The Electoral College flaunting the will of the people never ends well!

As for the length of time it took to track that courier to finally find Osama bin Laden? How long would it have taken without that name in the first place?

How quickly could we have found him had Bush not pulled all our assets out of Afghanistan to go to Iraq?

Nobody WANTS to keep combat troops anywhere! It's expensive and puts them in harm's way. You do so often times however because withdrawing them prematurely creates a power vacuum that others will exploit. That was what Obama's military leaders explained to him prior to the total withdrawal of American combat troops from Iraq...when they advised leaving a force strong enough to prevent that from happening. Obama ignored that advice...didn't seek a new Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq...and pulled out our combat troops. Then to compound that error in judgment...when it became obvious that ISIS was a serious problem...Obama called them the "JV team" and did nothing as they rolled across open desert taking major Iraqi cities and economic plums like Iraqi oil fields.

Guy, we had combat troops in Iraq for 8 fucking years. That was longer than Vietnam, longer than World War II. Again, when you and all your wingnut buddies sign up tofight these wars, I'll take you seriously.

How many more lives are you willing to throw away on bush's fuckup?

First of all, Bush DIDN'T pull all our assets out of Afghanistan! Secondly, Osama bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan not Afghanistan. Duh?

As for your second point? We kept troops in both Germany and Japan for decades after WWII. We pulled out of Vietnam before the war was over. How do either excuse Barack Obama's miscalculation about what would happen if he withdrew American combat troops from Iraq and his total failure to respond to ISIS' growth?
First of all, Bush DIDN'T pull all our assets out of Afghanistan! Secondly, Osama bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan not Afghanistan. Duh?

Duh, four divisions deployed to Iraq, one division schlepping around Afghanistan. And when Obama put the emphasis back where it belonged, we got Bin Laden.

As for your second point? We kept troops in both Germany and Japan for decades after WWII.

Yeah, but they were actually WELCOMED by the Japanese and Germans, dumbass.

How do either excuse Barack Obama's miscalculation about what would happen if he withdrew American combat troops from Iraq and his total failure to respond to ISIS' growth?

Uh, guy, the thing is, Germany and Japan have agreements with us where our soldiers there are subject to their laws. So when some assholes on Okinawa raped an 11 year old girl, they got to spend the rest of their lives in a Japanese prison. We refused to submit our troops to Iraqi Law... as well we should.

Just how many more lives and how much more treasure should Obama have thrown at Bush's fuckup? The American people were pretty clear on that point when they voted Obama in by the biggest margin in US History.

Oh, my God, a politician did exactly what he promised to do!!!
We are hearing a lot of smoke from the Right Wing about the sanctity of the Electoral College, and how the Founders truly understood that the Will of the People could not be trusted.

Okay, so let's look at that. Let's look at the three times that someone became President because they won the electoral College while losing the Popular Vote.

1876- Rutherford B. Hayes. Won the electoral college because a commission awarded several states to him AFTER he promised to withdraw the remaining troops from the South and ended Reconstruction. As a result, the South was able to roll back the rights of African Americans with impunity and gave us 100 years of Jim Crow. Clearly one of the worst Presidents we've ever had.

1888 - Benjamin Harrison- Made good on a promise to pay lifetime benefits to Civil War Veterans, giving America its first "Billion Dollar Budget". Gave us a recession in 1890 that lead to the Panic of 1893 right before he left office,

2000 - George W. Bush - Ignored warnings of an imminent terror attack,giving us the worst terror incident in history. Went to war on a lie, killing 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis. Fumbled the response to a major hurricane, rendering a major city uninhabitable. And, oh, yes, gave us the worst recession in 80 years by letting his Wall Street Cronies run amok. easily the worst president ever.

So don't worry, guys. This time will be different! I'm sure the Game Show Host who kept a copy of Hitler's speeches next to his bed will do just fine. No, really.
And Trump was against the Electoral College, until it gave him the Presidency.
And Hillary thought even the possibility of not accepting the results of the election was terrible, just terrible I tells ya. Until she lost the election.
We are hearing a lot of smoke from the Right Wing about the sanctity of the Electoral College, and how the Founders truly understood that the Will of the People could not be trusted.

Okay, so let's look at that. Let's look at the three times that someone became President because they won the electoral College while losing the Popular Vote.

1876- Rutherford B. Hayes. Won the electoral college because a commission awarded several states to him AFTER he promised to withdraw the remaining troops from the South and ended Reconstruction. As a result, the South was able to roll back the rights of African Americans with impunity and gave us 100 years of Jim Crow. Clearly one of the worst Presidents we've ever had.

1888 - Benjamin Harrison- Made good on a promise to pay lifetime benefits to Civil War Veterans, giving America its first "Billion Dollar Budget". Gave us a recession in 1890 that lead to the Panic of 1893 right before he left office,

2000 - George W. Bush - Ignored warnings of an imminent terror attack,giving us the worst terror incident in history. Went to war on a lie, killing 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis. Fumbled the response to a major hurricane, rendering a major city uninhabitable. And, oh, yes, gave us the worst recession in 80 years by letting his Wall Street Cronies run amok. easily the worst president ever.

So don't worry, guys. This time will be different! I'm sure the Game Show Host who kept a copy of Hitler's speeches next to his bed will do just fine. No, really.

And if the results were reversed you nd your ilk would have no problem with the EC. Keeping copies of Hitler's speeches???? No wonder left wingers are having a melt down making lying statements like that.

You bet. They would be singing the praises of the EC. If Trump had one the PV they wouldn't have cared because the EC provides the winner.

They would all be singing one different tune if Hillary had won the EC.
First of all, Bush DIDN'T pull all our assets out of Afghanistan! Secondly, Osama bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan not Afghanistan. Duh?

Duh, four divisions deployed to Iraq, one division schlepping around Afghanistan. And when Obama put the emphasis back where it belonged, we got Bin Laden.

As for your second point? We kept troops in both Germany and Japan for decades after WWII.

Yeah, but they were actually WELCOMED by the Japanese and Germans, dumbass.

How do either excuse Barack Obama's miscalculation about what would happen if he withdrew American combat troops from Iraq and his total failure to respond to ISIS' growth?

Uh, guy, the thing is, Germany and Japan have agreements with us where our soldiers there are subject to their laws. So when some assholes on Okinawa raped an 11 year old girl, they got to spend the rest of their lives in a Japanese prison. We refused to submit our troops to Iraqi Law... as well we should.

Just how many more lives and how much more treasure should Obama have thrown at Bush's fuckup? The American people were pretty clear on that point when they voted Obama in by the biggest margin in US History.

Oh, my God, a politician did exactly what he promised to do!!!

LOL...the Germans and Japanese "welcomed" US troops? That's an interesting take on history. They didn't have much of a choice since we'd just accepted their unconditional surrenders.

For about the hundredth time...if we'd REALLY wanted a new Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq we would have gotten one. Barack Obama never made the attempt because Barack Obama had already decided that he would run for reelection as the President who ended the war in Iraq and was going to pull out combat troops no matter what his military leaders advised.

Barack Obama was voted in by the biggest margin in history? LOL Wow, that's news to me. I've got news for you...he's not even in the top 20!

If you're here to prove once and for all how clueless you are,'re off to a great start this morning!
We are hearing a lot of smoke from the Right Wing about the sanctity of the Electoral College, and how the Founders truly understood that the Will of the People could not be trusted.

Okay, so let's look at that. Let's look at the three times that someone became President because they won the electoral College while losing the Popular Vote.

1876- Rutherford B. Hayes. Won the electoral college because a commission awarded several states to him AFTER he promised to withdraw the remaining troops from the South and ended Reconstruction. As a result, the South was able to roll back the rights of African Americans with impunity and gave us 100 years of Jim Crow. Clearly one of the worst Presidents we've ever had.

1888 - Benjamin Harrison- Made good on a promise to pay lifetime benefits to Civil War Veterans, giving America its first "Billion Dollar Budget". Gave us a recession in 1890 that lead to the Panic of 1893 right before he left office,

2000 - George W. Bush - Ignored warnings of an imminent terror attack,giving us the worst terror incident in history. Went to war on a lie, killing 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis. Fumbled the response to a major hurricane, rendering a major city uninhabitable. And, oh, yes, gave us the worst recession in 80 years by letting his Wall Street Cronies run amok. easily the worst president ever.

So don't worry, guys. This time will be different! I'm sure the Game Show Host who kept a copy of Hitler's speeches next to his bed will do just fine. No, really.
resident Repub who votes dem throwing a fit because the Dem didn't win (you, FakeyJakey & toro) :clap2:


JoeB131 Toro JakeStarkey
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There was another terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, by those associated with the perpetrators of the 9/11 attack, in 1993; under Bill Clinton's watch; eight years before the 9/11 attacks. We knew, then, that there was an organized Islamist terrorist group, that for whatever reason, wanted to bring down the World Trade Center. They had made one attempt, and we had every reason to expect that there'd be another.
I get so fucking tired of this failed excuse being used over 15 years after the fact! Bush got a warning of an EMMINENT attack on Aug 6, 2001 when he received the daily PDB. [~~ ~~] His alleged response to the person from the intelligence community was, "OK, you've covered your ass now." That is how fucking serious and concerned Bush 43 was and the extent of his actions until the day the towers came down!

Bin Laden and al Qaeda had NOTHING to do with Ramzi Yousef OR the 1993 WTC bombing whatsoever. Bin Laden had everything to do with the 1998 World Islamic Front fatwa [~~ World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders ~~] and the 9/11/01 attack on the twin towers!

Both Clinton and Bush, Cheney & Co. share blame for the entire cockup and failure to do due diligence, but by far Bush, Cheney & Co. have the lion's share.
We are hearing a lot of smoke from the Right Wing about the sanctity of the Electoral College, and how the Founders truly understood that the Will of the People could not be trusted.

Okay, so let's look at that. Let's look at the three times that someone became President because they won the electoral College while losing the Popular Vote.

1876- Rutherford B. Hayes. Won the electoral college because a commission awarded several states to him AFTER he promised to withdraw the remaining troops from the South and ended Reconstruction. As a result, the South was able to roll back the rights of African Americans with impunity and gave us 100 years of Jim Crow. Clearly one of the worst Presidents we've ever had.

1888 - Benjamin Harrison- Made good on a promise to pay lifetime benefits to Civil War Veterans, giving America its first "Billion Dollar Budget". Gave us a recession in 1890 that lead to the Panic of 1893 right before he left office,

2000 - George W. Bush - Ignored warnings of an imminent terror attack,giving us the worst terror incident in history. Went to war on a lie, killing 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis. Fumbled the response to a major hurricane, rendering a major city uninhabitable. And, oh, yes, gave us the worst recession in 80 years by letting his Wall Street Cronies run amok. easily the worst president ever.

So don't worry, guys. This time will be different! I'm sure the Game Show Host who kept a copy of Hitler's speeches next to his bed will do just fine. No, really.

The EC will vote Trump in as they should. Now either kill yourself or deal with it.......
We are hearing a lot of smoke from the Right Wing about the sanctity of the Electoral College, and how the Founders truly understood that the Will of the People could not be trusted.

Okay, so let's look at that. Let's look at the three times that someone became President because they won the electoral College while losing the Popular Vote.

1876- Rutherford B. Hayes. Won the electoral college because a commission awarded several states to him AFTER he promised to withdraw the remaining troops from the South and ended Reconstruction. As a result, the South was able to roll back the rights of African Americans with impunity and gave us 100 years of Jim Crow. Clearly one of the worst Presidents we've ever had.

1888 - Benjamin Harrison- Made good on a promise to pay lifetime benefits to Civil War Veterans, giving America its first "Billion Dollar Budget". Gave us a recession in 1890 that lead to the Panic of 1893 right before he left office,

2000 - George W. Bush - Ignored warnings of an imminent terror attack,giving us the worst terror incident in history. Went to war on a lie, killing 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis. Fumbled the response to a major hurricane, rendering a major city uninhabitable. And, oh, yes, gave us the worst recession in 80 years by letting his Wall Street Cronies run amok. easily the worst president ever.

So don't worry, guys. This time will be different! I'm sure the Game Show Host who kept a copy of Hitler's speeches next to his bed will do just fine. No, really.
Federalism as per Constituon protects the rights of the states. Sorry we don't live in some fucked up socialist state with a central authority that controls everything.
The EC will vote Trump in as they should. Now either kill yourself or deal with it.......

Wow, are you guys a bunch of sore winners.

"Be Careful what you wish for, you might get it!"

You guys wished for Trump, now you own every stupid thing we both know he's going to do.

We also own every RIGHT thing he's going to do.

Get used to is bucko. Its going to be a long four, possibly eight, years for you Hillary lovers.

Buckle up baby. LOL
The EC will vote Trump in as they should. Now either kill yourself or deal with it.......

Wow, are you guys a bunch of sore winners.

"Be Careful what you wish for, you might get it!"

You guys wished for Trump, now you own every stupid thing we both know he's going to do.

We also own every RIGHT thing he's going to do.

Get used to is bucko. Its going to be a long four, possibly eight, years for you Hillary lovers.

Buckle up baby. LOL

he isn't going to do anything that isn't a train wreck. unless, of course, you think the presidency of the united states is intended to be an extension of the business interests of the plutocrat loon who is infecting the office. *shrug*
The EC will vote Trump in as they should. Now either kill yourself or deal with it.......

Wow, are you guys a bunch of sore winners.

"Be Careful what you wish for, you might get it!"

You guys wished for Trump, now you own every stupid thing we both know he's going to do.

We also own every RIGHT thing he's going to do.

Get used to is bucko. Its going to be a long four, possibly eight, years for you Hillary lovers.

Buckle up baby. LOL
Looney left is upset that America will be great again.
LOL...the Germans and Japanese "welcomed" US troops? That's an interesting take on history. They didn't have much of a choice since we'd just accepted their unconditional surrenders.

The thing was, when they reconstituted theirgovernments, they didn't ask us to leave. (Mostly because they were afraid of the Soviets). Man, you are a dumb fuck, aren't you?

For about the hundredth time...if we'd REALLY wanted a new Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq we would have gotten one. Barack Obama never made the attempt because Barack Obama had already decided that he would run for reelection as the President who ended the war in Iraq and was going to pull out combat troops no matter what his military leaders advised.

Yeah, but who really "wanted" one? The Iraqis clearly didn't. They wanted us gone. We didn't. We were done with Bush's fuckup. We were tired of watching our young men and women coming home in boxes for no good reason.

There was no good reason to keep fighting in Iraq or keep troops there. Jesus Christ, Dumbfuck, the Sunnis and Shi'ites have been fighting for over 1300 years over how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin. You really think we need toget in the middle of THAT fight.

The only thing the Sunnis and Shi'ites agreed upon is how much they HATED us. And you think Obama should have fought to keep young Americans in the middle of that?

Barack Obama was voted in by the biggest margin in history? LOL Wow, that's news to me. I've got news for you...he's not even in the top 20!

He beat McCainiac by 10 million votes... I'm sure you think they were all darkies, so they don't count though.
We are hearing a lot of smoke from the Right Wing about the sanctity of the Electoral College, and how the Founders truly understood that the Will of the People could not be trusted.

Okay, so let's look at that. Let's look at the three times that someone became President because they won the electoral College while losing the Popular Vote.

1876- Rutherford B. Hayes. Won the electoral college because a commission awarded several states to him AFTER he promised to withdraw the remaining troops from the South and ended Reconstruction. As a result, the South was able to roll back the rights of African Americans with impunity and gave us 100 years of Jim Crow. Clearly one of the worst Presidents we've ever had.

1888 - Benjamin Harrison- Made good on a promise to pay lifetime benefits to Civil War Veterans, giving America its first "Billion Dollar Budget". Gave us a recession in 1890 that lead to the Panic of 1893 right before he left office,

2000 - George W. Bush - Ignored warnings of an imminent terror attack,giving us the worst terror incident in history. Went to war on a lie, killing 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis. Fumbled the response to a major hurricane, rendering a major city uninhabitable. And, oh, yes, gave us the worst recession in 80 years by letting his Wall Street Cronies run amok. easily the worst president ever.

So don't worry, guys. This time will be different! I'm sure the Game Show Host who kept a copy of Hitler's speeches next to his bed will do just fine. No, really.

The EC will vote Trump in as they should. Now either kill yourself or deal with it.......

Wow, are you guys a bunch of sore winners.

"Be Careful what you wish for, you might get it!"

You guys wished for Trump, now you own every stupid thing we both know he's going to do.

We also own every RIGHT thing he's going to do.

Get used to is bucko. Its going to be a long four, possibly eight, years for you Hillary lovers.

Buckle up baby. LOL

he isn't going to do anything that isn't a train wreck. unless, of course, you think the presidency of the united states is intended to be an extension of the business interests of the plutocrat loon who is infecting the office. *shrug*

If you say so.

Carry on dumbass.
The EC will vote Trump in as they should. Now either kill yourself or deal with it.......

Wow, are you guys a bunch of sore winners.

"Be Careful what you wish for, you might get it!"

You guys wished for Trump, now you own every stupid thing we both know he's going to do.

Yeah we did, Im ok with it

But so were yiu guys with Obama elections have consequences.

But were much nice at losing, we dont riot and interrupt every gathering
LOL...the Germans and Japanese "welcomed" US troops? That's an interesting take on history. They didn't have much of a choice since we'd just accepted their unconditional surrenders.

The thing was, when they reconstituted theirgovernments, they didn't ask us to leave. (Mostly because they were afraid of the Soviets). Man, you are a dumb fuck, aren't you?

For about the hundredth time...if we'd REALLY wanted a new Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq we would have gotten one. Barack Obama never made the attempt because Barack Obama had already decided that he would run for reelection as the President who ended the war in Iraq and was going to pull out combat troops no matter what his military leaders advised.

Yeah, but who really "wanted" one? The Iraqis clearly didn't. They wanted us gone. We didn't. We were done with Bush's fuckup. We were tired of watching our young men and women coming home in boxes for no good reason.

There was no good reason to keep fighting in Iraq or keep troops there. Jesus Christ, Dumbfuck, the Sunnis and Shi'ites have been fighting for over 1300 years over how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin. You really think we need toget in the middle of THAT fight.

The only thing the Sunnis and Shi'ites agreed upon is how much they HATED us. And you think Obama should have fought to keep young Americans in the middle of that?

Barack Obama was voted in by the biggest margin in history? LOL Wow, that's news to me. I've got news for you...he's not even in the top 20!

He beat McCainiac by 10 million votes... I'm sure you think they were all darkies, so they don't count though.
List of United States presidential elections by Electoral College margin - Wikipedia
Okay, so let's look at that. Let's look at the three times that someone became President because they won the electoral College while losing the Popular Vote.

LOL, Let's look at some of the fuck ups that became President that won the Popular Vote.
James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Franklin Pierce
Millard Filmore
John Tyler
Ulysses Grant
Zachary Taylor
Jimmy Carter
Woodrow Wilson

The problem with relying on the "Will of the people" is that brainwashed, dumbfucks like JoeB are allowed to vote and the EC doesn't resolve that problem.

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