The Death of the Republican Party

Do you favor a single party (democrats) controlling all of government?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 26 81.3%

  • Total voters
Both parties have predicted the others demise countless times. I predict the Republican party will reform in some way. What they need to do is stick with a fiscally conservative, small government platform, and drop all the anti-gay, anti-immigrant, and anti poor people rhetoric. To the chagrin of some on this board I suggest they become a little less Republican and a little more Libertarian.

How exactly can they do that ... As for the most part it isn't their rhetoric, but what the Democrats keep accusing them of?

What minorities want is respect. Respect as a culture and on an individual level

They see how they are portrayed by Republican media and Republican talk shows. They see the rhetoric of hate and the hurtful legislation coming out of the right

Oh BOO HOO! Typical hysterical dumb White Liberal. Ya know, most African American Democrats are hateful Bigots. They actually hate you. You're just too dumb and guilt-ridden to realize that. Try hittin the Hood tonight, and lets see where flashing your dumb White Liberal Democrat Card gets you. Let us know how that works out for you. Good luck. Because you're definitely gonna need it. hoo

Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Muslims, Gays and young women will never vote Republican

Why don't cha blame the media?

Oh GAWD! You're such a typical dumb White Liberal. So hysterical and dishonest. Do us all a favor and go take the Hood Challenge. Head on down to the Hood and see how much love African American Democrats show ya. And don't forget your 'I'm a Dumb White Liberal Democrat' Card. Let us know how that works out for ya.
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What minorities want is respect. Respect as a culture and on an individual level

They see how they are portrayed by Republican media and Republican talk shows. They see the rhetoric of hate and the hurtful legislation coming out of the right

Oh BOO HOO! Typical hysterical dumb White Liberal. Ya know, most African American Democrats are hateful Bigots. They actually hate you. You're just too dumb and guilt-ridden to realize that. Try hittin the Hood tonight, and lets see where flashing your dumb White Liberal Democrat Card gets you. Let us know how that works out for you. Good luck. Because you're definitely gonna need it.

And above is an example of the ignorance and hate that drives minorities and women away from the GOP.

Nah, that's just what dumb White Liberal Democrats and Racist Minority Democrats keep saying. Very dishonest and cowardly people.
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We need many more political parties if we're going to right the ship of State. One Party rule is a bad thing even if the party is one that more closely identifies with my politics.

As I've stated in the past I would like to see the party label's removed altogether. Let politicians earn votes based on what they stand for not the letter behind their names.
We need many more political parties if we're going to right the ship of State. One Party rule is a bad thing even if the party is one that more closely identifies with my politics.

As I've stated in the past I would like to see the party label's removed altogether. Let politicians earn votes based on what they stand for not the letter behind their names.

Not a bad idea in and of itself. However, there are far too many competing interest to allow that to happen.
If all the citizen had to do was follow the politicians, and their doings it would be great to have no parties, but the average citizen has neither the time nor the inclination to make politics his only activity. At one time, with the spoils system really working, a party's leadership kept the flock in line, vote for a Republican and you knew what you were voting for, but that has now been diluted somewhat, but parties still stand for some values and beliefs. The Constitution allows only two parties or it gets messy.
Perhaps one of the primary difference in beliefs is that liberals are able to share their party with a wider range of beliefs than conservatives.
We need many more political parties if we're going to right the ship of State. One Party rule is a bad thing even if the party is one that more closely identifies with my politics.

As I've stated in the past I would like to see the party label's removed altogether. Let politicians earn votes based on what they stand for not the letter behind their names.

Not a bad idea in and of itself. However, there are far too many competing interest to allow that to happen.

That's what must be stopped---the legalized bribery of congressmen.
As I've stated in the past I would like to see the party label's removed altogether. Let politicians earn votes based on what they stand for not the letter behind their names.

Not a bad idea in and of itself. However, there are far too many competing interest to allow that to happen.

That's what must be stopped---the legalized bribery of congressmen.

That is exactly what the Citizens United ruling authorizes. The only ones who seem happy about it are republicans...:eusa_whistle:
Not a bad idea in and of itself. However, there are far too many competing interest to allow that to happen.

That's what must be stopped---the legalized bribery of congressmen.

That is exactly what the Citizens United ruling authorizes. The only ones who seem happy about it are republicans...:eusa_whistle:

Citizens United is bringing Republicans to their knees

Funding infighting between TeaTards and Moderates
It's obvious that the Republican Party will cease to have any relevance soon. Demographics are changing.

So, we'll get one party rule soon. Is that a good thing?

Nah. The TPM may knock off Graham or McConnell, and may even guarantee the dem win in 16, but eventually conservatism and compromise will cease being oxymorons because conservatives will grow tired of losing, and stop paying attention to the extremists.

I'm actually entertaining a bit of hope that Christie will be the nominee. I think he could beat Hillary. Not a sure thing. But Hillary kills the TPM.
It's obvious that the Republican Party will cease to have any relevance soon. Demographics are changing.

So, we'll get one party rule soon. Is that a good thing?

Nah. The TPM may knock off Graham or McConnell, and may even guarantee the dem win in 16, but eventually conservatism and compromise will cease being oxymorons because conservatives will grow tired of losing, and stop paying attention to the extremists.

I'm actually entertaining a bit of hope that Christie will be the nominee. I think he could beat Hillary. Not a sure thing. But Hillary kills the TPM.

you on the left underestimate the strength of the tea party movement. Remember, its not a political party, its not a national organization, its a grass roots movement in every state, it is americans of all stripes who are demanding constitutional government, lower taxes, and individual freedom.

those are not radical concepts. The radicals are on the left, they want to fundamentally change this country into a copy of failed european socialism, because in their small minds they somehow think making everyone equally miserable is a good thing.
As long as republicans can win on a local level, they can sabotage and obstruct on a national level.

Which is why they're dying out.

There really is no place in our world for dinosaurs.

Uh, you're wrong.

Creation Museum - Creation, Evolution, Science, Dinosaurs, Family, Christian Worldview | Creation Museum

And one of the smaller dinosaurs has a saddle on him. It's an English riding saddle in case you're interested. How the English got involved in Biblical times probably won't be explained on the tour, but no doubt the answer is somewhere in the Bible.
It's obvious that the Republican Party will cease to have any relevance soon. Demographics are changing.

So, we'll get one party rule soon. Is that a good thing?

This is not going to happen.

Much of what makes up the GOP today would have been the right wing Deep South Democrats fifty years ago. When liberalism and civil rights began running the bigots out of the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party did not die. It just changed its spots.

The GOP will change its spots, too. It will run the bigots out of the GOP eventually.

If for some bizarre reason the GOP decides to commit suicide instead, we still won't have one party rule. A new moderate major party will be born from the ashes of both parties.

We will end up with single payer healthcare, same sex marriages, a sane and balanced budget, and a strong defense.
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I can see it now...What One Party Controlling All Three Branches of Government, it will be a nightmare.

For each and every ConJob/NeoNut/RePug/TeaTerrorist will cringe at the very thought of the Democratic Party having such control they should remember 2001-2007.

RePubs controlled all Three Branches of Government.

Two Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars.

Economic Disaster.

Over Three Trillion Dollars in National Debt.

That is what the RePugs did when they controlled the ALL THREE BRANCHES.

Really? Controlled the Judiciary too?

You lefties never cease to amaze me...

It's obvious that the Republican Party will cease to have any relevance soon. Demographics are changing.

So, we'll get one party rule soon. Is that a good thing?

Nah. The TPM may knock off Graham or McConnell, and may even guarantee the dem win in 16, but eventually conservatism and compromise will cease being oxymorons because conservatives will grow tired of losing, and stop paying attention to the extremists.

I'm actually entertaining a bit of hope that Christie will be the nominee. I think he could beat Hillary. Not a sure thing. But Hillary kills the TPM.

you on the left underestimate the strength of the tea party movement. Remember, its not a political party, its not a national organization, its a grass roots movement in every state, it is americans of all stripes who are demanding constitutional government, lower taxes, and individual freedom.

those are not radical concepts. The radicals are on the left, they want to fundamentally change this country into a copy of failed european socialism, because in their small minds they somehow think making everyone equally miserable is a good thing.

Do you actually think the uber wealthy in this country are equally miserable? They haven't had it this good in probably over a hundred years which is before TR came into office after the assassination of McKinley.

Secondly, you may think the tea party movement is a grassroots movement, but it doesn't fit that definition from what I can see because it doesn't cross economic, cultural, religious and/or other demographic lines. It's essentially a hyper partisan conservative movement.

Now, if you want to see a REAL grassroots movement, go back to the 1930s in the aftermath of the great depression when workers, students, intellectuals, farmers, and small business owners banded together for change in the aftermath of the debacle that was the depression.
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It's obvious that the Republican Party will cease to have any relevance soon. Demographics are changing.

So, we'll get one party rule soon. Is that a good thing?

Nah. The TPM may knock off Graham or McConnell, and may even guarantee the dem win in 16, but eventually conservatism and compromise will cease being oxymorons because conservatives will grow tired of losing, and stop paying attention to the extremists.

I'm actually entertaining a bit of hope that Christie will be the nominee. I think he could beat Hillary. Not a sure thing. But Hillary kills the TPM.

you on the left underestimate the strength of the tea party movement. Remember, its not a political party, its not a national organization, its a grass roots movement in every state, it is americans of all stripes who are demanding constitutional government, lower taxes, and individual freedom.

those are not radical concepts. The radicals are on the left, they want to fundamentally change this country into a copy of failed european socialism, because in their small minds they somehow think making everyone equally miserable is a good thing.

You overestimate it, kid. The TPM wants to take us back to the white 1950s, and America is saying "nope" and will keep voting that way.
Not a bad idea in and of itself. However, there are far too many competing interest to allow that to happen.

That's what must be stopped---the legalized bribery of congressmen.

That is exactly what the Citizens United ruling authorizes. The only ones who seem happy about it are republicans...:eusa_whistle:

Corporations still aren't allowed to donate any more to politicians than they were before the decision. What you object to is people exercising their First Amendment rights.

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