The Democrats Have Made Every Month Pride Month

It looks like “pride month” is going to be different this year.

Sane people are finally waking up to just how fucked-up the whole faggot/tranny/pedophile agenda really is, and how close pedophilia is tied into the rest of this sick shit.

We're seeing businesses that pandered to this sick shit in the past, and got away with it, now facing serious consumer backlash for pandering to it this time. I don't drink alcohol, so perhaps I am not as familiar as I think I am with the market, but I have been under the impression that Memorial days a an important occasion for the sales of beer, and look what has happened to Anheuser-Busch this year, as a consequences of pandering to the fucked-up freak Dylan Mulvaney. Last year, they could have done the same, and few would have batted an eyelash over it; this year, they've alienated a huge part of their customer base, and missed out on an important beer-selling season.

People are waking up, and they're fed up with this shit.

I predict that this year's “pride month” is going to be much, less comfortable for all the faggots, trannies, childfuckers, and other fucked-up perverts, than it has been in past years. We can hope that it will be so uncomfortable that they won't even try to have it again next year.
As I said before, it was in the early eighties today for me. :D
So what will be different in a few days from now as we move into June?
Lol, ya because we talk about gay and trans so often. Oh wait that's you guys. Every thread ever started on here about the subject is from a right winger. Our take on it is just leave em the hell alone.
Lol, ya because we talk about gay and trans so often. Oh wait that's you guys. Every thread ever started on here about the subject is from a right winger. Our take on it is just leave em the hell alone.
Sorta like every "Russia Collusion" hoax thread is started by the Demwits.
is it ironic that Greta Thunberg said the world will end june 21 2023...pride month back in 2018?

Anyone have the time? I don't want to be caught out.


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