The debt limit!

Republicans try to extort Democrats by holding our Debt Limit hostage

Democrats call their bluff and Republicans back down


How can Republicans extort anything when the MSM is part of their party? They are the ones who will report this is an entirely Republican driven crisis.
Most of the deficit by a considerable margin is during periods that they held the presidency. It's a totally empty, useless party with no direction . In fact, they are so wacked that the deficit is their biggest issue. An issue that they are the major cause of. They are an empty souless, hate group that they call a party. They have no direction. Furthermore, they exist for one reason, to transfer the wealth of this country to the golden few at the top. The word ugly comes to mind.

The word stupid comes to mind when somebody claims it's government that transfers wealth.
The US is only country in the world that votes on whether the nation will honor is promises to it's people and the holders of the nations debt.
But, in the minds of Republicans like McCarthy, raising the debt ceiling equates to more spending. He's the speaker, and he doesn't know that is not what that means. The new Republican House has turned into this crowd; And it's no longer anexaggeration.
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But, in the minds of Republicans like McCarthy, raising the debt ceiling equates to more spending. He's the speaker and he doesn't even know that. The new Republican House has turned into this crowd; And it's no longer anexaggeration.

, raising the debt ceiling equates to more spending.

What does it equate to?
Since the funding for covid family relief expired in Dec 31, 2021 and the federal employment subsidy ended in Sept 2021, then the labor shortage we are seeing now is not caused by the thee federal relief funds.

The major problem is that we added 3 million job openings in 2022 more than existed before covid. This is on top of the jobs that are vacant because of people who did not return. So even if everyone that is out of the job market returned, we would still have a labor shortage.

The US Chamber Commerce is attempting to provide an answer as to why people did not return to work by surveying those that lost jobs during Covid and have left the workforce.

27% say that the need to be home and care for children or other family members has made the return to work difficult or impossible.
28% indicated that they have been ill and their health has taken priority over looking for work.
The remainder indicated that they were concerned about Covid in the workplace, that pay was not enough to go back to work, or they were acquiring new skills and education before re-entering the job market.

These people are living by cutting cost, building up credit card debt, depleting savings, dependence on other family members, and various government subsidies.

What you fail to understand is that this administration has conditioned people to not work. This is particularly true for younger and middle-aged people still living with their parents. There is no need for them to work.

Dementia has increased the child tax credit. He increased the food stamp allowance to the highest it's been raised since the program began. If you stay under 200% of the poverty level ($27,100 for a single person) they will even contribute $50.00 a month towards your cable/ internet service, and if you make less, may pay for it altogether. And let's not forget Commie Care that will give you health insurance for next to nothing.

My foreign neighbor has rentals next door to me. These people don't work or work very little. How did the make it to the suburbs? They work a couple hours a week and contribute that to their government voucher, and valaa, they now live in the suburbs with people that bust their ass full time to live here.

It all goes back to what the late Rush Limbaugh said all the time: When you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't.

Preparing to ‘play chicken’ with default: Understanding Republicans’ ‘debt limit terror’​

The United States is the only major industrial nation with a debt ceiling. America’s debt ceiling, moreover, applies only to budgetary appropriations that have already been made; it has no impact on future spending or borrowing. Indeed, as one legal scholar has argued, since legislation passed by Congress and signed by the president implicitly authorizes the U.S. Treasury to spend the money necessary to implement it, a separate requirement to increase the accrued debt creates the possibility of default, and may therefore be unconstitutional.

In any event, although debates about the national debt have become increasingly partisan, Congress and the president have agreed to increase the debt ceiling over 100 times since World War II. The debt limit has also been “suspended” — a distinction, made for political reasons, without a substantive difference — seven times. The debt ceiling was raised three times while Donald Trump was President. In 2019, when Congress suspended the debt ceiling until July 2021, Trump exulted that the agreement was “phenomenal.” The ceiling has been raised twice with Joe Biden in the White House.

We can't worry about the debt, Biden has one more time to raise the debt. If if's good for tramp why not make it good for Biden.
i remember, i think it was around 2011? 2012? when someone did the math and said that if we lined up one dollar bills at least all the way to pluto, it would be less than the national debt. so if we lined up one dollar bills out in space,,,31 trillion of them, how far out would it reach?
What does it equate to?
You still asking stupid questions? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: And you are on this thread debating the debt limit? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Boy, there is no hope for you. You are in with the Idiocracy crowd. Just forget it.
i remember, i think it was around 2011? 2012? when someone did the math and said that if we lined up one dollar bills at least all the way to pluto, it would be less than the national debt. so if we lined up one dollar bills out in space,,,31 trillion of them, how far out would it reach?
What does your question have to do with raising the debt ceiling?
The word stupid comes to mind when somebody claims it's government that transfers wealth.
Furthermore, they exist for one reason, to transfer the wealth of this country to the golden few at the top. The word ugly comes to mind. Are you stupid? Because I noticed you failed to challenge his argument.
How can Republicans extort anything when the MSM is part of their party? They are the ones who will report this is an entirely Republican driven crisis.
And it is. The Democrats want to pay our bills. They aren't threatening anything.
And it is. The Democrats want to pay our bills. They aren't threatening anything.

It's up to the House to create appropriation bills. If the Communists do not want to come to the table to discuss spending cuts, then it's they who are responsible, not the Republicans.
You still asking stupid questions? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: And you are on this thread debating the debt limit? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Boy, there is no hope for you. You are in with the Idiocracy crowd. Just forget it.
So you can't answer.

Got it.
Furthermore, they exist for one reason, to transfer the wealth of this country to the golden few at the top. The word ugly comes to mind. Are you stupid? Because I noticed you failed to challenge his argument.

I challenge it all the time, but you're too stupid to read what I post.

Wealth is not created by government. Wealth is created by people who produce products and services. Find me one person that ever claimed they got wealthy because of tax cuts. There is no such person.

So who IS responsible for this money going to the top? It's you. You are responsible. Not only you, but the hundreds of millions of us that buy these products and services.

Now if you don't like your money going to the top, then the solution is to quit sending it to the top. Get rid of that cell phone and service. Quit your cable and internet services. Buy a bicycle and peddle your ass to work instead of spending money on gasoline that goes to these multi-billion dollar companies. Quit stopping at McDonald's or other multi-billion dollar franchises. Get a windmill so you don't need to rely on your multi-million dollar electric company for electricity.

When you do that, then complain about wealth redistribution, because it's not government distributing wealth, it's you. So cut it out already.

It’s clear this whole brouhaha over the debt limit every year is planned by the duopoly, to divide Americans along the two crime family lines. Don’t fall for yet another scam by the duopoly.

Little asshole Robert Reich did nothing about it when he was in power.
I challenge it all the time, but you're too stupid to read what I post.

Wealth is not created by government. Wealth is created by people who produce products and services. Find me one person that ever claimed they got wealthy because of tax cuts. There is no such person.

So who IS responsible for this money going to the top? It's you. You are responsible. Not only you, but the hundreds of millions of us that buy these products and services.

Now if you don't like your money going to the top, then the solution is to quit sending it to the top. Get rid of that cell phone and service. Quit your cable and internet services. Buy a bicycle and peddle your ass to work instead of spending money on gasoline that goes to these multi-billion dollar companies. Quit stopping at McDonald's or other multi-billion dollar franchises.
Get a windmill so you don't need to rely on your multi-million dollar electric company for electricity.

When you do that, then complain about wealth redistribution, because it's not government distributing wealth, it's you. So cut it out already.
Hey Adam Smith, you’re prescriptions no longer apply in a crony capitalist quasi-Fascist economy.
Hey Adam Smith, you’re prescriptions no longer apply in a crony capitalist quasi-Fascist economy.

It's more applicable today than ever because there are so many more things to buy than ever. Not only that but so much more convenient with places like Amazon or other online outfits.
How can Republicans extort anything when the MSM is part of their party? They are the ones who will report this is an entirely Republican driven crisis.

Because they can.
Republicans do not care about this country, they only care about their agenda.

McCarthy sold his soul to the far right and the country will suffer
It's more applicable today than ever because there are so many more things to buy than ever. Not only that but so much more convenient with places like Amazon or other online outfits.
Apparently you don’t know our economy is NOT a free market economy.

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