The essential utility of Trump's falsehoods.

Check out the little Stalinist here, dreaming of sending his opponents to The Gulag.

In his grave, Stalin seethes in envy, wishing that he had a cadre of violent authoritarian ratfuks as rabidly brainwashed as the Trump cult.

Sensitive little snowflake too, he is.

Why are all conservative "men" so delicate?
That's a bit harsh, no one said anything about a Gulag. Think of it as reprogramming, you asswipes were all for reprogramming not too long ago.
Think of it as reprogramming, you asswipes were all for reprogramming not too long ago.
Is this some new talking point from Beijing you've been told to spread?

You need to explain it, because normal people don't know the details of your cult beliefs.

And note how we don't call for reprogramming you, even if you are obviously in a cult.
Berg, you are very courageous to use your IQ as part of your username, but have you ever considered discussing politics from the standpoint of policy rather than this manic obsession with this one man who you have been conditioned to view as the sum of all your fears?

He sure is. He's right there on the low average - borderline.

He has created and nurtured an environment in which his reptilian instincts for manipulation are in perfect sync with the needs of his followers.

His three primary weapons are absolute, free-flowing fabrication, constant attacks to keep others on the defensive, and non-stop victimhood.

And as always, this ain't about him. It's about the need for someone like him. He was right about his Fifth Avenue rule, and that's pretty profound.
Putin taught Trump ALMOST everything he knows.
Except, how a dissenter gets poisoned and one committing suicide by "falling" out of an open window and being sorrowful about it.

Trump used crib notes at White House listening session on ...​

Vox › policy-and-politics › trump-crib...

Feb 21, 2018 — President Donald Trump apparently needed a reminder to tell shooting survivors, “I hear you,” during a White House listening session on school ...

I was going to write a post making a comparison between what we can expect from another Biden admin or Trump admin. Because it is top of mind for the country I was going to make the point an advantage to another Biden admin is we do not have to concern ourselves with him using the DoJ to go after who he perceives to be his enemies as Trump has promised to do........and did when he was prez.

Justice Department pressured former US attorney to bring cases against Trump enemies, Geoffrey Berman says, who served 2,Secretary of State John Kerry.

Obviously, I know what the reflexive reply from The Following will be. They will allege, without credible evidence, the votes of four grand juries to indict Trump and his co-conspirators was a deep state plot hatched by Joe. It is, at its core, a ludicrous argument to make. But it serves two essential purposes. 1. Allows The Following to dismiss Don's criminal behavior as him being persecuted. 2. Removes, in their minds, a fundamental difference between what we can expect from the two admins.

From that perspective it's easy to see why Trump uses so many false accusations. It disarms the opposition while creating a deceitful construct for his base to believe in. Like claiming Joe, absent evidence that holds up to scrutiny, has taken bribe money from foreign countries. It's utility, obfuscating Trump's established record of criminal activity including a conviction. Not to mention.........

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump received at least $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments during two of his four years in the White House, according to a report released Thursday by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee.

Twenty foreign governments made the payments to Trump's businesses during the two-year period that the committee was able to review. The information in the report was first reported by The New York Times and CNN.

The replies from defenders of all things Trump will prove how effective his strategy has been.
1. Are you blind ? Biden has been using the DOJ to persecute his enemies > Trump, Trump aides, and Jan 6 protestors for 3 years now. Pheeew!

2. Plenty of evidence of bribe money taken by Joe. Bank records. What was he selling in all those shell companies ? Cotton candy ?

3. "conviction" ? Hmmm. Lots of Chileans had "convictions" when Pinochet was president. :rolleyes:

4, So Democrats on the House Oversight committee are perturbed that $7.8 million went to Trump from foreign governments (or to the US govt ?), but aren't the least bit concerned about $23 million going to the Biden "businesses" (shell comanies) and Hunter Biden (bagman for the "big guy")
The right uses lawfare as a matter of policy. They've been doing it nonstop since the Clinton admin.

The left doesn't ever use it.

Only the right uses that reprehensible policy, and every rightie here approves of it.

That is, as is the case every time, the left has the moral high ground.
Marxism 101: Be nasty, then accuse the other side of doing it.

Go ahead, move on to destabilizing and class issues next.
I was going to write a post making a comparison between what we can expect from another Biden admin or Trump admin. Because it is top of mind for the country I was going to make the point an advantage to another Biden admin is we do not have to concern ourselves with him using the DoJ to go after who he perceives to be his enemies as Trump has promised to do........and did when he was prez.

Justice Department pressured former US attorney to bring cases against Trump enemies, Geoffrey Berman says, who served 2,Secretary of State John Kerry.

Obviously, I know what the reflexive reply from The Following will be. They will allege, without credible evidence, the votes of four grand juries to indict Trump and his co-conspirators was a deep state plot hatched by Joe. It is, at its core, a ludicrous argument to make. But it serves two essential purposes. 1. Allows The Following to dismiss Don's criminal behavior as him being persecuted. 2. Removes, in their minds, a fundamental difference between what we can expect from the two admins.

From that perspective it's easy to see why Trump uses so many false accusations. It disarms the opposition while creating a deceitful construct for his base to believe in. Like claiming Joe, absent evidence that holds up to scrutiny, has taken bribe money from foreign countries. It's utility, obfuscating Trump's established record of criminal activity including a conviction. Not to mention.........

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump received at least $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments during two of his four years in the White House, according to a report released Thursday by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee.

Twenty foreign governments made the payments to Trump's businesses during the two-year period that the committee was able to review. The information in the report was first reported by The New York Times and CNN.

The replies from defenders of all things Trump will prove how effective his strategy has been.
It was disappointing Biden couldn't drive this point home!
The right uses lawfare as a matter of policy. They've been doing it nonstop since the Clinton admin.

The left doesn't ever use it.

Only the right uses that reprehensible policy, and every rightie here approves of it.

That is, as is the case every time, the left has the moral high ground.
:puhleeze:Note how the most psychotic of the left, cast aspersions against the right, which are exactly the things that the left does, and is guilty of.

In the quoted post, simply remove the word "right", and replace with "left" and you'll have it correct. 😐
Note how the most psychotic
It won't work.

You can't gaslight anyone who isn't part of your corrupt lawfare-loving fascist cult.

Your side does it, and only your side does it. We're moral, you're corrupt.

Trump cultists, ask yourselves: Will the sick pervy thrill you get from pwning the libs be worth an eternity in Hell? After all, you can't behave as badly as you all do without suffering eternal consequences.
I was going to write a post making a comparison between what we can expect from another Biden admin or Trump admin. Because it is top of mind for the country I was going to make the point an advantage to another Biden admin is we do not have to concern ourselves with him using the DoJ to go after who he perceives to be his enemies as Trump has promised to do........and did when he was prez.

Justice Department pressured former US attorney to bring cases against Trump enemies, Geoffrey Berman says, who served 2,Secretary of State John Kerry.

Obviously, I know what the reflexive reply from The Following will be. They will allege, without credible evidence, the votes of four grand juries to indict Trump and his co-conspirators was a deep state plot hatched by Joe. It is, at its core, a ludicrous argument to make. But it serves two essential purposes. 1. Allows The Following to dismiss Don's criminal behavior as him being persecuted. 2. Removes, in their minds, a fundamental difference between what we can expect from the two admins.

From that perspective it's easy to see why Trump uses so many false accusations. It disarms the opposition while creating a deceitful construct for his base to believe in. Like claiming Joe, absent evidence that holds up to scrutiny, has taken bribe money from foreign countries. It's utility, obfuscating Trump's established record of criminal activity including a conviction. Not to mention.........

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump received at least $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments during two of his four years in the White House, according to a report released Thursday by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee.

Twenty foreign governments made the payments to Trump's businesses during the two-year period that the committee was able to review. The information in the report was first reported by The New York Times and CNN.

The replies from defenders of all things Trump will prove how effective his strategy has been.
here we go again. Democrats think they're the next Isaiah or daniel. Please give us next weeks weather forecast along with the winning lottery numbers

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