The debt limit!

DIdn't our credit rating get downgraded last time we did this? Doesn't this slow down the economy? You Republicans are anarchists. Sabotage comes to mind.

The Republican political strategy is to trash the economy so they can run against it in 2024
And Dems bitch about debt only under Republican administrations. Truth is neither side cares about debt, just getting re-elected.

Not even remotely true

Dems Bitch about tax cuts for the wealthy under Republicans
Not even remotely true

Dems Bitch about tax cuts for the wealthy under Republicans
I don't recall once Democrats crying about the debt when Trump was in office. In fact we noticed that suddenly debt didn't matter. It mattered when Obama was POTUS and it matters now but they raised the debt ceiling 3 times for Trump without a peep.

Only one side is pretending that they want to tackle the debt. And they only pretend when a Democrat is POTUS.

Preparing to ‘play chicken’ with default: Understanding Republicans’ ‘debt limit terror’​

The United States is the only major industrial nation with a debt ceiling. America’s debt ceiling, moreover, applies only to budgetary appropriations that have already been made; it has no impact on future spending or borrowing. Indeed, as one legal scholar has argued, since legislation passed by Congress and signed by the president implicitly authorizes the U.S. Treasury to spend the money necessary to implement it, a separate requirement to increase the accrued debt creates the possibility of default, and may therefore be unconstitutional.

In any event, although debates about the national debt have become increasingly partisan, Congress and the president have agreed to increase the debt ceiling over 100 times since World War II. The debt limit has also been “suspended” — a distinction, made for political reasons, without a substantive difference — seven times. The debt ceiling was raised three times while Donald Trump was President. In 2019, when Congress suspended the debt ceiling until July 2021, Trump exulted that the agreement was “phenomenal.” The ceiling has been raised twice with Joe Biden in the White House.

We can't worry about the debt, Biden has one more time to raise the debt. If if's good for tramp why not make it good for Biden.

The debt ceiling is based upon money already spent. The bill for the credit card is due, and you have to pay it.

If you want to stop further spending, then you have to stop using the credit card, and reinstate the taxes on the filthy rich, and corporations that have steadily been cut over the last 40 years, and now you have the income to pay for everything without having to borrow the money to pay for it.

This worked just fine for the first 200 years of the country.

Remember: The poor don’t decide what gets spent. The rich do.

Remember: The poor don’t make tax laws. The rich do.
I don't recall once Democrats crying about the debt when Trump was in office. In fact we noticed that suddenly debt didn't matter. It mattered when Obama was POTUS and it matters now but they raised the debt ceiling 3 times for Trump without a peep.

Only one side is pretending that they want to tackle the debt. And they only pretend when a Democrat is POTUS.

Same goes for the raising the debt limit scam
Threaten the debt limit so you can extort spending cuts to social programs

They tried it under Clinton, tried it under Obama, now are trying under Biden.

Under eight years of Bush and four years of Trump, they didn’t hesitate to raise the limit.
DIdn't our credit rating get downgraded last time we did this? Doesn't this slow down the economy? You Republicans are anarchists. Sabotage comes to mind.
Once again you demonstrate your colossal ignorance. Barry's downgrade was due to his profligate spending and massive deficits, not any credit ceiling showdown.

Are you ever not a complete dumbass?

S&P cut the long-term U.S. credit rating by one notch to AA-plus on concerns about the government’s budget deficit and rising debt burden. The action is likely to eventually raise borrowing costs for the American government, companies and consumers.

“The downgrade reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government’s medium-term debt dynamics,” S&P said in a statement.
DIdn't our credit rating get downgraded last time we did this? Doesn't this slow down the economy? You Republicans are anarchists. Sabotage comes to mind.
So following the law makes one an anarchist? That’s pretty funny.
I don't recall once Democrats crying about the debt when Trump was in office. In fact we noticed that suddenly debt didn't matter. It mattered when Obama was POTUS and it matters now but they raised the debt ceiling 3 times for Trump without a peep.

Only one side is pretending that they want to tackle the debt. And they only pretend when a Democrat is POTUS.

I don't recall once Democrats crying about the debt when Trump was in office.

Dimwingers never cry about the debt.
No, you bitch about both, under Trump you bitched about tax cuts and increasing debt, both are bad ideas. Your goal is endless spending.

Democrats tax and spend
Republicans cut taxes and keep spending
No, you bitch about both, under Trump you bitched about tax cuts and increasing debt, both are bad ideas. Your goal is endless spending.
Do you think spending will ever stop? Spending on what? Most people like you who bitch about spending want your smooth roads, good schools, social security, medicare, police, clean air, strong military, etc.

What do you want to cut spending on?
Do you think spending will ever stop? Spending on what? Most people like you who bitch about spending want your smooth roads, good schools, social security, medicare, police, clean air, strong military, etc.

What do you want to cut spending on?
If that's all we spent money on we would be running a massive surplus, Dumbass.
If that's all we spent money on we would be running a massive surplus, Dumbass.
Again, what do you want to cut? Republicans always want to cut social programs that benefit the masses. And those cuts mean more tax breaks to rich people. Further widening the gap between the rich and rest of us.
Again, what do you want to cut? Republicans always want to cut social programs that benefit the masses. And those cuts mean more tax breaks to rich people. Further widening the gap between the rich and rest of us.

I would cut HUD/ Section 8 funds. There is no reason these people should be able to live in the suburbs.

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