The electric car you feel is creating no emissions...

^^ The last refuge of a RW dingbat- change the channel, fool.

Unfortunately, with today's new bs propaganda, pander to the greedy idiot rich, hater dupes ARE always wrong. Thanks for wrecking the nonrich and the country with Voodoo, 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever, a corrupt world depression, and 5 years of mindless obstruction, fear mongering, and phony crises.

Rush and Pub propaganda- aided by idiotic, cowardly, controversy and ratings only corporate media, almost killed the Chevy Volt, Motor Trend Car of the Year. STUPID bs about fires everywhere and costing $278k each (NOT, R and D when just a few produced- just all the facts left out...)- Now selling as hoped even without RW buyers...

We bought a Chevy Volt last year for my husband.

It's a great car.

We live about a mile from his work so it runs on the electricity most of the time.

I highly recommend the car.

It goes a whole mile without using up the battery?

Holy samoly! Stop the presses!

The Chevy Volt goes 40 miles on a charge.

It runs on the charge until it's used then it runs on the gas.

We live very close to his work so he hardly ever runs the car on the gas. It's usually run on the charge.

The only times he uses the gas is when we go to our other house that's close to 200 miles away. Or when he drives into the city and back. it flips over to the gas on the drive home.

Other than that, he drives on the charge. I just went to his car and looked at the screen. He gets 104 miles to the gallon. He's gone 12 thousand miles on the car. I don't know how many times he's filled the tank since he's gotten the car.

A lot of people don't drive that far from their homes and thus a car with both electricity and gas can be very environmentally friendly and very practical.

I drive a Prius.

Hubby and I decided in 2001 when we bought hubby's first Prius to never buy a regular gas car again.

The Prius I'm driving now is my second hybrid car.
Which state is that? We can determine for ourselves how low your rates are.

There are only 2 other states in America that have lower rates for electricity than mine.

Those states are Idaho and West Virginia.

Idaho is one tenth of one cent cheaper than we are.

West Virginia is two tenths of one cent lower than we are.

The rest of the nation pays more than we do for electricity.

If you want to know what state I'm in then do a simple search in any search engine. I suggest Bing.

If you don't want to tell us, then shut the fuck up. Don't tell me to google it.

Don't get angry with me just because you're too lazy to do a simple search.

Are you too afraid of what you'll find?

Don't tell me to shut up. I will speak my mind any time I want too.

Just because you don't like the honest facts I post doesn't give you the right to tell me what I can or can't do.
Which state is that? We can determine for ourselves how low your rates are.

There are only 2 other states in America that have lower rates for electricity than mine.

Those states are Idaho and West Virginia.

Idaho is one tenth of one cent cheaper than we are.

West Virginia is two tenths of one cent lower than we are.

The rest of the nation pays more than we do for electricity.

If you want to know what state I'm in then do a simple search in any search engine. I suggest Bing.

If you don't want to tell us, then shut the fuck up. Don't tell me to google it.

What the dumb little fucker means is that he is too lazy and ignorant to use google.
California buys electricity from my state.

We don't have any coal fire plants left in operation here. The last one is being shut down now.

We get our electricity from water, wind and sun.

We generate much more than we need and sell it to other states. California being one of them.

So no, they're not buying electricity that's been created from coal.

If you are speaking of Oregon, yes, we do use electricity from coal. From Wyoming. You see, most of the wind and hydro was funded by California, so they get first choice on buying that power. To make it up, we buy power from Wyoming, which is coal generated at present. Recent discoveries concerning geothermal and a huge resovoir of lithium rich high temperature and high pressure brine may change that shortly.

It's very foolish to assume things before you get all the facts.

No I'm not talking about Oregon. Though I love the state.

Please don't try to put what Oregon does on my state. We aren't the same place.

When I posted that we have one coal fire plant left here and it's being shut down, I'm not lying.

You just don't like honest facts getting in the way of your lies.

Too bad. That's your problem. .

Easy there. Read carefully before you jump somebody. Oregon has one coal fired generator, and is in the process of shutting it down. The rest of our electricity comes from hydro and wind. And the rest of what I stated is fact. We generate enough, more than enough, electricity to power Oregon, but much of it is contracted out to California.

Therefore, we make up the differance with power from coal plants in Wyoming. Those plants were looking for a geologically safe formation in which to sequester the CO2. They found a formation deep down with a huge amount of brine, saturated with lithium carbonate. They stated that the lithium carbonate would more than pay for the sequestration of the CO2. Completely ignoring that the superheated brine at high pressure would be perfect for major geothermal generation.
Massive deposit of lithium found in Wyoming could meet all U.S. demand : TreeHugger
There are only 2 other states in America that have lower rates for electricity than mine.

Those states are Idaho and West Virginia.

Idaho is one tenth of one cent cheaper than we are.

West Virginia is two tenths of one cent lower than we are.

The rest of the nation pays more than we do for electricity.

If you want to know what state I'm in then do a simple search in any search engine. I suggest Bing.

If you don't want to tell us, then shut the fuck up. Don't tell me to google it.

What the dumb little fucker means is that he is too lazy and ignorant to use google.

What I mean is that I don't take homework assignments for libturd morons. If you want me to know something, then post it. Otherwise shut the fuck up.
There are only 2 other states in America that have lower rates for electricity than mine.

Those states are Idaho and West Virginia.

Idaho is one tenth of one cent cheaper than we are.

West Virginia is two tenths of one cent lower than we are.

The rest of the nation pays more than we do for electricity.

If you want to know what state I'm in then do a simple search in any search engine. I suggest Bing.

If you don't want to tell us, then shut the fuck up. Don't tell me to google it.

Don't get angry with me just because you're too lazy to do a simple search.

Are you too afraid of what you'll find?

Don't tell me to shut up. I will speak my mind any time I want too.

Just because you don't like the honest facts I post doesn't give you the right to tell me what I can or can't do.

I don't take homework assignments from libturd dumbasses.

Deal with it.
These 'Conservatives' are the same type of people that used to make fun of the horseless carriages. Anything new that they do not understand, which is about everything, they immediatly start denigrating and making up nonsense concerning the new.

Some people always fight what they don't understand...

Ever see the childrens movie "The Croodes"? It pretty much puts it into perspective.

People also fight what they do understand. It took decades to get doctors to understand accept the germ theory of disease and clean up their operating rooms.

So you are well on your way to understanding that it takes money and an abundance of proof to change something. Gratz.

You do realize that Doctors are part of the 1% that control the Country. They were mad because they would have to cover the bill. But today, they don't cover the bill anymore. The 1% always passes off new costs to the rest of the Country so they can stay not just wealthy, but excessively wealthy. Of course some of us see that they can still be wealthy without siding with their demands. And that's politics.
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Speak for yourself. I live in California, we get almost none of our power from coal.

No, you just import power from out of state, which is generated by burning coal.

As I've already posted a number of times in this thread, including out-of-state sources, only 7.5% of California's electricity comes from coal plants.
Silly little ass, you don't do research period, just pull really stupid statements out of your ass.

That was for Bripat
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This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.



[ame=]New Energy Series - Electromagnetic Car Running Without Battery,Magnetic Motor,full movie, Troy Reed - YouTube[/ame]

I see no one commented on this. Their perspective was, "we would have heard about this if it was a thing" Same as the first electric cars that got their blue prints "lost" and the manufactured line of cars demolitioned.

The Science here is pretty basic. Ever use magnetic energy to push another magnet across the table? Thought so. This isn't even advanced science, not sure why people don't understand it.
Speak for yourself. I live in California, we get almost none of our power from coal.

California 14.84 cents per kilowatt hr (gas/solar/wind)
Texas 8.6 cents per kilowatt hr (coal)

Califronia has the most rolling blackouts of any state in the US.


It's cool. California also has the one of the lowest electrical usage by household, anyway. We don't need heat or air conditioning.

My electric bill is never more than $20 a month, and I've never experienced a "rolling blackout". The blackouts of 2000-2001 were due to market manipulation, not the source of the power.
Some people always fight what they don't understand...

Ever see the childrens movie "The Croodes"? It pretty much puts it into perspective.

People also fight what they do understand. It took decades to get doctors to understand accept the germ theory of disease and clean up their operating rooms.

So you are well on your way to understanding that it takes money and an abundance of proof to change something. Gratz.

You do realize that Doctors are part of the 1% that control the Country. They were mad because they would have to cover the bill. But today, they don't cover the bill anymore. The 1% always passes off new costs to the rest of the Country so they can stay not just wealthy, but excessively wealthy. Of course some of us see that they can still be wealthy without siding with their demands. And that's politics.

Apparently the fact that I was posting an analogy went right over your head. My point had nothing to do with doctors.
This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.



[ame=]New Energy Series - Electromagnetic Car Running Without Battery,Magnetic Motor,full movie, Troy Reed - YouTube[/ame]

I see no one commented on this. Their perspective was, "we would have heard about this if it was a thing" Same as the first electric cars that got their blue prints "lost" and the manufactured line of cars demolitioned.

The Science here is pretty basic. Ever use magnetic energy to push another magnet across the table? Thought so. This isn't even advanced science, not sure why people don't understand it.

Probably no one commented because no one watched it -- it's over an HOUR long. I don't have that kind of time, and I have more time than most. You can't assume that just because you post a video everyone (or anyone) has watched it. If you have a shorter version or summary, I'd suggest go with that.

I see no one commented on this. Their perspective was, "we would have heard about this if it was a thing" Same as the first electric cars that got their blue prints "lost" and the manufactured line of cars demolitioned.

The Science here is pretty basic. Ever use magnetic energy to push another magnet across the table? Thought so. This isn't even advanced science, not sure why people don't understand it.

Probably no one commented because no one watched it -- it's over an HOUR long. I don't have that kind of time, and I have more time than most. You can't assume that just because you post a video everyone (or anyone) has watched it. If you have a shorter version or summary, I'd suggest go with that.

No problem at all........

For future reference to you and others. Politics is DEEP. You can't learn about politics in minutes.

So basically the guy created this on a Geo Metro and all of a sudden went missing. Imagine that..
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People also fight what they do understand. It took decades to get doctors to understand accept the germ theory of disease and clean up their operating rooms.

So you are well on your way to understanding that it takes money and an abundance of proof to change something. Gratz.

You do realize that Doctors are part of the 1% that control the Country. They were mad because they would have to cover the bill. But today, they don't cover the bill anymore. The 1% always passes off new costs to the rest of the Country so they can stay not just wealthy, but excessively wealthy. Of course some of us see that they can still be wealthy without siding with their demands. And that's politics.

Apparently the fact that I was posting an analogy went right over your head. My point had nothing to do with doctors.

"It took decades to get doctors to" And your post had nothing to do with doctors....

So you are well on your way to understanding that it takes money and an abundance of proof to change something. Gratz.

You do realize that Doctors are part of the 1% that control the Country. They were mad because they would have to cover the bill. But today, they don't cover the bill anymore. The 1% always passes off new costs to the rest of the Country so they can stay not just wealthy, but excessively wealthy. Of course some of us see that they can still be wealthy without siding with their demands. And that's politics.

Apparently the fact that I was posting an analogy went right over your head. My point had nothing to do with doctors.

"It took decades to get doctors to" And your post had nothing to do with doctors....


Apparently, you don't understand what an analogy is.

No, it had nothing to do with doctors.
Her state better be Wyoming gd it...

My father the doctor wasn't 1%...

Electric cars STILL don't emit any pollution. And power from a power plant is a helluva lot more efficient than a gd gas engine car.

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