The Dark World Of Jeffrey Epstein

I'm ready to let the shit fall where it may, even if it includes Trump.
I like the job Trump has done so far as POTUS, but if he didled any young girls, hang his ass high is h ow I feel about it.
I don't think you're going to find that. Trump seems to prefer adult company, plus he cares for his children. He also saw the light when the presidential duties fell to him in an election that had constant lies hurled at him and a dozen intentionally wrong if not phony polls claiming Hillary was far ahead of him, then just comfortably ahead. In the end, Hillary quilt campaigning so she could get ready for her coronation, with an insurance policy aka the Steel Dossier that would smother Trump if he won.
I would put the odds at 9:1 Trump had no relations with them young girlies, but you never know for certain when it comes to public personalities.
I find it highly unlikely.
One theory I have about Epstein, he probably saw himself as a sort of King Solomon type of guy, that's what the temple is for and why he was into having sex with a lot of young girls...he's probably a kabbalist weirdo. Notice the Moloch Owl on the temple structure. Hope we get an explanation of the temple's purpose soon enough.
What year did he ban him?
Hasn't been clarified yet, I am guessing late 90's-early 2000's. He was convicted in that first case in 2008.

Your guessing.

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
2002? That's practically ancient history. So they were friends until Trump found out how the man made his money beiing a pimp of illegal children. He wouldn't allow it in his fancy hotels, so he kicked Epstein out. Once burned, twice remembered.
This is about far more than just Epstein, but the entire Oligarch culture that views common people as cattle to be fed on, exploited and raped whenever any of them please to, as long as they are discrete.

The Hellfire Club is not a myth.

John Whitehead Exposes America's Heart Of Darkness: Sexual Predators Within The Power-Elite

I refer not only to Epstein’s accomplices, who recruited and groomed the young girls he is accused of raping and molesting, many of them homeless or vulnerable, but his circle of influential friends and colleagues that at one time included Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. Both Clinton and Trump, renowned womanizers who have also been accused of sexual impropriety by a significant number of women, were at one time passengers on the Lolita Express.

As the Associated Press points out, “The arrest of the billionaire financier on child sex trafficking charges is raising questions about how much his high-powered associates knew about the hedge fund manager’s interactions with underage girls, and whether they turned a blind eye to potentially illegal conduct.”

In fact, a recent decision by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals allowing a 2,000-page document linked to the Epstein case to be unsealed references allegations of sexual abuse involving “numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister, and other world leaders.”

This is not a minor incident involving minor players.

This is the heart of darkness.

Sex slaves. Sex trafficking. Secret societies. Powerful elites. Government corruption. Judicial cover-ups.

Once again, fact and fiction mirror each other.

Twenty years ago, Stanley Kubrick’s final film Eyes Wide Shut provided viewing audiences with a sordid glimpse into a secret sex society that indulged the basest urges of its affluent members while preying on vulnerable young women. It is not so different from the real world, where powerful men, insulated from accountability, indulge their base urges.

These secret societies flourish, implied Kubrick, because the rest of us are content to navigate life with our eyes wide shut, in denial about the ugly, obvious truths in our midst.

In so doing, we become accomplices to abusive behavior in our midst.

This is how corruption by the power elite flourishes.

For every Epstein who is—finally—called to account for his illegal sexual exploits after years of being given a free pass by those in power, there are hundreds (perhaps thousands) more in the halls of power and wealth whose predation of those most vulnerable among us continues unabated.

While Epstein’s alleged crimes are heinous enough on their own, he is part of a larger narrative of how a culture of entitlement becomes a cesspool and a breeding ground for despots and predators.

Remember the “DC Madam” who was charged with operating a phone-order sex business? Her clients included thousands of White House officials, lobbyists, and Pentagon, FBI, and IRS employees, as well as prominent lawyers, none of whom were ever exposed or held accountable.

Power corrupts.

Worse, as 19th-century historian Lord Acton concluded, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about a politician, an entertainment mogul, a corporate CEO or a police officer: give any one person (or government agency) too much power and allow him or her or it to believe that they are entitled, untouchable and will not be held accountable for their actions, and those powers will eventually be abused.

We’re seeing this dynamic play out every day in communities across America.

A cop shoots an unarmed citizen for no credible reason and gets away with it. A president employs executive orders to sidestep the Constitution and gets away with it. A government agency spies on its citizens’ communications and gets away with it. An entertainment mogul sexually harasses aspiring actresses and gets away with it. The U.S. military bombs a civilian hospital and gets away with it.

Abuse of power—and the ambition-fueled hypocrisy and deliberate disregard for misconduct that make those abuses possible—works the same whether you’re talking about sex crimes, government corruption, or the rule of law.

It’s the same old story all over again: man rises to power, man abuses power abominably, man intimidates and threatens anyone who challenges him with retaliation or worse, and man gets away with it because of a culture of compliance in which no one speaks up because they don’t want to lose their job or their money or their place among the elite.

It’s not just sexual predators that we have to worry about.

For every Jeffrey Epstein (or Bill Clinton or Harvey Weinstein or Roger Ailes or Bill Cosby or Donald Trump) who eventually gets called out for his sexual misbehavior, there are hundreds—thousands—of others in the American police state who are getting away with murder—in many cases, literally—simply because they can.

The cop who shoots the unarmed citizen first and asks questions later might get put on paid leave for a while or take a job with another police department, but that’s just a slap on the wrist. The shootings and SWAT team raids and excessive use of force will continue, because the police unions and the politicians and the courts won’t do a thing to stop it.

The war hawks who are making a profit by waging endless wars abroad, killing innocent civilians in hospitals and schools, and turning the American homeland into a domestic battlefield will continue to do so because neither the president nor the politicians will dare to challenge the military industrial complex.

The National Security Agency that carries out warrantless surveillance on Americans’ internet and phone communications will continue to do so, because the government doesn’t want to relinquish any of its ill-gotten powers and its total control of the populace.​
What year did he ban him?
I read it somewhere the other day--but didn't make a note of it, because his hiring an attorney to give the lunatic the boot said all it needed to say. There was no friendship left between the two of them when Trump found out how Epstein used hotels. Trump hosts families, didn't want minors mistreated on his property. He's a businessman, not a monster. Good gosh. You guys have a noose ready to hang President Trump at every post, don't you. :rolleyes:
The numbers of people involved in exploiting little children are staggering, numbering into the millions in our nation.

Who buys a trafficked child for sex? Otherwise ordinary men.

The scale of the trade indicates that it’s not a small number of men who pay to have sex with kids. A 2016 study by the Center for Court Innovation found that between 8,900 and 10,500 children, ages 13 to 17, are commercially exploited each year in this country. Several hundred children 12 and younger, a group not included in the study, also suffer commercial sexual abuse.

The researchers found that the average age of victims is 15 and that each child is purchased on average 5.4 times a day. I’ve interviewed victims who were forced to have sex with more than 30 men in a week; more than 100 in a month.

To determine a conservative estimate of the demand, I multiplied the lower number of victims (8,900) identified in the Center for Court Innovation study by the rate of daily exploitation per child (5.4), and then by an average of only one “work” day per week (52). The result: Adults purchase children for sex at least 2.5 million times a year in the United States.

The number of identified victims in the U.S. is on the rise. The National Human Trafficking Hotline recorded a 35 percent increase in reports in 2016. Most of the cases involved sex trafficking and many of the victims were children.

Brad Myles, CEO of the Polaris Project, which operates the hotline, said the increase largely can be attributed to better identification of trafficking victims and heightened public awareness that the hotline exists. Yet, Myles said, "The vast majority of victims are still not being found."

International numbers are even more staggering. Sex trafficking, according to the United Nations’ International Labour Organization, is a $99 billion-a-year global industry. The exploitation of more than 1 million children accounts for more than 20 percent of those profits.

And there's evidence that the child sex trade is growing. ECPAT International, a research and advocacy organization, concluded in 2016 in a first of its kind global study that more children than ever are at risk of abuse.

Mark Capaldi, ECPAT’s lead researcher, said in an interview at the organization’s Bangkok headquarters that rising global incomes, cheaper air travel and better internet access have fueled the increase in demand. In short, it’s cheaper and easier than ever for adults to exploit children.

Another reason for the growing exploitation: Buyers face little risk. “You’re unlucky if you get caught,” Bjorn Sellstrom, the head of INTERPOL’s Crimes Against Children unit, said in Lyon, France. “It’s fairly free of risk to travel to another country and abuse children.”​
What year did he ban him?
I read it somewhere the other day--but didn't make a note of it, because his hiring an attorney to give the lunatic the boot said all it needed to say. There was no friendship left between the two of them when Trump found out how Epstein used hotels. Trump hosts families, didn't want minors mistreated on his property. He's a businessman, not a monster. Good gosh. You guys have a noose ready to hang President Trump at every post, don't you. :rolleyes:

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
What year did he ban him?
Hasn't been clarified yet, I am guessing late 90's-early 2000's. He was convicted in that first case in 2008.
I believe it was 2004 that Trump banned Epstein.

Honestly, Epstein deserves the death penalty for what he has done, IMO.

...but in 2002 he was a great guy and I think anybody that was with him deserves the same.
How was Trump to know two years before he caught the perv doing his thing?

You just really hate Trump as indicated by how you ignore all the truly guilty in order to try to smear one of the few who took action against the creep.
I'm ready to let the shit fall where it may, even if it includes Trump.
It doesn't. A few years back Trump enterprises put a ban on Epstein to ensure he never operates from any of Trump's properties. And he is persona non grata with Trump and the Trump organization.
What about R Kelly? Another dirtbag that lives in Trump Tower.

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What year did he ban him?
I read it somewhere the other day--but didn't make a note of it, because his hiring an attorney to give the lunatic the boot said all it needed to say. There was no friendship left between the two of them when Trump found out how Epstein used hotels. Trump hosts families, didn't want minors mistreated on his property. He's a businessman, not a monster. Good gosh. You guys have a noose ready to hang President Trump at every post, don't you. :rolleyes:

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Miss Lewinsky was pretty young when she was an intern in the White House, but she was over 18 years old. You didn't set an age, and at that time "on the younger side" may have meant Trump thought they were over 18, which is on the younger side of that sort of doing. And if a wife finds out about it, such a thing can end a long-standing marriage. Apparently over-the-hill men who should know better go through their own kind of menopause, but instead of looking for a medicine to calm them down, they tell a buddy who refers them to a different kind of therapy. :dunno: I wouldn't know because that's just not my way of resolving physical symptoms. Instead of getting hot flashes, I got fibromyalgia, which is debilitating pain and an immune system that goes off the chart seeking out colds to catch and hang onto not for 3 days but weeks on end. lol When you have screaming out loud pain 24-7-365, you're not all that eager to do something rotten with a man you do not care to know. :lmao:

There's an old saying: "Women cry, but men get angry." I'm not sure I know how to interpret that into why a man may stray, but when his pals tell him he's over the hill, maybe it makes some feel they have to prove they're NOT over the hill as a man. Women look in the mirror which tells them they have 10 extra wrinkles this week they didn't notice the last time they looked in the mirror. Sometimes it's a crying matter. Crying may dampen the passion in her man when he doesn't want to be left out of life. People do stuff for stupid reasons, but sometimes, it could be that it's just nature acting up.
What year did he ban him?
I read it somewhere the other day--but didn't make a note of it, because his hiring an attorney to give the lunatic the boot said all it needed to say. There was no friendship left between the two of them when Trump found out how Epstein used hotels. Trump hosts families, didn't want minors mistreated on his property. He's a businessman, not a monster. Good gosh. You guys have a noose ready to hang President Trump at every post, don't you. :rolleyes:

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
You know he speaks that way about EVERYONE -- including Hillary and Nancy Pelosi -- until they attack HIM.

He speaks that way about all world leaders too, until they give him reason not to. Hes just being polite, diplomatic and kind.
Why would someone ban someone rather than have them arrested?
Did he actually commit a CRIME, or simply act inappropriately.
I'm ready to let the shit fall where it may, even if it includes Trump.
It doesn't. A few years back Trump enterprises put a ban on Epstein to ensure he never operates from any of Trump's properties. And he is persona non grata with Trump and the Trump organization.
What about R Kelly? Another dirtbag that lives in Trump Tower.
R Kelly? Never heard of him.
Why would someone ban someone rather than have them arrested?
Did he actually commit a CRIME, or simply act inappropriately.
I'm ready to let the shit fall where it may, even if it includes Trump.
It doesn't. A few years back Trump enterprises put a ban on Epstein to ensure he never operates from any of Trump's properties. And he is persona non grata with Trump and the Trump organization.
What about R Kelly? Another dirtbag that lives in Trump Tower.
R Kelly? Never heard of him.
R. Kelly Arrested on Fed Child Porn Charges, Indicted in NYC
Why do you think the democrats are screaming about the children at the border. There are democrat buyers that have already paid and are still waiting for the smugglers to deliver.

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