The Democrats have made it clear they hate me just because I'm a white male...

Farrakhan's group is all Democrat, and they outnumber the KKK by a wide margin.

The KKK loves his separatist rhetoric because they believe black nationalists have the power to destroy multiculturalism.

Democrats love him because he frequently talks about the need to kill whitey.
Farrakhan is not a separatist...he is a black nationalist. He has also said he loves America and would not wish the worst on his home country. However he does reserve the right to express his indignation at the rampant racism that lingers everywhere.
If the KKK has interpeted his message as hateful rhetoric similar to theirs...they are mistaken...
You have to be a separatist to be a black nationalist in a country with mostly non-black people in it, idiot.

Typical inferior white Democrat, always legitimizing black supremacist and anti-white genocidal rhetoric while calling white nationalists "hateful".
Who fuk do you think you are talking to, punk? I've had this "separatist," "nationalist" debate with the best...and you are no where near bright enough to engage me inrelligently on the subject. Here is a link for you to pursue ...go fetch Dawg.
Black separatism - Wikipedia
Wikipedia has no clue what "black nationalism" is.

Just a bunch of inferior white Democrats sucking black dick.
The wikipedia definition is close enough to what Farrakhan has expressed personally on the subject. Your problem is you think you know black people better than they know themselves.STFU...fule.
Which proves that all they do is suck black dick and don't actually know anything about anything. Farrakhan has repeatedly said that white people need to be killed and then claims he is just a victim of a racist system. He is a looney tune at best who should have no authority to educate anyone on anything.

Do you think white nationalists actually agree with wikipedia's erroneous definition of white nationalism?
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

Don't take it personal...they hate anything and everything stand up, positive contributing, normal and conforming.
OP- so Democrats wanting everyone to be treated equally means that they hate whites? Well I just can't believe how brainwashed and fear-mongered you brainwashed functional morons are... Farrakhan has about one 2% support just like antifa.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

Black rook?

" a castle in the corner of a medieval game, I foresee terrible trouble, but I stay here just the same..." Steely Dan eh?

lol, you're so vain you probably thought that song was about you.
Farrakhan is not a separatist...he is a black nationalist. He has also said he loves America and would not wish the worst on his home country. However he does reserve the right to express his indignation at the rampant racism that lingers everywhere.
If the KKK has interpeted his message as hateful rhetoric similar to theirs...they are mistaken...
You have to be a separatist to be a black nationalist in a country with mostly non-black people in it, idiot.

Typical inferior white Democrat, always legitimizing black supremacist and anti-white genocidal rhetoric while calling white nationalists "hateful".
Who fuk do you think you are talking to, punk? I've had this "separatist," "nationalist" debate with the best...and you are no where near bright enough to engage me inrelligently on the subject. Here is a link for you to pursue ...go fetch Dawg.
Black separatism - Wikipedia
Wikipedia has no clue what "black nationalism" is.

Just a bunch of inferior white Democrats sucking black dick.
The wikipedia definition is close enough to what Farrakhan has expressed personally on the subject. Your problem is you think you know black people better than they know themselves.STFU...fule.
Which proves that all they do is suck black dick and don't actually know anything about anything. Farrakhan has repeatedly said that white people need to be killed and then claims he is just a victim of a racist system. He is a looney tune at best who should have no authority to educate anyone on anything.

Do you think white nationalists actually agree with wikipedia's erroneous definition of white nationalism?

You ignorant raving maniac. Here is a quote from minister Farrakhan himself. I'd certainly believe him over anything lying White bigots would say...and that includes the news media.
“I never said kill all white people,” Farrakhan said in a video made at a “Justice Or Else” promotional event in Nashville a few days ago and posted on the Final Call, a Nation of Islam website.

“Those are the words of the mischief-makers. If you are going to quote me then quote me! But when you add your evil mischief-making to my words to make white people to think that I’m calling on black people to kill white people to start a race war, then you’re nothing by a lying devil,” he said.

Read more at Farrakhan blasts WND, others, for reporting call to ‘kill’
I am a white male- and a Democrat- and I don't hate you- at all. And Democrats don't hate me for my skin color- I am a welcomed member of our party.

I think you are a fool, an idiot, and a rather miserable person who has filled your life with hating others who disagree with you. But I don't hate you.

I think what you need to face- is if people hate you- its not because of your skin color- its because of your actions.

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males,.

Poor little gullible snowflake.

We poor white males- we have it so bad.....scary Democrats are picking on us.....waaaah!
ahhhh were you looking in the mirror?

LOL- I am not the one being a whiny snowflake about how tough we white males have it.

As a white male- I am doing just fine- glad to be part of a Democratic Party that welcomes people of all colors,

I don't believe the OP said anything about how tough whites have it.

No- the OP just whined about how everyone hates him because he is white.

I was however responding to the idiot contard snowflake who made this post

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males,
And to bring this all back to the snowflake OP.

If you believe that some 50 million registered Democrats all hate you- because you are white- you are delusional- most of us have no clue who you are- and don't care what your skin color is.

If people hate you- its likely because of how you are being an asshole.

But as a Democrat- I don't hate you- even though you do act like an asshole here at USMB.
Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males,.

Poor little gullible snowflake.

We poor white males- we have it so bad.....scary Democrats are picking on us.....waaaah!
ahhhh were you looking in the mirror?

LOL- I am not the one being a whiny snowflake about how tough we white males have it.

As a white male- I am doing just fine- glad to be part of a Democratic Party that welcomes people of all colors,

I don't believe the OP said anything about how tough whites have it.

No- the OP just whined about how everyone hates him because he is white.

I was however responding to the idiot contard snowflake who made this post

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males,
White males who call themselves conservatives deserve every aspersion cast against them. Few have been willing to distance themselves from lthe many monstrous racists and bigots found in their ranks.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

Don't take it personal...they hate anything and everything stand up, positive contributing, normal and conforming.
If your ilk had shown love and intolerance from the onset...this conversation wouldn't be happening. Hate begets hate and your side started the cycle.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.
I hate you because you are an asshole

Does that make you feel better?
You have to be a separatist to be a black nationalist in a country with mostly non-black people in it, idiot.

Typical inferior white Democrat, always legitimizing black supremacist and anti-white genocidal rhetoric while calling white nationalists "hateful".
Who fuk do you think you are talking to, punk? I've had this "separatist," "nationalist" debate with the best...and you are no where near bright enough to engage me inrelligently on the subject. Here is a link for you to pursue ...go fetch Dawg.
Black separatism - Wikipedia
Wikipedia has no clue what "black nationalism" is.

Just a bunch of inferior white Democrats sucking black dick.
The wikipedia definition is close enough to what Farrakhan has expressed personally on the subject. Your problem is you think you know black people better than they know themselves.STFU...fule.
Which proves that all they do is suck black dick and don't actually know anything about anything. Farrakhan has repeatedly said that white people need to be killed and then claims he is just a victim of a racist system. He is a looney tune at best who should have no authority to educate anyone on anything.

Do you think white nationalists actually agree with wikipedia's erroneous definition of white nationalism?

You ignorant raving maniac. Here is a quote from minister Farrakhan himself. I'd certainly believe him over anything lying White bigots would say...and that includes the news media.
“I never said kill all white people,” Farrakhan said in a video made at a “Justice Or Else” promotional event in Nashville a few days ago and posted on the Final Call, a Nation of Islam website.

“Those are the words of the mischief-makers. If you are going to quote me then quote me! But when you add your evil mischief-making to my words to make white people to think that I’m calling on black people to kill white people to start a race war, then you’re nothing by a lying devil,” he said.

Read more at Farrakhan blasts WND, others, for reporting call to ‘kill’
It is semantics, dumbass.

Farrakhan 100 times the bigot that so called "white supremacists" are.

BTW, neither you nor Farrakhan will like what "Justice" is when it shows itself to you.
Poor little gullible snowflake.

We poor white males- we have it so bad.....scary Democrats are picking on us.....waaaah!
ahhhh were you looking in the mirror?

LOL- I am not the one being a whiny snowflake about how tough we white males have it.

As a white male- I am doing just fine- glad to be part of a Democratic Party that welcomes people of all colors,

I don't believe the OP said anything about how tough whites have it.

No- the OP just whined about how everyone hates him because he is white.

I was however responding to the idiot contard snowflake who made this post

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males,
White males who call themselves conservatives deserve every aspersion cast against them. Few have been willing to distance themselves from lthe many monstrous racists and bigots found in their ranks.
ahhhh were you looking in the mirror?

LOL- I am not the one being a whiny snowflake about how tough we white males have it.

As a white male- I am doing just fine- glad to be part of a Democratic Party that welcomes people of all colors,

I don't believe the OP said anything about how tough whites have it.

No- the OP just whined about how everyone hates him because he is white.

I was however responding to the idiot contard snowflake who made this post

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males,
White males who call themselves conservatives deserve every aspersion cast against them. Few have been willing to distance themselves from lthe many monstrous racists and bigots found in their ranks.
View attachment 149368

Shame you believe that.
LOL- I am not the one being a whiny snowflake about how tough we white males have it.

As a white male- I am doing just fine- glad to be part of a Democratic Party that welcomes people of all colors,

I don't believe the OP said anything about how tough whites have it.

No- the OP just whined about how everyone hates him because he is white.

I was however responding to the idiot contard snowflake who made this post

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males,
White males who call themselves conservatives deserve every aspersion cast against them. Few have been willing to distance themselves from lthe many monstrous racists and bigots found in their ranks.
View attachment 149368

Shame you believe that.
Shame that you are not capable of understanding a simple diagram.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

White women get the same shit. White women who announce their self hatred are called "beckiy's" The democrats have betrayed the American people. And many republicans by omission, and even outright advocating our harm
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.
They hate you because you bathes yourself every day and which that offends them. It's because you do not want to smell like them, like a bag full of dried rotted hog's guts..
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

White women get the same shit. White women who announce their self hatred are called "beckiy's" The democrats have betrayed the American people. And many republicans by omission, and even outright advocating our harm

Yep, guilty white liberal women on facebook virtue signal towards angry black racists by posting comments like "omg you poor victims, i support your fight against whitey" and then get called Becky in thanks. "get yo lilly white inbred cracka ass back to yo caves, Becky!" ...then she slinks away with her tail between her legs.

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