The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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Shopping in America does not necessarily mean people will buy something when they do it. :)

If you go shopping and come back with nothing ----- haven't you just wasted your time?

Not me. I often enjoy just seeing what's out there, checking out user friendliness or wearability or colors and sizes. Then if I really want something I go home and order it on line. But its just fun looking at stuff with loved ones, plus stopping in somewhere for an ice cream cone or hot fudge sundae or cappuccino.

Women. :rolleyes:

Love ya anyway Foxy.
One thing that is interesting to me is that Americans say how bad the economy is, how broke they are, etc., yet they seem to have plenty of money for shopping. Can anyone explain that to me? If things are so bad, economically, they why is everyone so keen to go shopping?

it could be those very people who don't have much money that will be out shopping the sales on thanksgiving......

why do people hate the poor? I am sure the poor will be very thankful for the sales.

Does my post suggest any dislike for people without much money? It certainly wasn't meant to. I lived half my life having almost nothing. I just find it a conflict to say you want to go spend a lot of money shopping when at the same time you don't have much. There were times when I was broke and wanted a little 'retail therapy.' I would go out and chase down garage sales or go to a second hand store. Maybe in all I'd spend $5 or $10, retail therapy accomplished! I didn't have the $ to buy new things or go to a mall or anything.
Most peeps I know volunteer to work T-Day.

The upside is they get paid time and a half.

And the family knows you will be home soon as the store closes at whatever time, THEN eat. They work around the persons schedule. They understand.

You are assuming only one person in the family is working...a bad assumption in today's society. As bad as assuming they're all working the same hours. Nope, as the title says, this is gonna kill Thanksgiving.

There were no stores open where I came from except for one mom and pop grocery store and they had VERY limited hours.

If someone had forgotten to purchase an item for Thanksgiving dinner and the store was closed, they'd just knock on the neighbor's door.

The one Thanksgiving we had to suffer without Bell's seasoning will be the worst T-Day to go down in my history!
One thing that is interesting to me is that Americans say how bad the economy is, how broke they are, etc., yet they seem to have plenty of money for shopping. Can anyone explain that to me? If things are so bad, economically, they why is everyone so keen to go shopping?

it could be those very people who don't have much money that will be out shopping the sales on thanksgiving......

why do people hate the poor? I am sure the poor will be very thankful for the sales.

Does my post suggest any dislike for people without much money? It certainly wasn't meant to. I lived half my life having almost nothing. I just find it a conflict to say you want to go spend a lot of money shopping when at the same time you don't have much. There were times when I was broke and wanted a little 'retail therapy.' I would go out and chase down garage sales or go to a second hand store. Maybe in all I'd spend $5 or $10, retail therapy accomplished! I didn't have the $ to buy new things or go to a mall or anything.

Seems a bit counterintuitive to suggest the poor would be doing the shopping. I've been poor and my priority was survival, not commodity shopping. That only came later, after I'd have some money tucked away.
One thing that is interesting to me is that Americans say how bad the economy is, how broke they are, etc., yet they seem to have plenty of money for shopping. Can anyone explain that to me? If things are so bad, economically, they why is everyone so keen to go shopping?

Shopping in America does not necessarily mean people will buy something when they do it. :)

Okay. I guess they would spend all day 'shopping,' but only go home with one inexpensive thing, something that is a great bargain. Get your point. I am not that kind of 'shopper.' By far, I mostly only shop for what I need, and usually, it is something specific I've been needing or thinking about for some time. I usually only buy when something wears out, breaks, or has become a specific item I need to add to my home or life in some way. Like shoes, I only buy shoes when I need them, when the old ones wear out. Bathing suits same thing (I swim a lot). Anything, really, is like that. I love a bargain too. The last time I went 'shopping' (other than groceries and household dry goods) was last June when I needed a new suitcase for traveling. The store happened to be having a promotional thing, and when I bought the suitcase, I got a credit for about 25$ and bought a beautiful salad bowl that matches my dishes. What a treat. But I would normally never spend that much on a salad bowl if wasn't essentially 'free.'

If I am really in need of 'retail therapy, which happens sometimes, I'll go to a dollar store or one of those discount stores, a garage sale or some 2nd hand stores and never spend over $20. That happens a couple of times a year. I don't understand, for myself, spending all day 'shopping' and buying nothing, or maybe only one thing. Shopping as entertainment is what it is. Which is fine for others if it's what they like. I'm not criticizing it. But based on the idea of people waiting for sales, I thought they were going to shop for Xmas presents and were really planning on spending money.

Another point, I remember the old Christmases when economic times were tough, and we all agreed to make the Xmas presents. Everyone in the family gave something homemade, whether it was knitted, baked, or whatever. Potpourri, flavored vinegars, etc. All kinds of things. One year my grandmother put together individual photo albums of for each of her grandkids, who were at the time grownups, with photos she had that traced their life experiences. Stuff like that. Instead of spending money. One year I used a candle making kit I'd gotten the Xmas before to make candles for everyone. That's a lot more fun, actually, than feeling you need to buy something expensive.

At the same time, I like the shops at Xmas time, but not malls. The decorations and stuff, they can be pretty and fun. I'll wander around the shops at Xmas and look at the decorations and buy maybe one nice tree ornament each year, to commemorate the year.
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I hope that's facetious (?) Came across a large flock of turkeys the other day; what I did was stop and wait until they could see they were OK to cross the road and watched for other traffic to protect them. It's the ahimsa thing to do. :thup:


One of my single T-days was blessed with Turkey Spam...awesome!

First married T-Day together was just hubs and I by choice
I cooked Cornish game hens stuffed with wild rice.

Another T-Day with friends, some family, yielded a King Salmon for dinner.

Going to WSM's home always offers up halibut chowder.

In's not always about the turkey.
However we are infamous for our population of Peacocks. :lol: Dang, that gives me an idea!


*Disclaimer: My post was not directed [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION]
I hope that's facetious (?) Came across a large flock of turkeys the other day; what I did was stop and wait until they could see they were OK to cross the road and watched for other traffic to protect them. It's the ahimsa thing to do. :thup:


One of my single T-days was blessed with Turkey Spam...awesome!

First married T-Day together was just hubs and I by choice
I cooked Cornish game hens stuffed with wild rice.

Another T-Day with friends, some family, yielded a King Salmon for dinner.

Going to WSM's home always offers up halibut chowder.

In's not always about the turkey.
However we are infamous for our population of Peacocks. :lol: Dang, that gives me an idea!


*Disclaimer: My post was not directed [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION]

Too late. I already read it. NOW what? :confused:
there are a few tricks to sway the balance

1- put the turkeys to bed
( after sunset go out the places you plan to hunt and make loud noises they will gobble
from the trees they are sleeping in -this gives you an idea of where they will be)

2-in the morning set up along natural and man made barriers
( the birds will tend to follow rather then cross )

3-use hot horny hen calls but not too much i use a mouth reed
(this goes against the nature of the bird but that tom will do a lot of strutting
with the look at me look at me dance
however if he has already set up with a female chances are that will fail until the current hen loses him )

4-do not make movements unless the bird is fully fanned with the fanned tail towards you
( turkeys can see almost in 360 degrees the fanned tail blocks their vision momentarily)

but that is for a springtime hunt

in the fall i usually try to run into a group

get them to scatter

then set up shop

then try to confuse the issue by pretending to be the the dominate hen

and try to call the flock back in order

:thup:....good stuff....thanks!

anytime your welcome

you can sit out there with those ridiculous noise-makers gobbling like a fool and not see shit all day

there are a few tricks to sway the balance

1- put the turkeys to bed
( after sunset go out the places you plan to hunt and make loud noises they will gobble
from the trees they are sleeping in -this gives you an idea of where they will be)

2-in the morning set up along natural and man made barriers
( the birds will tend to follow rather then cross )

3-use hot horny hen calls but not too much i use a mouth reed
(this goes against the nature of the bird but that tom will do a lot of strutting
with the look at me look at me dance
however if he has already set up with a female chances are that will fail until the current hen loses him )

4-do not make movements unless the bird is fully fanned with the fanned tail towards you
( turkeys can see almost in 360 degrees the fanned tail blocks their vision momentarily)

but that is for a springtime hunt

in the fall i usually try to run into a group

get them to scatter

then set up shop

then try to confuse the issue by pretending to be the the dominate hen

and try to call the flock back in order

You need to start a thread on Turkey hunting. Include pics.

i will try and do that sometime when things slow down for us

you can sit out there with those ridiculous noise-makers gobbling like a fool and not see shit all day

there are a few tricks to sway the balance

1- put the turkeys to bed
( after sunset go out the places you plan to hunt and make loud noises they will gobble
from the trees they are sleeping in -this gives you an idea of where they will be)

2-in the morning set up along natural and man made barriers
( the birds will tend to follow rather then cross )

3-use hot horny hen calls but not too much i use a mouth reed
(this goes against the nature of the bird but that tom will do a lot of strutting
with the look at me look at me dance
however if he has already set up with a female chances are that will fail until the current hen loses him )

4-do not make movements unless the bird is fully fanned with the fanned tail towards you
( turkeys can see almost in 360 degrees the fanned tail blocks their vision momentarily)

but that is for a springtime hunt

in the fall i usually try to run into a group

get them to scatter

then set up shop

then try to confuse the issue by pretending to be the the dominate hen

and try to call the flock back in order

I drive through a herd of wild turkeys every time I leave this subdivision. They don't even get out of the road when I blow the horn.

they can get pretty tame if not harmed

blast a few of them and that will change the story

there is a guy south of here he loves the turkeys

about 20 of them

they come into his yard

onto his sidewalk

on his deck

peck the bugs out of the grill of his vehicles

it is a regular stopping spot for them

I drive through a herd of wild turkeys every time I leave this subdivision. They don't even get out of the road when I blow the horn.

I hope that's facetious (?) Came across a large flock of turkeys the other day; what I did was stop and wait until they could see they were OK to cross the road and watched for other traffic to protect them. It's the ahimsa thing to do. :thup:

It's cruel to honk at animals in the road?


It's cruel to honk at animals in the road?

no i would say not

deer are a problem out here

they like to run out in front of you

if i see them up ahead

i honk and flash my headlights at them

while slowing down this usually (for me) has worked well

one of the weirdest things i noticed when i moved out to South Dakota

is that when you stop to look at deer they could be 300 yards away

and they will tend bolt away

in Minnesota you could watch deer from 30 yards or so without them freaking out

the one day it dawned on me that hunting with high powered rifles was legal here


btw the rut is on

the deer are moving at all times of the day and night

keep a watchful eye out for these critters crossing the road

they have other things on their minds then traffic
You aren't respecting the lives of turkeys. You're pretending they're human, you nitwit. You are negged for being a fucking road hazard.

If I found you out wandering around the road trying to shoo turkeys out of the way, on any of the backroads that I have traversed, I would chew your ass and probably call the cops on you. You pose a bigger threat to the safety of motorists than the turkeys do, and your method is a lot less effective, and therefore less safe, than mine.

i used to be a big ol snapping turtle hunter

scored lots and lots of them when i was young

over the years i have felt bad about this

so one morning a couple of years ago

i spotted a big ol snapping turtle trying to cross the road

i pulled that turtle off the road by her tail hissing and snapping at me the whole time

i got back in the truck happy with myself for saving her life and the lives of her eggs she was going to lay

only to discover on the way home later that day

in about the same spot

was that turtle squashed in the road
You aren't respecting the lives of turkeys. You're pretending they're human, you nitwit. You are negged for being a fucking road hazard.

If I found you out wandering around the road trying to shoo turkeys out of the way, on any of the backroads that I have traversed, I would chew your ass and probably call the cops on you. You pose a bigger threat to the safety of motorists than the turkeys do, and your method is a lot less effective, and therefore less safe, than mine.

And you'd get locked up in the loony bin, preferably the same one you broke out of.

It was the Blue Ridge Parkway. There was no other traffic.

Again, if that rubs your tiny little world of death and depravity the wrong way, that's too damn bad isn't it?


It was the Blue Ridge Parkway. There was no other traffic.

then you really didnt need to help them off the road
Apparently the turkeys' right to loiter trumped his friend's right to see her doctor on time.

We got there fine; the appointment wasn't until the next day.
That's why I was travelling the day before -- she lives 700 miles away. The day before was to get in place. At the turkey crossing I still had 500 miles to go.

That seems kind of far. Were there no doctors closer? Was this some sort of specialist thing available nowhere else?


thank god we got the obamacares now

So he actually ENCOURAGED them to come up on the road, based upon their INTENT, as he saw it.

He's the bird whisperer. And he taught them to commit suicide.

isnt that nice

the road to hell is paved with liberal good intentions

That was in answer to your word, intellectual black hole.

There are lots of things we don't know, but here's one I do: there will never come a day in the history of the universe where you are qualified to tell me what I need to do. Ever. World without end, amen. You can take that to the bank, Toots.

I wonder what these people would do if they lived in Scotland or Australia and a flock of sheep were in the middle of the road, just plow through them and then throw whatever dead carcasses there were in the trunk? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

We have sheep and cattle here too, genius.

And when going through a herd, you drive slowly. You don't get out and chase them about.

happens out here from time to time

i usually call the cops give them the closest fire number

they start calling around to see who is missing their cattle

i usually honk at them too and use the truck as a cattle drive

to get them off the road

then usually by that time others show up as well as a sheriff

or highway patrol

cattle always test the fences to see if they are working

if not they are GONE

I think that retard by the camper might be attempting to guide the sheep, rather than cruelly honking at them and inching through, as intelligent people do.

Guaranteed the shepherds are laughing their asses off.

Dodo, is that you?

looks like an obama rally from here


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