The Democrats have made it clear they hate me just because I'm a white male...

They hate black conservatives.
Louis Farrakhan is as conservative as they come and he is hated by Whites in both parties.
White Democrats love Farrakhan....
Naw...the KKK LOVES HIMbecause of his black nationalist views and the KKK is all GOP.
Farrakhan's group is all Democrat, and they outnumber the KKK by a wide margin.

The KKK loves his separatist rhetoric because they believe black nationalists have the power to destroy multiculturalism.

Democrats love him because he frequently talks about the need to kill whitey.
Farrakhan is not a separatist...he is a black nationalist. He has also said he loves America and would not wish the worst on his home country. However he does reserve the right to express his indignation at the rampant racism that lingers everywhere.
If the KKK has interpeted his message as hateful rhetoric similar to theirs...they are mistaken...
Those fking democrats
I am a white male- and a Democrat- and I don't hate you- at all. And Democrats don't hate me for my skin color- I am a welcomed member of our party.

I think you are a fool, an idiot, and a rather miserable person who has filled your life with hating others who disagree with you. But I don't hate you.

I think what you need to face- is if people hate you- its not because of your skin color- its because of your actions.

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males,.

Poor little gullible snowflake.

We poor white males- we have it so bad.....scary Democrats are picking on us.....waaaah!
ahhhh were you looking in the mirror?

LOL- I am not the one being a whiny snowflake about how tough we white males have it.

As a white male- I am doing just fine- glad to be part of a Democratic Party that welcomes people of all colors,

I don't believe the OP said anything about how tough whites have it.
He didn't, fake news again
ahhhh were you looking in the mirror?

LOL- I am not the one being a whiny snowflake about how tough we white males have it.

As a white male- I am doing just fine- glad to be part of a Democratic Party that welcomes people of all colors,
what's that got to do with the OP?

It has to do with the post I was responding to.

Though of course the OP is just whiny snowflake whining about how everyone hates him because he is white.
was he wrong? he posted why he felt that way. are you saying that hitlery didn't blame white men? if you are, then you should read her book and go read about the whine tour.
Misinformed, ignorant white males...
Is that you?
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

I am a white male- and a Democrat- and I don't hate you- at all. And Democrats don't hate me for my skin color- I am a welcomed member of our party.

I think you are a fool, an idiot, and a rather miserable person who has filled your life with hating others who disagree with you. But I don't hate you.

I think what you need to face- is if people hate you- its not because of your skin color- its because of your actions.

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males,.

Poor little gullible snowflake.

We poor white males- we have it so bad.....scary Democrats are picking on us.....waaaah!
ahhhh were you looking in the mirror?

LOL- I am not the one being a whiny snowflake about how tough we white males have it.

As a white male- I am doing just fine- glad to be part of a Democratic Party that welcomes people of all colors,
Neither is anyone else!
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.
You have vitiligo or albinism?
There really is no such thing as a white race, or any other color race category...There are caucasoid and Europia, but sorry the color designation applied to certain human features of skin tone are not categorized as such...The color race was started by a philosopher and naturalist that used it as a means to explain Darwinism ideals of superiority in a proto-scientific racial classification...
They hate black conservatives.
inn other words they hate all men who are conservative. So there should be no conservatives. bring it on spanky
I think that conservative nonsense is overblown. That's just too many people pretending to be conservatives when they don't even know what the meaning of the word is. But to be honest, that what you call conservatism has a sordid history and is linked inextricably to the antebellum southern Democrats. Anyone having knowledge of that might be inclined to hate that
which passes for conservatism .
I've honestly grown fking tired of the libs calling everyone something. why not stop and fking act humane and stop with the constant agitation.
You couldn't possibly be more tired than I am of corny konservatives putting that "lib" label
On anyone who dsagrees with them.
Ahh, look at the label calling lib whining about getting treated like he treats others. Paybacks fk
Payback? You didn't owe me a damn thing
to be paid back for. You sick twisted Rw wannabes have been using that damn " lib" lable since the civil rights era. Its supposed to define anyone who wants equality for everyone...something your ilk has been fighting for decades.
I love white males and believe that you should want more money and higher standards of living. So you should be voting for unions, democrats and more rights.
Louis Farrakhan is as conservative as they come and he is hated by Whites in both parties.
White Democrats love Farrakhan....
Naw...the KKK LOVES HIMbecause of his black nationalist views and the KKK is all GOP.
Farrakhan's group is all Democrat, and they outnumber the KKK by a wide margin.

The KKK loves his separatist rhetoric because they believe black nationalists have the power to destroy multiculturalism.

Democrats love him because he frequently talks about the need to kill whitey.
Farrakhan is not a separatist...he is a black nationalist. He has also said he loves America and would not wish the worst on his home country. However he does reserve the right to express his indignation at the rampant racism that lingers everywhere.
If the KKK has interpeted his message as hateful rhetoric similar to theirs...they are mistaken...
Those fking democrats
The KKK has infiltrated both parties...but it seems there is a stronger GOP connection nowadays than a Democratic one.
White Democrats love Farrakhan....
Naw...the KKK LOVES HIMbecause of his black nationalist views and the KKK is all GOP.
Farrakhan's group is all Democrat, and they outnumber the KKK by a wide margin.

The KKK loves his separatist rhetoric because they believe black nationalists have the power to destroy multiculturalism.

Democrats love him because he frequently talks about the need to kill whitey.
Farrakhan is not a separatist...he is a black nationalist. He has also said he loves America and would not wish the worst on his home country. However he does reserve the right to express his indignation at the rampant racism that lingers everywhere.
If the KKK has interpeted his message as hateful rhetoric similar to theirs...they are mistaken...
Those fking democrats
The KKK has infiltrated both parties...but it seems there is a stronger GOP connection nowadays than a Democratic one.

That's because the Democrat party evolved into the anti-white party.
Naw...the KKK LOVES HIMbecause of his black nationalist views and the KKK is all GOP.
Farrakhan's group is all Democrat, and they outnumber the KKK by a wide margin.

The KKK loves his separatist rhetoric because they believe black nationalists have the power to destroy multiculturalism.

Democrats love him because he frequently talks about the need to kill whitey.
Farrakhan is not a separatist...he is a black nationalist. He has also said he loves America and would not wish the worst on his home country. However he does reserve the right to express his indignation at the rampant racism that lingers everywhere.
If the KKK has interpeted his message as hateful rhetoric similar to theirs...they are mistaken...
Those fking democrats
The KKK has infiltrated both parties...but it seems there is a stronger GOP connection nowadays than a Democratic one.

That's because the Democrat party evolved into the anti-white party.
Really? Anti- RW white male maybe but the Democratic Party is stll controlled by White American patriots.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

No they hate you as you do not conform to the far left religion.

The hatred of the far left of anything not far left is all over this board.
Naw...the KKK LOVES HIMbecause of his black nationalist views and the KKK is all GOP.
Farrakhan's group is all Democrat, and they outnumber the KKK by a wide margin.

The KKK loves his separatist rhetoric because they believe black nationalists have the power to destroy multiculturalism.

Democrats love him because he frequently talks about the need to kill whitey.
Farrakhan is not a separatist...he is a black nationalist. He has also said he loves America and would not wish the worst on his home country. However he does reserve the right to express his indignation at the rampant racism that lingers everywhere.
If the KKK has interpeted his message as hateful rhetoric similar to theirs...they are mistaken...
Those fking democrats
The KKK has infiltrated both parties...but it seems there is a stronger GOP connection nowadays than a Democratic one.

That's because the Democrat party evolved into the anti-white party.

That is what the poor snowflake whites, who feel threatened by a racially welcoming party, say.

Lucky for you- the virtually all white Republican Party has your back.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

No they hate you as you do not conform to the far left religion.

The hatred of the far left of anything not far left is all over this board.

As is the hatred of you of the far right of anything not of the far right.
I think that conservative nonsense is overblown. That's just too many people pretending to be conservatives when they don't even know what the meaning of the word is. But to be honest, that what you call conservatism has a sordid history and is linked inextricably to the antebellum southern Democrats. Anyone having knowledge of that might be inclined to hate that
which passes for conservatism .
I've honestly grown fking tired of the libs calling everyone something. why not stop and fking act humane and stop with the constant agitation.

You kind of missed what thread you are in- where a Contard started a thread whining and pissing and moaning about how all Democrats hate him because he is white?
yeah, and how is it I didn't post on that topic here? I said libs have labels for everyone. that is true. white guy or black guy.

You mean just like contards.....

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males, with all the associated violence associated with it, you self-loathing white crybaby parasite. You guilty white liberalfilth are the ultimate "white n*****s" of my race. Ingrate punks who DON'T appreciate being born into the ultimate race of engineers who split the atom, put men on the moon, and invented almost every piece of modern machinery we all use. If humanity ever invents faster-than-light space travel, take a wild guess which race will perfect/practice it.
Isn't that factual?
Isn't it white libturds trying to start a race war?

Nope- just you contards hoping and hoping for a civil war where you can legally shoot other Americans.
Farrakhan's group is all Democrat, and they outnumber the KKK by a wide margin.

The KKK loves his separatist rhetoric because they believe black nationalists have the power to destroy multiculturalism.

Democrats love him because he frequently talks about the need to kill whitey.
Farrakhan is not a separatist...he is a black nationalist. He has also said he loves America and would not wish the worst on his home country. However he does reserve the right to express his indignation at the rampant racism that lingers everywhere.
If the KKK has interpeted his message as hateful rhetoric similar to theirs...they are mistaken...
Those fking democrats
The KKK has infiltrated both parties...but it seems there is a stronger GOP connection nowadays than a Democratic one.

That's because the Democrat party evolved into the anti-white party.

That is what the poor snowflake whites, who feel threatened by a racially welcoming party, say.

Lucky for you- the virtually all white Republican Party has your back.

Some of them do......yes. More and more white people are beginning to realize that the goal of the Democrat party is to make us the minority in this country as quickly as possible. The smart whites have abandoned them, the surrender-first whites are still with them. White liberals are the only people in the world to give away everything the worked for. It's like watching that happy frog in a pot of cold water on the stove.
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

Democrats are stupid because ultimately white males are the swing vote. They lost site of this in the '16 Election. Hillary's loss of Pa, Oh, Mi, and Wi were epic.
Can the GOP win PA OH MI. and WI again in 2020?????
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

Democrats are stupid because ultimately white males are the swing vote. They lost site of this in the '16 Election. Hillary's loss of Pa, Oh, Mi, and Wi were epic.
Can the GOP win PA OH MI. and WI again in 2020?????

Not likely. But Hillary could not win one of them and still thinks she should be President. Time to move one.

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