?
I read it somewhere the other day--but didn't make a note of it, because his hiring an attorney to give the lunatic the boot said all it needed to say. There was no friendship left between the two of them when Trump found out how Epstein used hotels. Trump hosts families, didn't want minors mistreated on his property. He's a businessman, not a monster. Good gosh. You guys have a noose ready to hang President Trump at every post, don't you. :rolleyes:

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Here is that original article. Written glowingly about Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

Ok, so how does that change Trump's statement about him?
For all we know...he could have been saying that in a snarky way to the reporter...saying what he said sounds sort of like a back handed remark to me...not a compliment.
What year did he ban him?
I read it somewhere the other day--but didn't make a note of it, because his hiring an attorney to give the lunatic the boot said all it needed to say. There was no friendship left between the two of them when Trump found out how Epstein used hotels. Trump hosts families, didn't want minors mistreated on his property. He's a businessman, not a monster. Good gosh. You guys have a noose ready to hang President Trump at every post, don't you. :rolleyes:

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Here is that original article. Written glowingly about Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

Ok, so how does that change Trump's statement about him?
Jeffrey Epstein is/was a progressives, progressive... Him and his little buddies like slick Willy represent progressives everywhere… fact

Yep and your buddy Trump was one of the boys and now he has tricked you dumb asses into thinking he is a diehard conservative.
What year did he ban him?
I read it somewhere the other day--but didn't make a note of it, because his hiring an attorney to give the lunatic the boot said all it needed to say. There was no friendship left between the two of them when Trump found out how Epstein used hotels. Trump hosts families, didn't want minors mistreated on his property. He's a businessman, not a monster. Good gosh. You guys have a noose ready to hang President Trump at every post, don't you. :rolleyes:

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Here is that original article. Written glowingly about Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

Ok, so how does that change Trump's statement about him?
For all we know...he could have been saying that in a snarky way to the reporter...saying what he said sounds sort of like a back handed remark to me...not a compliment.

I read it somewhere the other day--but didn't make a note of it, because his hiring an attorney to give the lunatic the boot said all it needed to say. There was no friendship left between the two of them when Trump found out how Epstein used hotels. Trump hosts families, didn't want minors mistreated on his property. He's a businessman, not a monster. Good gosh. You guys have a noose ready to hang President Trump at every post, don't you. :rolleyes:

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Here is that original article. Written glowingly about Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

Ok, so how does that change Trump's statement about him?
Jeffrey Epstein is/was a progressives, progressive... Him and his little buddies like slick Willy represent progressives everywhere… fact

Yep and your buddy Trump was one of the boys and now he has tricked you dumb asses into thinking he is a diehard conservative.
Everyone knows Trump personally is not a conservative, but he governs more conservative than any president we’ve ever had… So that is a good thing. Plus he pisses pissants like you off every day... it’s fucking hilarious
I read it somewhere the other day--but didn't make a note of it, because his hiring an attorney to give the lunatic the boot said all it needed to say. There was no friendship left between the two of them when Trump found out how Epstein used hotels. Trump hosts families, didn't want minors mistreated on his property. He's a businessman, not a monster. Good gosh. You guys have a noose ready to hang President Trump at every post, don't you. :rolleyes:

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Here is that original article. Written glowingly about Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

Ok, so how does that change Trump's statement about him?
For all we know...he could have been saying that in a snarky way to the reporter...saying what he said sounds sort of like a back handed remark to me...not a compliment.

Are you saying it is not possible Trump could have been low-key insulting Epstein or flat out talking shit about him...and that the reporter left that detail out because the tone of the article was meant to praise Epstein?

Do you have video or audio of the interview? Or were you there and heard his tone and the full context of ths conversation?
On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Here is that original article. Written glowingly about Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

Ok, so how does that change Trump's statement about him?
Jeffrey Epstein is/was a progressives, progressive... Him and his little buddies like slick Willy represent progressives everywhere… fact

Yep and your buddy Trump was one of the boys and now he has tricked you dumb asses into thinking he is a diehard conservative.
Everyone knows Trump personally is not a conservative, but he governs more conservative than any president we’ve ever had… So that is a good thing. Plus he pisses pissants like you off every day... it’s fucking hilarious
Trump is definitely a Nationalist and a Patriot. That goes without question.
Epstein is not the odd ball among our nations social elite; he is TYPICAL of them, and that is why even after it was well known that he was a pedo, the nations social elites still celebrated this monster

It's all very, very typical of mainstream pop culture sex celebrities.

Trump seems to prefer adult company, plus he cares for his children.

One way or another, that is an extraordinarily creepy about that "adult company" and the requisite coldness toward children that is implied. Children ahould be seen and not heard or something like that, but some lady is insinuating something off.

Lost my purse last week and a proprietor called and has it in safe keeping. I am blessing the Good Lord for that.

You've got too much Almighty Vice Lord Nation at whatever hotel or establishment that is.

There's an old saying: "Women cry, but men get angry."

Emphasis on the "old."

Why do you think the democrats are screaming about the children at the border. There are democrat buyers that have already paid and are still waiting for the smugglers to deliver.

True and quite unfortunate.

Why would someone ban someone rather than have them arrested?
You'd have to ask the manager that banned him. My guess is they didn't want to make a scene.
It would be up to the girl's parents to do that, not Trump.

Him. And there's a girl. They never get into more detail than that. No trial, and no due process. Total lynch mob.
On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Here is that original article. Written glowingly about Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

Ok, so how does that change Trump's statement about him?
Jeffrey Epstein is/was a progressives, progressive... Him and his little buddies like slick Willy represent progressives everywhere… fact

Yep and your buddy Trump was one of the boys and now he has tricked you dumb asses into thinking he is a diehard conservative.
Everyone knows Trump personally is not a conservative, but he governs more conservative than any president we’ve ever had… So that is a good thing. Plus he pisses pissants like you off every day... it’s fucking hilarious

Was is even more hilarious is watching him play you Trump Humpers for the fool you are. He has made a joke out of your so-called party of values and morals.
Here is that original article. Written glowingly about Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag

Ok, so how does that change Trump's statement about him?
Jeffrey Epstein is/was a progressives, progressive... Him and his little buddies like slick Willy represent progressives everywhere… fact

Yep and your buddy Trump was one of the boys and now he has tricked you dumb asses into thinking he is a diehard conservative.
Everyone knows Trump personally is not a conservative, but he governs more conservative than any president we’ve ever had… So that is a good thing. Plus he pisses pissants like you off every day... it’s fucking hilarious

Was is even more hilarious is watching him play you Trump Humpers for the fool you are. He has made a joke out of your so-called party of values and morals.
Says a slick Willy supporter
This scumbag was a well known pedophile in 2008 and yet he still was accepted in the highest social circles of our oligarchs. Some, like Donald J Trump, cut the man off and banned him from his properties.

But others did not and continued to seek his approval and financial support, and dare I say enabled the bastard by their refusal to shun this cretin?

A Running List of Jeffrey Epstein’s Rich, Powerful, and Presidential Friends

As you go through the list above, it is pertinent to note who had contact with him prior to 2008 and who was merely connected to him through legal ties. I don't think that being the lawyer of a pervert makes you also a pervert. But flying with him on his jet plane over two dozen times probably does.

New evidence related to this girls rape at the age of 14 is driving the new charges, as I understand it.

New Jeffrey Epstein accuser: He raped me when I was 15

Acosta claimed in testimony before Congress that he was told to back off of Epstein because the pervert 'belonged to intelligence'. But whose intelligence operation? Ours? MI6? Mossad? Who?

Some further digging
The Jeffrey Epstein Rabbit Hole Goes a Lot Deeper Than You Think

Epstein is not the odd ball among our nations social elite; he is TYPICAL of them, and that is why even after it was well known that he was a pedo, the nations social elites still celebrated this monster.

But now he is being cast as a 'friend of Trump's'

This scumbag was a well known pedophile in 2008 and yet he still was accepted in the highest social circles of our oligarchs. Some, like Donald J Trump, cut the man off and banned him from his properties.

But others did not and continued to seek his approval and financial support, and dare I say enabled the bastard by their refusal to shun this cretin?

A Running List of Jeffrey Epstein’s Rich, Powerful, and Presidential Friends

As you go through the list above, it is pertinent to note who had contact with him prior to 2008 and who was merely connected to him through legal ties. I don't think that being the lawyer of a pervert makes you also a pervert. But flying with him on his jet plane over two dozen times probably does.

New evidence related to this girls rape at the age of 14 is driving the new charges, as I understand it.

New Jeffrey Epstein accuser: He raped me when I was 15

Acosta claimed in testimony before Congress that he was told to back off of Epstein because the pervert 'belonged to intelligence'. But whose intelligence operation? Ours? MI6? Mossad? Who?

Some further digging
The Jeffrey Epstein Rabbit Hole Goes a Lot Deeper Than You Think

Epstein is not the odd ball among our nations social elite; he is TYPICAL of them, and that is why even after it was well known that he was a pedo, the nations social elites still celebrated this monster.

But now he is being cast as a 'friend of Trump's'

View attachment 269232
The Clinton global initiative… Sex trafficking at its best

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