The Democratic Nuclear Winter


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
Today we were privileged to witness the titular head of the Democratic Party becoming unhinged, stating that the world is going to come to an end and Armageddon would be upon us if the tax bill gets passed. This from a woman that cannot finish a sentence and shows serious signs of dementia. The vacuum of purpose among democrats is astounding. None of them can vote for anything. Sex scandals abound. At the top corruption in Obama’s justice department and fbi is finally being exposed in spades. Muellars whole investigation is based on a fraudulent dossier. Every day brings dozens of dem quotes that are creating a republican gold mine for campaign ads. Liberals are aghast at trump successes and triumphs. This was not supposed to happen. The longer trump keeps honoring his campaign pledges and emphasizing America the longer the shadow that is cast over the Democratic Party. When comparisons are made between what obama promised for Obamacare and what trump promised in his tax plan, voters will be even more sympathetic to our new president. Not one person can name one thing democrats have done for the country except obstruct Trump. Stock market, consumer confidence, wages, jobs, judges, minority unemployment, government overreach have all moved to a better place since trump was installed. The media has to retract false reports almost daily and trumps so-called outlandish claims of corruption are proved to have legs every day. At some point in the build up to the 2018 election democratic candidates are going to have to opine on what they are going to do if elected besides resist and defend the idea that everything trump has done is bad for America. Good luck with that one. The pendulum is always swinging and political fortunes go up and down, but a leaderless, idealess, ,integrityless, Democratic Party is digging a hole that is going to be hard to get out of in 2018.
i wish that Pelosi would of added that 500 Million people are going to lose their jobs a month if this bill gets passed
Good Post.

By the way, that Enter button will get you a new paragraph...if you ever think you need one.
Today we were privileged to witness the titular head of the Democratic Party becoming unhinged, stating that the world is going to come to an end and Armageddon would be upon us if the tax bill gets passed. This from a woman that cannot finish a sentence and shows serious signs of dementia. The vacuum of purpose among democrats is astounding. None of them can vote for anything. Sex scandals abound. At the top corruption in Obama’s justice department and fbi is finally being exposed in spades. Muellars whole investigation is based on a fraudulent dossier. Every day brings dozens of dem quotes that are creating a republican gold mine for campaign ads. Liberals are aghast at trump successes and triumphs. This was not supposed to happen. The longer trump keeps honoring his campaign pledges and emphasizing America the longer the shadow that is cast over the Democratic Party. When comparisons are made between what obama promised for Obamacare and what trump promised in his tax plan, voters will be even more sympathetic to our new president. Not one person can name one thing democrats have done for the country except obstruct Trump. Stock market, consumer confidence, wages, jobs, judges, minority unemployment, government overreach have all moved to a better place since trump was installed. The media has to retract false reports almost daily and trumps so-called outlandish claims of corruption are proved to have legs every day. At some point in the build up to the 2018 election democratic candidates are going to have to opine on what they are going to do if elected besides resist and defend the idea that everything trump has done is bad for America. Good luck with that one. The pendulum is always swinging and political fortunes go up and down, but a leaderless, idealess, ,integrityless, Democratic Party is digging a hole that is going to be hard to get out of in 2018.
Quite simply not true! So many things wrong with the information in this post to even start to challenge.
Damn, a real trick those two manage, being brain dead and excitable at the same time.

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