The Democrats have done it again, they got President Trump to be a convicted Felon(until the USSC overrules the verdict) and they awakened the Giant.

Read it....even Bragg thought it was too thin to prosecute until he was pressured.

Yes. Very neat. An opinion piece.

Anyhow, holding people accountable to the law is not a kangaroo court but it does make a good mindless right wing trope.

It saves you from actually having to know the details of the case and debating them.

It's easier to just claim "kangaroo court".

Good job.
Yes. Very neat. An opinion piece.

Anyhow, holding people accountable to the law is not a kangaroo court but it does make a good mindless right wing trope.

It saves you from actually having to know the details of the case and debating them.

It's easier to just claim "kangaroo court".

Good job.
If it was anyone but Trump the trial would never have existed.

Most people have a sense of fairness and usually they understand the drift of what's going on behind the scenes.

If the same level of scrutiny was applied to Washington DC across the board every single legislator would be a a felon. The same for the New York State elected body. This is really the bugaboo in public opinion that you cannot chase away by claiming a technical victory.

It's also hard to ignore the fact that Alvin Bragg initially refused to bring charges until something happened in between that initial decision and the reversal of that decision to influence that decision. I think we all know what that was.

In the meantime follow the plan.... Keep using the words convicted felon because they feel so good to you when you use them and you are able to convince yourself with them.
That was the plan after all.
still waiting for the felony charge?

Why do you keep failing to make your point?

Kangaroo court
Does this clear it up for you?

The law showing that falsifying business records in the first degree is a felony.

§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit
another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.

Grand jury indictment presenting the case of falsifying business records in the first degree.

THE GRAND JURY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK, by this indictment, accuses
the defendant of the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST
DEGREE, in violation of Penal Law §175.10, committed as follows:
The defendant, in the County of New York and elsewhere, on or about February 14, 2017,
with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission
thereof, made and caused a false entry in the business records of an enterprise, to wit, an invoice
from Michael Cohen dated February 14, 2017, marked as a record of the Donald J. Trump
Revocable Trust, and kept and maintained by the Trump Organization.

Arraignment document that has transcripts of Trump pleading not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.

THE CLERK: Donald J. Trump, the grand jury of New
23 York County has filed indictment 71543 of 2023 charging you
24 with the crimes of 34 counts of falsifying business records
25 in the first degree.

How do you plead to this indictment, guilty or not
2 guilty?
3 DEFENDANT MR. TRUMP: Not guilty.

This is the verdict sheet showing the conviction for 34 counts of falsifying business records.

Here is a fox news article broadcasting what Trump was found guilty of.

Former President Trump was found guilty on all counts in his historic and unprecedented criminal trial, making him the first former president of the United States to be convicted of a crime.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg charged former President Donald Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.

Trump pleaded not guilty to all counts.

Jurors found the former president guilty on all counts.
MSN You would think by now that the "crooked" Democrats would stop trying to put the leading Republican Candidate in "trumped up" lawfare. More are more intelligent people are seeing this for what it is, a banana republic, run by a puppet, dictator, who will stop at nothing to stay in power.

The Supreme Court cannot overturn a jury verdict in a state court, without strong legal grounds, and Donald Trump being a nasty poopypants isn't strong legal grounds.

The charges and the convictions are righteous, and the SC has no juridiction.

ETA: Last but not least, why did Trump give his buddy, David Pecker immunity from prosecution for his role in the conspiracy, and send Michael Cohen to jail for his part if no crimes were being committed? Donald Trump's DOJ gave David Pecker an immunity deal. If there was no crime, why did he do that? Why did Trump send Cohen to jail if there was no crime?

Did you call France a "banana republic" when their former President was criminally convicted of corruption????

How about Italy when Berlesconi went to jail and then was re-elected after he got out? Did you think Berlesconi was falsely accused too? Is Italy a banana republic for jailing him in the first place? Did you think the Italian people were idiots for re-electing him?
If it was anyone but Trump the trial would never have existed.

Most people have a sense of fairness and usually they understand the drift of what's going on behind the scenes.

Many people have been convicted under this law.

But I will concede if Trump never ran for president this probably wouldn't have been brought up...for a few reasons.

Conversely Hunter would never have been investigated by the house if Joe wasn't president.

Would Clinton have had an entire investigation of white water that lead to lying about a blowjob if he wasn't president?

It's just the nature of the beast.

You enter into high profile politics you will be scrutinized. Trump is no exception.

Did you think this was a new phenomenon?

If the same level of scrutiny was applied to Washington DC across the board every single legislator would be a a felon. The same for the New York State elected body. This is really the bugaboo in public opinion that you cannot chase away by claiming a technical victory.

Which of those have falsified business records to cover up a crime?

Most don't even have business lol.

Your speculation is not a defense of Trump's crime.

It's also hard to ignore the fact that Alvin Bragg initially refused to bring charges until something happened in between that initial decision and the reversal of that decision to influence that decision. I think we all know what that was.

More evidence was uncovered?

In the meantime follow the plan.... Keep using the words convicted felon because they feel so good to you when you use them and you are able to convince yourself with them.
That was the plan after all.
I use them because they are true. I also use adjudicated sexual assaulter and fraudster because he is.

I wouldn't sweat it for now. You can just do what other Trump supporters are doing and dreaming the 3 appointed Trump SCOTUS picks and the Republican SCOTUS majority will save him from an old established law with precedent that has convicted a lot of felons for years... and overturn it because Trump.

Good luck..
MSN You would think by now that the "crooked" Democrats would stop trying to put the leading Republican Candidate in "trumped up" lawfare. More are more intelligent people are seeing this for what it is, a banana republic, run by a puppet, dictator, who will stop at nothing to stay in power.

Why would the supreme court get involved? Its a state case. They'd need some violation of rights or some constitutional issue to intervene.
A jury was allowed to not agree on anything, if they felt him guilty of picking his nose was all they needed to do. Again, kangarooing around the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.
That is horseshit! He committed a crime and the evidence reflected that.
Many people have been convicted under this law.

But I will concede if Trump never ran for president this probably wouldn't have been brought up...for a few reasons.

Conversely Hunter would never have been investigated by the house if Joe wasn't president.

Would Clinton have had an entire investigation of white water that lead to lying about a blowjob if he wasn't president?

It's just the nature of the beast.

You enter into high profile politics you will be scrutinized. Trump is no exception.

Did you think this was a new phenomenon?

Which of those have falsified business records to cover up a crime?

Most don't even have business lol.

Your speculation is not a defense of Trump's crime.

More evidence was uncovered?

I use them because they are true. I also use adjudicated sexual assaulter and fraudster because he is.

I wouldn't sweat it for now. You can just do what other Trump supporters are doing and dreaming the 3 appointed Trump SCOTUS picks and the Republican SCOTUS majority will save him from an old established law with precedent that has convicted a lot of felons for years... and overturn it because Trump.

Good luck..
SCOTUS isn't there to save Trump. They're there to prevent rogue actions by lower courts.
There's no question that Trump provides a target rich environment but he's no different than anyone else in DC; Just being treated differently right now because the justice system has been hijacked for political purposes and everyone is aware of it. It happened to agree with you on the hunter Biden prosecution by the way. I think it's stupid.

Trump is the same person he was before the kangaroo tag name got stuck to him. He'll be the same person after the kangaroo tag name gets discarded even though it will never go away at this point.

Please don't tell me you're concerned with character that would just be a ridiculous statement.
Why would the supreme court get involved? Its a state case. They'd need some violation of rights or some constitutional issue to intervene.
No.... When the state supreme court finally rules which they will eventually, The last option after that available to all states is an appeal to SCOTUS. That does not mean that SCOTUS will hear it however. They could justice easily refuse to hear the case.

We'll see what happens and whether or not the New York appellate system is willing to support this dog of a legal case to the detriment of their own reputation. Should be interesting.
No.... When the state supreme court finally rules which they will eventually The last option after that available to all states is an appeal to SCOTUS. That does not mean that SCOTUS will hear it however.

The supreme court hears almost none of its requests for cert. Espeically this court which is the slowest and least productive in several generations.

Why would they get involved?
SCOTUS isn't there to save Trump. They're there to prevent rogue actions by lower courts.
There's no question that Trump provides a target rich environment but he's no different than anyone else in DC; Just being treated differently right now because the justice system has been hijacked for political purposes and everyone is aware of it.

He isn't being treated differently. He went through the same due process as anyone convicted of this crime.

"Your honor, Trump committed the crime but would never have been charged if he wasn't running for President" is not a valid reason for successful appeal.

Trump is the same person he was before the kangaroo tag game got stuck to him. He'll be the same person after the kangaroo tag name gets discarded even though it will never go away at this point.

Yes he is except now he is a convicted felon.

Please don't tell me you're concerned with character That would just be a ridiculous statement.
I don't remember claiming that but ok, I won't.
The supreme court hears almost none of its requests for cert. Espeically this court which is the slowest and least productive in several generations.

Why would they get involved?
They may not. They are certainly under no obligation. There's a long way to go through the current legal system before that even becomes an issue anyway.
Bragg's case is so tenuous even a biased New York state appellate system is going to have a stretch supporting that dog.
He isn't being treated differently. He went through the same due process as anyone convicted of this crime.

"Your honor, Trump committed the crime but would never have been charged if he wasn't running for President" is not a valid reason for successful appeal.

Yes he is except now he is a convicted felon.

I don't remember claiming that but ok, I won't.
As you can see you have also been infected by the hysteria.
He is not yet convicted not until the appeal process has been heard out. Of course he's being treated differently The fact that 90% of the New York state legislature hasn't also been dragged in front of Bragg for the very same thing indicates a difference of treatment.
They may not. They are certainly under no obligation. There's a long way to go through the current legal system before that even becomes an issue anyway.
Bragg's case is so tenuous even a biased New York state appellate system is going to have a stretch supporting that dog.

Bragg has already charged 175.10 with the felony enhancement over 200 times before Trump was convicted. Why would this time be any different?
Bragg has already charged 175.10 with the felony enhancement over 200 times before Trump was convicted. Why would this time be any different?
I thank God regionalism will buy people time for survival before the great blowoff occurs. A world where the lower IQ's rule over the higher IQ's. There has to be a reason!
Bragg has already charged 175.10 with the felony enhancement over 200 times before Trump was convicted. Why would this time be any different?
Any appellate court is going to have to be drugged and smashed to ignore the testimony of Cohen as a vital part of conviction process.

They may or they may not.
I'll wait and see what happens before I make a judgment on it.
In the end they are still judges that have a public image to uphold we'll see how far the shame factor goes.

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