The Democrats have made it clear they hate me just because I'm a white male...

They hate black conservatives.
Louis Farrakhan is as conservative as they come and he is hated by Whites in both parties.
White Democrats love Farrakhan....
Naw...the KKK LOVES HIMbecause of his black nationalist views and the KKK is all GOP.
Farrakhan's group is all Democrat, and they outnumber the KKK by a wide margin.

The KKK loves his separatist rhetoric because they believe black nationalists have the power to destroy multiculturalism.

Democrats love him because he frequently talks about the need to kill whitey.
Farrakhan is not a separatist...he is a black nationalist. He has also said he loves America and would not wish the worst on his home country. However he does reserve the right to express his indignation at the rampant racism that lingers everywhere.
If the KKK has interpeted his message as hateful rhetoric similar to theirs...they are mistaken...
You have to be a separatist to be a black nationalist in a country with mostly non-black people in it, idiot.

Typical inferior white Democrat, always legitimizing black supremacist and anti-white genocidal rhetoric while calling white nationalists "hateful".
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

Well I am a white male and Republicans tend to hate me.

My last three bosses were not white. Chinese, Mexican, Purto Rican and they were democrats. They gave me chances when white males I interviewed with wouldn't give me a job. I am a white male and I seem to be treated a whole lot better by democrats.
White Democrats are too mentally deficient to hire.

Your last three bosses all would have fired you first if they needed to fire someone btw.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

I am a white male- and a Democrat- and I don't hate you- at all. And Democrats don't hate me for my skin color- I am a welcomed member of our party.

I think you are a fool, an idiot, and a rather miserable person who has filled your life with hating others who disagree with you. But I don't hate you.

I think what you need to face- is if people hate you- its not because of your skin color- its because of your actions.

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males, with all the associated violence associated with it, you self-loathing white crybaby parasite. You guilty white liberalfilth are the ultimate "white n*****s" of my race. Ingrate punks who DON'T appreciate being born into the ultimate race of engineers who split the atom, put men on the moon, and invented almost every piece of modern machinery we all use. If humanity ever invents faster-than-light space travel, take a wild guess which race will perfect/practice it.
just ask hitlery or read her book. she blames white males. we weren't supposed to vote I supposed. still trying to figure it out on what she meant.
Heard from several who read the book that it is fantastic. Best and most open book she has written.
Fact of the matter is, Democrats brought this backlash on themselves. They made EVERYTHING about race. You could hardly get through one conversation on CNN without talking about how minorities (which includes women for some reason, even though they're actually the majority) are oppressed. Shit, if they think they're oppressed here, I encourage them to vacation in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. They'd change their tunes right quick then.

"People of color". With that one misguided phrase they sealed their fate. Think about what it does. It takes EVERYONE who isn't white and puts them in a group, and tells them that the source of all their woes is "that white guy over there" (because white women usually get a free pass for whatever reason). I'm not talking about intentions, or what's right and what's wrong. I'm talking about the obvious end result of pitting people against each other this way. White guys had no choice but to pick the group that didn't demonize them, whether they liked Trump or not. Sam Harris actually broke it down masterfully like 1 day after the election.
Funny post. I am a white male middle class man and have always felt hated by the gop because I wasn't rich enough.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

Democrats are stupid because ultimately white males are the swing vote. They lost site of this in the '16 Election. Hillary's loss of Pa, Oh, Mi, and Wi were epic.

Which site did they lose? Got a link to that missing site? Maybe I can find it!
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

I am a white male- and a Democrat- and I don't hate you- at all. And Democrats don't hate me for my skin color- I am a welcomed member of our party.

I think you are a fool, an idiot, and a rather miserable person who has filled your life with hating others who disagree with you. But I don't hate you.

I think what you need to face- is if people hate you- its not because of your skin color- its because of your actions.

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males,.

Poor little gullible snowflake.

We poor white males- we have it so bad.....scary Democrats are picking on us.....waaaah!
ahhhh were you looking in the mirror?

LOL- I am not the one being a whiny snowflake about how tough we white males have it.

As a white male- I am doing just fine- glad to be part of a Democratic Party that welcomes people of all colors,

I don't believe the OP said anything about how tough whites have it.
So then the statement that the democrats here me because I'm a white male is incredibly beyond's comical though.
Subscribing to a pilitical party is reserved for narroe minded not....not my fellow Americans.
Yep cast a vote for the party for the one percent......

When I get into discussions with people about politics, it's clear between those who are informed and those who know nothing about it.

One of the surest signs of a person that doesn't know about politics (but doesn't want to look stupid in such a discussion) is that Republicans are for the rich and the Democrats are for the working and the poor.

No instances to make their point, no understanding of what they say, just a blanket stereotype that's been handed down for generations in liberal America.
Louis Farrakhan is as conservative as they come and he is hated by Whites in both parties.
White Democrats love Farrakhan....
Naw...the KKK LOVES HIMbecause of his black nationalist views and the KKK is all GOP.
Farrakhan's group is all Democrat, and they outnumber the KKK by a wide margin.

The KKK loves his separatist rhetoric because they believe black nationalists have the power to destroy multiculturalism.

Democrats love him because he frequently talks about the need to kill whitey.
Farrakhan is not a separatist...he is a black nationalist. He has also said he loves America and would not wish the worst on his home country. However he does reserve the right to express his indignation at the rampant racism that lingers everywhere.
If the KKK has interpeted his message as hateful rhetoric similar to theirs...they are mistaken...
You have to be a separatist to be a black nationalist in a country with mostly non-black people in it, idiot.

Typical inferior white Democrat, always legitimizing black supremacist and anti-white genocidal rhetoric while calling white nationalists "hateful".
Who fuk do you think you are talking to, punk? I've had this "separatist," "nationalist" debate with the best...and you are no where near bright enough to engage me inrelligently on the subject. Here is a link for you to pursue ...go fetch Dawg.
Black separatism - Wikipedia
White Democrats love Farrakhan....
Naw...the KKK LOVES HIMbecause of his black nationalist views and the KKK is all GOP.
Farrakhan's group is all Democrat, and they outnumber the KKK by a wide margin.

The KKK loves his separatist rhetoric because they believe black nationalists have the power to destroy multiculturalism.

Democrats love him because he frequently talks about the need to kill whitey.
Farrakhan is not a separatist...he is a black nationalist. He has also said he loves America and would not wish the worst on his home country. However he does reserve the right to express his indignation at the rampant racism that lingers everywhere.
If the KKK has interpeted his message as hateful rhetoric similar to theirs...they are mistaken...
You have to be a separatist to be a black nationalist in a country with mostly non-black people in it, idiot.

Typical inferior white Democrat, always legitimizing black supremacist and anti-white genocidal rhetoric while calling white nationalists "hateful".
Who fuk do you think you are talking to, punk? I've had this "separatist," "nationalist" debate with the best...and you are no where near bright enough to engage me inrelligently on the subject. Here is a link for you to pursue ...go fetch Dawg.
Black separatism - Wikipedia
Wikipedia has no clue what "black nationalism" is.

Just a bunch of inferior white Democrats sucking black dick.
Naw...the KKK LOVES HIMbecause of his black nationalist views and the KKK is all GOP.
Farrakhan's group is all Democrat, and they outnumber the KKK by a wide margin.

The KKK loves his separatist rhetoric because they believe black nationalists have the power to destroy multiculturalism.

Democrats love him because he frequently talks about the need to kill whitey.
Farrakhan is not a separatist...he is a black nationalist. He has also said he loves America and would not wish the worst on his home country. However he does reserve the right to express his indignation at the rampant racism that lingers everywhere.
If the KKK has interpeted his message as hateful rhetoric similar to theirs...they are mistaken...
You have to be a separatist to be a black nationalist in a country with mostly non-black people in it, idiot.

Typical inferior white Democrat, always legitimizing black supremacist and anti-white genocidal rhetoric while calling white nationalists "hateful".
Who fuk do you think you are talking to, punk? I've had this "separatist," "nationalist" debate with the best...and you are no where near bright enough to engage me inrelligently on the subject. Here is a link for you to pursue ...go fetch Dawg.
Black separatism - Wikipedia
Wikipedia has no clue what "black nationalism" is.

Just a bunch of inferior white Democrats sucking black dick.
The wikipedia definition is close enough to what Farrakhan has expressed personally on the subject. Your problem is you think you know black people better than they know themselves.STFU...fule.

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