The death of the Iran Nuclear Deal


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
It's dead. If it isn't dead, it's dying. Quickly. Iranian President Rouhani nuked (Ha! nuked! I'll have to write that one down!) the Nuclear deal by stating he would refuse to sign the deal unless all of the economic sanctions levied on Iran by the International Community are lifted "at once." Rouhani has the rug, and Obama is sitting on his rear on the floor. In other words, the Obama administration had the rug yanked right out from under them.

All that work for nothing it appears. Congress's hand has been strengthened, and some are calling for renewed sanctions against Iran. The Obama Administration appears to be losing this fight.

Iran will sign a final nuclear agreement only if economic sanctions against the nation are removed on the first day of the deal's implementation, President Hassan Rouhani said Thursday.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Islamic republic's supreme leader, meanwhile, told state-run media outlets he is neither in favor nor against the proposed deal because it isn't final, and he's not certain it will become binding because he has "never been optimistic about negotiations with the U.S."

Six world powers and Iran reached a preliminary deal last week that aims to limit Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for lifting economic sanctions.

The United States, however, has stressed that if a final deal is reached with Iran, the removal of any sanctions will come in phases.

But work on the agreement isn't finished.

Negotiators from Iran and the United States, China, Germany, France, Britain and Russia have until June 30 to come up with a final deal.

Iran No nuclear deal without lifting of sanctions -

WASHINGTON—The Obama administration collided with Congress Wednesday over Iran sanctions, and both sides were girding for a brawl that appeared likely to stretch through the year.

Lawmakers from both parties vowed at a Senate hearing to press ahead with legislative plans for new punitive measures—over President Barack Obama’s veto warnings. Top administration officials, meanwhile, disclosed at the hearing that the international talks over Iran’s nuclear program may extend beyond an end-of-June deadline. That would be the third such extension.

Deepening the chasm, House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress on Feb. 11 about threats from Islamic extremism and Iran. The Obama administration called the move a breach of diplomatic protocol because neither Congress nor Israel consulted first with the White House.

“We found out from Boehner’s staff this morning—no heads up from the Israelis, and no discussion with Boehner’s staff in advance either,” said a senior administration official.

The decision to invite Mr. Netanyahu to the U.S. to back a position supported by many Republicans came after Mr. Obama last week hosted U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, who urged Congress not to adopt new sanctions against Iran during the talks and disclosed he had personally lobbied some U.S. senators.

White House Congress Clash Over Iran Sanctions - WSJ
It's dead. If it isn't dead, it's dying. Quickly. Iranian President Rouhani nuked (Ha! nuked! I'll have to write that one down!) the Nuclear deal by stating he would refuse to sign the deal unless all of the economic sanctions levied on Iran by the International Community are lifted "at once." Rouhani has the rug, and Obama is sitting on his rear on the floor. In other words, the Obama administration had the rug yanked right out from under them.

All that work for nothing it appears. Congress's hand has been strengthened, and some are calling for renewed sanctions against Iran. The Obama Administration appears to be losing this fight.

Iran will sign a final nuclear agreement only if economic sanctions against the nation are removed on the first day of the deal's implementation, President Hassan Rouhani said Thursday.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Islamic republic's supreme leader, meanwhile, told state-run media outlets he is neither in favor nor against the proposed deal because it isn't final, and he's not certain it will become binding because he has "never been optimistic about negotiations with the U.S."

Six world powers and Iran reached a preliminary deal last week that aims to limit Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for lifting economic sanctions.

The United States, however, has stressed that if a final deal is reached with Iran, the removal of any sanctions will come in phases.

But work on the agreement isn't finished.

Negotiators from Iran and the United States, China, Germany, France, Britain and Russia have until June 30 to come up with a final deal.

Iran No nuclear deal without lifting of sanctions -

Another foreign leader makes a fool of Obama.

Anyone surprised?
WASHINGTON—The Obama administration collided with Congress Wednesday over Iran sanctions, and both sides were girding for a brawl that appeared likely to stretch through the year.

Lawmakers from both parties vowed at a Senate hearing to press ahead with legislative plans for new punitive measures—over President Barack Obama’s veto warnings. Top administration officials, meanwhile, disclosed at the hearing that the international talks over Iran’s nuclear program may extend beyond an end-of-June deadline. That would be the third such extension.

Deepening the chasm, House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress on Feb. 11 about threats from Islamic extremism and Iran. The Obama administration called the move a breach of diplomatic protocol because neither Congress nor Israel consulted first with the White House.

“We found out from Boehner’s staff this morning—no heads up from the Israelis, and no discussion with Boehner’s staff in advance either,” said a senior administration official.

The decision to invite Mr. Netanyahu to the U.S. to back a position supported by many Republicans came after Mr. Obama last week hosted U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, who urged Congress not to adopt new sanctions against Iran during the talks and disclosed he had personally lobbied some U.S. senators.

White House Congress Clash Over Iran Sanctions - WSJ

Just talk, talk, talk right now. Big bloviators over there.

It's dead. If it isn't dead, it's dying. Quickly. Iranian President Rouhani nuked (Ha! nuked! I'll have to write that one down!) the Nuclear deal by stating he would refuse to sign the deal unless all of the economic sanctions levied on Iran by the International Community are lifted "at once." Rouhani has the rug, and Obama is sitting on his rear on the floor. In other words, the Obama administration had the rug yanked right out from under them.

All that work for nothing it appears. Congress's hand has been strengthened, and some are calling for renewed sanctions against Iran. The Obama Administration appears to be losing this fight.

Iran will sign a final nuclear agreement only if economic sanctions against the nation are removed on the first day of the deal's implementation, President Hassan Rouhani said Thursday.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Islamic republic's supreme leader, meanwhile, told state-run media outlets he is neither in favor nor against the proposed deal because it isn't final, and he's not certain it will become binding because he has "never been optimistic about negotiations with the U.S."

Six world powers and Iran reached a preliminary deal last week that aims to limit Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for lifting economic sanctions.

The United States, however, has stressed that if a final deal is reached with Iran, the removal of any sanctions will come in phases.

But work on the agreement isn't finished.

Negotiators from Iran and the United States, China, Germany, France, Britain and Russia have until June 30 to come up with a final deal.

Iran No nuclear deal without lifting of sanctions -

WASHINGTON—The Obama administration collided with Congress Wednesday over Iran sanctions, and both sides were girding for a brawl that appeared likely to stretch through the year.

Lawmakers from both parties vowed at a Senate hearing to press ahead with legislative plans for new punitive measures—over President Barack Obama’s veto warnings. Top administration officials, meanwhile, disclosed at the hearing that the international talks over Iran’s nuclear program may extend beyond an end-of-June deadline. That would be the third such extension.

Deepening the chasm, House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress on Feb. 11 about threats from Islamic extremism and Iran. The Obama administration called the move a breach of diplomatic protocol because neither Congress nor Israel consulted first with the White House.

“We found out from Boehner’s staff this morning—no heads up from the Israelis, and no discussion with Boehner’s staff in advance either,” said a senior administration official.

The decision to invite Mr. Netanyahu to the U.S. to back a position supported by many Republicans came after Mr. Obama last week hosted U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, who urged Congress not to adopt new sanctions against Iran during the talks and disclosed he had personally lobbied some U.S. senators.

White House Congress Clash Over Iran Sanctions - WSJ

Another foreign leader makes a fool of Obama.

Anyone surprised?

He made a fool of himself.
I wonder if congress's letter reminding the planet you can't trust America had anything to do with it.
I wonder if congress's letter reminding the planet you can't trust America had anything to do with it.
yeah, it's not like your best friend that is in love with your wife, sends your wife a letter with a character assassin ploy to get your wife to leave you...
It's dead. If it isn't dead, it's dying. Quickly. Iranian President Rouhani nuked (Ha! nuked! I'll have to write that one down!) the Nuclear deal by stating he would refuse to sign the deal unless all of the economic sanctions levied on Iran by the International Community are lifted "at once." Rouhani has the rug, and Obama is sitting on his rear on the floor. In other words, the Obama administration had the rug yanked right out from under them.

All that work for nothing it appears. Congress's hand has been strengthened, and some are calling for renewed sanctions against Iran. The Obama Administration appears to be losing this fight.

Iran will sign a final nuclear agreement only if economic sanctions against the nation are removed on the first day of the deal's implementation, President Hassan Rouhani said Thursday.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Islamic republic's supreme leader, meanwhile, told state-run media outlets he is neither in favor nor against the proposed deal because it isn't final, and he's not certain it will become binding because he has "never been optimistic about negotiations with the U.S."

Six world powers and Iran reached a preliminary deal last week that aims to limit Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for lifting economic sanctions.

The United States, however, has stressed that if a final deal is reached with Iran, the removal of any sanctions will come in phases.

But work on the agreement isn't finished.

Negotiators from Iran and the United States, China, Germany, France, Britain and Russia have until June 30 to come up with a final deal.

Iran No nuclear deal without lifting of sanctions -

WASHINGTON—The Obama administration collided with Congress Wednesday over Iran sanctions, and both sides were girding for a brawl that appeared likely to stretch through the year.

Lawmakers from both parties vowed at a Senate hearing to press ahead with legislative plans for new punitive measures—over President Barack Obama’s veto warnings. Top administration officials, meanwhile, disclosed at the hearing that the international talks over Iran’s nuclear program may extend beyond an end-of-June deadline. That would be the third such extension.

Deepening the chasm, House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress on Feb. 11 about threats from Islamic extremism and Iran. The Obama administration called the move a breach of diplomatic protocol because neither Congress nor Israel consulted first with the White House.

“We found out from Boehner’s staff this morning—no heads up from the Israelis, and no discussion with Boehner’s staff in advance either,” said a senior administration official.

The decision to invite Mr. Netanyahu to the U.S. to back a position supported by many Republicans came after Mr. Obama last week hosted U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, who urged Congress not to adopt new sanctions against Iran during the talks and disclosed he had personally lobbied some U.S. senators.

White House Congress Clash Over Iran Sanctions - WSJ

Another foreign leader makes a fool of Obama.

Anyone surprised?

He made a fool of himself.
Considering there is 6 nations negotiating you belie yourself with the lie that only Oblama is negotiating the deal....
If the deal fails it means at some future point we will probably have to spend a Trillion taxpayer dollars and the lives of Thousands of soldiers on another useless mid-east war, what a fucked-up thing to be ecstatic over.
If the deal fails it means at some future point we will probably have to spend a Trillion taxpayer dollars and the lives of Thousands of soldiers on another useless mid-east war, what a fucked-up thing to be ecstatic over.
I'm pretty sure that's what many conservatives would like to see happen.
If the deal fails it means at some future point we will probably have to spend a Trillion taxpayer dollars and the lives of Thousands of soldiers on another useless mid-east war, what a fucked-up thing to be ecstatic over.
No, it means we will impose harsher sanctions and bring the regime to its knees. WHixh is what we should have done to begin with instead of farting around with them.
Obama--worst negotiator ever.
If the deal fails it means at some future point we will probably have to spend a Trillion taxpayer dollars and the lives of Thousands of soldiers on another useless mid-east war, what a fucked-up thing to be ecstatic over.
I'm pretty sure that's what many conservatives would like to see happen.
I know, they have no problem sending other people's kids to die in the sand. I believe they think we can subdue Iran as easily as Iraq. Fuckers want a war and they do not have the slightest idea of what a different place Iran is compared to Iraq.
If the deal fails it means at some future point we will probably have to spend a Trillion taxpayer dollars and the lives of Thousands of soldiers on another useless mid-east war, what a fucked-up thing to be ecstatic over.
No, it means we will impose harsher sanctions and bring the regime to its knees. WHixh is what we should have done to begin with instead of farting around with them.
Obama--worst negotiator ever.
Our all-or-nothing sanctions do not do jack shit, they only feed the propaganda put out by the Iranian leaders that we are a cruel and unreasonable people bent on their destruction.
If the deal fails it means at some future point we will probably have to spend a Trillion taxpayer dollars and the lives of Thousands of soldiers on another useless mid-east war, what a fucked-up thing to be ecstatic over.
No, it means we will impose harsher sanctions and bring the regime to its knees. WHixh is what we should have done to begin with instead of farting around with them.
Obama--worst negotiator ever.
Our all-or-nothing sanctions do not do jack shit, they only feed the propaganda put out by the Iranian leaders that we are a cruel and unreasonable people bent on their destruction.

Sorry to interrupt the Liberal love fest, but what is the status of current sanctions? Can Obama unilaterally thwart them?
If the deal fails it means at some future point we will probably have to spend a Trillion taxpayer dollars and the lives of Thousands of soldiers on another useless mid-east war, what a fucked-up thing to be ecstatic over.

There is NO deal, there never will be a deal.

All they are doing is jerking the boi 's chain and playing him for a fool.
If the deal fails it means at some future point we will probably have to spend a Trillion taxpayer dollars and the lives of Thousands of soldiers on another useless mid-east war, what a fucked-up thing to be ecstatic over.
No, it means we will impose harsher sanctions and bring the regime to its knees. WHixh is what we should have done to begin with instead of farting around with them.
Obama--worst negotiator ever.
Our all-or-nothing sanctions do not do jack shit, they only feed the propaganda put out by the Iranian leaders that we are a cruel and unreasonable people bent on their destruction.

Sorry to interrupt the Liberal love fest, but what is the status of current sanctions? Can Obama unilaterally thwart them?
No but there are other counties involved and they might just decide to ignore them and strike their own deal with Iran if we let our conservative warhawks sabotage things.
If the deal fails it means at some future point we will probably have to spend a Trillion taxpayer dollars and the lives of Thousands of soldiers on another useless mid-east war, what a fucked-up thing to be ecstatic over.
No, it means we will impose harsher sanctions and bring the regime to its knees. WHixh is what we should have done to begin with instead of farting around with them.
Obama--worst negotiator ever.
Boosh is the one that started the sanctions, Oblama imposed harsher ones,,,go suck a lemon ya sour puss...
If the deal fails it means at some future point we will probably have to spend a Trillion taxpayer dollars and the lives of Thousands of soldiers on another useless mid-east war, what a fucked-up thing to be ecstatic over.

There is NO deal, there never will be a deal.

All they are doing is jerking the boi 's chain and playing him for a fool.
You know what? If enough people keep right on believing that war is inevitable it will happen. Do you hate Obama so much that you would want us fighting another war than see him succeed?
If the deal fails it means at some future point we will probably have to spend a Trillion taxpayer dollars and the lives of Thousands of soldiers on another useless mid-east war, what a fucked-up thing to be ecstatic over.

There is NO deal, there never will be a deal.

All they are doing is jerking the boi 's chain and playing him for a fool.
Ah yes another idiot that has no idea what the hell is going on..........oops a little drool there, need a hanky?
If the deal fails it means at some future point we will probably have to spend a Trillion taxpayer dollars and the lives of Thousands of soldiers on another useless mid-east war, what a fucked-up thing to be ecstatic over.

There is NO deal, there never will be a deal.

All they are doing is jerking the boi 's chain and playing him for a fool.
You know what? If enough people keep right on believing that war is inevitable it will happen. Do you hate Obama so much that you would want us fighting another war than see him succeed?

Except that I never said anything about war, you need to quit injecting your words where they don't my mouth.

There is no deal, there never will be.....he cannot succeed Iran cannot be "bargained" with.

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