The electric car you feel is creating no emissions...

Electricity is not as effective as gas to propell a car... Not even close. Transferring energy from Natural Gas to Electricity to a car is stoo-pit. :thup:



What is "stoo-pit" is making claims without knowing the facts. Electricity is MORE efficient and MORE effective than gas or natural gas. It is not even close.

from: Which Are Better: Electric Cars or Natural Gas Vehicles? - Forbes
"1. Efficiency. EVs tend to win hand down in this category, primarily because the large natural gas-burning turbines at power plants remain far more efficient than the small ones squeezed into cars. A 2010 report from MIT states:

While both EVs (electric vehicles) and NGVs (natural gas vehicles) have significant infrastructure requirements, there are major differences in their relative efficiencies. An NGV does not have comparable efficiency gains relative to electrification via natural gas generation. In general, 1,000 cubic feet (cf) of natural gas, converted to electricity, yields 457 miles in an EV. This same 1,000 cf in an NGV would only have a range of around 224 miles. (The quote comes from page 24 of the study.)

A 2006 paper by Marc Tarpenning and Martin Eberhard, the first two of the five people listed as founders at Tesla Motors, found natural gas vehicles less efficient than hydrogen, hybrids, gas, diesel and electrics. Yes, Tarpenning and Eberhard are EV proponents, but the numbers work."

from: All-Electric Vehicles
"Energy efficient. Electric vehicles convert about 59–62% of the electrical energy from the grid to power at the wheels—conventional gasoline vehicles only convert about 17–21% of the energy stored in gasoline to power at the wheels."

Your link states that, when you add in all the manufacturing, fueling, and materials for EVs, they are only marginally better. But marginally is better than just accepting what we have now.

Also, it is a new industry. It will become more efficient as time goes on.

And what you said was "Electricity is not as effective as gas to propell a car... Not even close. Transferring energy from Natural Gas to Electricity to a car is stoo-pit.".

And THAT was absolutely wrong, as the links I posted showed.
The link states a hell of a lot more than that.



Indeed it does. It also talks about the minerals needed to build these EVs require fossil fuels to extract, are mined in areas that tend to be exploited, and the extraction process and the refining process create pollutions. But that is all taken into consideration when the author makes the statement I quoted before, that the EVs are still marginally more efficient.

And since the process is now, there is not a recycling system in place. Not yet, anyway.

The early combustion engine car manufacturing was grossly inefficient, but it got better. So will the EV manufacturing process.
This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.



Ya, the electricity is coming from coal plants or nuclear, neither of which is objectively better than petroleum alternatives.

Until electric powered vehicles get their energy entirely by solar panels on their roofs, or similar clean generating methods at discrete plants, they're really not so much better except locally. But while air might be cleaner where they're driven, somewhere some place is uffering because of a local coal plant, or from radiation from fission-based nuclear plants.
The link states a hell of a lot more than that.



Indeed it does. It also talks about the minerals needed to build these EVs require fossil fuels to extract, are mined in areas that tend to be exploited, and the extraction process and the refining process create pollutions. But that is all taken into consideration when the author makes the statement I quoted before, that the EVs are still marginally more efficient.

And since the process is now, there is not a recycling system in place. Not yet, anyway.

The early combustion engine car manufacturing was grossly inefficient, but it got better. So will the EV manufacturing process.
Must be some of that "Green Energy" that so called environmentalist like Clinton and Gore are invested in.
I'm not queer, hence I will never own an electric car.

I guess you must equate "queer" with a luxury car that can do 0-60 in 4.6 seconds?

Here is what Car & Driver said about the Tesla:

"We measured 0-to-60 mph in 4.6 seconds, a quarter-mile of 13.3 seconds at 104 mph, and a governed top speed of  134 mph. That’s similar to the performance of the V-8 German sedans.

The figures, however, don’t reveal the Tesla’s instantaneous response. When you floor the accelerator on a conventional car, the airflow has to increase, the turbos must spool up, and the transmission unlocks its torque converter and usually downshifts. In the Model S, you’re shoved into your seat right now, with an immediacy that no Corvette, Ferrari, or Porsche can match. "
Tesla Model S Reviews - Tesla Model S Price, Photos, and Specs - CARandDRIVER

or even better.....

Watch a Tesla Model S drag-race a 2014 Corvette Stingray | Autoweek

I guess holding your own with a 2014 Corvette is queer too?

The link states a hell of a lot more than that.



Indeed it does. It also talks about the minerals needed to build these EVs require fossil fuels to extract, are mined in areas that tend to be exploited, and the extraction process and the refining process create pollutions. But that is all taken into consideration when the author makes the statement I quoted before, that the EVs are still marginally more efficient.

And since the process is now, there is not a recycling system in place. Not yet, anyway.

The early combustion engine car manufacturing was grossly inefficient, but it got better. So will the EV manufacturing process.
Must be some of that "Green Energy" that so called environmentalist like Clinton and Gore are invested in.

At the worst it is marginally more efficient than combustion engine cars.

And the technology is brand new. It will only get better. A 4 door luxury sedan that holds its own on the drag strip with a 2014 corvette? And is still marginally greener than the hybrids and economy cars? I'll take one.
This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.



If we could only run cars on butthurt...
This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.



Ya, the electricity is coming from coal plants or nuclear, neither of which is objectively better than petroleum alternatives.

Until electric powered vehicles get their energy entirely by solar panels on their roofs, or similar clean generating methods at discrete plants, they're really not so much better except locally. But while air might be cleaner where they're driven, somewhere some place is uffering because of a local coal plant, or from radiation from fission-based nuclear plants.

If you measure the pollution from a coal powered electrical plant, and divide it by the number of EVs it can charge, I bet it will come out a great deal better than the emissions from that many gasoline engines.

For example, TVA's Kingston Fossil Plant generates 10 billion kilowatt hrs per year. That equals out to around 27.4 million kWh per day.

A Tesla's charge is 85 kWh. So the plant can charge around 320,000 Teslas in a single day.

Do you suppose the plant puts out more pollution in a single day than 320,000 gas powered cars?
This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.



If we could only run cars on butthurt...

Mal's claim that converting fossil fuel into electricity and then powering a car is the most inefficient way to power a car is simply not true.

Electric cars are FAR more efficient in converting energy into motion. The only way gasoline engines come close is when you factor in the mining on the minerals to make the EVs. Even then the EVs win, but by a smaller margin.

Live in an area that is largely powered by hydro-electric energy and you win by a huge margin.
I'm not queer, hence I will never own an electric car.

I guess you must equate "queer" with a luxury car that can do 0-60 in 4.6 seconds?

Here is what Car & Driver said about the Tesla:

"We measured 0-to-60 mph in 4.6 seconds, a quarter-mile of 13.3 seconds at 104 mph, and a governed top speed of  134 mph. That’s similar to the performance of the V-8 German sedans.

The figures, however, don’t reveal the Tesla’s instantaneous response. When you floor the accelerator on a conventional car, the airflow has to increase, the turbos must spool up, and the transmission unlocks its torque converter and usually downshifts. In the Model S, you’re shoved into your seat right now, with an immediacy that no Corvette, Ferrari, or Porsche can match. "
Tesla Model S Reviews - Tesla Model S Price, Photos, and Specs - CARandDRIVER

or even better.....

Watch a Tesla Model S drag-race a 2014 Corvette Stingray | Autoweek

I guess holding your own with a 2014 Corvette is queer too?


No I equate queer with buying a car based on environmental concerns so I can be the narcissistic prick on the block to drive around and say "look at me, I'm special" Kind of like your own private gay pride parade.
I'm not queer, hence I will never own an electric car.

I guess you must equate "queer" with a luxury car that can do 0-60 in 4.6 seconds?

Here is what Car & Driver said about the Tesla:

"We measured 0-to-60 mph in 4.6 seconds, a quarter-mile of 13.3 seconds at 104 mph, and a governed top speed of  134 mph. That’s similar to the performance of the V-8 German sedans.

The figures, however, don’t reveal the Tesla’s instantaneous response. When you floor the accelerator on a conventional car, the airflow has to increase, the turbos must spool up, and the transmission unlocks its torque converter and usually downshifts. In the Model S, you’re shoved into your seat right now, with an immediacy that no Corvette, Ferrari, or Porsche can match. "
Tesla Model S Reviews - Tesla Model S Price, Photos, and Specs - CARandDRIVER

or even better.....

Watch a Tesla Model S drag-race a 2014 Corvette Stingray | Autoweek

I guess holding your own with a 2014 Corvette is queer too?


No I equate queer with buying a car based on environmental concerns so I can be the narcissistic prick on the block to drive around and say "look at me, I'm special" Kind of like your own private gay pride parade.

Then you are clueless. But you keep on thinking that the car you drive means something where your sexuality is concerned. That sort of delusion is mostly harmless.

If I bought a Tesla, it would be because I wanted to save a pile of money, wanted to do something to conserve energy, and because I like driving a fast car. I don't buy based on what others will think of me.

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