The debt limit!

And the Democrats that won't come to the table to discuss spending cuts don't hate America?
Democrats have no reason to negotiate over the debt limit with republican and should not because they know that if republicans refused to raise the debt limit, the stock market would crash and Moody;s or Standard and Poor would likely downgrade the US credit rating and republicans in the House would be responsible because they would be the one that caused it. Democrats should stay out it.
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So the voters don't want that


It would produce a huge negative domino effect. For instance I would not be able to get my write-offs for my rentals. That would mean I would have to increase rents on my tenants and they would not be very happy about that if I explained why.
Democrats have no reason to negotiate over the debt limit with republican and should not because they know that if republicans refused to raise the debt limit, the stock market would crash and Moody;s or Standard and Poor would likely downgrade the US credit rating and republicans in the House would be responsible because they would be the one that caused it. Democrats should stay out it.

You're the first leftist that ever admitted that: Democrats won't negotiate with Republicans. I've always said that. Negotiations with a Democrat means do it my way or take the highway.

We have to pay our debts, but the middle ground for Republicans is to make sure we don't have to raise it again in the future. Democrats don't like that compromise. They want to continue their pork spending and vote buying no matter how much debt they put us in.
You're the first leftist that ever admitted that: Democrats won't negotiate with Republicans.
Dems want a clean debt ceiling increase.

Republicans are trying to use it as a cudgel to damage or destroy programs they don't like.

Where is the middle ground?

Only destroy SOME programs that voters want?

You're the first leftist that ever admitted that: Democrats won't negotiate with Republicans. I've always said that. Negotiations with a Democrat means do it my way or take the highway.

We have to pay our debts, but the middle ground for Republicans is to make sure we don't have to raise it again in the future. Democrats don't like that compromise. They want to continue their pork spending and vote buying no matter how much debt they put us in.
I didn't say democrats would not negotiate. Just looking at the politics, not what is best for the country, democrats should not negotiate. The Senate should past resolution saying they support increasing the debt limit. Then if republicans refuse, then it's on them.

For the republican House members, holding our financial credibility hostage means holding a gun to their own head. We go thru this every year that republicans control the House and it accomplishes nothing.
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I didn't say democrats would not negotiate. Just looking at the politics, not what is best for the country, democrats should not negotiate. The Senate should past resolution saying they support increasing the debt limit. Then if republicans refuse, then it's on them.

For the republican House members, holding our financial credibility hostage means holding a gun to their own head. We go thru this every year that republicans control the House and it accomplishes nothing.

Not at all, you just listen to the lying MSM too much.

When we face a government shutdown, if it's a Republican House and/or Senate and a Democrat President, the media blames the Congress.

If it's a Democrat Congress and a Republican President, the MSM blames the Republican President.

Name me one time when they ever blamed the Democrats for a government shutdown. It never happened.

The Republicans know they will have to increase the debt ceiling, but the Democrats have to give up something in return. So the middle-ground is no more pork spending so that we don't have to raise the ceiling yet again in the future. I don't see anything unfair about that, nor how you can blame the Republicans for wanting to negotiate when the Democrats have no desire to.
Dems want a clean debt ceiling increase.

Republicans are trying to use it as a cudgel to damage or destroy programs they don't like.

Where is the middle ground?

Only destroy SOME programs that voters want?


Right, because they can't give up the millions they gave to the Kennedy center that we now have to pay for. They simply can't give up the millions they allocated to the so desperately need arts. They can't give up the hundreds of billions they blew on something we can't control like the climate. They can't give up the museums they plan for the LGBTQRST people and black wax museum. They can't give up anything. We need all these things to survive as country don't you see?
Not at all, you just listen to the lying MSM too much.

When we face a government shutdown, if it's a Republican House and/or Senate and a Democrat President, the media blames the Congress.

If it's a Democrat Congress and a Republican President, the MSM blames the Republican President.

Name me one time when they ever blamed the Democrats for a government shutdown. It never happened.

The Republicans know they will have to increase the debt ceiling, but the Democrats have to give up something in return. So the middle-ground is no more pork spending so that we don't have to raise the ceiling yet again in the future. I don't see anything unfair about that, nor how you can blame the Republicans for wanting to negotiate when the Democrats have no desire to.
Democrats are never blamed for government shutdowns because always vote to keep the government running.
Not at all, you just listen to the lying MSM too much.

When we face a government shutdown, if it's a Republican House and/or Senate and a Democrat President, the media blames the Congress.

If it's a Democrat Congress and a Republican President, the MSM blames the Republican President.

Name me one time when they ever blamed the Democrats for a government shutdown. It never happened.

The Republicans know they will have to increase the debt ceiling, but the Democrats have to give up something in return. So the middle-ground is no more pork spending so that we don't have to raise the ceiling yet again in the future. I don't see anything unfair about that, nor how you can blame the Republicans for wanting to negotiate when the Democrats have no desire to.
I think we're moving in the right direction
2020 3.1 trillion
2021 2.75 trillion
2022 1.4 trillion
2023 1.,27 trillion (projected)
2024 1.12 trillion (projected)
If projections are right, Biden will have reduced the deficit every year he was in office.
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