The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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What is 'essential' was the brunt of Kentucky's Sunday 'blue laws' several years back. You couldn't buy toilet paper on Sunday. People like you just want to dictate what is and is not essential.

"People like me"? Or people who jump on others for simply voicing their view on the topic?
"People like me"? Or people who attack others for not slaughtering wild birds?
"People like me"? Or people who presume to tell others what they need to do?

Not hard to see who's dabbling in "dictation" here, Toots. Check your mirror.

You need an enema. Truly.

I SO owe you rep. Mañana, my friend. Don't you think it is funny these dems going to the mat over what day to than a god they don't believe in? I do.
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What is 'essential' was the brunt of Kentucky's Sunday 'blue laws' several years back. You couldn't buy toilet paper on Sunday. People like you just want to dictate what is and is not essential.

"People like me"? Or people who jump on others for simply voicing their view on the topic?
"People like me"? Or people who attack others for not slaughtering wild birds?
"People like me"? Or people who presume to tell others what they need to do?

Not hard to see who's dabbling in "dictation" here, Toots. Check your mirror.

You need an enema. Truly.



Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote.When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box.
Quick, report me! Maybe it will help with your sense of FAIL.

Be sure to get the quote first, though, before it's removed.
We all get to choose our own values. I guess libs just don't understand that. They want to choose values for everyone else. Your 'shoulds and oughts' are yours. Not mine.
Considering the stuff that I stand for, I don't think that a liberal is how most people would label me.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

"People like me"? Or people who jump on others for simply voicing their view on the topic?
"People like me"? Or people who attack others for not slaughtering wild birds?
"People like me"? Or people who presume to tell others what they need to do?

Not hard to see who's dabbling in "dictation" here, Toots. Check your mirror.

You need an enema. Truly.

I SO owe you rep. Mañana, my friend. Don't you think it is funny these dems going to the mat over what day to than a god they don't believe in? I do.

Not sure what the fuck "what day to than a god" means (or "dems" for that matter) but all I've posted about is turkey crossings and Bill O'Reilly.

I'm sure in your hate-addled head you'll find a way to insert "pedophilia" in there.

Like you did in this thread.

Freaking wackadoodle.
When someone gets on their high horse about what this or that 'should' be they are attempting to direct someone else's choices. Hell, you dems do it all the time. And now you can't even let others decide when to get together for Thanksgiving. You are probably too stupid to figure out how to divide the day between your family and the spouse's family.

Well that's exactly what you did jumping on a poster who simply gave her view. It's also what KG did jumping on me for protecting turkeys. See the pattern.
It's obvious to the rest of us who the wacko control freaks are, but enjoy your bubble. Hope it's nice and soft in there.


"You dems"? :rofl:

Hey I understand Sheila's a "liberal" too. None so blind...

I didn't jump on you for "protecting turkeys". I jumped on you for being an idiot, and for proclaiming the cruelty of protecting turkeys in any way other than your retarded way.

I suppose you think the turkeys found you less offensive and frightening than a car horn.

Which just shows what a dolt you are.

That makes no sense. I didn't say a word about 'protecting turkeys.' The turkeys I know don't need my protection. They just need to get a life. The ones in my subdivision are wild. If they don't want to get eaten, they need to stay out of sight.
You need an enema. Truly.

I SO owe you rep. Mañana, my friend. Don't you think it is funny these dems going to the mat over what day to than a god they don't believe in? I do.

Not sure what the fuck "what day to than a god" means (or "dems" for that matter) but all I've posted about is turkey crossings and Bill O'Reilly.

I'm sure in your hate-addled head you'll find a way to insert "pedophilia" in there.

Like you did in this thread.

Freaking wackadoodle.

It's against the rules to use the *p* word.

I SO owe you rep. Mañana, my friend. Don't you think it is funny these dems going to the mat over what day to than a god they don't believe in? I do.

Not sure what the fuck "what day to than a god" means (or "dems" for that matter) but all I've posted about is turkey crossings and Bill O'Reilly.

I'm sure in your hate-addled head you'll find a way to insert "pedophilia" in there.

Like you did in this thread.

Freaking wackadoodle.

It's against the rules to use the *p* word.


Oh that's not necessary. She was attacking a mod in that thread with the same crapola, so they already know.
Well that's exactly what you did jumping on a poster who simply gave her view. It's also what KG did jumping on me for protecting turkeys. See the pattern.
It's obvious to the rest of us who the wacko control freaks are, but enjoy your bubble. Hope it's nice and soft in there.


"You dems"? :rofl:

Hey I understand Sheila's a "liberal" too. None so blind...

I didn't jump on you for "protecting turkeys". I jumped on you for being an idiot, and for proclaiming the cruelty of protecting turkeys in any way other than your retarded way.

I suppose you think the turkeys found you less offensive and frightening than a car horn.

Which just shows what a dolt you are.

That makes no sense. I didn't say a word about 'protecting turkeys.' The turkeys I know don't need my protection. They just need to get a life. The ones in my subdivision are wild. If they don't want to get eaten, they need to stay out of sight.

Excellent. Now the two hate wenches attack each other.

Don't you think it is funny these dems going to the mat over what day to than a god they don't believe in? I do.

Are all Democrats atheists? I didn't realize that. Hmmm.....

According to this article only 24% of Democrats say they are not religiously affiliated, the rest are Protestant, Catholic, or other. And that just applies to considering yourself affiliated with a religion, doesn’t take into account agnostics or people who believe in God but don’t align themselves with a particular religion.

The politics of race and religion ? in two pie charts

In no way does being a Democrat mean one is an athiest. Some may be, but it is not prevalent. It's just that they are not extremists, literalists, dogmatic about it, etc.
Don't you think it is funny these dems going to the mat over what day to than a god they don't believe in? I do.

Are all Democrats atheists? I didn't realize that. Hmmm.....

According to this article only 24% of Democrats say they are not religiously affiliated, the rest are Protestant, Catholic, or other. And that just applies to considering yourself affiliated with a religion, doesn’t take into account agnostics or people who believe in God but don’t align themselves with a particular religion.

The politics of race and religion ? in two pie charts

In no way does being a Democrat mean one is an athiest. Some may be, but it is not prevalent. It's just that they are not extremists, literalists, dogmatic about it, etc.

And conversely, politics discussion doesn't exclude "political agnostics" -- those who don't align themselves with a particular "party".

But to pretend so is a convenient crutch for the intellectually bereft who can think of nothing deeper than painting a label on someone whose point they can't handle and then demonizing it.
A day in MY life is not YOURS to spend. MYOB.

It's an internet message board ya silly bunt. Everybody gets to say their piece, much as that much chap your sorry ass.

Isn't this exactly what you were getting so defensive about?

Nope. I haven't attacked anybody. I did defend those who were attacked.

Then again you're the same self-described linguist who wanted me to drive a sick patient 1400 miles to an irrelevant doctor, so maybe the thread should be titled "The Death of Reading Comprehension".
No, you attacked people who honk and drive through herds..rather than parking their cars and getting out and wandering about, trying to cause an accident.

No, you attacked people who honk and drive through herds..rather than parking their cars and getting out and wandering about, trying to cause an accident.


Did I?

Quote it. Actually, quote any part thereof with my name on it rather than yours.

That'll shut her up.

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