The Death of the Republican Party

Do you favor a single party (democrats) controlling all of government?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 26 81.3%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2013
It's obvious that the Republican Party will cease to have any relevance soon. Demographics are changing.

So, we'll get one party rule soon. Is that a good thing?
I can see it now...What One Party Controlling All Three Branches of Government, it will be a nightmare.

For each and every ConJob/NeoNut/RePug/TeaTerrorist will cringe at the very thought of the Democratic Party having such control they should remember 2001-2007.

RePubs controlled all Three Branches of Government.

Two Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars.

Economic Disaster.

Over Three Trillion Dollars in National Debt.

That is what the RePugs did when they controlled the ALL THREE BRANCHES.
False premise. The GOP is far from dead.

But the desire of the dem/libs for a dictatorial monarchy under their messiah barry the great is noted.
Until the radical right wing teabagger terrorists are purged from the party, the democrats are going to win in landslides election after election.
Yes. I think it would e wonderful to watch the Democrats implode themselves out of existence in a single 4 year time period. And to have the Republican party (liberal lite) out of the way would made for a great new start where the world has to recognize the absolute failures of Progressive polices.
Until the radical right wing teabagger terrorists are purged from the party, the democrats are going to win in landslides election after election.

Obama lost 4 million voters in 2012, a first to lose a single voter. So, yeah...
They might be on life-support after the 2014 results :beer:

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It's obvious that the Republican Party will cease to have any relevance soon. Demographics are changing.

So, we'll get one party rule soon. Is that a good thing?

No, it's not a good thing. Unfortunately, the Republican Party is helping create this possibility. It is possible to be conservative and still support a functioning government that actually serves the needs of all people. While I do not like the idea of either party having complete control, at times it is necessary. As demographics change, the Republican Party will eventually change. This won't likely happen until they get their butts kicked for a number of years at the polls.
What a crock....they said the same things about the Democrats a few years ago....the cycle continues.
Until the radical right wing teabagger terrorists are purged from the party, the democrats are going to win in landslides election after election.

Obama lost 4 million voters in 2012, a first to lose a single voter. So, yeah...

Obama is running for re-election? Do tell,...

The GOP and teabaggers are at their lowest approval ratings in history. If the elections were held now, it would be one of the most epic GOP beat downs ever.
Anyone that would wish the demise of one party so that the other party could be voted in and be in complete control of the government is a total jackass. The two party system is bad enough, a one party system would be complete hell. We barely avoided that scenario with the 2010 election. The biggest damage from the one party rules scenario was Obamacare. Imagine the crap that would flow from DC if one party took over again. You can kiss the Constitution goodbye.
Anyone that would wish the demise of one party so that the other party could be voted in and be in complete control of the government is a total jackass. The two party system is bad enough, a one party system would be complete hell. We barely avoided that scenario with the 2010 election. The biggest damage from the one party rules scenario was Obamacare. Imagine the crap that would flow from DC if one party took over again. You can kiss the Constitution goodbye.

It would also be a monocracy.

State (polity) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Both parties have predicted the others demise countless times. I predict the Republican party will reform in some way. What they need to do is stick with a fiscally conservative, small government platform, and drop all the anti-gay, anti-immigrant, and anti poor people rhetoric. To the chagrin of some on this board I suggest they become a little less Republican and a little more Libertarian.

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