The debt limit!

If you want to stop further spending, then you have to stop using the credit card, and reinstate the taxes on the filthy rich, and corporations that have steadily been cut over the last 40 years

I have a better idea: why not start taxing the people that never paid income tax at all, the bottom 40%?
Again, what do you want to cut? Republicans always want to cut social programs that benefit the masses. And those cuts mean more tax breaks to rich people. Further widening the gap between the rich and rest of us.
Fund the 17 things the Constitution allows the Fed govt to do. Nothing more.

Our budget would be 30% of what it is now.
Tax the people have the least money.

Brilliant Republican idea

More brilliant than taxing the people that pay almost all of our income taxes for the country. We don't have tens of millions of rich people. We do have tens of millions of those that are not. When are they going to pay their fair share?
Why? Be specific.
It doesn't take a lot of logic to understand that removing 30% of the spending of the Federal government from the economy would be a problem. Do you have a guess at how much money that would be?
It doesn't take a lot of logic to understand that removing 30% of the spending of the Federal government from the economy would be a problem. Do you have a guess at how much money that would be?
You mean, letting that money stay in the private sector?

I'm guessing people who earned the money would spend it wiser than Nazi Piglosy does, Simp.
You mean, letting that money stay in the private sector?

I'm guessing people who earned the money would spend it wiser than Nazi Piglosy does, Simp. now we expected to believe that along with the 30% reduction of spending would be a corresponding 30% reduction in taxes.

nice fantasy.

So what spending do you see that could be cut to amount to those hundreds of billions of dollars? And how would those tax reductions be accomplished?

Be specific please now we expected to believe that along with the 30% reduction of spending would be a corresponding 30% reduction in taxes.

nice fantasy.

So what spending do you see that could be cut to amount to those hundreds of billions of dollars? And how would those tax reductions be accomplished?

Be specific please
Right after you explain in detail how it would wreck the economy, Simp.

So you have no clue how to accompliash this.

You're dismissed troll
You made the claim it would crash the economy. I asked you how. So far, all you have come back with is questions, and nothing to back up your claim.

Typical dumbass Dimtard now we expected to believe that along with the 30% reduction of spending would be a corresponding 30% reduction in taxes.

nice fantasy.

So what spending do you see that could be cut to amount to those hundreds of billions of dollars? And how would those tax reductions be accomplished?

Be specific please

It doesn't necessarily have to be to the penny, but our spending should be for the bare necessities only. What Democrats do is pack these bills with vote buying and ways to empower their party. For instance the federal connectivity program. There is no absolute need for it. The internet is entertainment and we should not be funding entertainment for lowlifes. Let them get a job if they want entertainment.
It doesn't necessarily have to be to the penny, but our spending should be for the bare necessities only. What Democrats do is pack these bills with vote buying and ways to empower their party. For instance the federal connectivity program. There is no absolute need for it. The internet is entertainment and we should not be funding entertainment for lowlifes. Let them get a job if they want entertainment.
Ok… so start listing whatever it is you think will amount to some large amount of money and the way to cut taxes so that the loss won’t affect the economy ( which was how the discussion began)

This should be a substantial sum on both accounts and not just a couple of programs you happen not to like
I have a better idea: why not start taxing the people that never paid income tax at all, the bottom 40%?

The property of this country is absolutely concentred in a very few hands, having revenues of from half a million of guineas a year downwards.


I am conscious that an equal division of property is impracticable, but the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind.


Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions or property in geometrical progression as they rise.
The best idea is to eliminate the annual $1.4 trillion in tax expenditures.

And how do you propose we do that? My idea is the only thing that can bring spending under control, but good luck finding a rep that would introduce such an idea.

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