The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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Againsheila, your liberal friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a socialist authoritarian age. They do not believe except they are spoon fed by the liberal media. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Sheila, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

Yes, Sheila, there will still be Thanksgiving. It exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Thanksgiving. It would be as dreary as if there were no Sheilas. There would be no gorging on turkey then, no football, no drunken family squabbles to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which overeating fills the world would be extinguished.

Not believe in Thanksgiving if a few stores are open! You might as well not believe in cranberry sauce! You might get your papa to hire men to work on Thanksgiving to earn more money for their families, and some might think it a drag, but even if they did not eat with those families until they got home later, what would that prove? Some people have always worked on Thanksgiving, even if you don't see them from your living room, but that is no sign that there will be no Thanksgiving. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see how your Auntie Judy makes her famous stuffing? Of course not, but that's no proof that it's not there. Nobody can deny what comes out in the bathroom later.

You may tear apart the drumstick to get at the dark meat, but there is always a little stuck to the tendon which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can dig into that bird and consume the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Sheila, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

No Thanksgiving! Thank God! it lives, and it will live forever, even if some stores stay open and some people go to work. A thousand years from now, Sheila, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, we will continue to make pigs of ourselves then fall asleep on the sofa.

- With deepest apologies to Francis Pharcellus Church

Good paraphrase. I find it rather ironic that liberals who don't want anyone's values dictated to them, nor any religion whatsoever make such an effort to dictate the value that Thanksgiving supposedly holds, particularly since it IS a religious holiday. It is not particular to any one religion, but giving thanks is a religious rite.

Keeping the store open that day is completely secular and non religious.

WTF? Liberals most assuredly want to dictate values and religion. The ones they approve of.

I'm not a liberal, I'm a moderate. Nice try though. :D

Oh, and I'm right. Opening the department stores on Thanksgiving is going to lead to the end of Thanksgiving as we know it. It will just be another Christmas shopping day. This does not mean that all families will do this, but eventually, Thanksgiving just won't hold the same meaning for the majority of Americans as it does now. Again, it's a national holiday and the American thing to do would be to close anything that isn't a necessity on those days.

Yes, Sheila, there will still be Thanksgiving. It exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Thanksgiving. It would be as dreary as if there were no Sheilas. There would be no gorging on turkey then, no football, no drunken family squabbles to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which overeating fills the world would be extinguished.

Not believe in Thanksgiving if a few stores are open! You might as well not believe in cranberry sauce! You might get your papa to hire men to work on Thanksgiving to earn more money for their families, and some might think it a drag, but even if they did not eat with those families until they got home later, what would that prove? Some people have always worked on Thanksgiving, even if you don't see them from your living room, but that is no sign that there will be no Thanksgiving. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see how your Auntie Judy makes her famous stuffing? Of course not, but that's no proof that it's not there. Nobody can deny what comes out in the bathroom later.

You may tear apart the drumstick to get at the dark meat, but there is always a little stuck to the tendon which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can dig into that bird and consume the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Sheila, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

No Thanksgiving! Thank God! it lives, and it will live forever, even if some stores stay open and some people go to work. A thousand years from now, Sheila, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, we will continue to make pigs of ourselves then fall asleep on the sofa.
Againsheila, your liberal friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a socialist authoritarian age. They do not believe except they are spoon fed by the liberal media. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Sheila, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

Yes, Sheila, there will still be Thanksgiving. It exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Thanksgiving. It would be as dreary as if there were no Sheilas. There would be no gorging on turkey then, no football, no drunken family squabbles to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which overeating fills the world would be extinguished.

Not believe in Thanksgiving if a few stores are open! You might as well not believe in cranberry sauce! You might get your papa to hire men to work on Thanksgiving to earn more money for their families, and some might think it a drag, but even if they did not eat with those families until they got home later, what would that prove? Some people have always worked on Thanksgiving, even if you don't see them from your living room, but that is no sign that there will be no Thanksgiving. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see how your Auntie Judy makes her famous stuffing? Of course not, but that's no proof that it's not there. Nobody can deny what comes out in the bathroom later.

You may tear apart the drumstick to get at the dark meat, but there is always a little stuck to the tendon which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can dig into that bird and consume the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Sheila, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

No Thanksgiving! Thank God! it lives, and it will live forever, even if some stores stay open and some people go to work. A thousand years from now, Sheila, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, we will continue to make pigs of ourselves then fall asleep on the sofa.

- With deepest apologies to Francis Pharcellus Church

Good paraphrase. I find it rather ironic that liberals who don't want anyone's values dictated to them, nor any religion whatsoever make such an effort to dictate the value that Thanksgiving supposedly holds, particularly since it IS a religious holiday. It is not particular to any one religion, but giving thanks is a religious rite.

Keeping the store open that day is completely secular and non religious.

WTF? Liberals most assuredly want to dictate values and religion. The ones they approve of.

I'm not a liberal, I'm a moderate. Nice try though. :D

Oh, and I'm right. Opening the department stores on Thanksgiving is going to lead to the end of Thanksgiving as we know it. It will just be another Christmas shopping day. This does not mean that all families will do this, but eventually, Thanksgiving just won't hold the same meaning for the majority of Americans as it does now. Again, it's a national holiday and the American thing to do would be to close anything that isn't a necessity on those days.

does it have to hold meaning? Who is to be the judge of what that meaning is supposed to be? Who is to be the judge of what is a "necessity" and what is not?
Again ... with commercial enterprises taking people away from a family holiday.............. where is Bill O'Reilly's rant on the War on Thanksgiving?

He doesn't care if BUSINESSES take it away....he's a conservative and they value money above all else. Of course liberals seem to value themselves above all else so there ya go....

You post that and then demur that you are not a liberal? Not too convincing.
One thing that is interesting to me is that Americans say how bad the economy is, how broke they are, etc., yet they seem to have plenty of money for shopping. Can anyone explain that to me? If things are so bad, economically, they why is everyone so keen to go shopping?
No, you attacked people who honk and drive through herds..rather than parking their cars and getting out and wandering about, trying to cause an accident.


Did I?

Quote it. Actually, quote any part thereof with my name on it rather than yours.

That'll shut her up.

It's cruel to honk at animals in the road?


It's cruel to honk at anything innocent, yup.

I like the occasional nice easy question. :thup:
One thing that is interesting to me is that Americans say how bad the economy is, how broke they are, etc., yet they seem to have plenty of money for shopping. Can anyone explain that to me? If things are so bad, economically, they why is everyone so keen to go shopping?

it could be those very people who don't have much money that will be out shopping the sales on thanksgiving......

why do people hate the poor? I am sure the poor will be very thankful for the sales.
One thing that is interesting to me is that Americans say how bad the economy is, how broke they are, etc., yet they seem to have plenty of money for shopping. Can anyone explain that to me? If things are so bad, economically, they why is everyone so keen to go shopping?

Better question: why do the unwashed fall all over each other to hit a meaningless "sale" every time the boob box orders them to?

Makes no sense.


(this is the bit that Uncle Charlie interprets as "defensiveness" :cuckoo: )
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No, you attacked people who honk and drive through herds..rather than parking their cars and getting out and wandering about, trying to cause an accident.


Did I?

Quote it. Actually, quote any part thereof with my name on it rather than yours.

That'll shut her up.

It's cruel to honk at anything innocent, yup.

I like the occasional nice easy question. :thup:

........... and?

The inital post was:
I drive through a herd of wild turkeys every time I leave this subdivision. They don't even get out of the road when I blow the horn.

I hope that's facetious (?) Came across a large flock of turkeys the other day; what I did was stop and wait until they could see they were OK to cross the road and watched for other traffic to protect them. It's the ahimsa thing to do. :thup:

I don't see an "attack". By contrast however...

You aren't respecting the lives of turkeys. You're pretending they're human, you nitwit. You are negged for being a fucking road hazard.

If I found you out wandering around the road trying to shoo turkeys out of the way, on any of the backroads that I have traversed, I would chew your ass and probably call the cops on you. You pose a bigger threat to the safety of motorists than the turkeys do, and your method is a lot less effective, and therefore less safe, than mine.

Fucking ridiculous. You honk at them to move them out of the road so that they don't cause a wreck, or get killed, and so you don't cause a traffic hazard by parking and getting out and wandering around the road like the lunatic you are.

Get a life. You're an idiot.

Now that's attack.
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Then again you're the same self-described linguist who wanted me to drive a sick patient 1400 miles to an irrelevant doctor, so maybe the thread should be titled "The Death of Reading Comprehension".

What does my being a linguist have to do with your odd defensiveness? I was just asking you about a story you chose to share. You're too quick to flinch. Unless I missed it, you mentioned driving your friend 700 miles but you didn't preface that story by saying that you lived far from this friend of yours. If you could just relax a little you might find it easier to express yourself clearly.
Then again you're the same self-described linguist who wanted me to drive a sick patient 1400 miles to an irrelevant doctor, so maybe the thread should be titled "The Death of Reading Comprehension".

What does my being a linguist have to do with your odd defensiveness? I was just asking you about a story you chose to share. You're too quick to flinch. Unless I missed it, you mentioned driving your friend 700 miles but you didn't preface that story by saying that you lived far from this friend of yours. If you could just relax a little you might find it easier to express yourself clearly.


Linguists are generally expected to be fluent in at least one language...

Yeah you sure did miss it. Again... reading comprehension. In English. Come back when you figure it out.

"Driving a friend 700 miles"?
Then again you're the same self-described linguist who wanted me to drive a sick patient 1400 miles to an irrelevant doctor, so maybe the thread should be titled "The Death of Reading Comprehension".

What does my being a linguist have to do with your odd defensiveness? I was just asking you about a story you chose to share. You're too quick to flinch. Unless I missed it, you mentioned driving your friend 700 miles but you didn't preface that story by saying that you lived far from this friend of yours. If you could just relax a little you might find it easier to express yourself clearly.


Linguists are generally expected to be fluent in at least one language...

Yeah you sure did miss it. Again... reading comprehension. In English. Come back when you figure it out.

"Driving a friend 700 miles"?

You said:
We got there fine; the appointment wasn't until the next day. That's why I was travelling the day before -- she lives 700 miles away. The day before was to get in place. At the turkey crossing I still had 500 miles to go.

This suggests that your friend lived 700 miles away - from the place where the appointment was to be held - hence the need to "get in place." Your friend is the one who "can't walk," not you. Why would you need to "get in place" to pick up your sick friend? And you said "We got there fine," which suggests you were travelling together over these 700 miles.

Are you starting to understand how poorly you expressed yourself?
One thing that is interesting to me is that Americans say how bad the economy is, how broke they are, etc., yet they seem to have plenty of money for shopping. Can anyone explain that to me? If things are so bad, economically, they why is everyone so keen to go shopping?

Shopping in America does not necessarily mean people will buy something when they do it. :)
What does my being a linguist have to do with your odd defensiveness? I was just asking you about a story you chose to share. You're too quick to flinch. Unless I missed it, you mentioned driving your friend 700 miles but you didn't preface that story by saying that you lived far from this friend of yours. If you could just relax a little you might find it easier to express yourself clearly.


Linguists are generally expected to be fluent in at least one language...

Yeah you sure did miss it. Again... reading comprehension. In English. Come back when you figure it out.

"Driving a friend 700 miles"?

You said:
We got there fine; the appointment wasn't until the next day. That's why I was travelling the day before -- she lives 700 miles away. The day before was to get in place. At the turkey crossing I still had 500 miles to go.

This suggests that your friend lived 700 miles away - from the place where the appointment was to be held - hence the need to "get in place." Your friend is the one who "can't walk," not you. Why would you need to "get in place" to pick up your sick friend? And you said "We got there fine," which suggests you were travelling together over these 700 miles.

Are you starting to understand how poorly you expressed yourself?

Are you starting to understand your own illiteracy? Or are you genuinely this dense?

See your own doctor. The one with the goatee and Viennese accent.

One thing that is interesting to me is that Americans say how bad the economy is, how broke they are, etc., yet they seem to have plenty of money for shopping. Can anyone explain that to me? If things are so bad, economically, they why is everyone so keen to go shopping?

Shopping in America does not necessarily mean people will buy something when they do it. :)

If you go shopping and come back with nothing ----- haven't you just wasted your time?
If you are interested in taking a course to improve your writing skills I can give you some recommendations. Just let me know.
One thing that is interesting to me is that Americans say how bad the economy is, how broke they are, etc., yet they seem to have plenty of money for shopping. Can anyone explain that to me? If things are so bad, economically, they why is everyone so keen to go shopping?

Shopping in America does not necessarily mean people will buy something when they do it. :)

If you go shopping and come back with nothing ----- haven't you just wasted your time?

Not me. I often enjoy just seeing what's out there, checking out user friendliness or wearability or colors and sizes. Then if I really want something I go home and order it on line. But its just fun looking at stuff with loved ones, plus stopping in somewhere for an ice cream cone or hot fudge sundae or cappuccino.

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