The Dark World Of Jeffrey Epstein


Will Chuck return all that money from all the elections that Epstein donated to him?


Never trust a man whose last name has the e's and i's backwards, lol.
What year did he ban him?
Hasn't been clarified yet, I am guessing late 90's-early 2000's. He was convicted in that first case in 2008.
I believe it was 2004 that Trump banned Epstein.

Honestly, Epstein deserves the death penalty for what he has done, IMO.

...but in 2002 he was a great guy and I think anybody that was with him deserves the same.
How was Trump to know two years before he caught the perv doing his thing?

You just really hate Trump as indicated by how you ignore all the truly guilty in order to try to smear one of the few who took action against the creep.

See I don't give a damn if it was Clinton, Trump, Dershowitz or anybody else. If they were a part of this pedophile shit I hope they all go down hard.
What year did he ban him?
I read it somewhere the other day--but didn't make a note of it, because his hiring an attorney to give the lunatic the boot said all it needed to say. There was no friendship left between the two of them when Trump found out how Epstein used hotels. Trump hosts families, didn't want minors mistreated on his property. He's a businessman, not a monster. Good gosh. You guys have a noose ready to hang President Trump at every post, don't you. :rolleyes:

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
You know he speaks that way about EVERYONE -- including Hillary and Nancy Pelosi -- until they attack HIM.

He speaks that way about all world leaders too, until they give him reason not to. Hes just being polite, diplomatic and kind.

Enough with the weak ass excuses.
Why would someone ban someone rather than have them arrested?
You'd have to ask the manager that banned him. My guess is they didn't want to make a scene.
It would be up to the girl's parents to do that, not Trump.
I'll bet they made some cash instead.
I'll bet if I were that parent, I wouldn't have taken a single dime from his nasty pocket. But the trauma of having to testify against him in court--especially after all the games she played along with up to that rape--might have made them think twice about prosecuting. How much of a sacrifice do you allow your daughter to make to try and stop a super powerful man who will probably walk anyway?
Why would someone ban someone rather than have them arrested?
You'd have to ask the manager that banned him. My guess is they didn't want to make a scene.
It would be up to the girl's parents to do that, not Trump.
I'll bet they made some cash instead.
I'll bet if I were that parent, I wouldn't have taken a single dime from his nasty pocket. But the trauma of having to testify against him in court--especially after all the games she played along with up to that rape--might have made them think twice about prosecuting. How much of a sacrifice do you allow your daughter to make to try and stop a super powerful man who will probably walk anyway?

That is the problem with the Justice System it is not equal and it is not blind. If you have money you can damn near get away with anything in this country.
Why would someone ban someone rather than have them arrested?
You'd have to ask the manager that banned him. My guess is they didn't want to make a scene.
It would be up to the girl's parents to do that, not Trump.
I'll bet they made some cash instead.
I'll bet if I were that parent, I wouldn't have taken a single dime from his nasty pocket. But the trauma of having to testify against him in court--especially after all the games she played along with up to that rape--might have made them think twice about prosecuting. How much of a sacrifice do you allow your daughter to make to try and stop a super powerful man who will probably walk anyway?

That is the problem with the Justice System it is not equal and it is not blind. If you have money you can damn near get away with anything in this country.
Walk into any prison and you will see the class system at work. The poor go to prison. End of story.
Why would someone ban someone rather than have them arrested?
You'd have to ask the manager that banned him. My guess is they didn't want to make a scene.
It would be up to the girl's parents to do that, not Trump.
I'll bet they made some cash instead.
I'll bet if I were that parent, I wouldn't have taken a single dime from his nasty pocket. But the trauma of having to testify against him in court--especially after all the games she played along with up to that rape--might have made them think twice about prosecuting. How much of a sacrifice do you allow your daughter to make to try and stop a super powerful man who will probably walk anyway?

That is the problem with the Justice System it is not equal and it is not blind. If you have money you can damn near get away with anything in this country.
That's why a lot of parents resort to personal justice.

That is the problem with the Justice System it is not equal and it is not blind. If you have money you can damn near get away with anything in this country.
Walk into any prison and you will see the class system at work. The poor go to prison. End of story.
Grotesque subhumans like Epstein get away with the worst crap until the Oligarchs think they can use his conviction to get to their enemies, while stupid teens get busted for possession of less than an ounce of pot in a baggy and go to prison.

Yeah, that's real justice.
Do people here actually think the left behind their pets won't be taking down Trump by linking Trump as much as they can with epstein? Think about it.

Trust me, there won't be a photo or anything like that. There will be "witnesses" and girls claiming it, and if the left have to take down clinton along with Trump, they will do that.

Isn't it sort of obvious they will be saying epstain and Trump in the same sentence just as much as they can? Right now, THEY (fbi or whatever) are looking to MAKE A DEAL with the billionaire democrat donar jewish liberal hero. in your reasoning, since you and I read about Epstein, we are probable pedophiles also----and this deduction is deduced from so much evidence
What year did he ban him?
I read it somewhere the other day--but didn't make a note of it, because his hiring an attorney to give the lunatic the boot said all it needed to say. There was no friendship left between the two of them when Trump found out how Epstein used hotels. Trump hosts families, didn't want minors mistreated on his property. He's a businessman, not a monster. Good gosh. You guys have a noose ready to hang President Trump at every post, don't you. :rolleyes:

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Here is that original article. Written glowingly about Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery - Nymag
There is no mention of him being a suspected pedophile in that it must not have been as known at the time as it was later on.

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