The demented hypocrisy from the pathetic left, while Zuckerberg tesitifies..funny.

Zucketbetgs some intent is to act all contrite and further the bogus "Russians effected the election" mantra

It would only destroy his credibility. No one with an I.Q over 50 believes the Russians made people go vote for Trump. .

This from the guy that just said this....Facebook should be an objective business and not try to sway elections one way or another

You need to make up your mind.

Im referring to them actively TRYING to sway an election rather than being objective, not that they DID. You can be sure, if they are going to succumb to any particular Party Master, it will be anyone but the GOP.

Everybody seems to be embarrassed somehow that they "helped" Trump win, Comey and others in California. It's comical, some don't get it, America chose a new direction.

Yes....Trump got elected DESPITE the overwhelming left-biased media. He is truly a President of the people.
Many of the conspiracy theories the Trump cult pushed during the campaign about Hillary has been proven to originate from Russian bots posting their lies on Facebook.
You dopes swallowed every one of them like Pizzagate, Hillary has Parkinson’s etc.

That was all a load of bs, it's not going to make someone vote for Trump anymore than Trumps accuations against Cruz and others made people vote for him. This was a tsunami of people pissed at Establishment politicians, and Hillary was the perfect Establishment politician. Both her and Bush were at a major disadvantage. That's why I say, without the Super Delegates, she wouldn't have even been running the Democrats.
Many of the conspiracy theories the Trump cult pushed during the campaign about Hillary has been proven to originate from Russian bots posting their lies on Facebook.
You dopes swallowed every one of them like Pizzagate, Hillary has Parkinson’s etc.

Frankly, most of US saw Comey, with all the damning evidence he laid out, exonerate Hillary. We saw an Attorney General meet with the husband of a suspect in a private meeting. We know Hillary violated her secrecy agreement and 'lost' email evidence. It had nothing to do with the Russians.

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