The debt limit!


The picture from previous post is from Margo-largo.
But people who got it already were immune, the shots started going out in late December of 2020, the economy was on the uptick with employers looking for people to work that they couldn't find because they were on the unemployment gravy train. So there was no need to spend the money. It was all vote buying.
Since the funding for covid family relief expired in Dec 31, 2021 and the federal employment subsidy ended in Sept 2021, then the labor shortage we are seeing now is not caused by the thee federal relief funds.

The major problem is that we added 3 million job openings in 2022 more than existed before covid. This is on top of the jobs that are vacant because of people who did not return. So even if everyone that is out of the job market returned, we would still have a labor shortage.

The US Chamber Commerce is attempting to provide an answer as to why people did not return to work by surveying those that lost jobs during Covid and have left the workforce.

27% say that the need to be home and care for children or other family members has made the return to work difficult or impossible.
28% indicated that they have been ill and their health has taken priority over looking for work.
The remainder indicated that they were concerned about Covid in the workplace, that pay was not enough to go back to work, or they were acquiring new skills and education before re-entering the job market.

These people are living by cutting cost, building up credit card debt, depleting savings, dependence on other family members, and various government subsidies.
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Republicans talk the talk, but they don’t walk the walk

They fear the wrath of the public if they intentionally threw the economy into chaos
They only need a few wack jobs to screw the annual budget. And that few are nuts.
It only takes a few sane Republicans to approve raising the debt limit
Link us up to all the times when you clowns started bleating DEFAULT ON THE DEBT that we actually defaulted on our debt.
I’ll wait.
Does even one of our republican traitors know that ONE QUARTER of our debt was accumulated in Dumps 4 years????
Most of the deficit by a considerable margin is during periods that they held the presidency. It's a totally empty, useless party with no direction . In fact, they are so wacked that the deficit is their biggest issue. An issue that they are the major cause of. They are an empty souless, hate group that they call a party. They have no direction. Furthermore, they exist for one reason, to transfer the wealth of this country to the golden few at the top. The word ugly comes to mind.
Link us up to all the times when you clowns started bleating DEFAULT ON THE DEBT that we actually defaulted on our debt.
I’ll wait.
Republicans try to extort Democrats by holding our Debt Limit hostage

Democrats call their bluff and Republicans back down

Since the funding for covid family relief expired in Dec 31, 2021 and the federal employment subsidy ended in Sept 2021, then the labor shortage we are seeing now is not caused by the thee federal relief funds.

The major problem is that we added 3 million job openings in 2022 more than existed before covid. This is on top of the jobs that are vacant because of people who did not return. So even if everyone that is out of the job market returned, we would still have a labor shortage.

The US Chamber Commerce is attempting to provide an answer as to why people did not return to work by surveying those that lost jobs during Covid and have left the workforce.

27% say that the need to be home and care for children or other family members has made the return to work difficult or impossible.
28% indicated that they have been ill and their health has taken priority over looking for work.
The remainder indicated that they were concerned about Covid in the workplace, that pay was not enough to go back to work, or they were acquiring new skills and education before re-entering the job market.

These people are living by cutting cost, building up credit card debt, depleting savings, dependence on other family members, and various government subsidies.
Anyone over 18 should not accept any job from any company that are bottom payers. Companies that are set up to gain all their profits out of the lowest pay possible. And a pat on the back to workers under 18 who will do the same. It is called capitalism, price of product and wage amounts are set by the market. Force them to raise wages. Make them beg!
A constitution amendment would be the only way to bring debt under control. As long as a legislature elected by the people makes decisions as to whether to spend money that in some way benefits the people or at least appear to, that legislature will do so simple because they want to be reelected. People will vote for what they believe benefits them. Thus democrats will spend and republicans will cut taxes giving voters what want. This is one of the problems with democratic forms of government. It seems to me that net increases in spending should be based on GDP growth.
I don't understand your philosophy, the people of this country decide what they want to spend their Tax money on, They do that by the people they elect. It is called democracy. Tell me, within the parameters of our republic, how we can take that away from the people's elected officials to decide. If the people decide what services or what they want from their government, then it has to be paid for. All you have to do is simply look at the massive profits that this country has, and then to look how our tax law and tax rates are funneling every new dollar up to the golden few at the top .. And look at these massive numbers, and it is easy to see where this increased tax money should be coming from.

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