The effects of man made pollution


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
So, there's been a lot of debate (and quite a bit of insulting) going on within this forum about man made climate change.

I'm not talking man made climate change here. I'm talking only about the effects of man made pollution. The main reason for this is the biggest topic here isn't the air, or temperature change, it's about the oceans.

Rubbish haul found in stomach of dead whale in Taiwan

The first point is this article which I stumbled across.

"Rubbish haul found in stomach of dead whale in Taiwan"

"Taiwanese marine biologists have discovered a mass of plastic bags and fishing net in the stomach of a dead whale, underlying the dangers posed by floating ocean trash."

Pretty depressing stuff. The amount of rubbish in the oceans is incredible. It's so bad that there are floating masses of the stuff, killing sea life, destroying eco-systems and generally being not great.



Here's a map of the trash in the Pacific.

There are plenty of ways of rubbish, toxic waste and all sorts of things getting into the oceans, via rivers, but also direct dumping into the oceans.

However one of the biggest problems in the oceans is to do with the CO2 that is pumped into the air. While everyone is talking about CO2 causing climate change etc, people are not looking much at the fact that the oceans absorb a lot of the CO2 we're throwing into the air.


Here's a chart that shows that dust concentration, mainly pollution, has caused a massive impact on corals in the Caribbean.

Ocean acidification is a major problem.



The whole of the ocean is being changed.


Ocean acidification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Current rates of ocean acidification have been compared with the greenhouse event at the Paleocene–Eocene boundary (about 55 million years ago) when surface ocean temperatures rose by 5–6 degrees Celsius. No catastrophe was seen in surface ecosystems, yet bottom-dwelling organisms in the deep ocean experienced a major extinction. "

So, what we're looking at is a potential extinction of the oceans.

"The current acidification is on a path to reach levels higher than any seen in the last 65 million years,[39] and the rate of increase is about ten times the rate that preceded the Paleocene–Eocene mass extinction. "

What impact will this then have on the world we live in?

Of course this stuff is going to happen and it is sad that it does.

but what is the solution to stopping it?

We can go back to living in caves, driving horse and buggy, etc

or we could eliminate a few Billion human beings.

I feel a lot of people in this day and age try to help in doing their part to keep our animals, fish, birds, etc from extinction and Oceans clean.

as for the Extinction of our Oceans. I find that one hard to believe.
Of course this stuff is going to happen and it is sad that it does.

but what is the solution to stopping it?

We can go back to living in caves, driving horse and buggy, etc

or we could eliminate a few Billion human beings.

I feel a lot of people in this day and age try to help in doing their part to keep our animals, fish, birds, etc from extinction and Oceans clean.

as for the Extinction of our Oceans. I find that one hard to believe.

You find it hard to believe..... oh, then clearly it won't happen.... simply because your brain doesn't compute that. Righty oh.

There are solutions to stopping it. One solution exists in various places, charging people for plastic bags, encouraging people to reuse stronger bags made out of non-oil based products. Also reducing packaging, encouraging the recycling and proper disposing of such things.
So, there's been a lot of debate (and quite a bit of insulting) going on within this forum about man made climate change.

I'm not talking man made climate change here. I'm talking only about the effects of man made pollution. The main reason for this is the biggest topic here isn't the air, or temperature change, it's about the oceans.

Rubbish haul found in stomach of dead whale in Taiwan

The first point is this article which I stumbled across.

"Rubbish haul found in stomach of dead whale in Taiwan"

"Taiwanese marine biologists have discovered a mass of plastic bags and fishing net in the stomach of a dead whale, underlying the dangers posed by floating ocean trash."

Pretty depressing stuff. The amount of rubbish in the oceans is incredible. It's so bad that there are floating masses of the stuff, killing sea life, destroying eco-systems and generally being not great.



Here's a map of the trash in the Pacific.

There are plenty of ways of rubbish, toxic waste and all sorts of things getting into the oceans, via rivers, but also direct dumping into the oceans.

However one of the biggest problems in the oceans is to do with the CO2 that is pumped into the air. While everyone is talking about CO2 causing climate change etc, people are not looking much at the fact that the oceans absorb a lot of the CO2 we're throwing into the air.


Here's a chart that shows that dust concentration, mainly pollution, has caused a massive impact on corals in the Caribbean.

Ocean acidification is a major problem.



The whole of the ocean is being changed.


Ocean acidification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Current rates of ocean acidification have been compared with the greenhouse event at the Paleocene–Eocene boundary (about 55 million years ago) when surface ocean temperatures rose by 5–6 degrees Celsius. No catastrophe was seen in surface ecosystems, yet bottom-dwelling organisms in the deep ocean experienced a major extinction. "

So, what we're looking at is a potential extinction of the oceans.

"The current acidification is on a path to reach levels higher than any seen in the last 65 million years,[39] and the rate of increase is about ten times the rate that preceded the Paleocene–Eocene mass extinction. "

What impact will this then have on the world we live in?


I'm so depressed. I can't bear it. :)
Of course this stuff is going to happen and it is sad that it does.

but what is the solution to stopping it?

We can go back to living in caves, driving horse and buggy, etc

or we could eliminate a few Billion human beings.

I feel a lot of people in this day and age try to help in doing their part to keep our animals, fish, birds, etc from extinction and Oceans clean.

as for the Extinction of our Oceans. I find that one hard to believe.

You find it hard to believe..... oh, then clearly it won't happen.... simply because your brain doesn't compute that. Righty oh.

There are solutions to stopping it. One solution exists in various places, charging people for plastic bags, encouraging people to reuse stronger bags made out of non-oil based products. Also reducing packaging, encouraging the recycling and proper disposing of such things.

now dear, I gave my opinion. no need to get nasty about it
as if all those you suggested is going to prevent it ending up in the oceans. all it does it put more burden and cost of the folks who can least afford it. AGAIN that is just my 2cents
the only way I see around it is to stop making more people.
Of course this stuff is going to happen and it is sad that it does.

but what is the solution to stopping it?

We can go back to living in caves, driving horse and buggy, etc

or we could eliminate a few Billion human beings.

I feel a lot of people in this day and age try to help in doing their part to keep our animals, fish, birds, etc from extinction and Oceans clean.

as for the Extinction of our Oceans. I find that one hard to believe.

You find it hard to believe..... oh, then clearly it won't happen.... simply because your brain doesn't compute that. Righty oh.

There are solutions to stopping it. One solution exists in various places, charging people for plastic bags, encouraging people to reuse stronger bags made out of non-oil based products. Also reducing packaging, encouraging the recycling and proper disposing of such things.

We have this in Ireland. Reduced plastic bag use by 95% practically over night... Hell all tax was collected, people just get reusable bags...

Couldn't recommend it enough, has also reduced plastic bags blowing around.
Without water we die, oil is not a necessity. Many battles are now being fought over water. Companies are polluting our land and fresh water, and we as Americans do take it for granted and others do as well. Do you eat shrimp from the gulf, that oil is sitting down at the bottom, its not gone and shrimp are bottom feeders.

Over 70% of our Earth's surface is covered by water ( we should really call our planet "Ocean" instead of "Earth"). Although water is seemingly abundant, the real issue is the amount of fresh water available.

  • 97.5% of all water on Earth is salt water, leaving only 2.5% as fresh water
  • Nearly 70% of that fresh water is frozen in the icecaps of Antarctica and Greenland; most of the remainder is present as soil moisture, or lies in deep underground aquifers as groundwater not accessible to human use.
Only ~1% of the world's fresh water is accessible for direct human uses. This is the water found in lakes, rivers, reservoirs and those underground sources that are shallow enough to be tapped at an affordable cost. Only this amount is regularly renewed by rain and snowfall, and is therefore available on a sustainable basis.

Human Appropriation of the World's Fresh Water Supply
Of course this stuff is going to happen and it is sad that it does.

but what is the solution to stopping it?

We can go back to living in caves, driving horse and buggy, etc

or we could eliminate a few Billion human beings.

I feel a lot of people in this day and age try to help in doing their part to keep our animals, fish, birds, etc from extinction and Oceans clean.

as for the Extinction of our Oceans. I find that one hard to believe.

You find it hard to believe..... oh, then clearly it won't happen.... simply because your brain doesn't compute that. Righty oh.

There are solutions to stopping it. One solution exists in various places, charging people for plastic bags, encouraging people to reuse stronger bags made out of non-oil based products. Also reducing packaging, encouraging the recycling and proper disposing of such things.

now dear, I gave my opinion. no need to get nasty about it
as if all those you suggested is going to prevent it ending up in the oceans. all it does it put more burden and cost of the folks who can least afford it. AGAIN that is just my 2cents
the only way I see around it is to stop making more people.

I'm not getting nasty at all. Just a little bit of sarcasm because what you said isn't really based on anything.

So you're saying that if people do stuff to stop waste and rubbish getting into the sea, it won't stop anything? That's the sort of attitude that leads to nothing being done, a very typically American attitude. YES, WE CAN('t be bothered). The US slogan, put it on the flag.

So, poorer people might suffer. No offence but poor people are suffering massively because of nothing being done to counter social problems, so actually doing something for once isn't going to hurt them, in fact it might encourage people to do more to actually solve problems in the future, and they might actually end up having the chance at being better off.

Sure, stop making more people is a good way. Abortion is bad when we have too many people? Executions are bad when we have too many people? These kind of arguments might come up, but.... anyway, different topics.
Of course this stuff is going to happen and it is sad that it does.

but what is the solution to stopping it?

We can go back to living in caves, driving horse and buggy, etc

or we could eliminate a few Billion human beings.

I feel a lot of people in this day and age try to help in doing their part to keep our animals, fish, birds, etc from extinction and Oceans clean.

as for the Extinction of our Oceans. I find that one hard to believe.

You find it hard to believe..... oh, then clearly it won't happen.... simply because your brain doesn't compute that. Righty oh.

There are solutions to stopping it. One solution exists in various places, charging people for plastic bags, encouraging people to reuse stronger bags made out of non-oil based products. Also reducing packaging, encouraging the recycling and proper disposing of such things.

We have this in Ireland. Reduced plastic bag use by 95% practically over night... Hell all tax was collected, people just get reusable bags...

Couldn't recommend it enough, has also reduced plastic bags blowing around.

I was in a university that banned free plastic bags, and irate university students wrote in to the university newspaper to complain.... as if a university student doesn't have the brains to figure out how to get their stuff (and it wasn't even a proper supermarket, more like a slightly large convenience store) from there back home, ten minutes away.
Nanosized aluminum chem-trails are contributing heavily to degenerative disease today...

Nanosized aluminum being sprayed in the atmosphere, causing degenerative disease, says neurosurgeon
July 15, 2013 - Back in the 1960’s, quiet scientific dialogue began about global climate change and how it can be manipulated. What might have turned into a productive discussion of responsible protection of Earth’s climate and ecosystem had eventually evolved into a mad, controlling science experiment.
By the 21st century, jumbo jets were being deployed to drop billions of dollars of nanosized aluminum and other particles into the skies. In attempts to reflect sunlight away from the Earth and cool climate temperatures, this science experiment has exploited populations of people to mass amounts of airborne metals that are literally raining down and poisoning everyone, slowly, subtly. According to neuro-surgeon Russell L. Blaylock, the nanosized aluminum particles found in chem-trails are contributing heavily to degenerative disease today.

Like in bio-engineering, where scientists rewire the DNA of crops, creating genetically modified foods, geo-engineering is the global attempt to manipulate the sun and Earth’s climate. In both mass engineering operations, “professionals” try to play “God,” but it’s a given – nature and natural processes cannot and were never meant to be controlled. Hence, we see the unintended consequences of degenerative disease occurring today due to GMOs and geo-engineering. All the disease statistics are neglected, however, as controllers justify their means. Essentially, there needs to be a massive public outcry against geo-engineering similar to the outcry against genetically modified crops.


As the reality of geo-engineering takes hold and as the consequences mount, it’s never too late to stop the madness and work together for real grassroots environmental conservation. As these geo engineering experiments utilize military jumbo jets to unleash massive amounts of nanosized aluminum, strontium, and barium particles into the atmosphere, many may wonder if the global warming debate is just political distraction to gain public acceptance for the geo-engineering tactics. Many people are beginning to feel that these chem-trails are secretly employed to control and depopulate. After all, millions of unknowing people have become victims to these mass sprays, as they’ve become like fish in a bowl. Check your skies for chem-trails.

The effects of greenhouse gases are real, but when did any group, government, or billionaire gain the authority to use jets to pour massive amounts of elements on unsuspecting populations of people? As much as their research sounds accredited, they have no moral authority and they have no idea what they are destroying as soil and plants soak up the mass sprays falling on them.

The desire to experiment with the skies

What impact will this then have on the world we live in?
ZERO, good old mother Earth is a self correcting system, if an organism degrades it's own habitat to the point where it's uninhabitable for said organism the good ole extinction mechanism comes along, wipes the slate clean and starts over.

The Earth has experienced many mass extinction events throughout it's history and has gone about it's business of evolving new life forms without a hitch, we represent absolutely no threat to it.

"We’re so self-important. Everybody’s going to save something now. “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. Save the planet, we don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. I’m tired of this shit. I’m tired of fucking Earth Day. I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for Volvos. Besides, environmentalists don’t give a shit about the planet. Not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that some day in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me.

The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!
" -- George Carlin
What impact will this then have on the world we live in?
ZERO, good old mother Earth is a self correcting system, if an organism degrades it's own habitat to the point where it's uninhabitable for said organism the good ole extinction mechanism comes along, wipes the slate clean and starts over.
You missed the point. Of course, over time, Earth will cleanse itself, but it will not be "the world WE live in".
What impact will this then have on the world we live in?
ZERO, good old mother Earth is a self correcting system, if an organism degrades it's own habitat to the point where it's uninhabitable for said organism the good ole extinction mechanism comes along, wipes the slate clean and starts over.
You missed the point. Of course, over time, Earth will cleanse itself, but it will not be "the world WE live in".
Yeah and? You think human beings and modern civilization are a permanent fixture on this planet or something? Hell we'll be lucky to last another century without blowing ourselves to smithereens or destroying civilization by more mundane means.

Rather than engaging in circle jerks regarding things there's no way in hell we're going to make any difference on why not focus on just trying to be a little more compassionate and a little less violent with one another? or how about we get our shit together regarding our finances? , if we can do those things, *maybe* we have a shot at doing something about our own habitat but until then worrying about it is a waste of time, we're too fucked up right now to even deserve a suitable habitat.
Of course, over time, Earth will cleanse itself, but it will not be "the world WE live in".
You think human beings and modern civilization are a permanent fixture on this planet or something? Hell we'll be lucky to last another century without blowing ourselves to smithereens or destroying civilization by more mundane means.
Whether we're permanent or not is also not the point. I'd like to see that my grandchildren don't have a sewer to live in. The notion that we don't have any effect the world ignores the results of neglect that we can see around us and the progress we've already made, like the instance below.


Cuyahoga River Fire - Ohio History Central
Of course, over time, Earth will cleanse itself, but it will not be "the world WE live in".
You think human beings and modern civilization are a permanent fixture on this planet or something? Hell we'll be lucky to last another century without blowing ourselves to smithereens or destroying civilization by more mundane means.
Whether we're permanent or not is also not the point. I'd like to see that my grandchildren don't have a sewer to live in. The notion that we don't have any effect the world ignores the results of neglect that we can see around us and the progress we've already made, like the instance below.
It's not that we don't affect the world, it's that we have no permanent effect on it and the fact of the matter is we're not going to be able to DO anything about it under the current circumstances. The developing world isn't going to buy into the West having it's century doing whatever the hell it wanted and enjoying all the benefits of industrialization while we expect them to forgo all that just because we suddenly got enlightened and want to clean up our mess, NOT going to happen. China, India and the rest of the developing world want theirs too and that means the environment is not going to be a priority and without their cooperation "cleaning up the planet" is an exercise in futility that the miscreants in charge will surely use for further economic exploitation of the sheeple.

Time to get our priorities straight, save civilization first then we can worry about saving our habitat, 'cause the habitat is a lot more resilient.

Don't worry though, if we manage to avoid a self-inflicted extinction event (like global thermonuclear war) another round of the Dark Ages (which is the least worst possible outcome of the current trajectory) will cure the environmental issues right quick.

As far as your grandchildren go, they're probably going to be fine but I'd imagine your great, great grandchildren are going to have a lot of problems on their hands (over and above any environmental problems).
A 19 YO engineering student in GB has come up with an idea to clean up the huge amounts of plastic floating in the ocean. And many think it will work.

thanks young man.

try Google to learn more.

Or if you are an ignorant right winger on here (like the dipshit that claimed mankind cant permenantly effect the planet), just ignore the good ideas and keep your head up your ass.

What impact will this then have on the world we live in?
ZERO, good old mother Earth is a self correcting system, if an organism degrades it's own habitat to the point where it's uninhabitable for said organism the good ole extinction mechanism comes along, wipes the slate clean and starts over.

The Earth has experienced many mass extinction events throughout it's history and has gone about it's business of evolving new life forms without a hitch, we represent absolutely no threat to it.

"We’re so self-important. Everybody’s going to save something now. “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. Save the planet, we don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. I’m tired of this shit. I’m tired of fucking Earth Day. I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for Volvos. Besides, environmentalists don’t give a shit about the planet. Not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that some day in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me.

The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!
" -- George Carlin

It's a self correcting system, more or less, and it will self correct by killing of human beings. Is this your suggestion to life? Make as much money for yourself now so your grandchildren (or whoever they may be) can suffer seeing the world die around them?

This is the definition of selfishness.
It's a self correcting system, more or less, and it will self correct by killing of human beings. Is this your suggestion to life? Make as much money for yourself now so your grandchildren (or whoever they may be) can suffer seeing the world die around them?
Nope, I'm just facing the reality of human nature. A single human is capable of great of things but as soon as you get more than a handful of 'em together they become a wholly different organism, let's call it homo assholus and that creature exploits everything it can get it's paws on without regard to the super ego's opinions on the matter.

This is the definition of selfishness.
Tell that to the Chinese, Indians and the rest of the developing world, they want what the West has, they want hyper-consumerism, SUV's, McMansions, 1,000 acre shopping malls and all the rest of it and they represent more than half the worlds population, you think they're going to forgo all that just because we're suddenly enlightened and want to preach the gospel of "Yeah I know we did it but you're not allowed to" ? It's the height of arrogance and hypocrisy to think they're going to buy into that sermon, they're going to sign the worthless treaties we put in front of them and then flip us the bird when it comes time to put rubber to the road.

Putting that aside take a long hard look at the current trajectory of global civilization, do you really think that the environment is tops on the priorities list? If you do consider what a "clean" environment is going to be worth when we're in Dark Ages V2.0, it's about priorities, civilization first, habitat second.

So preach the gospel if it makes you feel better, heck go out and pitch in on the clean up efforts if you're ambitious (I have myself and it was a good experience) but don't fool yourself into thinking that you're "saving the planet" from mankind, the planet doesn't need us to save it, we need to focus on saving ourselves from ourselves.
A 19 YO engineering student in GB has come up with an idea to clean up the huge amounts of plastic floating in the ocean. And many think it will work.

thanks young man.

try Google to learn more.

Or if you are an ignorant right winger on here (like the dipshit that claimed mankind cant permenantly effect the planet), just ignore the good ideas and keep your head up your ass.

Why not post up a link?
Pollution is bad, humans need to stop polluting the planet

BUT, pollution is not causing the climate of planet earth to change. The actions of humans have zero impact on the climate of our planet.

You libs need to attack the real problem of pollution and dump the lies about climate change.

Face it, Algore lied to you, Algore is a fraud. AGW is a hoax.

Now, focus on pollution and you might get all of us on board.

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