The Democrats have made it clear they hate me just because I'm a white male...

I don't believe the OP said anything about how tough whites have it.

No- the OP just whined about how everyone hates him because he is white.

I was however responding to the idiot contard snowflake who made this post

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males,
White males who call themselves conservatives deserve every aspersion cast against them. Few have been willing to distance themselves from lthe many monstrous racists and bigots found in their ranks.
View attachment 149368

Shame you believe that.
Shame that you are not capable of understanding a simple diagram.

Oh I understand how 'simple' that diagram is.

a :lacking in knowledge or expertise
  • a simple amateur of the arts

b (1) :stupid

(2) :mentally retarded
Shame you believe that.

It's not me who thinks that way. It's how you and your leftwing comrades think... Need evidence? Just read this thread.

Clearly you have a problem with 'evidence' - since you think I think that way.

Either you have a reading problem- or just a partisan idiocy problem. Probably both.

I'm not a republican so how can I be partisan? Both parties suck.
Look at the policies they support and don't listen to GOP BS character assassination...
The Democrats have made it clear they hate me just because I'm a white male...

Have feeling if I had posted that the replies would have been, "it's not just Democrats and only because you're a white male."
Shame you believe that.

It's not me who thinks that way. It's how you and your leftwing comrades think... Need evidence? Just read this thread.

Clearly you have a problem with 'evidence' - since you think I think that way.

Either you have a reading problem- or just a partisan idiocy problem. Probably both.

I'm not a republican so how can I be partisan? Both parties suck.
Look at the policies they support and don't listen to GOP BS character assassination...

I'm still waiting for a member of the GOP to grow a pair and speak out against the democrats and the media for stirring the pot of racial hatred towards white people, or be honest about the events in Charlottesville. But they won't because they're cowards. In fact some of them condone vigilante street violence against anyone who is suspected of being a white supremacist.
Shame you believe that.

It's not me who thinks that way. It's how you and your leftwing comrades think... Need evidence? Just read this thread.

Clearly you have a problem with 'evidence' - since you think I think that way.

Either you have a reading problem- or just a partisan idiocy problem. Probably both.

I'm not a republican so how can I be partisan? Both parties suck.
Look at the policies they support and don't listen to GOP BS character assassination...

I'm still waiting for a member of the GOP to grow a pair and speak out against the democrats and the media for stirring the pot of racial hatred towards white people, or be honest about the events in Charlottesville. But they won't because they're cowards. In fact some of them condone vigilante street violence against anyone who is suspected of being a white supremacist.
honest how? Anyone wearing a mask should be arrested...
It's not me who thinks that way. It's how you and your leftwing comrades think... Need evidence? Just read this thread.

Clearly you have a problem with 'evidence' - since you think I think that way.

Either you have a reading problem- or just a partisan idiocy problem. Probably both.

I'm not a republican so how can I be partisan? Both parties suck.
Look at the policies they support and don't listen to GOP BS character assassination...

I'm still waiting for a member of the GOP to grow a pair and speak out against the democrats and the media for stirring the pot of racial hatred towards white people, or be honest about the events in Charlottesville. But they won't because they're cowards. In fact some of them condone vigilante street violence against anyone who is suspected of being a white supremacist.
honest how? Anyone wearing a mask should be arrested...

I want them to be honest and stop with the 'there is no two sides' BS.
Clearly you have a problem with 'evidence' - since you think I think that way.

Either you have a reading problem- or just a partisan idiocy problem. Probably both.

I'm not a republican so how can I be partisan? Both parties suck.
Look at the policies they support and don't listen to GOP BS character assassination...

I'm still waiting for a member of the GOP to grow a pair and speak out against the democrats and the media for stirring the pot of racial hatred towards white people, or be honest about the events in Charlottesville. But they won't because they're cowards. In fact some of them condone vigilante street violence against anyone who is suspected of being a white supremacist.
honest how? Anyone wearing a mask should be arrested...

I want them to be honest and stop with the 'there is no two sides' BS.
View attachment 149381
I'll go Romney on this one antifa should be arrested too - totally misdirected
I'm not a republican so how can I be partisan? Both parties suck.
Look at the policies they support and don't listen to GOP BS character assassination...

I'm still waiting for a member of the GOP to grow a pair and speak out against the democrats and the media for stirring the pot of racial hatred towards white people, or be honest about the events in Charlottesville. But they won't because they're cowards. In fact some of them condone vigilante street violence against anyone who is suspected of being a white supremacist.
honest how? Anyone wearing a mask should be arrested...

I want them to be honest and stop with the 'there is no two sides' BS.
View attachment 149381
I'll go Romney on this one antifa should be arrested too - totally misdirected

They're afraid of being called racist so deny the truth and throw under the bus people like me who are VERY white in appearance and personality. I live in an inner city and the hysteria about 'muh racist white males' is going to affect me sooner than it is them, living up in their ivory towers.
No- the OP just whined about how everyone hates him because he is white.

I was however responding to the idiot contard snowflake who made this post

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males,
White males who call themselves conservatives deserve every aspersion cast against them. Few have been willing to distance themselves from lthe many monstrous racists and bigots found in their ranks.
View attachment 149368

Shame you believe that.
Shame that you are not capable of understanding a simple diagram.

Oh I understand how 'simple' that diagram is.

a :lacking in knowledge or expertise

    • a simple amateur of the arts
b (1) :stupid

(2) :mentally retarded
Every post you make is 'simple'.

You are just too simple-minded to understand why.
Shame you believe that.

It's not me who thinks that way. It's how you and your leftwing comrades think... Need evidence? Just read this thread.

Clearly you have a problem with 'evidence' - since you think I think that way.

Either you have a reading problem- or just a partisan idiocy problem. Probably both.

I'm not a republican so how can I be partisan? Both parties suck.
Look at the policies they support and don't listen to GOP BS character assassination...

I'm still waiting for a member of the GOP to grow a pair and speak out against the democrats and the media for stirring the pot of racial hatred towards white people, .

Yeah- us poor white folk.

Stirring up the 'pot of racial hatred' by demanding equality....
Shame you believe that.

It's not me who thinks that way. It's how you and your leftwing comrades think... Need evidence? Just read this thread.

Clearly you have a problem with 'evidence' - since you think I think that way.

Either you have a reading problem- or just a partisan idiocy problem. Probably both.

I'm not a republican so how can I be partisan? Both parties suck.
Look at the policies they support and don't listen to GOP BS character assassination...

I'm still waiting for a member of the GOP to grow a pair and speak out against the democrats and the media for stirring the pot of racial hatred towards white people, or be honest about the events in Charlottesville. But they won't because they're cowards. In fact some of them condone vigilante street violence against anyone who is suspected of being a white supremacist.
They can't.

If they did, they would then have to admit that their retarded patriotism and civic nationalist Utopianism is all a farce that is only held together by the absolute oppression of white people.

Stormfront and white nationalism as a whole is the political movement to defeat the contemporary left's entire platform. Republicans are scared that they will lose out to the real Conservatives, the cultural and Identitarian Conservatives.
It's not me who thinks that way. It's how you and your leftwing comrades think... Need evidence? Just read this thread.

Clearly you have a problem with 'evidence' - since you think I think that way.

Either you have a reading problem- or just a partisan idiocy problem. Probably both.

I'm not a republican so how can I be partisan? Both parties suck.
Look at the policies they support and don't listen to GOP BS character assassination...

I'm still waiting for a member of the GOP to grow a pair and speak out against the democrats and the media for stirring the pot of racial hatred towards white people, or be honest about the events in Charlottesville. But they won't because they're cowards. In fact some of them condone vigilante street violence against anyone who is suspected of being a white supremacist.
They can't.

If they did, they would then have to admit that their retarded patriotism and civic nationalist Utopianism is all a farce that is only held together by the absolute oppression of white people.

Stormfront and white nationalism as a whole is the political movement to defeat the contemporary left's entire platform. Republicans are scared that they will lose out to the real Conservatives, the cultural and Identitarian Conservatives.

lol- the 'real Conservatives....the white Nationalists...
Clearly you have a problem with 'evidence' - since you think I think that way.

Either you have a reading problem- or just a partisan idiocy problem. Probably both.

I'm not a republican so how can I be partisan? Both parties suck.
Look at the policies they support and don't listen to GOP BS character assassination...

I'm still waiting for a member of the GOP to grow a pair and speak out against the democrats and the media for stirring the pot of racial hatred towards white people, or be honest about the events in Charlottesville. But they won't because they're cowards. In fact some of them condone vigilante street violence against anyone who is suspected of being a white supremacist.
They can't.

If they did, they would then have to admit that their retarded patriotism and civic nationalist Utopianism is all a farce that is only held together by the absolute oppression of white people.

Stormfront and white nationalism as a whole is the political movement to defeat the contemporary left's entire platform. Republicans are scared that they will lose out to the real Conservatives, the cultural and Identitarian Conservatives.

lol- the 'real Conservatives....the white Nationalists...
All nationalists are conservative, even the black and brown ones.

To paint white nationalists as some kind of evil outlier is indicative of your own moral inferiority/racism.
inn other words they hate all men who are conservative. So there should be no conservatives. bring it on spanky
I think that conservative nonsense is overblown. That's just too many people pretending to be conservatives when they don't even know what the meaning of the word is. But to be honest, that what you call conservatism has a sordid history and is linked inextricably to the antebellum southern Democrats. Anyone having knowledge of that might be inclined to hate that
which passes for conservatism .
I've honestly grown fking tired of the libs calling everyone something. why not stop and fking act humane and stop with the constant agitation.

You kind of missed what thread you are in- where a Contard started a thread whining and pissing and moaning about how all Democrats hate him because he is white?
yeah, and how is it I didn't post on that topic here? I said libs have labels for everyone. that is true. white guy or black guy.

You mean just like contards.....

Then you're a lying sack of shit because the Democrats' entire platform for years has been an exercise in bloodthirst against white males, with all the associated violence associated with it, you self-loathing white crybaby parasite. You guilty white liberalfilth are the ultimate "white n*****s" of my race. Ingrate punks who DON'T appreciate being born into the ultimate race of engineers who split the atom, put men on the moon, and invented almost every piece of modern machinery we all use. If humanity ever invents faster-than-light space travel, take a wild guess which race will perfect/practice it.
Isn't that factual?
Isn't it white libturds trying to start a race war?
Clearly you have a problem with 'evidence' - since you think I think that way.

Either you have a reading problem- or just a partisan idiocy problem. Probably both.

I'm not a republican so how can I be partisan? Both parties suck.
Look at the policies they support and don't listen to GOP BS character assassination...

I'm still waiting for a member of the GOP to grow a pair and speak out against the democrats and the media for stirring the pot of racial hatred towards white people, or be honest about the events in Charlottesville. But they won't because they're cowards. In fact some of them condone vigilante street violence against anyone who is suspected of being a white supremacist.
They can't.

If they did, they would then have to admit that their retarded patriotism and civic nationalist Utopianism is all a farce that is only held together by the absolute oppression of white people.

Stormfront and white nationalism as a whole is the political movement to defeat the contemporary left's entire platform. Republicans are scared that they will lose out to the real Conservatives, the cultural and Identitarian Conservatives.

lol- the 'real Conservatives....the white Nationalists...
What is your definition?
They hate black conservatives.
inn other words they hate all men who are conservative. So there should be no conservatives. bring it on spanky
I think that conservative nonsense is overblown. That's just too many people pretending to be conservatives when they don't even know what the meaning of the word is. But to be honest, that what you call conservatism has a sordid history and is linked inextricably to the antebellum southern Democrats. Anyone having knowledge of that might be inclined to hate that
which passes for conservatism .
I've honestly grown fking tired of the libs calling everyone something. why not stop and fking act humane and stop with the constant agitation.
You couldn't possibly be more tired than I am of corny konservatives putting that "lib" label
On anyone who dsagrees with them.
Ahh, look at the label calling lib whining about getting treated like he treats others. Paybacks fk
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.

Well I am a white male and Republicans tend to hate me.

My last three bosses were not white. Chinese, Mexican, Purto Rican and they were democrats. They gave me chances when white males I interviewed with wouldn't give me a job. I am a white male and I seem to be treated a whole lot better by democrats.
How do you know party affiliation?

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